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The Naked Truth: The Complete Collection: The Naked Truth, #4
The Naked Truth: The Complete Collection: The Naked Truth, #4
The Naked Truth: The Complete Collection: The Naked Truth, #4
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The Naked Truth: The Complete Collection: The Naked Truth, #4

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The Complete Collection of The Naked Truth series! 

Brent has been in disguise for so long that hiding his true feelings becomes second nature. Married with kids, he keeps his secret longings at bay and tucked neatly in the closet. Yet, there is always a part of him wondering if his college fling was just innocent fun or something much more. 

Now, with a new sexy, Irish, and completely out-of-the-closet boss at work, who seems to have an eye for Brent, he's about to find out what his deepest, darkest feelings are really all about… 

You'll get all 3 Volumes, over 75,000 words of spicy, romantic action!

Release dateJan 19, 2016
The Naked Truth: The Complete Collection: The Naked Truth, #4

Mason Lee

Mason Lee is assistant professor of practical theology and director of contextual education at the Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology.

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    Book preview

    The Naked Truth - Mason Lee

    Brent has been in disguise for so long that it comes second nature. Married with kids, he keeps his longings at bay and tucked neatly in the closet, always wondering if his college fling was just that or something much more.

    Now, with a new sexy, Irish, and completely out-of-the-closet boss at work, who seems to have an eye for Brent, he's about to find out what his deepest, darkest feelings are all about...

    Bared Desires

    Chapter 1

    Brent pressed the off button on the alarm almost as soon as it began. After a mostly sleepless night, it was easy; he had really been awake two hours ago, just waiting for the alarm to sound. Suzanne turned, half asleep, asking, Is it that time already?

    Go back to sleep, babe, he answered. He touched her cheek softly before pulling away. It's still early.

    He had been a nervous wreck about today ever since the company had made the announcement almost three months ago. GlobalTech was expanding and they were opening up three new management positions. Brent knew that the promotion was his. He had put in his time and no one worked harder than he did, day in and day out. He could almost taste his victory.

    He chugged down a cup of dark, strong coffee and quickly put his sweat suit and jogging shoes on. Brent needed to run and burn off some of this nervous energy. It was an old habit of his. He started it his first semester of college, right before finals. He really should have worked out last night too; maybe he would have actually slept. Besides, he thought, touching his almost flat belly, I really need to stay in shape. Sitting at a desk for eight to ten hours a day certainly had its disadvantages; he didn't want to get fat, now that he was in his 30's. He had always heard that your 30’s were the time you lost your body, no matter what you did. He was determined to be the exception to that rule and to keep his toned, athletic body just as long as he could manage.

    It was chilly outside but he knew that he'd get used to the cold quickly, and in a few minutes, he'd be sweating under the tracksuit. Going to the gym had its advantages, of course. It was always warm inside, and there was usually a bit of eye candy, but there was the added hassle of driving there. Brent had given that excuse to Suzanne when she asked why he quit going. By the time I drive there and back, I can already be finished with my work out if I just run outside at home. She liked that he actually tried to spend more time at home with her and the kids. And hey, she had added, don’t forget that jogging is free.

    That wasn't the whole truth, though. There was another reason he stopped going to the gym, but that was not something he would discuss with his wife. She would never understand. Hell, Brent didn't even understand himself and, frankly, he didn't really want to. It was enough to know that there was too much temptation at the gym and to leave it at that.

    He jogged past the park and remembered the fateful morning that he had walked into the sauna at the health club. Brent had kept his head down as he entered; usually there were at least one or two fat, old guys in there, completely naked and didn't care who saw them and he didn't need to be surprised with that again. He lay down on the top bench, with his towel wrapped around his waist and let the heat sink into his body. Brent had been a little stiff lately after lifting and he was hoping it was a pulled muscle and not just a sign that he couldn't keep up anymore.

    He had suddenly heard a wet noise to the right and turned his head. Two guys on the other side of the sauna were kissing. Well, full-on making out, was a better description. They were really going at it. Brent forced himself to look away. It was none of his business. He had heard the rumors about this place, this gym, the things that took place here, but he assumed it was just that, rumors. There was a louder sigh and Brent looked out of the corner of his eye. The man on the left had reached down and was fondling the other man as their kiss continued. His towel was wide open and Brent could see the hand that had reached into the space moving up and down. Brent was starting to get very embarrassed. He had never been comfortable with affection in public and, worse, it was having an affect on his body. Brent felt his cock growing under his towel and he hated admitting it, even to himself.

    When the man with the cock in his hand dropped to his knees and Brent found himself openly staring as he slipped the towel off completely and the sounds of a wet mouth on damp skin were too loud to pretend to ignore, Brent sat up and made an attempt to leave without being noticed.

    You want to get in on this? the man receiving the blowjob asked. His sweaty face smiled, and his eyes were half-closed, as though he seemed to be close to finishing. You're pretty hot, after all, he said, raising his eyebrows, suggesting what he'd like to do.

    Brent almost choked and could only whisper, No, thank you, as he left. It had been almost impossible to shake the image the rest of the day and avoiding the sauna had not made it go away entirely. He had almost convinced himself that it was a one-time thing a week later when he went back to the sauna. That had been an even bigger mistake and, once he left that time, he promised himself that he wouldn't return.

    He was halfway finished with his run and checked the time. He needed to get back to the house. He had to help with the kids, as well as shower and get dressed. Suzanne was always running behind in the morning, but it didn't help that the three of them kind of ganged up on her. Brent pushed himself to run faster. He finally finished his strenuous run and made it home just in time to actually lend a hand.

    After helping to supervise pancakes and scrambled eggs, he kissed the kids and when he turned to give his wife a peck, she made a face.

    You're sweaty and disgusting, she laughed but she still didn't want to be too close to him before he showered. She was already dressed and ready for the day and she didn’t need his manly musk to cover her all day.

    Brent threw his hands up, as if he couldn't understand what could possibly be so awful, and then grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close, rubbing his damp face on the back of her neck. She screamed and hit him with the dishtowel and the kids thought it was hilarious but he realized it was time to really get ready. When he came home tonight, he fully expected to be the manager of his department. Finally, things were falling into place. It was a big day and he didn’t want to be late.

    In the shower, he soaped and scrubbed as normal, but when he touched his cock, the thought of watching the two men in the sauna came back in full force. Dammit, he thought, I don’t have time for this right now. But now he was almost painfully hard and he knew it would just be a distraction if he didn't take care of it.

    He closed his eyes and sunk deep into the fantasy, the water running down his back, caressing his crack and the back of his thighs helped things along. The two men had been kissing so passionately. It seemed completely different than kissing a woman: rough and urgent, heated and hungry. It was something Brent had never done before but, for some reason, hadn't stopped thinking of since that day.

    He worked his hand back and forth on his firm erection, squeezing it at the base and running his hand to the tip. Watching the man stroke the other’s cock had stoked the fire inside him. That was something he had done before, even though only one other person in the world knew or would ever know of it. Brent and Doug had started out as friends in the college dorms and it had quickly turned into something else that Brent could never fully explain. Somehow, their friendship had gone to a higher level and they had shared things that Brent had never felt comfortable sharing with anyone else.

    Doug knew how to handle his cock, expertly, as Brent remembered. Just thinking about it sent an electric spark down his body and the spasm in his ass began as he squeezed, closer and closer with every stroke. He was on the verge of exploding. Doug had introduced him to a whole new world of desire that had been left behind, pulsating, wanting, aching even and never fulfilled. It had shattered him but no matter how hard he had tried, he'd never been able to forget those nights where he found the man in his sheets.

    Brent finally let go in hard, body-wracking waves and the climax burst from his cock and shot up to his stomach and covered his hand. He shook his head; this was not the way to start today, of all days, obsessing over the guy in college that had rocked his world. He rinsed off and stepped out; it was time to seize the day. He looked at himself in the mirror as he combed his thick, black hair. Blue eyes and jet black hair. He smiled and saw the dimples. He still looked acceptable, he thought. Suzanne seemed to think so anyway. He turned to the left and flexed. He still had definition in his shoulders and biceps, but it was the belly that bothered him. He grimaced when he touched it. It wasn't that easy to stay in shape anymore.

    On his way out the door, his wife whistled at him and he stopped and turned around. Suzanne nodded, saying, Looking good. I like the tie. He had the new, navy blue suit on and a purple tie that she and the kids had given him for Father's Day.

    It's not too much? he asked. He usually was more conservative but today seemed like a good day to get noticed.

    She opened her arms, saying, No, you look very handsome. I just hope that all the single girls in the office can keep their hands off you.

    It was a running joke with her, always acting as if he were just a hop, skip and a jump away from bedding some co-ed. Brent rolled his eyes and kissed her softly before he headed out.

    I'll call you when I know, babe, he called out to her as he made his exit. If he had the nerve to tell her, although he never would, he would tell her that the last thing she needed to worry about was him cheating on her with another woman.


    Chapter 2

    The whole department was gathered in the cafeteria and a couple of his friends nodded at him when they walked by. It was expected that he would be named. Brent just couldn't wait for the waiting to be over and to actually hear the words so that it was final. Mr. Williamson got up to the podium and Brent tuned out all of the other words. The owner of the company was nice enough but he loved to hear himself talk. He was just waiting to hear his name.

    And now, folks, I'd like to introduce you to your new manager, someone who is immensely deserving of the position, Riley O'Neil!

    Time stopped. Brent took a deep breath and almost stood but then froze in place. It wasn't him.

    The man who joined Mr. Williamson at the podium smiled and waved to the group.

    Hello, I'm Riley. Mr. O’Neil, I suppose. I worked in the Dublin office for the last four years, that explained the accent, Brent thought, and I am really excited to be here and I can't wait to meet all of you individually. He was tall, lean, blond and his green eyes seemed to draw you in.

    Great - Brent couldn't even hate the guy who had taken his job, but that didn't keep him from hating Williamson. The old man had basically promised it to him just three weeks ago. He made it sound like a sure thing and Brent had never had a reason to distrust him, until today. That was it; he was going to tune-up the resume and start looking for a new place. GlobalTech was starting to look more and more like a dead end.

    After the announcement and Mr. O’Neil’s speech, everyone began to make their way back to the office. Randy, who had sat one cubicle over for almost two years now, elbowed him.

    What the hell, man? I thought it was you. I was packing my shit so I could take your cubicle. Randy swore that Brent's was bigger no matter how many times he had told them they were all exactly the same.

    You and me both, bud. Brent wasn't going to say a word to any of them. He'd just start interviewing and hopefully he'd never even have to sit down and talk to Riley and find out how all of the things about him that had made him such a much better choice than Brent.

    He was almost back to his chair when he felt the hand on his shoulder.

    Brent, how are you?

    Of course, it was Riley. The Irish brogue made his voice unmistakable and when Brent turned around, he found himself face to face with the guy who had his job.

    Brent forced a smile and put out his hand. Good, how are you?

    Riley's handshake was solid and it lingered for a moment. Brent didn't know if he should pull away but he knew that he wanted to.

    The blond man finally released him, saying, It's been crazy, but I did want to talk to you. Do you have time? Riley was not going to give him time to lick his wounds, it seemed. Brent followed the new boss to the office that was supposed to be his.

    Come on in, Riley said, holding the door open for him and, after Brent entered, he closed it, taking a swipe through his blond hair. He gestured at the messy room. Wherever you want to sit. I have no idea where anything is.

    Sandra, the voluptuous, little red-head that had been turning heads for years since she started in the mail room knocked once and then entered.

    Mr. O'Neil, sorry to interrupt, she looked at Brent briefly, oh, hi, didn't see you there. Of course she didn't. She was obviously flirting with her new boss, batting her eyelashes at him and she had definitely opened a button or two on her pink sweater since this morning, as her cleavage was on display. I called the furniture guys. They said that everything should be here first thing in the morning. She sounded a little out of breath, like her skirt was really as tight as it appeared to be.

    Hey, thanks, Shawna, Riley nodded at her, crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

    It's Sandra, she pouted, looking a little disappointed and Brent couldn't help but chuckle as the girl left.

    Brent settled into the leather couch that he had planned on keeping, if he had moved into the office. Well, at least your secretary likes you, he said as he watched Riley straddle one of the metal folding chairs and noticed the flex of his thighs as he moved.

    Jesus, yeah, that girl's a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen, Riley said and leaned forward. Think I should tell her that I'm gay?

    Brent laughed. I think Sandra's the type who would try to convert you... Had he heard correctly? I would probably just ask for a new secretary because she's been a hot mess since she started. But...are you really gay? I mean, not that it matters, just wondering... He didn't know if it was polite to ask but, then again, Riley had brought it up.

    The man's eyes were bright and expressive and Brent found himself looking far too long.

    Yes, I am gay. My boyfriend is still back at home so I guess we're going to be doing the long-distance thing for a while... He didn't sound too happy about it. Which sucks, but I couldn't turn down the job now, could I? You married? He must have seen Brent's ring and he felt himself blushing for some reason.

    Yes, married with kids. Just an average, boring, 30-something guy who now had been passed over for the promotion and the much-needed raise he thought. Brent wanted to be angry with Mr. O'Neil, but, deep down, he couldn't.

    Let me get to the point, Brent, Riley's voice was like melted butter and the accent was getting under Brent's skin, I was told that you were the man to beat for this job. Everyone said that it would go to you, no question. I guess old-man Williamson must have changed his mind, for some reason, and I would be fucking infuriated if I were you.

    Brent shifted in his seat and wondered if it were really that obvious. Yeah, well, I was surprised, let's put it that way.

    Riley nodded; he actually was starting to seem like a decent enough guy. Are you going to quit?

    Dammit. He hadn't even had a chance to update his resume. He didn't even know what was out there and the man was already probing into the possibilities.

    Brent lied, saying, No, not that I know of. It hadn't really crossed my mind.

    Riley smirked, and said, Come on, Brent. Let's at least be honest with each other. Don't be afraid to tell me. I'm coming to you first. He watched Riley bite his lower lip for a minute, deep in thought. Or don't tell me the truth, if you don’t want, but at least let me ask you to stay on for at least the next couple of months.

    Brent was caught off guard - was it looking at the man or was it talking to him that had him feeling that way? He could see why Williamson had picked him. Riley was going to get him to confess without even trying. Look, you don't need me. You've got a good group here.

    I think you're right. The group is solid. But, no, Brent, he reached out and grabbed Brent's arm - his hand was warm and Brent could feel it through his shirt, I do need you. At least promise you'll stay through the transition. Please.

    Brent didn't know what to say and he knew that the sensation that was running down his body right now was something that he hadn't felt in years and he didn't want it. He nodded in agreement and stood up, mostly to rid himself of the hand. He had to get out of here, to clear his head. It was a lot to take at one time.

    I'll stay, for now, he said. He wasn't going to commit to anything. For now was ambiguous enough, that he wouldn't be breaking any promises when he left. The guy was smooth; Brent would give him that.

    Riley was still sitting and Brent felt like he was being watched. He looked down and, yes, Riley was openly studying him. He'd finished with his shoulders and upper body and his new boss was checking him out below the waist.

    Is that all you needed...boss? Brent's face was hot as he started to walk to the door, turning to try and catch him looking at his ass.

    Riley nodded. He was somewhere else, it seemed, and just before Brent closed the door, Mr. O'Neil asked, Are you Irish? You look Irish.

    Brent was pissed at himself for being so easy when he had every right to be a prick. No, I don't think so, he said as he closed the door hard behind him.

    Fuck, he thought to himself on his way to the break room, I have to get out of here now. He had been smarter and younger than his last boss and he didn't get the job. Now his boss was smarter and maybe younger than him and had some kind of crazy, hypnotic eyes that could make him say yes to anything. No good could come of that.

    He grabbed a soda from the machine in the break room and overheard Sandra chatting with one of the other secretaries. God, he's so cute. I could just eat him alive.

    Brent didn't know the other girl's name, but her face was familiar. She was petite and had long, brown hair and had been rather infamous for a while for having a torrid affair with one of the guys in tech support who had since been divorced and then fired. She appeared to be fine after the incident and on a new hunt. Right? That accent of his. Oh my God, I get horny just listening to him talk.

    The girls finally noticed Brent’s presence and both of them giggled. Sorry, Brent, that's the second time I didn't see you today, Sandra felt like she needed to remind him that he faded into anonymity.

    You must like Riley O'Neil, I take it, he spit out. He had to get back to work. Since he wasn't leaving his position, there was plenty to do that he'd been waiting to hand off to the next guy.

    Sandra sighed and said, I have such a crush on him. He's just adorable. Sandra was going to be so disappointed, Brent almost wished that he could be there when Riley told her he was gay.

    The brunette asked, You were just talking to him, right? Is he married? Not that a spouse would stop her, but Brent did not want to talk about the man anymore.

    I think he's in a relationship, he answered. He'd let the girls figure it out on their own. As he left he heard them chatting about every little detail of Riley. Brent had noticed all of those little details himself and he looked at his new boss as he passed his office on the way back to his tiny cubicle. Riley was throwing a small ball at the wall and catching it perfectly every time - his forearm flexed, his hand reached, he threw again. He had to stop watching him; he was turning into Sandra.

    When he got back to his cubicle, he sat and called Suzanne. He kept his voice low

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