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Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light
Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light
Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light

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About this ebook

This book consists of direct-channeled teaching from the Guides and Angels of the Light. 

Alongside every word in the book, there is an uplifting angelic frequency. As you read, you will be guided to open your heart, shift your perspective within, and feel, experience, see, and know that you are in the presence of angels. 

To gain the most benefit from reading, think of this book as a reading meditation. Take your time as you read the pages, allowing yourself to enter into a soft, relaxed state of being, as if the angels are in your presence, and speaking directly to you…. One word at a time. They are! 

Angels transcend time and space, and can be with everyone who calls upon them at the same time. When you read these words, know that you are in the direct presence of your guides and angels, who lovingly and powerfully assist you in tuning into the love, wisdom and uplifting frequency available for you now. 

Read What Others Are Saying About Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light: 

"WOW! Amazing read! How did you know all this about me and what I’m experiencing? It’s as though this was written for me! Thank you! I received numerous pieces of information from this and above and beyond it reaffirmed I’m on the right path. Even on those days it seems “off”. But now I know why those “off” days happen! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" ~Lawna 

"This if great. More people should be practicing communicating with their Angels. 
Also It’s a refreshing reminder how we can create our own future." ~Marie 

"Thank you Melanie angels of the light. 
Thank you for the support & encouragement. 
The connection and energy boost. 
Love and light." ~Joan 

"Thank you for sharing these beautiful and important messages. Blessings." ~Clare 

"All these messages are wonderful and very good transformation to ascend on this path, Thank you so much Melanie may GOD AND ANGELS bless you 
in this path to transform many souls." ~Kalai 

"Thank you so much, your writings are so loving.. I can feel them changing my life already.. Love & light to you x." ~Pauline 

"Melanie, these messages are amazing. Thank you for bringing them through and thank you to the Beings involved. This is exactly how my guides have shown me to connect and work and exactly how I do." ~Charlotte 

"Hi Dear Melaine! 
What an incredible and invaluable messages you give to us and to humanity! This is exactly what we need at the moment! I am so grateful for your generous and kind sharing of such useful and helpful messages with us ! Also, thank you my beloved angels, my best best friends!" ~Stella 

"I love these messages. They are so honest so authentic. Each time they guide me to a higher vibration! They really help me to connect me with my True Self. 
Thanks Melanie!" ~Marga 

Release dateJul 24, 2015
Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light

Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed author and clear channel of the angelic realm. Melanie's life changed life dramatically on January 14th of 2008 when the lost, confused, and recent college graduate woke up to directly channeling answers from the angelic realm. "While I had a million other things to focus on, like what I was going to do with my life, and how I was going to make money, the angels, and the realms of spirit completely captured my attention." Melanie enrolled in psychic development sessions and took professional channeling classes to understand her connection. She spent countless hours meditating and reading to gain a grasp of the metaphysical energies she was experiencing. Melanie embarked upon a journey of channeling readings and messages from the angels. Four years later she compiled her first book of channeled angel messages, Let Your Light Shine. Today, Melanie is an internationally acclaimed and best selling author, channel, and founder of Her books, .MP3 Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency and wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people all around the world. Melanie feels both honored and blessed to share the ever unfolding and expanding guidance, love and uplifting energy which flow through her as a result of her direct connection with the realm of angels.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It reached directly to my heart! It resonated word by word.

Book preview

Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light - Melanie Beckler


This book consists of direct-channeled teaching from the Guides and Angels of the Light.

Alongside every word in the book, there is an uplifting angelic frequency. As you read, you will be guided to open your heart, shift your perspective within, and feel, experience, see, and know that you are in the presence of angels. 

To gain the most benefit from reading, think of this book as a reading meditation.  Take your time as you read the pages, allowing yourself to enter into a soft, relaxed state of being, as if the angels are in your presence, and speaking directly to you.... One word at a time. They are!

Angels transcend time and space, and can be with everyone who calls upon them at the same time. When you read these words, know that you are in the direct presence of your guides and angels, who lovingly and powerfully assist you in tuning into the love, wisdom and uplifting frequency available for you now.

Your Free .MP3 Angel Message

If you would like to experience a channeled audio meditation by Melanie Beckler, you can get a free .MP3 Angel Message here!


"At this time, I ask that we be surrounded with Divine white light and with each of our highest, best, most loving possible Guides and Angels of Love, Light, and Healing who can most serve.

Please come in come in, lift us in vibration, assist us in quieting our minds and opening our hearts to tune into knowledge, wisdom, and truth.

I now call in the highest, best, most loving possible Guides and Angels of the Light, who can most serve... Please come in, connect, and channel through me now..."


We the guides and angels of the light are here. We are a group of angels, spirit guides, and high vibrational light beings who have consciously joined, and are now merging our energy into one.

Individually we each have a similar intent and purpose to assist humanity in the final push, the final step or nanosecond if you will, to open to light.

Our ultimate identity is One, One with all of Creation, One with the Cosmic Mind, One with Creative Source and One with You.

Many of the beings who now combine in this energy of one have individual personalities and traits. Many you know like Jesus, Archangel Michael, Metatron, Orion, and Saint Germaine. Others behind the scenes quietly serve. 

Many come together from realms above to join light and to increase focus and power, for indeed there is more power accessed together, combined with focused intent, for this is closely aligned with the Ultimate Truth that we are One.

We are here, merging our energy as one to assist you now amidst great changes occurring on your planet.

It is clear to us and to many of you, that your world is indeed in the midst of transformation, as the old comes up to be released in order to make way for new. This same thing is happening in the lives of individuals, collectively, to the planet and indeed, is present throughout the entire universe.

You live in a time of change, of evolution, and ascension.

You may feel at times as though your life is crumbling around you as change flows in from every angle. Indeed, it is a natural response for humanity to respond to change with fear and to respond to the unknown with fear. Therefore, we come to connect with you now to say, Do not be afraid, but rather know that you too are connected to the Divine plan.

At this time relax, and breathe as you read.

Find your center, breathe, and focus within, entering into a blissful, peaceful state. The state within cannot be explained, but it can be felt and experienced.

Feel your heart open. Feel yourself enter into your inner state of being, your inner realm in the area of your heart.

Open and relax into this present moment and into the powerful energy of light, of divinity that does indeed exist in you. Open your heart to feel your vibration rise.

There is much talk in your realm these days about technology, and many of you would consider yourselves technologically advanced. There is always room for growth, and we wish to draw your attention to the miraculous technology of your body, which science and your species is barely beginning to understand.

The technology of your heart when opened, when centered, allows you to connect beyond the physical realm, to connect with your light in the realm of spirit.

Indeed, you are aware that you are a physical being, yes. You are also spirit and you are Source. When you use the advanced technology of your heart to open, to feel, to commune with the Divine, you make the great power of your open heart available to you always.

The transformation on your planet is not meant for you to struggle through with no reward at the end. Rather, you are consistently with opportunities to rise above all your limitations presenting you with rewards beyond measure.

With your heart open, the power of love becomes fully accessible to you. In this now, with your heart open, your mind calm, your energy expanding and merging with the Divine, you are refreshed, and lifted, as you allow yourself to simply be.

Be present now and release any worries, feelings of struggle about the many changes in your life, or things in your reality that are crumbling and shifting and evolving. The natural tendency is for you to want to know why certain things are happening and how things will work out.

But we say to you, there is great power in your simply surrendering to the power of love, and the power of the Divine. When you surrender, open your heart and say, I surrender, I trust in the process of life. I flow with the creative love of the universe. Then dear one, your unlimited power is accessible to you.

This shift occurring on your earth echoes throughout the entire universe and is divinely guided. You may feel as though you are being tested and challenged and that this is a time of great struggle. Remember there is a higher purpose unfolding.

Take a moment to imagine the moon. And now imagine that you are standing on the moon, gazing down to Earth. Off in the distance you can see the blue planet, the beautiful home on which you live. Imagine that you are looking down at the Earth from beyond. And now as if you have a high powered camera, begin to zoom in on earth.

Specifically, zoom in on your life, viewing your life now from a completely outside perspective, a completely new perspective.

Zoom in and notice how you relate to the world around you.

Are you trusting in the process of life, flowing through your life’s lessons, mastering love in the now? Or are you still buying into the illusion, the struggle, and the fear that has plagued humanity for so long?

However you perceive yourself, it is likely that you are able to now see area for improvement, areas for growth, and ways in which you can be more fully connected to love in your life, connected to peace, connected to balance and to joy.

This is the ultimate calling for you in your life. This is the purpose of the great transformation, acceleration of energy, and the ascension you and your planet are undergoing.

The old paradigm of manipulation, fear and doubt that have limited you and limited your species, no longer serves you in your growth. You are entering into a new era and a new becoming, leaving behind dualistic means of relating to the world: good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark.

Your ego mind has

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