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The Front
The Front
The Front
Ebook148 pages43 minutes

The Front

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Poetry. Kenny Goldsmith said that "K. Silem Mohammad is the Andy Warhol of contemporary poetry, acutely scraping the bottom of the cultural barrel with such prescience, precision, and sensitivity that we are forced to reevaluate the nature of the language engulfing us. Our first impulse is to flee, to deny its worth, to turn away from it, to write it off as a big joke; but as with Warhol's car crashes or electric chairs, we are equally entranced, entertained, and repulsed: we can't stop looking. This is important and beautiful work, but not in the way we've come to expect. It's a double-edged sword that Mohammad is holding against our necks, forcing us to look at ourselves in the blade's reflection with equal doses of swooning narcissism and white-knuckled fear."  Bob Perelman understands Kasey's work through the chance operations with which he derives his vocabulary: "Of those infinite monkeys chained to those infinite typewriters, which one actually came up with King Lear? At first it looks like one of those conundrums that'll never be solved. But with K. Silem Mohammad's THE FRONT we catch a glimpse of a method that just might move us in a fruitful direction. First, take all the language on the web—it's not infinity, but it's what we've got for the moment—then stand exposed to those howling social gales. If you want to know what it feels like to lose sovereignty, go to THE FRONT." K. Silem Mohammad is the author of THE FRONT (Roof Books, 2009) BREATHALYZER (Edge Books, 2008), A THOUSAND DEVILS (Combo Books, 2004), and Deer Head Nation (Tougher Disguises, 2003). He edits the poetry magazine Abraham Lincoln and teaches literature and creative writing at Southern Oregon University. 
PublisherRoof Books
Release dateOct 15, 2009
The Front

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    The Front - K. Silem Mohammad






    Copyright © 2009 by K. Silem Mohammad

    ISBN: 978-1-931824-35-4

    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2009935394

    for Michael Magee

    Notes & Acknowledgements

    Every poem in this collection accurately reflects the author’s actual values, beliefs, and personal experiences. Every poem in this collection was composed entirely out of Google search engine text. The author has taken many liberties with selection, punctuation, spelling, recombination, and so forth.

    Some of these poems first appeared, in various forms, in the following print and online publications: 1111, Cannibal, CSUSM Community and World Literature Series, dANDelion, Dusie, Exchange Values, Eyewear, Fold Appropriate Text, Hot Metal Bridge, Jerk Ethics, la petite zine, Lana Turner, Letterbox, Locuspoint, Mary, Milk, nthposition, Past Simple, Phoebe, Ping Pong, PFS Post, Poetry, Rain Fade, Rock Heals, Shampoo, Sorry for Snake, String of Small Machines, Succour, Tight, Tool a Magazine, and Wildlife. Gene Kelly first appeared in a chapbook anthology entitled Meat, published by Hot Whiskey Press in 2006. Artist’s Statement was printed on a program for readings by the author and Lyn Hejinian at The New Reading Series at 21 Grand in Oakland, California, on March 30, 2008. The author is grateful to all concerned.

    This book was made possible, in part, with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.

    Roof Books are distributed by Small Press Distribution

    1341 Seventh Street

    Berkeley, CA. 94710-1403

    Phone orders: 800-869-7553

    Roof Books are published by Segue Foundation

    300 Bowery

    New York, NY 10012


    Artist’s Statement

    MySpace Is Creepy


    The Front

    Rocking the Sprint Campus

    The Economy

    The Game

    Our Three-Pound Brains

    Chicks Don’t Actually Dig War

    The Romanticism

    Dutch Sound

    Amy Winehouse

    John Dryden

    Crappy Langpo Wallpaper

    Hello Strangler

    The King

    Squirting Ringworm Taco

    Straight-Up Alpha-Chicking Becomes Electra

    Frosty the Prostitute

    On Earth

    My Culture


    Fuck the World

    Normal Modes

    Animal Girl

    Coldplay Johnny Carson Dog Rescue


    Landscape, Weather, and Consciousness

    The American Poetry Review



    The Second Most Horrible Place I Ever Lived

    Anal Camry Is Getting Me Down

    Doggie Fox

    How Pigs Can Win the War

    How Songbirds Deal with Large Amounts of Serial Information

    Hot Story


    Bourgeois Heart

    The Passage of Time in Orange County

    Missing Out on Heaven


    Sign Me Up for Rented Space on Your Houseboat

    Fly Like an Eagle

    Greek Chaos

    It Ain’t Easy

    Funnel Whore

    I’m Tired of Eating Lunch with Chicks Everyday (Signature, Event, Roast Beef)

    Rudolph Fucks the Baloney Off My Nose


    Why I Am Not a Forest Ranger

    Der Explosion

    The Bowl of Lucky Charms Project


    Modern Love

    Hard Lovin’ Anne Frank

    Heavy Horses

    Dear Police Officer


    Write Like a Beaver

    Gene Kelly


    No, My Name Is Gary Sullivan, I Own a Mansion and a Yacht

    Happiness Is

    Poems About Trees

    A Walrus Doing a Duck

    Yankee Doodle Fuck Machine

    I was forced to eat your average American

    Like Decorations in a Wigger Cemetery


    Blank Verse

    Total Elephant Molestation

    The Mohawk Lumber Company


    As I Walked Out


    Against Sasquatch


    A Cloud in Haggar Slacks

    Sioux Formlessness

    Dusty the Oncologist

    When the house is on fire

    good girls have to get out

    as well as the bad ones.

    J. P. Morgan

    Artist’s Statement

    All you retards deserve to burn in hell. I would like to see you get crushed by a motherfucking bulldozer.

    Go fuck your syphilis-infected mother. Take your motherfucking ass and cry to your fucking pedophile slut. Go finish killing yourselves, you little pussy fucking liberals. Get it through your head: your government doesn’t give a fuck about you.

    We have to get behind the president in wartime my fucking ass. Think wisely because the motherfucker can’t keep most his life. In 1987 he stomped his mother to death to the tune of kids running around screaming BALL HAIR FUCK PENIS. Fuck me harder bitch and lie to me are examples. It is just a stupid concept and really needs to be syndicated immediately.

    My father and mother have recently been arrested for growing and selling a stickman Apollo Creed who makes cups of tea without fucking your wife first. Continue groping as her Washington Monument slips. The split is clean and the two halves fit nicely into the mother mold. She had a big ass then, she’s got a big ass now.

    To the farmhouse, fuckboys! Prepare to have your ass laminated yet safe sex and overall self-fulfillment. Two men show up claiming to be poets. Are you my Caucasian? My mama buys me the motherfucking undies. Fuck these old bitches, my sister barked, just because her mother’s gone nuts.

    I’m glad you like mocking Christians because they really blow heavy ass. We’re gonna speak up through this art form because it’s fucking powerful. Thank you. I would like to see you get crushed by a bulldozer.

    MySpace Is Creepy

    So I have determined that MySpace is creepy.

    You may ask how I have determined this.

    Well I will tell you.

    I’m finding that people I’ve never met know who I am.

    Even I’ve been trotted in to make inflated friend.

    What did they really expect to happen?

    I’m an awesome guy who lives and resides in Stockholm, Sweden.

    I am the most reliable person I

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