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A Night At The Debauchery
A Night At The Debauchery
A Night At The Debauchery
Ebook139 pages1 hour

A Night At The Debauchery

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About this ebook

Tobias of Winterbourne continues his epic multi-year journey to many new and exotic lands, as diplomatic envoy and ambassador for his king.

Tobias seeks a night of ease from his many travels at a luxurious castle-sized bordello called the Debauchery. He chooses an exotic and sensuous dark elf named Tourmaline for an evening of intimate delights.

However, Tourmaline's fellow courtesan Vilsie and two bumbling minotaur guards stumble upon the murdered body of the Debauchery's owner, Lady Rhiannon, as well as clues to her vast secret treasure. Tobias and his companion quickly become caught up in a race to find Rhiannon's hidden riches before her killers.

Can the Envoy survive this murder mystery treasure hunt in the world's most infamous brothel?


Contains smexy shenanigans and explicit romantic naughtiness. Mature readers only.

PublisherPaul Lucas
Release dateJul 21, 2015
A Night At The Debauchery

Paul Lucas

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, just a few snow drifts away from Buffalo, NY. I am a life long science fiction and fantasy fan, and avidly keep up on developments in the fields of science, technology, and ancient cultures.Currently I am a freelance writer and artist, with fifteen years of experience in the field. In 1998 I had a tabletop RPG published, and in 2005 my first novel CREATURA came out. My shorter works have seen the light of day in publications such as Strange Horizons, Afterburn, Tales of the Talisman, Fables, and others. Currently I do a lot of personal commissions and ghost writing work.

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    A Night At The Debauchery - Paul Lucas


    Paul Lucas

    Copyright 2015 Paul Lucas

    Cover by Paul Lucas

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    Other FANTASY ENVOY Books by Paul Lucas





    Here come my girls now, said the five-inch-high pixie named Primrose. I’m sure you’ll find our show well worth your coin.

    She wore only a fancy magenta hat and stockings, with the rest of her feminine charms on full display, including a tiny patch of light pink pubic fur to match her outfit. She stood next to Tobias’ frothy mug of ale, scritching at the eye-ridges of his pet cockatrice. The small creature rumbled happily.

    Tobias of Winterbourne smiled. He was amazed that such a tiny female could speak as clearly as a fully grown human. But then, pixies were inherently magical. They’re all very lovely, he observed of the quintet of fairies fluttering down from the rafters to the bar top. But not as much as their enchanting leader.

    The faerie doffed her hat and flicked her silvery wings as she bowed. You must please many a woman with that honeyed tongue, she said with a wink. Tobias enjoyed the sight of her shapely bare rump as she turned to join her troupe. Too bad it was barely the size of his thumbnail.

    One of the faeries, a slim blue-skinned female with hair that shimmered like pond water, pulled Primrose aside. They spoke in hushed tones. The blue pixie stole a glance at Tobias, then at Pokra, then whispered to her leader again.

    Is everything all right? Tobias asked.

    Primrose nodded. Hyacinth here is just tired. The poor thing has been at this all day. This will be her last performance tonight, is all.

    The pixies assumed their places around the cleared space on the countertop. An adorably plump pixie matron walked to the center. Since her only stitch of clothing was an inverted daffodil flower worn like a hat, she had to pantomime a curtsy to their audience of one. She tucked a fiddle under her chin and strummed away, joined a chord later by Hyacinth playing a flute. For all her purported exhaustion, Hyacinth cavorted and danced energetically as she worked her instrument.

    A few nearby patrons craned their necks in to watch. The rest of the tavern room barely raised an eyebrow. From what Primrose had said, they were recurrent performers here, and many of the regulars had long since gotten used to their routine.

    Cartwheeling onto the countertop space was an tangerine-skinned beauty with hair that wavered upward constantly like it was aflame. She was joined by an indigo-skinned fairy with a smooth pate and winsome, coal-dark eyes. They stopped in the center, spreading arms to launch small miniature fireworks of fairy sparkles all around.

    Through the haze of color strode Primrose, sauntering forward through the center in the slinkiest walk she could manage. She bowed and doffed her hat just in time for the last of their troupe to somersault over her head from behind and land in front to perform a perfect split. All used their magic to swirl the colors about themselves as they launched into a spectacular acrobatic dance routine, with the tempo of the music getting faster and raunchier by the beat.

    Pokra, Tobias’ pet cockatrice, woke momentarily at the sound of the music. He regarded the faeries blankly, then yawned and went back to sleep, thoroughly unimpressed.

    Not so his owner. Watching a half dozen fairies jump and prance about was much more entertaining than Tobias would have thought, and not just because they were all exotic naked beauties. Only the two fairies playing the instruments used their wings, but they joined in on the acrobatics where they could, swooping and playing about as the other four tumbled, swayed, and gyrated about with amazing coordination.

    The girls were not shy about groping each other in very teasing ways, with hands gliding over the breasts and buttocks of whoever passed close by. Their fingers would always come to within a millimeter of touching each other’s pubic mounds, but never quite connecting. A few of his fellow patrons moaned in frustration when one lass appeared about to nudge her nose between the legs of another, only to twirl away at the last minute at a change in tempo.

    Finally, the dance came to a climax with a big flourish of music and miniature magic fireworks. Primrose was in the air with the fiddle player, and together they unfurled a scroll inscribed with big, clear letters that read, VISIT THE DEBAUCHERY. Below it was a simplified map, indicating a spot about a day’s ride east of the town that housed the tavern.

    The tiny women bowed to their audience, their chests heaving. They were met with a smattering of applause. The most enthusiastic came from Tobias. That was great! he said. He fished out a silver coin and slid it over to Primrose. Well worth it. The most entertaining thing I’ve seen in months.

    A silver crown! Primrose exclaimed, obviously very pleased that Tobias had paid her three times more than she had asked for. She picked up the coin and made it disappear, folded away into some magical space Tobias could only guess at. Thank you so much.

    The other faeries noticed Pokra and went over to coo and scritch at the small feathered creature. They apparently found him adorable. The cockatrice barely roused, but was more than happy to let them pet him in all his favorite spots.

    I wish my king could have seen your troupe, Tobias said. His Majesty King Cassius loves the unusual, especially when complimented by lovely ladies.

    King Cassius? asked the plump fiddle player. Of Raelen?

    The human nodded. I am a diplomatic envoy in his personal service.

    The matronly faerie giggled. I met Cassius years ago when he was merely a young man sowing his seed to the wind. A most… strident fellow, as I recall. He asked for a ‘special’ show from the troupe I was with at the time.

    Tobias raised an eyebrow. A ’special’ show?

    The fiddle player and the troupe leader exchanged sly grins. Primrose fluttered up to alight on the envoy’s shoulder. She leaned in close to whisper in his ear. Oh yes, we offer ‘special’ services to certain generous patrons after hours, if you are interested.

    She bent even closer, and Tobias could feel her small breasts dangling against his earlobe. Her voice got even lower and breathier. "Imagine a bevy of small, naked women climbing all over your big human manhood, or having us play with each other in any way you commanded as you watched, or both. Imagine the sight of it, all those small but oh-so-slithery faerie bodies rubbing up against you in such dirty, dirty ways. Only two silver crowns, and for an extra we could all oil ourselves up for even more fun."

    Tobias shifted, trying to control the stirring in his leggings as he did indeed imagine it. But he slowly shook his head as Primrose pulled away. I have to admit that is a very tempting offer. But as lovely as you ladies are, I would be too nervous about accidentally moving the wrong way and hurting one of you, or maybe even drowning someone when things came to a conclusion.

    Drowning? Primrose barked out a small laugh, sitting down on his shoulder. Well aren’t you a confident fellow! But it is your choice. Just let us know if you change your mind.

    I am interested in this ‘Debauchery’ place, though. I’ve heard stories of it back in Raelen. Is its reputation really deserved?

    Very much so! Primrose declared. And I am not just saying that because we are paid to advertise it. It is the most luxurious and notorious, brothel in the known worlds. The landholder Lady Rhiannon has been running it for over a century now. She is a sorceress of no small power, and she has spent many decades gathering beauties of every known races and persuasion to pleasure her guests. If faeries do not tickle your fancy, I am sure you will find something there that will.

    The human rubbed his thinly-bearded chin. I may check it out, then. It is more or less on my way.

    If you do, tell them Primrose sent you. We get a commission for every customer we refer.

    Will do.

    The Faerie leader stood, craning her neck around Tobias’ head toward the door. Whoops. There’s a merchant who is a steady customer of ours. I’m afraid we must move on. Farewell, Envoy Tobias. She clapped her hands to get the attention of her troupe. Girls! To work!

    The other faeries tore themselves away from Pokra, who murfled in frustration that all the petting was over with. The faeries flittered across the room. Tobias noticed that the blue-skinned Hyacinth was missing from their number. She must have retired for the night, as Primrose said.

    The matronly fiddle-player lingered for a few moments to talk to Tobias. When you do return to Raelen, sir, please tell your king I said hello. And that I would love to ‘perform’ for him again someday.

    I certainly will, Miss…?

    She pointed toward the yellow flower on her head. Daffodil.

    Of course.

    She rewarded the human with a very saucy

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