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Stop Anxiety In Young Children
Stop Anxiety In Young Children
Stop Anxiety In Young Children
Ebook33 pages40 minutes

Stop Anxiety In Young Children

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About this ebook

The chapters in this book will provide you with a comprehensive, quick guide to learning all about child anxiety, what causes it, its symptoms, and how to prevent your child from ever becoming fearful or anxious. In case you do have a child showing signs of child anxiety, then this book can also help you ease your child back into trusting the world, regaining self-confidence and enjoying his or her childhood years as all children deserve.

Bonus story for your child: - A story about how a princess overcame her anxiety and bravely faced her challenges to achieve her dream.

PublisherPage Wesley
Release dateJul 23, 2015
Stop Anxiety In Young Children

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    Book preview

    Stop Anxiety In Young Children - Page Wesley

    Table of Contents



    Grasping the Reality of Child Anxiety ............................7

    The Basic Types of Child Anxiety and How to Spot them   10

    How to Help Your Child Deal with Anxiety ..................13

    Conclusion & Bonus .....................................................15


    I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, Stop Anxiety in Young Kids – Practical Tips to Help Your Child Gain Confidence and Enjoy Childhood to the Fullest.

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to help your child face his or her fears, traumas, phobias and anxieties in order to live a more fruitful and fulfilling life.

    In this day and age, children seem to be more aware of the problems that their parents and older companions need to face. Not only are they made aware of adult problems like divorce, cancer and teenage rebellion, they also experience different traumas and anxieties as they go about their daily lives. Gone are the days when children could go outside and play without worrying about what their peers would do to tease them, or whether or not they would be bullied by someone much bigger than them.

    Gone are the days when parents could leave their children in the safety of their grandparents’ home, without worrying about coming home to a child distraught with separation anxiety or attention seeking problems. In this day and age, raising children isn’t only about providing the kids with water, food, shelter, a good education and parental love. You must have at least a basic grasp on the problems that could weigh children down, and plague them until the early teen years.

    The chapters in this book will provide you with a comprehensive, quick guide to learning all about child anxiety, what causes it, its symptoms, and how to prevent your child from ever becoming fearful or anxious. In case you do have a child showing signs of child anxiety, then this book can also help you ease your child back into

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