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What's Up Capricorn in 2016
What's Up Capricorn in 2016
What's Up Capricorn in 2016
Ebook40 pages19 minutes

What's Up Capricorn in 2016

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About this ebook

An innovative guide that combines your personal forecast with a creatively illustrated year-at-a-glance planner for your zodiac sign Capricorn in 2016. Original and unique, in a way it's never been done.

Discover everything you need to know about your life in 2016: where you will flourish and grow, where you will take on responsibility, work and life lessons, and when the spotlight will be focused on each area of your life throughout the year.

Includes monthly New Moon alerts, best times to start new plans and projects, where to watch out for potential pitfalls, when to reconsider and reevaluate, plus looking over your recent past and where it has led you today. Written in a clear and meaningful way, without using astrological jargon.

The year-at-a-glance planner inside the book is also accessible online, for easy viewing, saving, and printing (link provided in the book).

Release dateJul 24, 2015
What's Up Capricorn in 2016

Lauren Delsack

Lauren Delsack is an internationally respected astrologer and highest honors graduate of Noel Tyl's demanding Master's Course for Professional Astrologers. She is highly regarded for her expertise with strategic forecasting, predictive work, vocational guidance, and rectification of unknown birth times. She offers astrologers and students of astrology a variety of educational resources through instructive videos, eBooks, audiobooks, articles, essays, and Study Guides in Astrology. In 2006, she published an innovative and highly praised book, How Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease: An Astrological View, focused upon allying sophisticated astrology with medical research to show how the horoscope reflects the ties between emotional trauma and the onset of disease, and how early warning of illness ascertained through astrology can help save lives. Most recently Lauren publishes an eBook series every year for the general public called, 'What's Up,' for each Sun sign, written without astrological jargon. An original and unique creation, your personal forecast combined with a creatively illustrated year-at-a-glance planner in one.

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    What's Up Capricorn in 2016 - Lauren Delsack






    What's Up Capricorn in 2016 © 2015 by Lauren Delsack.

    Published by Lauren Delsack at Smashwords.

    Author’s Website:

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    How to Use the Year-at-a-Glance Planner

    What's Up Legend 2016

    Capricorn Year-at-a-Glance Planner for 2016

    Personal Forecast for Capricorn

    Looking Over Your Recent Past

    Where You Will Flourish and Grow

    Where You Will Take on Responsibility, Work and Life Lessons

    Monthly New Moon Alerts

    Spotlight on Areas of Your Life Throughout the Year

    About the Author

    How to Use the Year-at-a-Glance Planner

    Depending on your preference and viewing style, the year-at-a-glance planner is provided at the end of the eBook in two page orientations: portrait mode and landscape mode. As well, a link is provided to access the planner online in a pdf file to view, enlarge, save or print.

    A legend is provided as a quick-reference tool. Graphic icons represent different areas of your life, and events and happenings throughout the year as discussed in your personal forecast, and displayed on the corresponding year-at-a-glance planner.

    Across the top row of the planner, each area of life is displayed with its corresponding icon. Each area of life is color-coded for ease and clarity to make quick connections between the legend and planner.

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