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It Really Is All In Your Mind: Weight Loss in 7 Steps
It Really Is All In Your Mind: Weight Loss in 7 Steps
It Really Is All In Your Mind: Weight Loss in 7 Steps
Ebook201 pages2 hours

It Really Is All In Your Mind: Weight Loss in 7 Steps

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About this ebook

The Life Changing Plan To Assure Success With Any Diet!

Here are the What and Why. The eBook shows you the How that will improve your life:

You must actually believe that you have the power to make a change in your life.

Chapter 1 Why This Will Work for You
Determine whether your perception of your own power is correct or flawed. Many people underestimate themselves. Your Power can be improved and strengthened just like any other skill. A change must take place in your thoughts first and then it will take place in your body.

Chapter 2 It Is All in Your Head
The power to change your habits is located in the subconscious mind (no, it is not hypnosis). This is the only source of change for yourself physically and mentally. The subconscious mind is far more powerful than will power.

Chapter 3 Rally the troops around your flag
Most diets are attempted alone; a professional support group is a tremendous help but usually only meets once a week. The people in your life on a daily basis are more influential. Learn how to sort out the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Chapter 4 What is Eating You?
There is a Monster out there that wants to eat you up! The food you put in your mouth, could be a substituted for something you are missing or possibly is being used to reduce the pain of Hurt, Anger, and Stress. Learn how to destroy the Monster, because it will kill you if you don’t.
Chapter 5 Let go (Forgiveness)
Holding on to pain burns up mental energy just like running a marathon burns up physical energy. Letting go is important to weight loss success because losing weight requires a change, changes take energy.

Chapter 6 Affirmations
The key to successfully attracting any goal to yourself, such as the right weight, the job you deserve or the right relationship is found by selecting the correct programs to run in your mind. Without the proper scripts, your subconscious mind may bring just the opposite of what you desire.

Chapter 7 Visualization
Seeing the end result first, Visualization is a technique used by every top ranking athlete, sales person, actor, and virtually any other successful person in the world. This is the magic that pulls it all together.

It has been my goal to keep this eBook as short and to the point as possible. In today’s world of too many things to fill the time available, the perceived stress of one more thing to read or one more step to take can be overwhelming.

I believe that the principles and steps that I offer you can reduce your stress, improve your life, and the lives of those who love you and depend on you!
Start viewing the possible as probable. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish. Source Unknown
Have fun, the process will not cost you anything (except the price of the eBook). It cannot possibly hurt you, hundreds of authors, doctors, and psychiatrists have written books that say what I am suggesting you do, will work.

PublisherHugh Sanders
Release dateJul 15, 2015
It Really Is All In Your Mind: Weight Loss in 7 Steps

Hugh Sanders

AUTHOR PROFILEHugh B. Sanders was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and has lived in the San Gabriel Valley of Southern California for twenty years. He has been married to Rosemary Sanders for forty-six years and has three children and three grand-children.He is an award winning speaker who has been involved in the study of self-improvement, sales techniques, and success training for over thirty years.He has won production awards from every company he has been associated with. The author has conducted training classes and motivational seminars across the country.His first book “The Subconscious Diet; It’s Not What You Put in Your Mouth; It is What You Put in Your Mind!” (It has been revised and re-named Weight Loss in 7 Steps).Some of the major firms the author has been associated with as Top Salesman, Office Manager, Regional Manager, Sales Trainer, and Motivational speaker are, Marcus & Millichap Investment, Trace Miller / American Airlines, Avis, Washington Mutual Bank and Countrywide Home Loan.

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    Book preview

    It Really Is All In Your Mind - Hugh Sanders

    "Life doesn’t come with one problem neatly separated from the rest. Specialization is helpful, but you’ve got to see the web. Jeff Sach – Columbia University’s Earth Institute.

    The problem with diets, in general, is that specialists write them. Specialists usually address only one of the conditions that cause people to gain excess weight – food!

    This is similar to the story of the Blind Men trying to describe an elephant after touching only one part of its body. They each describe a very different animal.

    You need to get to the High Ground, a vantage point to enable you to see the Web, all of the points that affect your life.

    There are literally thousands of diets. Some are for losing weight, others for gaining weight, some for reversing heart disease by lowering cholesterol and others for living a long and healthy life.

    The word diet comes from the Old French diete. The Latin word diaeta and Greek word diaita mean "a way of life". Please remember this definition, it is important.

    Diets just do not work! As reported in a 2014 NBC news story. It has been proven time, and time again. If you have been around for a while you may remember some of the big ones:

    1961 - Jean Nidetch, Weight Watchers, support group.

    1970 - S. Abraham, Slim-Fast drinks, 36 grams of sugar.

    1970 - Dr. Pritikin, eat less fat.

    1972 - Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution, more fat.

    1985 - Jenny Craig meals, control the amount.

    1993 - Dr. Ornish, Eat More, Weigh Less, less fat.

    1998 - Jared Fogle, Subway Sandwich Diet, one thing.

    2003 - Dr. Agatston, The South Beach Diet, slow carbs.

    2010 - Prof. Mark Haub, The Twinkies Diet, more carbs.

    2014 - TLC diet (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes), low-fat.

    2014 - Dr. W. Davis, Wheat Belly, give up wheat.

    Will 2015 be gluten-free? Is Paleo out? Are you eating carbs yet? Is kale still the Queen of Greens, will nuts, or seeds or cauliflower take the throne? The annual What’s Trending in Nutrition Survey from Pollock Communications, and Today’s Dietitian highlights what’s forecasted to be in – and what’s out – when it comes to nutrition, and healthy eating in 2015.

    The Snack Girl describes some of the problems in her article about some of the main issues with some popular diets:

    1. Too restrictive. Diets that get rid of entire food groups (like carbohydrates) are hard to follow. You might put yourself at risk for nutritional difficulties . . .

    2. No evidence it works. Diets that make claims but don’t have any clinical research to back them up. An author of a diet may have tried it on his or her clients, but that isn’t enough for experts to say it actually works.

    3. Tedious and inconvenient. If there are a lot of rules, and exact meal plans to follow, you will probably give up.

    Many people believe that they need a specific diet book to control the food portion of this ‘way of life change’. This is OK, if you can find a conservative diet that does not advocate extreme restrictions.

    This eBook is specifically written to be used with (or without) any diet you happen to currently like, if it helps you to change your eating habits.

    Copyright 2015 and published by Hugh B. Sanders at Smashwords

    Originally published as: The Subconscious Diet

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    What People Are Saying About:

    It Really Is All In Your Head - Weight Loss in 7 Steps:

    A unique weight loss plan that does not talk about food or exercise! It explains the causes of overeating and how to change these habits. Written by a success trainer, Mr. Sanders discloses the missing 2/3 of the process that is never discussed by the diet experts.

    (Dr. Diane Berry, Ph.D., Yale University School of Nursing)

    You have a great 'voice’, I could not quit reading the work until I finished it. The writing was as if you were sharing coffee at Starbucks and were enthusiastically sharing ideas. All that without me being an actual party to the dialogue. The work is so much more than a mere diet plan it is a 'life' plan with immediate benefits and the dissipation of those nasty self-doubt failure programs that you insist on cultivating!

    (Hugh R., Corporate Trainer, Covina, CA)

    Hugh’s book illustrates the principles I have always thought to be the most important steps to achievement of any goal. Congruence between thought, word and deed are the three legs of a triangle pointing to success.

    (John Abdo (I’m a DOER!™) is a recognized authority on motivation, health and fitness.)


    This book is dedicated to my wife, Rosemary, who has helped me in every part of my life and whose advice I value more than anything else in this world.

    Thank you!

    Who is Hugh B Sanders?

    As a sales / success trainer for over thirty years. My job was to help people reach their goals / dreams.

    For years, I had been disappointed to watch many people fail to achieve their goals because of health, image, and attitude problems. These were largely a result of the fact that these men and women were overweight.

    In many cases, they were too angry, tired, or scared to meet with their clients. Even after they had learned the facts about their products and had developed their presentations very well.

    Added to these problems is the difficulty of perceived and actual discrimination against those who are over a certain standard of weight. Many of these people ended up taking jobs in which there was no personal contact with the customers, despite a significant loss in pay.

    I had been using components of what became this book to help to motivate people for years, goal setting, affirmations, and visualization but not in a systematic program. Then, one day, I was reading an article on the way anger and hurt used up mental energy and it all came together for me.

    It was like working on a jigsaw puzzle, and suddenly seeing how several key pieces fit together. The missing piece of the puzzle was forgiving others who have hurt you and forgiving yourself for any percieved wrong you may have done.

    The parts are not new, there are hundreds of books on each subject, but to the best of my knowledge they have not been put together in a coherent program, specifically designed to help people clear their minds, lose weight, and achieve their goals / dreams.




    Self-fulfilling Prophecy

    What do you really want, TODAY?

    The Powerful Tool You Possess

    Diets Do Not Work

    Keep At It, In the Right Direction

    Get Out of the Rut

    Which Expert

    You Have the Power

    Why Could I Offer You Success?

    What It Takes To Win


    Why This Will Work for You


    Triggers, and New Responses


    Hide the Truth, What will you buy?

    The Super Computer in Your Head

    Give You Mind Direction

    The Messages Stored in Your Mind

    The Real You

    Finding Information

    Becoming Aware

    It is just a Habit

    Training your mind

    An autobiography in Five Chapters

    Your Board of Directors

    Management’s Role

    Get Disillusioned

    Believe It


    It Is All in Your Head!


    Random Thoughts About My Health

    Repetitive Actions


    Your Improvement Committee

    Positive Thoughts

    Filter the Input


    Friends Can Help

    When You Meet Resistance

    What are They Thinking

    To Learn It, Teach It


    Rally the Troops Around Your Flag!


    Who Can Help Me Succeed


    Rate Yourself




    Think About It


    The Monster Will Get You

    Rogue Thoughts


    Do Your Best

    Anxiety, Worry





    What Is Eating You?


    Fears & Limitations

    Success Guide


    Emotions I Feel Most Often


    Hurt Is Not Your fault

    Holding a Grudge

    Energy Drain

    Steps to Clear Your Mind

    Forgiveness is a Multi-Layered process:

    The Exception

    False Beliefs

    Write a letter

    How to Forgive?

    Set the Intention and Move On


    Let Go! (Forgiveness)


    A Forgiveness Letter


    Change Your Mind

    History of Affirmations

    How Affirmations Work

    Make an Affirmation

    Reject the Negative

    Do It Now

    Stating What You Want

    Taking Care of Others

    Add the Power of Truth

    Take It

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