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Rescue Me
Rescue Me
Rescue Me
Ebook38 pages34 minutes

Rescue Me

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About this ebook

Abi goes hiking alone in the woods, but when she has a nasty accident, she realises that it wasn't the best idea that she ever had.
After laying injured in a clearing with only a huge, grey wolf for company, she wakes up in a log cabin, in a hot stranger's bed, quickly finding out that he was her rescuer.
Caleb, the tall, dark and really handsome rancher tends to her every need and before long she finds that she never wants to go home...

An erotic romance werewolf short story, with explicit language.

PublisherM L Smith
Release dateJul 29, 2015
Rescue Me

M L Smith

M. L. Smith is an author of erotic thrillers and erotic romances. Short, dark and Northern, she was born in Edinburgh in the 70's - well, 1970 to Shetland heritage. After a family move down to the North East Coast of England, not far from Whitby as a baby, she has remained there ever since. Married with 2.4 children, she has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. Growing up, Enid Blyton was her thing, then she progressed to an obsession with crime thrillers, then onto her next obsession... Erotica! When she writes, she likes her males 100% alpha, with a generous dollop of vulnerabilities, and her heroines curvy, ballsy and sassy. She also enjoys reading and writing sensual poetry. She loves her family, Italy and Spain - where she can converse in food and alcoholic drinks related matters, Bloody Mary's and of course, writing. Catch her on her blog!

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    Book preview

    Rescue Me - M L Smith


    Rescue Me

    Copyright © by M. L. Smith

    This book contains adult content and is

    recommended for ages eighteen and over.

    'Author's note: All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.'

    This book is purely fiction and any resemblances to

    names, characters and places are coincidental.  The

    reproduction of this work is forbidden without

    written consent from the author.

    All rights reserved.  Without limiting the rights

    under copyright reserved above, no part of this

    publication may be reproduced, stored in any form

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    and the above publisher of this book.

    This eBook is licensed for your enjoyment only.  It may not

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    individual.  If you are reading this book and did not purchase it,

    or if it was not purchased for your use only, please return it and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    * * *

    Other work by M. L. Smith;

    ~ Beautifully Irresistible ~

    ~ Feel The Need ~

    ~ Tantalised ~

    ~ The Art Class ~

    ~ One Summer ~

    ~ Submit To The Need ~

    ~ Obey The Need ~

    ~ Lost To The Blue ~

    ~ The Journey ~

    Follow me on Twitter @M_LSmith

    * * *

    My best friend Charlotte and I had planned a long hike this weekend, but she had bowed out at the last minute with the flu, so after looking forward to it all week, I decided to head out alone.

    It might not have been the best idea, but it was too late now.

    I was about three hours in and deep inside lush woodland.

    Back to nature.

    Away from all the shit in my life.

    Escaping the memories of Ben and the times when things between us were simple. His words echoed around in my brain… Abi, it’s not you, it’s me. I think we should have a break.

    Have a break?

    Who the fuck did he think he was?

    Ross from Friends?

    Gritting my teeth, I picked up the pace and headed further into the dense forest.

    After walking for another hour, I yanked out my map and compass from my heavy backpack and frowned.


    I was lost and it was just starting to rain.


    Shoving everything back into the bag, I trudged along and came into a clearing. The clearing led to a rock face that appeared to be the only way out. I

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