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No Boundaries
No Boundaries
No Boundaries
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No Boundaries

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Attractive Paige Delaney is more woman than Jack Shannon wants in his life, though he's in serious need of her award winning skills in web design. Paige believes her sexy new boss thinks he's God's gift to woman. Both are single parents with shattered dreams and damaged hearts, having suffered betrayals of trust in previous relationships. Each desires to love and be loved, but they are afraid to trust the opposite sex again.

When Jack moves into his new house and discovers Paige is his next door neighbour, their protective barriers and personal goals are threatened. Is it fate or their teenage children conspiring to push them together?

Excerpt from Fallen Angels Reviews
This book is a refreshing delight to read. Joanie MacNeil offers readers a well thought out plot, filled with remarkable characters, which have moment after moment of tension between them to keep readers glued to each passing page. This story not only presents the fun adventures of day to day life, but a touching display of romance between two people. The author has a wonderful talent for balancing both main characters within their own lives and experiences along with involving them together in situations that are funny and heartfelt. Jack and Paige are two individuals readers will come to love. The emotional connection that draws Jack and Paige closer together throughout this story is tantalizing. As the story unfolds, readers will be hooked to keep reading to see if Jack and Paige risk it all.

This is a book that I could not put down. I had to read the entire book in one sitting so I could see for myself how they worked it all out. The humor that Joanie MacNeil incorporates into this story offers reader a pleasing dialogue and style ensured to have readers begging for more. Readers can not go wrong with No Boundaries. It is a refreshing, funny, and rewarding romance. 5 Angels!

Excerpt from The Romance Studio
This is a wonderful love story. I enjoyed the fact that, although Jack had more than one bad relationship in his past, he was still capable of falling in love with Paige and so easily acknowledging that fact to himself. What a wonderfully romantic story and definitely recommended reading.
Overall rating:
Sensuality rating: Mildly sensual
Reviewer: Glenda K. Bauerle

Release dateJul 16, 2015
No Boundaries

Joanie MacNeil

Australian romance author Joanie MacNeil writes short contemporary romance novels. All but two of her novels are set in Australia. Two are set in Scotland and her dream is to visit there again.She loves to travel with her own romantic hero, recently visiting Tunisia, Istanbul, Croatia, Venice, Mykonos, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and also cruising the Mediterranean. The most recent adventure involved taking the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth, then driving across Australia from west coast to east.When she’s not travelling, or involved in writing-related activities, Joanie enjoys going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and spending time with her three lively little grandsons.To find out more about Joanie's books, click this link to go directly to her website:

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    Book preview

    No Boundaries - Joanie MacNeil

    No Boundaries

    By Joanie MacNeil

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 978-0-2286-0161-6

    Kindle 978-1-77145-253-3

    Print ISBN 978-1-77145-297-7

    Copyright 2014 by Joan Wright

    Cover art by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book

    Chapter One

    Jack Shannon ceased pacing the length of his eighth floor office and glanced at his watch yet again.

    Darn the woman!

    Where was she? Nine am had come and gone.

    His pen hit the desk and skittered across the smooth mahogany surface. Didn’t she know he wanted to discuss her presentation first thing this morning? He’d left a message on her answering machine after all, or rather, his personal assistant had. He should know. Last thing Friday afternoon, he’d stood over Rachel while she made the call. How could he forget the fluid action of her long dark blue nails as her fingertip delicately poked at the call button?

    He strode towards the huge window and stared down at the street below. Not that it would do him any good. He had no idea what she looked like. Another thought struck him. If she’d parked in the basement, there’d be no need for her to be on the pavement.

    His gaze lifted to the skyline. The flag on Parliament House stuck out at right angles in the stiff morning breeze. The distant mountains, a backdrop to the city, looked particularly blue this morning. Again his gaze dropped to busy Moore Street, with its drivers in a hurry and daredevil pedestrians. A short street, it stretched in front of him for two blocks until it intersected with London Circuit. Anyone of those cars heading towards him could be hers. Then again, maybe not.

    Just where, on this miserable grey Canberra morning, was the elusive Ms. Paige Delaney?

    Jack sighed. The kind of sigh that came from deep down...the product of a long-harbored anxiety. A sigh that was meant to relieve the current stress mounting within. But it didn’t work.

    Jack was used to being in tight spots but nothing worked right for him since he’d stepped into the role of temporary CEO of this floundering outpost of one of the country’s up-and-coming internet consultancies.

    This situation was different. His future career was at stake. He’d lost one company—lost considerably more than a company he’d sweated blood over and nurtured into a profitable business. That he hadn’t seen it coming pricked his integrity and self-esteem. His ability to trust had suffered a severe blow as well. Painful recollections squeezed his heart.

    An excellent teacher, experience.

    He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Heart and soul, he was committed to this new venture—a prime opportunity to mold Webspinners into a profitable enterprise. If all went well, he could become the permanent CEO, running his own company again. A dream come true. He swore things would be different this time. He couldn’t afford to lose his focus.

    He expelled another deep sigh, but still the feeling of ingrained stress churned his gut.

    Now, with so much at stake, his top web page designer, whom he had never laid eyes on, and knew absolutely nothing about, would most likely be late to give a presentation to some potential and very prestigious clients. Clients whose business would provide Webspinners with the income they needed if the company were to survive. How unprofessional of her. Definitely not the image he wanted to create.

    His reputation was at stake here.

    Not to mention the future of the company.

    And his career. He’d come too far to have it ruined by a woman, by anybody, a second time.

    He sighed once more and leaned his palm against the wall, fingers drumming on the smooth ivory colored plasterboard. His other hand moved automatically to flick his jacket away then rest on his hip.

    He wouldn’t stand for tardiness from his employees. No wonder the place had gone to wrack and ruin under Charlie’s lackadaisical rule.

    Another thought struck him. What if she hadn’t returned from leave? Panic filled him. That was the reason he hadn’t yet met this Paige Delaney woman. She’d gone on leave a week before he’d arrived. The changes had happened so fast that she’d more than likely be unaware of them.

    The fingers that drummed the wall now tore through his hair. With an exasperated sigh, he spun around and stormed towards the outer office.

    Rachel, he roared, and felt a twinge of guilt when she flinched. He softened his voice. Has Ms. Delaney put in an appearance yet?

    No, she hasn’t, the young woman answered, but she doesn’t start work until 9.30 most mornings.

    Jack frowned. Lately, he’d hit the office at seven am, seven-thirty on a late day.

    It’s in her contract.

    Jack’s furrowed brow squeezed even tighter. She works part time hours, Rachel supplied, by way of explanation.

    Yes, yes, I realize that, Jack said somewhat impatiently, knowing full well he hadn’t caught up on the finer details of Paige Delaney’s employment and knowing he should have, long before this.

    There was a moment’s silence. Jack glanced at his watch. Nine forty-five.

    Send her into my office the minute she gets here, he said.

    Sure thing, Jack, she replied obediently. Oh, by the way, the gentlemen from Bacchus Books are here for the presentation.

    Already? A rock lodged in the pit of Jack’s stomach. This wasn’t turning into the best of days. Show them into the conference room and offer them some coffee, would you?

    It’s done, Rachel replied confidently, and chewed her gum.

    Jack considered her. Do you know anything about designing web pages?

    Not a thing, she replied. I leave that to the expert.

    I was afraid you’d say that, he mumbled. A pity the expert isn’t here.

    He turned and walked back into his office. Just what would he tell the prestigious gentlemen from Bacchus Books when his expert didn’t turn up? Jack shook his head. If she didn’t get herself here soon, she’d be out of a job. There was no room in his efficiency plan for any slackers. Again his fingers drummed the wall as he stared out of the window.

    God, he hated Mondays!

    * * *

    Oh no! Paige looked at the clock with one eye. The other refused to open. Of all the days for the alarm not to work. In her hurry to get out of bed, her foot tangled in the sheet and she fell to the floor with a thud and a groan.

    Ellie, Ellie, she called to her teenage daughter. Time to get up for school. We’ve slept in. With some difficulty, Paige levered herself from the floor to sit on the edge of the bed, willing her body to come alive and her head to stop spinning. After a relaxing two week holiday, she should feel better than this. That was the trouble. She was still in holiday mode.

    She grabbed her robe and struggled clumsily into it. Ellie. She had to wake Ellie, then she’d hit the shower.

    Here mum. Fully clothed in her school uniform, Ellie appeared in the doorway, and offered her a cup of tea.

    You’re ready? Why didn’t you call me? Paige accepted the tea gratefully and sipped the hot sweet liquid. That’s lovely. Thank you, darling.

    I called you a couple of times, mum, Ellie said, a slightly admonishing tone in her voice. You said you were getting up, but you must have fallen back to sleep. Don’t you have an early start this morning?

    That I do. Can you get the bus to school this morning? I won’t really have time to drop you off.

    Sure mum, no problem. And I don’t want to be late either, the first day back after the holidays. I have to catch up on all the news. Ellie smiled—Steve’s smile—as she turned to leave her mother in peace.

    Paige’s heart twisted. Even after all these years, there was still that occasional ache for Steve. Steve had been the only shining star in her life to that point. No wonder she’d fallen hard for him. And how could she forget him when Ellie was a constant reminder? Echoes of Steve lingered in his daughter’s smile, her dancing eyes, her calm demeanor.

    Paige drank down the rest of her tea.

    Now wasn’t the time to reminisce over tender memories. The minutes were ticking by. She needed to get to work well before ten if she intended to dazzle those prospective clients with her presentation on what she could do for them and their business.

    Fortunately she’d prepared everything and had run it by Charlie before she took leave. He’d seemed pleased with her concepts and she’d been proud of her efforts. She’d returned home late last night and cleared two weeks’ worth of phone messages. Rachel hadn’t been too clear. Paige was left with the feeling that she needed to impress someone else before she made the presentation this morning.

    What was going on at Webspinners Internet Consultants?

    God, she hated Mondays!

    * * *

    Jack’s disposition did not improve as ten am approached. His fingers ceased drumming the wall. He marched out of his office. I’ll be in the conference room with our visitors, Rachel, he rapped out, his tone discouraging unnecessary conversation.

    Let me know the minute Ms. Delaney arrives. If she arrives," he muttered under his breath.

    The woman was treading a fine line here. Surely she realized that. His muscles tensed. He’d make sure she did. Women could be so unreliable and usually kept to their own agenda. His experience had taught him that. That kind of behavior was a power thing, and he wouldn’t stand for it.

    * * *

    Dressed in her favorite cream suit, Paige climbed into her car, jabbed the key into the ignition and turned. Nothing happened. She tried again. Still nothing happened. With a sinking feeling, she had a vague recollection that last night, she hadn’t turned off her lights. She checked the switch, and sure enough, it was flicked to On.

    Rats! She thumped the steering wheel. A flat battery was just what she needed this morning. If she called Road Service, no telling how long she’d have to wait for them. Blast! It would have to be the bus. Already pushed for time, she groaned at the prospect of catching public transport, grabbed her bag, then called out to Ellie to let her know what had happened. She’d deal with the car later.

    But mum, Ellie appeared in the doorway. It’s just come over the news. The bus drivers are holding rolling strikes today. School services are running though there are no services from the Interchange this morning.

    That’s just great! The Interchange was where she needed to make the connection to get her to work. The direct service to the city had left over an hour ago. She’d never get a taxi at this hour, especially with the buses off the road. There was only one more thing left to do. She shuddered at the thought.

    I’ll have to take Uncle Rob’s bike. Paige swallowed at the prospect. It had been some time since she’d ridden the powerful machine, Rob’s favorite possession. She wasn’t sure she’d remember how, but now wasn’t the time to have second thoughts. She looked down at her short skirt. No, she didn’t have time to change.

    Mum, you can’t be serious? Ellie’s dark eyes were wide with wonder.

    Ellie honey, I don’t have a choice. I have to be at work by ten at the very latest. I should be there now. I can’t let Charlie down. She glanced at her watch, but it reminded her of what she already knew. Time was of the essence.

    Then you’d better put on a helmet, Ellie reminded her. There’s one in each pannier. Take your pick. Paige smiled. Ellie was like a mother hen at times. She watched as Paige retrieved a helmet and placed it gently down over her head, then shrugged into Rob’s well-worn brown leather bomber jacket.

    Paige hated to think what the helmet would do to her hair. Just when she needed to look her very best.

    Ellie stowed and secured her belongings and Paige climbed aboard and grimaced as her short skirt rode higher up her thigh.

    ‘Bye sweetheart, have a good day. Don’t forget to lock up.

    You too, mum. And I’m not a child. You don’t have to remind me to lock the house before I leave.

    Teenagers! I’m the mother, I’m allowed to remind you of these things. It’s what mother’s do. They can’t help themselves. If only her own had bothered to care enough.

    Paige smiled at her daughter, her heart filling with warmth, before starting the big bike, letting the engine tick over. Her stomach twisted in knots at the thought of being late, not to mention the ride to work. Summoning all her resolve, she headed along her driveway and onto the road.

    A drop of rain splashed on the visor.

    Great! she muttered crossly and swore softly.

    Oh, how she hated Mondays.

    * * *

    Still shaking and in a state of shock, Paige stepped out of the lift, laptop in one hand, briefcase tucked beneath her arm, purse slung from her shoulder. She made a beeline for Webspinners suite of offices. A large mug of hot steaming coffee, complete with froth and a generous dusting of chocolate on top, would be wonderful, however, there was no time for such luxury.

    As luck would have it, there were no men in business suits waiting in Reception. Good. Maybe they hadn’t arrived yet. Something was going her way. She needed to check the mirror to see if she looked as bedraggled as she felt. Her hair was probably flat and shapeless, though she’d scrunched and fluffed it with her fingers after taking off the helmet, and shoving it in the pannier. Fortunately her hair style was one of those windswept urchin styles where fingers and a little product accomplished the desired look. Just maybe she could pull herself together after the bike ride from hell. Thank goodness the few drops of rain hadn’t amounted to more.

    Approaching Rachel’s workstation which was closer to Reception than her own office, Paige popped around the partition to let the young woman know she’d arrived and would be ready in a few minutes.

    Paige took in the dark, spiky hair streaked with reds and golds. When she’d left two weeks ago, Rachel’s hair had been longer, curly and a rosy reddish-pink.

    Rachel beckoned her forward.

    That’s new, Paige said nodding at Rachel. And different.

    Rachel grinned and pretended to pat her hair. One of Benny’s creations. Welcome back, Paige, she whispered. He’s on the warpath because you’re late, so watch out.

    Who’s on the warpath? Charlie? Paige couldn’t believe it. Not Charlie. She’d never seen him lose his cool. He was too much of a softie.

    No, no. Charlie’s gone. We have a new CEO, a temporary one at least. Jack Shannon.

    He’s the one I’m supposed to see before the ten am?

    Rachel nodded.

    Oh I see. Her stomach twisted. Charlie gone, a new man in charge. A bit of a tyrant from the sounds of it.

    A dozen questions clamored for answers. What had happened while she’d been away? But there was no time now to delve into workplace politics.

    Then I’d better hurry. After my experience with the male population this morning, the last thing I need in my face right now is another arrogant smart-alec male with an ego the size of an elephant. She shuddered at the memory of the carload of young hoons who’d given her a hard time on her way to work. You know, Rachel, some males ought to be drowned at birth.

    Rachel’s mulberry painted lips parted in readiness to speak. Instead, her oval green eyes widened. Soft shades of eye make-up gave her a kind of exotic look, emphasized by curling lashes layered with dark jade mascara.

    What? Paige was puzzled. She hadn’t expected this kind of reaction from Charlie’s personal assistant.

    Rachel stared

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