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Plague Z: Unseen - Vol. 2: Plague Z, #2
Plague Z: Unseen - Vol. 2: Plague Z, #2
Plague Z: Unseen - Vol. 2: Plague Z, #2
Ebook136 pages2 hours

Plague Z: Unseen - Vol. 2: Plague Z, #2

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About this ebook

Volume Two of the Plague Z series! 

Irina and Alexi thought they were safe from Plague Z when they escaped from their home country of Russia, but they now know it followed them to the United States. Trying to escape the infection, and with no other options, they continue running, heading South. They don’t know where, exactly. Wherever they can get away from it. 

However, people in the South are turning much faster than normal, making outrunning Plague Z very difficult. Having to work with other people to achieve their escape was not in the original plan, but the pair soon finds themselves having to deal with some interesting travel companions. 

They can only hope that these people can be trusted and that they will make their destination…but will they? 

Release dateJan 19, 2016
Plague Z: Unseen - Vol. 2: Plague Z, #2

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    Book preview

    Plague Z - Luke Shephard

    Plague Z: Unseen – Vol. 2

    Irina and Alexi thought they were safe from Plague Z when they escaped from their home country of Russia, but they now know it followed them to the United States. Trying to escape the infection, and with no other options, they continue running, heading South. They don’t know where, exactly. Wherever they can get away from it.

    However, people in the South are turning much faster than normal, making outrunning Plague Z very difficult. Having to work with other people to achieve their escape was not in the original plan, but the pair soon finds themselves having to deal with some interesting travel companions.

    They can only hope that these people can be trusted and that they will make their destination...but will they??

    Chapter 1 - Irina

    My brother shouted and ran from me. In that initial moment, I didn’t understand what was happening. He was yelling and the attendant was trying to shush him. He kept pointing out of the window, back towards our plane. I turned to look and suddenly I understood.

    There was a woman shambling across the tarmac. My heart sank and I felt my eyes water. We hadn’t been able to escape it after all. We had worked so hard and for what? Nothing. We had brought the infection here. While I knew we weren’t personally responsible, I couldn’t help but feel at fault. I had always been that way.

    Alexi returned to me as the attendant was hurriedly making calls. I can’t believe this happened. He ran his hand through his hair.

    How did she get on the plane? Did she just wander in from outside? I asked.

    Alexi shook his head at me. His face betrayed his guilt as well; it was a family trait. She was in quarantine with us. She turned and they took her out of her room. You were asleep the whole time. I didn’t know if they were going to kill her or conduct experiments, but I didn’t suspect she would get away from them. Why didn’t they have lockdown protocols?

    Why didn’t you tell me about this? Might have been something useful to know!

    I’m sorry, I didn’t think anything of it after we were released! His face was turning red and his nostrils flared.

    I didn’t like seeing him in this state of anger, so I backed off. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to accuse.

    His fingers ran through his hair, scrubbed his face and fiddled with the strap of his duffle bag. They needed something to do and couldn’t figure out where to go.

    What do we do now, Alexi? I wasn’t going to admit to him that I was scared, at least not right now, but I was. Our plan wasn’t going like it was supposed to. I was supposed to account for surprises, but I had thought we were safe once we got here. This was completely beyond my realm of thought at the time.

    We go. We just go.


    Anywhere. Far away. Hopefully the security here can take care of the situation before anyone becomes infected, but we really can’t count on that. The situation will be the same as when we were at home. It’s only a matter of time before the Plague will actually reach us. There is no way that this country is prepared to handle this. They might think that they are, but they have nothing to go on. Even we didn’t know enough or do enough research to be able to save our people. They just started turning.

    I started walking quickly towards the exit without really saying anything to my brother. What the hell? Where are you going? He barked out at me.

    Turning over my shoulder, I said, You told me it was time to leave. We are leaving. Come on.

    "Do you happen to have a plan?"

    Not any more than you do, I sighed. I walked the few paces back to him and grabbed his wrist to pull him along. After that, we took off running.

    There was chaos happening around us now. People were running everywhere and screaming for their loved ones to follow them and hurry up. Alexi had started a frenzy with his shouting. He probably should have kept it down a little bit in order to avoid panicking everyone within earshot, but he wasn’t really considering that. He just knew that he needed to get someone outside to take care of the woman. I couldn’t fault him for that.

    As we reached the main entrance of the airport, there were three police officers that were coming back inside, holstering their guns. Alexi stopped our departure so that we could talk with them.

    Did you get her? His voice was urgent.

    The policeman in front shook his head. She was already gone before we got down there. We searched around, but she wasn’t there. Not sure where she could have gotten to, either.

    I could tell that Alexi was becoming aggravated with the nonchalance of the police officers. You realize that a giant threat to your country just crawled out of that plane and you aren’t out there doing everything you can to stop her? If she gets away from here and bites someone, you are in trouble. Everyone is. His voice was calm and low as he spoke to them. It was almost more unsettling to see him like this than for him to be yelling.

    He didn’t even wait for the officers to respond. He simply took my hand and we continued out through the doors.

    Are we going to try and get a car? I asked him as he tugged me along beside him. He could have released my arm and I’m not entirely sure why he didn’t. However, I wasn’t entirely keen on the idea of being pulled along behind him like a child’s favorite stuffed animal.

    We can’t rent one since neither of us have our licenses. We are also far too young; they would never rent to us.

    Steal one? I felt like I was making a legitimate suggestion, considering the circumstances.

    Alexi looked at me, baffled by the suggestion. Would you really steal a car? Do you know how to hotwire one?

    No, I suppose not. So, what then?

    We will get a taxi. He stopped at the curb and put his arm up to attract the attention of a cab driver that might be coming by. We didn’t have to wait long for someone to pull up to the curb in front of us.

    The driver rolled down the passenger side window and leaned over slightly so he could see us. He was white and had the largest head of dreadlocks I had ever seen before. Welcome to California! Clearly he did not know about the situation at the airport and I wasn’t about to mention it and risk having our ride drive off without us. Where can I take you?

    We got into the cab before we even told him where we needed to go. Truthfully, we didn’t know. Do you know any good and cheap motels that are far enough away from here? Alexi was just taking point during all of these situations today.

    The driver looked vaguely confused for a moment. Taken completely out of context, it was a strange request coming from two foreign teenagers. His response was hesitant. Um, yeah, I know of a place. On the edge of town.

    Perfect, please drive. Now. Alexi was getting visibly more nervous the longer we sat there and waited by the airport.

    Alright. The driver pulled away from the curb and hit the interstate. After a few silent moments, he spoke. So... what has you all antsy back there? You aren’t going to... like... you know?

    Without clearly saying anything, the driver was asking if we were going to a motel for less than honorable reasons. I laughed sharply. He’s my brother.

    Oh, thank god. I didn’t want to be responsible for allowing the two of you to do anything unseemly. It’s not often that people just ask for the cheapest motel they can find. Well, not people your age.

    The silence settled back in. Neither Alexi nor I really had anything to say at this point—to the driver or to each other. This was something the cab driver was apparently not ok with, as he started talking to us again as he drove.

    So, you two are from out of the country?

    Yes, Russia. I replied, keeping my answers short.

    Russia? Weren’t they having the problems with those zombie things?

    I actually took a moment before speaking. We had always called it the Walking Plague and referenced those that carried it as infected. I had never really attributed the word zombies to them before because it just seemed so fake. Zombies were those things that you saw in movies, though I suppose they had all of the same characteristics. Yes, there are some problems going on with the infection.

    So, you all escaped? That’s rad. How’s it feel to be free of that?

    Alexi sighed heavily and I looked over at him. Do we tell him? I asked under my breath.

    He will know sooner or later. I just get so tired of explaining this.

    Look, I started and then paused to gather my thoughts, It’s likely that you will see it on the news reports shortly, so we might as well tell you. One of the infected stowed away in the cargo hold of our plane. She was seen on the tarmac at the airport, but the police could not find her when they went looking. I could think that maybe she won’t bite someone and the plague won’t spread, but I’m sorry, I can’t be that optimistic.

    So, you’re saying that our country has this infection now, too? All of the energy that the driver had before was now subdued. The information had frightened him, as it rightfully should have.

    It is going to become an issue for your country, yes. I hope that your government has some sort of plan already in place for dealing with this. Ours did not and it spread.

    I guess that explains why you are trying to get farther away from the airport since this thing came across with you.

    Ding, ding, ding. Alexi sarcastically blurted out.

    I smacked him on the arm before turning back to speak to our driver. Unfortunately, yes.

    He ran a hand through his hair. Well, it’s only a matter of time then. I’ve got a place I can take you on the far side of town. Will that do?

    Alexi responded with a quiet, For now.


    We had said cheap motel when we first talked to the driver, but the quality of

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