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The Amber Chronicles
The Amber Chronicles
The Amber Chronicles
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The Amber Chronicles

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Amber Chronicles Collection: Emme, a witch and the heir to the throne of the world called Amber is banished from her home to find love. She believes she can command a man to love her but this does not work. Angry at being told no by the crown prince of Rivand she casts a spell on the Riva family. Every hundred years when the moon is full at the summer solstice she will call the crown prince. If he refuses to cede his love to her he will enter the amber orb and vanish. Four times she fails and the princes find adventure on other worlds. One turns an enchanted amber dragon into a princess. The second is imprisoned in an amber tower and must select a bride. The third must free the heroine from an amber cage. Emme slowly learns her lesson and returns to spend her childhood with the fourth prince. Hoping knowing each other will help. She has fallen in love with the crown prince and enters the amber orb in his place. Can Emme who is Cast in Amber be freed and gain the love she has sought for all those years?

FOUR STARS! The witch's curse of zapping princes into an amber orb is one of my favorites. This story is the fate of the very first prince. It reads much like a fairy tale, where at least one moral is to be learned. An enchanting fantasy. **** Detra Fitch

Release dateJul 21, 2015
The Amber Chronicles

Janet Lane Walters

Janet Lane Walters has been writing and published since the days of the typewriter. She has 30 plus novels and seven novellas plus four non-fiction books published. Janet lives in the scenic Hudson River valley with her husband, a psychiatrist who has no desire to cure her obsession with writing.She is the mother of four and the grandmother of five with two children expected to arrive soon from China. Janet writes in a number of genres - Romance from sweet to sensual and from contemporary to fantasy and paranormal. She has published cozy mysteries and medical suspense. She also has a number of YA fantasies published.

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    The Amber Chronicles - Janet Lane Walters

    Amber Chronicles


    Janet Lane Walters

    ISBN: 978-1-77145-176-5

    Copyright 2013 by Janet Lane Walters

    Cover Art 2013 by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    Amber Chronicles

    The Amber Orb

    Strains of music wafted from the ball room of the Amber Palace into the garden. Emme tapped her foot against the flagstone walk in an angry counterpoint to the dulcet tones. With each passing moment, the realization of another failure strengthened. Four times a prince had appeared at the palace seeking her hand in marriage. Four times the prince had chosen one of her younger sisters. Tonight the last prince would name her youngest as his chosen bride.

    With great effort Emme capped her anger. Lysanda would pay just as her other sisters had. As the oldest, she should have been the first to find a bridegroom. Envy twisted with jealousy to form a rope binding her thoughts. This prince should be here for he was the last of the eligible ones in this world called Amber suited for training as a wizard and destined to sit on the amber throne beside Emme’s.

    The scent of roses, jasmine and bluet filled the air with their sweet breath. The heavy aroma pressed against her forcing Emme to gasp.

    She heard light tapping of slippers on the stones and knew Lysanda approached. Her sister expected to find Prince, what was his name, waiting to declare his love. Then amber lights would radiate across the night sky announcing Emme had failed again. That would not happen.

    Lysanda came into view. Her hair, a few shades darker than Emme’s pure amber tones, hung in ringlets down her back. Where is Rendel? she asked.

    Looking for you, Emme said. I sent him to the Tower of Sighs.


    Emme stepped toward her sister. She smiled at the alarm in Lysanda’s pale blue eyes. Only Emme’s matched the blue of a summer sky. You stole him. He was to be my prince.

    Lysanda asked. He fell in love with me. His heart once given can never change. She stepped closer. Don’t think to take him from me. That is impossible.

    Emme fisted her hand on her hips. I have no desire for a man who chose another over me. I’m sure he believes he will be able to rule you for your power is small and you can never sit on the amber throne. You have taken my last chance for love and rulership. I will take what he feels is important from you.

    Lysanda tore her gaze from Emme’s face. What do you mean?

    Face me, sister. Power against power or are you afraid?

    I fear no one. I am a witch with power equal to yours.

    Emme heard a slight tremor in her sister’s voice. Knowledge filled her. She would drain Lysanda and leave her weak. Three times before she had faced a sister and won. She would win this time as well.

    She drew the wind to eddy around Lysanda in wispy bands to speed and tightened them. One by one Lysanda broke the restraints. With each snap, Emme absorbed the power of the breaking.

    Emme set the torches of the garden blazing. Tendrils of fire flowed toward her sister.

    Lysanda gathered the flames and sent burning orbs toward Emme. You will not win.

    Emme pulled water from the fountain. Fire and water met turning to steam shrouding the air with sizzling vapor. With slow steps Emme moved through the mist. The earth shook beneath her feet. Lysanda’s body wove in an attempt to remain standing.

    Emme grasped her sister’s wrist. Cede to me. She drained the essence of magic from her sister’s cells.

    A curse I cry. Lysanda’s shrill voice pierced Emme’s concentration. Long will you search. Until you can give with forcing and demanding you will be alone.

    Those words forced Emme to release her sister. Lysanda slumped to the ground. Four times one of her sisters had shouted the same curse. Four times a sister had survived. She raised her hand and released all she’d taken from Lysanda. Brilliant flashes of light colored the night sky with all the colors possible except for amber.

    She heard the sound of pounding boots. The prince stepped into view. What have you done?

    "What I had to. Lysanda remains a witch and in a hundred years or so she will recover. You will never become a wizard. You will never rule the world called Amber.

    The prince drew his sword and stalked toward her. Why have you done this to my beloved?

    You chose the wrong sister as those before you have done. Take her. Announce your betrothal. You can’t defeat me. You are the last to try.

    The sword slipped from his hands. Lysanda stirred. He lifted her into his arms. My love. He glared at Emme. You will never find love until you love another more than you love yourself.

    Emme turned and strode from the garden. Why didn’t triumph fill her? Her life had been destroyed. There would be no chance to take her rightful place. She hurried to her tower. Why did the shimmer amber walls seem cloaked with gray? Instead of going to her room at the tower’s peak where the city spread before her, she fled to the dark basement and sat in a shadowed corner.

    * * *

    Ludena, witch ruler of the world called Amber, witnessed the brilliant display of colors painting the deep velvet of the night sky. Though she had hoped to see streaks of amber showing true love had been found for Emme, she sighed. There would be no wizard to stand with her oldest daughter when the ending of her centuries arrived. Ludena left the ballroom where the music had soured and the guests stood in awe staring at the colors flaring in the sky. Would she find her oldest and youngest daughters dead?

    Surely Emme would spare her sister. Ludena shuddered. To raise a child in the manner Emme had been had troubled Ludena. There had been no show of affection for the heiress must be strong for her power to grow. Four princes, each with the potential for wizardry, had chosen one of Emme’s sisters.

    She dreaded the next step to be taken but this prince was cannier than the others. There was a danger of the four princes and four sisters uniting to overpower Emme. Without unselfish love Emme would be destroyed along with the world called Amber.

    Ludena reached the garden and found the gazebo where her youngest daughter and Prince Rendel sat. She clasped Lysanda’s hand and restored enough power to allow the young woman to walk. In several hundred years, Lysanda would be a witch again but the man at her side would never acquire the power needed to become a wizard.

    The prince glared. I demand Emme be punished. Indeed, I would see her dead.

    You have no right to name her punishment, Ludena said.

    She kept me from my rightful place.

    You did that to yourself. Come, you and Lysanda must announce your betrothal for you have declared your love is mutual and binding.

    The pair walked ahead of Ludena. At the entrance to the ballroom she stepped to the fore and signaled the orchestra leader. The music changed and the pair walked to the center of the room. Ludena sought her spouse.

    Soldar pointed to an alcove. As soon as they were inside he waved his hand. Neither sound nor sight could penetrate the barrier he’d raised. And so the last eligible prince has failed the test.

    Ludena nodded. I fear so.

    I saw the demonstration. At least she only drained her sister.

    Again she showed restraint so she did not fail.

    Nor did she pass. We must send her forth as your parents dismissed you and pray she finds love before our days end.

    Ludena sighed. There are centuries ahead of us. Though anger rules her now I believe Emme will conquer anger, envy and jealousy. She will find her mate.

    I pray you are right. Soldar took her hand in his. When do we do the deed?

    As soon as possible. She must not have time to think or plan. Right now she’s in the basement of her tower.

    Soldar took his spouse’s hand and dismissed the barrier. While music played and the newly betrothed couple danced, Ludena and Soldar strolled the edge of the ball room until they reached the entrance to the throne room.

    Light sparkled on the walls of amber. A pair of thrones carved from the gem appeared to be formed from crystalline honey streaked with ruddy tones.

    Ludena paused to remove a tear shaped orb from a display niche. She sent her daughter a message and clasped Soldar’s hand. Her own time away from the world called Amber had been worth every lesson she had learned. Would Emme feel the same?

    Soldar cleared his throat. I feel your pain.

    And he did. She also felt his. The lessons must be learned. Mine brought me you and your love. Until she learns she is unfit to take my place on the amber throne.

    Soldar smiled. She must not rule alone She is our daughter. Have faith and pray for her safe return. There are centuries ahead of us.

    So we call and she must answer. She placed her hand palm up on the arm of her chair. His palm covered hers. Emme, come.

    * * *

    Emme felt the call in every cell of her body. Resisting made every inch of her skin itch. The call spread to her muscles and they burned. Her bones ached. With tears dripping down her face, she fought until her head throbbed. If she didn’t’ move she feared the center where her powers lodged would ravel. Would the end of her being a witch be her punishment?

    She rose and made her way along the dark tunnel using her fingertips to guide her path through the unlit area.

    When she reached the stairs the pain eased though she moved like a wizened crone. Steadily she made her way to the throne room where her parents waited. The moment she knelt before the pair the remnants of the pain vanished. Anger pounded as steadily as the beating of her heart.

    Emma raised her head. I did what I needed to do. He chose her when he should have been mine.

    Ludena nodded. He was defective. Like the three before him he chose your sister for her weaker power. If you had searched his mind the way you should have you would have seen and rejected him allowing us to summon another.

    There were no more.

    Not here.

    He was my last chance for love. There will never be a man who loves me.

    Soldar rested his hands on his thighs. You are our oldest. In you the power to maintain the world is strong. You are the heir but you let envy, jealousy and anger rule.

    Emme started to rise but her father gestured her to remain on her knees. So this world called Amber will die when you and mother fade. What about the people?

    As yet they are no concern of yours, Ludena said. The punishment for what you have done is banishment. There are lessons you must learn and we send you to a place where they may be learned.

    You must conquer your anger, Soldar said. Anger has been your downfall. Arrogance is another fault. You must learn to give and not to take. You must realize the meaning of duty.

    He was right. Emme knew she had used anger as a way of dealing with her sisters. Anger was her friend and how she acted. How could someone change their nature?

    Ludena nodded. You embrace envy and jealousy as though they were your chosen companions. Such emotions do not a good ruler make.

    Her father nodded in agreement. So we must send you away until you learn.

    For the first time since her summons Emme met their gazes. Where?

    To another world, Ludena said.

    I don’t want to go. All I want is a prince to love me. Anger filled Emme’s voice.

    Her father left his chair. To love you. What about finding a prince you can love?

    If he loves me I’m sure in time I’ll learn to love him.

    Ludena shook her head. To love another doesn’t necessarily mean he will love you. Haven’t you seen what holding yourself aloof has done? You must learn to give.

    Soldar nodded. Loving another may mean letting him go.

    Love cannot be demanded or commanded. Ludena’s gaze turned to her spouse.

    In her father’s gaze, Emme saw something that raised envy in her thoughts. Would a man ever look at her with such emotion in his eyes? What she saw in her mother’s confused her. The same light shone there.

    She sighed. You ask the impossible.

    You are a powerful witch, Ludena said. Impossible is not a word you should use. She turned to Soldar. The time has come.

    Her parents walked to where she stood. This is your fate. You leave this world called Amber to seek your love. Every hundred years a portal will open.

    What is this portal?

    The way to another world, Ludena said. If you enter the amber orb of the day of the summer solstice when the moon is full in company with your love, you will return here.

    Soldar nodded. If the chosen prince enters alone the portal will take him to a companion world.

    Is there no other way?

    Finding the man you love and who loves you is the answer.

    As the years pass and I fail will I forget my purpose? Emme asked.

    You will remember, Ludena said.

    I pray you learn the meaning of love. I pray you find your prince. And if you discover how to love and be loved during one of your awakenings, you can return to the Amber World. Soldar clasped Ludena’s hand.

    Emme opened her mouth to protest. Her throat muscles tightened making speech impossible.

    Her mother handed her the amber orb. Take this. Use the power of the gem wisely.

    Emme grasped the gem in her hands. A golden haze encased her. The glow darkened until her parents and the throne room vanished.

    * * *

    Emme opened her eyes and quickly closed them. The brilliant rays of a pale yellow sun glared. She pushed against the ground and sat. The amber orb lay on the ground near her hand.

    With caution she studied the surrounding area. Huge trees stood like sentries around the small clearing. She inhaled the scents of evergreen, moss and grass. Using a hand to shield her eyes she looked at the sun.

    She wasn’t on the world called Amber. The sun was paler than the one she knew. An ember of anger multiplied. They had banished her. Rage erupted. Around her the grass smoldered. The odor of burning vegetation rose with small flickering flames. Emme doused the fires and pulled her rage inside. Burning the forest wouldn’t solve her dilemma.

    Shelter, she thought. The sun stood at what must be past midday. She lifted the amber gem and watched the play of light along the surface. Birdsong filled the air. A chittering sound caused her to look up. Along a branch of a hardwood tree a gray creature with a fluffy tale scampered. Emme rose and strode forward.

    Was this the world where she would find her prince? How long must she wait for him? When she found a prince, he had to love her or she would be exiled here for long years measured by sleeps.

    She came to a brook flowing over rocks with a liquid sound. She stooped and cupped her hands and drank the clear cool liquid. As she continued the forest thinned. She found a tree with white blossoms scenting the air. She picked a few to carry as she continued to search for something or someone.

    Anger ebbed. Sadness rose. Four times she had been passed over when one after one a prince chose one of her sisters. What was wrong with her? Why had none of the princes chosen her? She had to find a prince. Not as ordinary one. She would seek a crown prince from one of the princedoms of this world. A memory arose. Lessons to be learned. She closed them away.

    A slow slid of tears began. Sounds of small animals scurrying through the brush reached her. Where were the people? How could she find her prince if

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