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Coming Home
Coming Home
Coming Home
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Coming Home

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About this ebook

In Book 15, Saying Goodbye- Trust was shattered, lives were at risk, and the world had turned upside down for the men of the Action! Series.
Coming home...rebuilding relationships that had been severed to the point of fury, Mark Antonious Richfield finds moving on, trying to keep his sanity after his last suicide attempt, and his husband and his own, infidelity, a difficult task.

As Mark begins a journey of self-discovery, he again becomes entangled in the mess his husband, Steve Miller, and his son-in-law, Captain Billy Sharpe, have created. By intervening in Mark’s son, Alexander’s, acting career, Billy, Alex’s husband, and Steve, instilled hostilities that begin to rear their ugly head even after Alex’s film is premiered.

Mark is forced to face more deep-rooted fears, and bears the brunt of the cleanup effort of the mess the two men had made.

Coming home. A sweet sentiment that makes one’s heart warm. For Mark and his boys, it’s a long journey to make.

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateAug 1, 2015
Coming Home

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Book preview

    Coming Home - GA Hauser

    Chapter 1

    Alexander Mark Richfield stood in front of his full-length walk-in closet mirror in his home in Bel Air. He ran his fingers through his long, brown hair, trying to calm down, wishing he had one of his father’s valiums.

    A gorgeous man appeared in the mirror behind him, also wearing a black tuxedo. Captain Billy Sharpe of the LAPD helped his husband straighten his bowtie from behind. There.

    I’m terrified.

    Billy gently turned Alex around. You’ll be amazing.

    Alex hugged Billy, the man twenty years his senior, who had been his rock and soul-mate since they’d met. His eyes filling with tears, Alex straightened up, dabbed at his eyes and tried to take a few deep breaths.

    Babe. How about a shot of something to calm your nerves? Billy brushed Alex’s long hair behind his shoulder.

    I can’t be drunk.

    Of course not. Just a sip to take the edge off. Billy held Alex’s hand and led him to the wet-bar they had near the kitchen/living room area of their enormous open-planned house.

    Billy reached for a decanter and poured a small shot for Alex.

    Alex toyed with his two rings; one his engagement ring, the other his wedding band, both nestled side by side on his finger.

    Billy smiled as he handed him the glass.

    Alex got lost in his masculine good looks and blue eyes. He took the glass from Billy. Will they hate me?

    No. Billy caressed Alex’s cheek lovingly.

    Alex shot down the liquor and cringed at the strong taste. He set the glass down and looked at his watch. Where’s the driver?

    I just got a text. He’s five minutes out.

    Billy… what if the critics hate me?

    Babe. Billy cupped Alex’s jaw. I know everyone wants to be loved by the public. And you already have fans who adore you from your nighttime vampire drama. So? Relax. Okay?

    But, this is a big deal. Billy, this is a George Ford blockbuster.

    And his films do really well.

    The doorbell rang. Billy said, That’s our driver. Come on.

    Alex followed Billy to the door, and took his phone out of his pocket as he did.


    Steven Jay! Mark Antonious Richfield called to his husband, We shall be late to my son’s premier.

    I’m here. Steve hustled to the door, wearing a black tuxedo as was Mark.

    Don’t you look smart. Mark ran his fingers over the lapels of Steve’s jacket. Now, that’s what I call a bargain. Mark grinned wickedly and kissed him.

    A ringtone sounded and Mark perked up. That’s me. He took his phone out of his pocket as Steve opened the front door.

    The limo is here. Steve patted his pockets as if doing a check to make sure that he had everything he needed.

    Alex? Mark answered the phone. Love, you’re right outside my door.

    Sorry, Dad. I’m really nervous.

    Hang up and let’s chat in the car.


    Mark disconnected the line and said to Steve, He sounds like he’s a wreck.

    Steve led them outside making sure the door was locked and the alarm was set. Well, this ain’t the TV show. It’s a big Hollywood feature film. I’m nervous for him.

    I’m afraid to see it. Mark ran his hand over his shoulder-length hair. The last thing I need is to see my own son nude.

    Shut up and don’t say shit like that. Alex is already nervous enough.

    Mark paused before they made it to the curb where the chauffeur had opened the door for them. Mark pointed a warning finger at his ex-LAPD cop husband. You behave. Do not have a go at Billy.

    Whatever. Steve hooked Mark by his elbow.

    I mean it, copper. You two need to move on. I’m in no bleedin’ mood for your nonsense today. Not for my son’s first film premier.

    Fine. Go. Steve kept Mark walking to the waiting limousine.

    Mark greeted the chauffeur, who tilted his cap politely. He leaned down to get into the stretch limousine, and knew it would just be himself, Steve, Billy and his son. Mark imagined anyone else who they knew would either manage to get into the VIP area, like Adam Lewis, Alex’s agent and one of his closest friends, as well as Jack Larsen, Adam’s husband. That is, if they chose to attend. Mark had no idea what their final decision was.

    So much had happened in the last few months to their tight group, that things were not the same.

    Jack and Adam used to come to their home every weekend for a four-way romp, dine together, have a laugh and spend the night.

    It seemed those days may be gone. Jack had made an excuse not to join them each weekend. He said he was either working on legal cases or too tired. Mark didn’t pester Adam about it. They all had enough to deal with.

    Hi, Dad. Alex leaned over to kiss his father on the cheek.

    Don’t you look handsome. Mark caressed his son’s hair.

    Steve entered the back of the car and the door closed behind him.

    Mark noticed the two alpha males exchange menacing looks. Ignoring Steve’s rudeness, Mark reached to kiss Billy. Hello, lovely.

    Hi, Mark. You look amazing, as usual.

    As if on cue, Steve opened the panel for booze in a compartment of the interior, while the limo began its way to the red carpet event.

    Mark didn’t know if time healed wounds. It certainly hadn’t done a thing for Jack, Steve, or Billy. Luckily he and Alexander didn’t share their knack for grudge holding.

    Steve offered Mark a shot of alcohol. No, Steven. There will be photographers there from the celebrity magazines.

    Steve tossed the shot of booze down. Mark knew the former LAPD cop didn’t care about the media now that he was an advertising executive with Parsons and Company.

    Alex shifted in his seat and wiped his palms on his trouser thighs.

    Lovely, Mark touched his chin. Just be yourself. You’re so wonderful there is really no need to get wound up.

    Billy put his arm around Alex and to Mark’s chagrin Steve flinched at the act. Mark ignored it.

    We heard there may be some anti-gay activists there. I have no idea the extent. But word on the department was the police are on stand-by.

    Thank you, Captain. Mark smiled at him.

    Steve made a noise of disapproval in his throat.

    Alex rested his head on Billy’s chest as if he needed the strength of his powerful police captain.

    Billy’s lip curled. If anyone tries to lay a hand on him or says something disparaging—

    Captain, Mark wagged his finger at him, You will be under scrutiny. Do not hit anyone.

    Billy kissed Alex’s hair and held him close.

    Mark peered at Steve. He was staring into space, the empty glass in his hand. And? Mark asked him, Will you be my knight in shining armor?

    Steve perked up. Why would anyone hurt you?

    I guess that answers my question. Mark interlaced his fingers on his lap.

    Steve set the glass down. They have security. Don’t worry. And I’m not a cop anymore. I will punch people.

    Alex laughed and Mark smiled at his husband. That’s my man. Mark held Steve’s hand and kissed him. After he did he noticed Billy spy it and turn away.

    Mark wished he had a way to erase bad memories. His head was so filled with trash, he needed a ‘delete’ button.

    Sadly, life didn’t work that way. And some of the men he surrounded himself with were full of pride and testosterone.

    I cannot control everyone.

    Mark caught his son staring at him and forced a smile. This was his day. And his alone.


    Billy avoided Steve’s glare. Yes, they had both done a rotten thing. Cheating. It was already the ultimate felony in a relationship, but cheating with a father on his son? Pure stupidity.

    Did he regret screwing Mark? No. Did he regret the betrayal and fallout? Hell, yes. Did he want to kill Steve and Jack for the revenge sex they had with Alex? YES!

    It took everything Billy had to sit near Steve and not attack him. But he had no one to blame for that mess but himself. And at night, when Alex was asleep beside him, Billy would contemplate that he was one of only three men on the planet who had sex with both Alex and his outstanding top model father.


    Billy perked up at their driver’s exclamation. What is it?

    Anti-gay protesters, Captain.

    Please tell me you’re joking, Mark said, trying to see out of the tinted window.

    Steve peered out. There’s a line of LAPD officers holding them back.

    Great. Alex ran his hand through his hair.

    Billy leaned towards the driver’s seat. Keep going. Pull up to the patrol cars.

    Yes, sir.

    Why? Mark asked, Why must they make everything a political statement? This is a bloody film! We’re not running for a political seat.

    The car stopped and Billy said, Stay here.

    Alex and Mark nodded while Steve made a move to get out. Billy didn’t stop him. Former LAPD was better than nothing.

    Billy looked around the car immediately, keeping alert for anything sinister or threatening.

    Captain! a man from his division recognized him.

    Billy approached him and told Steve, Guard that fucking limo.

    Steve did, positioning himself by the door without a comment.

    Billy looked for a ranking officer. Sergeant! he called out, gesturing for him to come closer.

    Captain, the sergeant greeted him.

    What’s the plan? Are we safe to walk the red carpet?

    So far, between the security staff and our men, we’ve kept them at a distance.

    Any threat of shooting? Any check of the buildings for snipers?

    The sergeant appeared surprised. I can find out.

    Do that. And give me your radio. Who’s on command?

    Lt Ullman, sir.

    The sergeant handed Billy his police radio. As the sergeant called someone on his cell phone, Billy keyed the police microphone, 6 Lincoln 10, switch to tac frequency.


    Billy turned the radio to a different zone. Ya there, Ullman?


    This is Captain Sharpe. Is it safe to move people through the red carpet at this time?

    Yes, sir. The area is being cordoned off to all but press and VIP.

    10-4, over. He turned the radio back to the correct frequency and handed it to the sergeant.

    The sergeant took his radio. SWAT is now en route to do an area check for snipers.

    Thank you. Billy walked back to Steve. I got the nod to go in, but keep Mark on the inside, don’t give anyone a clear shot.

    You got it. Steve opened the door. Let’s go.

    Alex and Mark stepped out of the car. Alex said, Is this for real? It’s a fucking movie premier!

    Billy hooked Alex by his elbow. You stand where I tell you to. Got it?

    Alex nodded, looking worried.

    Steven? Mark held onto Steve.

    Don’t worry. Just don’t approach anyone, even if they want a photo or autograph.

    This is absurd! Mark looked at Billy.

    Welcome to the world of hate. Billy kept Alex near the building so if something did hit, it would have to go through him.


    Officer Jeff Chandler and his partner/husband Mickey Stanton, were in their patrol cars cruising near the theater.

    What a mob, Jeff drove, shaking his head as he spoke.

    Is that SWAT? Mickey leaned closer to the windshield.

    Either Billy called in a favor, or there’s trouble.

    Park! Mickey unhooked his seatbelt.

    Jeff pulled over near a line of protesters holding up ‘God Hates Fags’ signs. Ever since the Supreme Court ruling, things had heated up, not deescalated.

    Jeff sneered. You have to be kidding me.

    Assholes have nothing better to do. Mickey got out of his patrol car and Jeff left the overhead light bar rotating.

    Jeff put his hand near his gun. You know how much I want to go postal right now, Stanton?

    Be like shooting fish in a barrel. Mickey snarled at the group of haters.

    Go. Move. Jeff urged Mickey to get through the crowd. He took out his phone and texted Mark, ‘are you in the theater?

    trying to get in.’

    Fuck. Mick, Mark isn’t in the theater yet.

    LAPD, move, please. Mickey forced his way through the crowd. Keep an eye out for anyone with a weapon, he said to Jeff.

    Jesus Christ. Jeff looked at everyone within his sight to see where their hands were. Most were excited fans holding up phones or waving pads and pens in hand, hoping for an autograph.


    When Alex made his appearance, screams and squeals rose up in a loud chaotic roar. Microphones were pushed near him and he could see many reporters from the celebrity press.

    Is there any truth to the rumor that you and your sexy co-star Randy Dawson had a love affair in Rome?

    No. Alex tried not to grow angry. I’m married and Randy is straight. Get a clue.

    Billy had him completely blocked from most of the press.

    Alex said, Billy. I have to at least stop for a photo.


    Yes! Alex pulled out of Billy’s grip and stood in front of the spotlighted red carpet as photographers’ flashes went off everywhere.

    We love you, Alex! was shouted from the mob as a few rainbow flags were waved at him.

    Billy stood beside him, holding his waist, keeping alert for anyone in the crowd who posed a threat.

    Mark! Mark! Stand with your son and his husband! The photographers went crazy and waved Mark closer to Alex.

    Alex could see Steve bristle and grow hostile.

    Mark held Billy around his waist, opposite Alex, and they smiled for the fans and press.

    A commotion occurred right behind the first row of fans at the velvet rope. Immediately Billy and Steve shielded Alex and Mark and pulled them into the theater.

    What happened? Alex’s heart was beating in his chest.

    I’ll find out. Billy made a move to leave.

    No! Alex gripped him and held him firm.

    Steve said, Let me get the private security to find out. You’re not armed. Steve jogged to a man in black with an earpiece tucked into his ear.

    Alex clung to Billy, and with Steve gone, so did Mark.

    Why does it need to be like this? Mark asked. I never could understand it.

    It may be nothing. Billy held them both. So, calm down. Billy kissed each of them softly on their hair, then noticed the act of him showing affection to both father and son, was being photographed and filmed.


    Jeff and Mickey had pinned a man to the ground. Man with gun! Need fast back-up! Jeff keyed his shoulder microphone to alert the dispatcher.

    Mickey kept his grip on the man’s gun and tried to get him to release the weapon as private security held back the crowd. He had his palm gripped to the slide of the pistol, preventing it from firing.

    Let it go, or I swear, I will blow your brains all over this street! Jeff snarled and used his knee to push the man’s face into the concrete, unable to draw his own weapon, and in the mob, he didn’t want to.

    A rush of SWAT members dove down on the man and the gun was immediately taken, the man cuffed, hauled to his feet and as he was dragged away, he yelled, Sinners! You’ll all rot in hell!

    Brushing off their uniform pants, Jeff and Mickey stood still for a moment, recovering from the ordeal as the armed man was taken away.

    What the fuck? Mickey shook his head in disbelief.

    Go. Let’s make sure Mark and Alex got inside. Jeff pushed Mickey.

    The two police officers made their way to the ropes and over them. Jeff spotted Steve. There’s Miller.

    Mickey and Jeff entered the lobby of the theater as everything came to a halt on the red carpet.

    Oh, thank God. Mark raced to them and hugged each one of the uniformed men.

    Steve asked, What the fuck happened?

    Jeff embraced Alex as well and spotted a stern Captain Sharpe. We subdued an armed man.

    Armed? Mark gasped.

    It’s under control. Don’t freak. Mickey caressed Alex’s hair, then addressed Billy. Your SWAT guys got him out of here.

    Thank you. Billy held onto Alex.

    Mark threw up his hands in frustration. Unbelievable. We can’t even attend a premier without this type of bollocks?

    Jeff’s police radio crackled. He relayed to the others, They’re letting people walk the carpet again.

    Alex hugged Jeff and rocked him. Love you.

    You too, superstar. Go. Forget the douche bags and try to enjoy your film.

    Are you staying? Alex asked.

    Can’t. On duty. Jeff looked at Billy who seemed extremely preoccupied. And who could blame him?

    Thank you. Mark kissed both of them. Will you be here when we go home?

    Mickey held up his cell phone. We can try. Give me a call and if we’re not tied up on something big we’ll head this way.

    Got it. Mark smiled.

    Jeff nudged Mickey and they left as other celebrities entered. Jeff spotted Randy Dawson with a woman on his arm. He scoffed at the sight and he and Mickey made their way back to their patrol car.

    Mickey heard the anti-gay chanting as they sat in their marked police cruiser and caught their breaths. Mickey said, What would have happened if we didn’t show up here? Not one officer or security guard was near that man.

    Someone would have stopped him.

    Who? Mickey fidgeted in the seat.

    I don’t wanna think about it, Mick. Jeff put the car in gear. What I want to do at the moment is floor it and run these assholes over.

    Just get us the hell out of here. They make me sick.

    As Jeff put the car in drive, he kept whelping his siren to drown out their chants, and left the area.

    Haters gonna hate, Mickey said, putting his hand on Jeff’s thigh.

    I hope they all burn in hell.

    They will.

    Jeff looked at Mickey and pecked him on the lips quickly as he returned to their district.

    Chapter 2

    After the frightening event, Steve kept Mark close and watched every celebrity who entered the VIP screening. Billy was on alert as well, and Steve had never been to a red carpet event and, after this? Never would again.


    Steve looked up at the sight of Keith O’Leary and Carl Bronson approaching them. The two actors were leading men in a nighttime drama called Forever Young, and very good friends.

    Hello, lovelies. Mark hugged and kissed the handsome, married couple.

    Steve stood by as he kept watch over their surroundings. No, he wasn’t a cop anymore, but he never changed his behavior. Being aware and tactically prepared, saved lives.

    Alexander Richfield, Keith said, holding out

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