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33 Pillars of Life
33 Pillars of Life
33 Pillars of Life
Ebook179 pages4 hours

33 Pillars of Life

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About this ebook

This book could be your guide; it could turn your life around in a new and exciting direction. It will take you from where you are to where you want to be. It will enable you to reprogram your life. Principles presented will form a solid foundation under your feet. It explores True Love, True Happiness and nature of Existence. There are many thing that we just take for granted. Get ready to be shocked!

PublisherIvan Kos
Release dateJul 20, 2015
33 Pillars of Life

Ivan Kos

Ivan was born in Croatia. His parents were Marija Tubolec and Zvonko Kos. Ivan emigrated to Canada in 1967 where he met his future wife Joanne. They had four children and live in Edmonton, Alberta. Joanne and Ivan Kos have been a successful business couple for the past 30 years. They own and operate a general contracting and home building firm. Both are F.I.R.E. Certified Firewalking instructors. They also pioneered the "Painless, Effortless and Natural Birthing Method” and Ivan has written a book by the same title. Three of their four children were born at home. They have also co-authored, now revised book, entitled “ Your Home & Body Toxic Alert”. Ivan is a lecturer who speaks and presents workshops on various subjects; including Lucid Dreaming, Meditation, Transcendental Rebirthing, Firewalking, Scalar Pointholding, Kundalini and other subjects related to extraordinary personal development. He also presents motivational and human potential seminars. Ivan has appeared on TV and in the newspapers in USA and Canada..

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    Book preview

    33 Pillars of Life - Ivan Kos

    Chapter One


    Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, thoughts, emotions, feelings, dreams and beyond dreams. It is also an ability to be aware when there is no objects of any kind, either physical or mental. Awareness of itself, awareness of awareness is of utmost importance, and should be practiced every second for the rest of your life, and then some.

    Awareness is learning to keep yourself company. Then be a good one and never walk away from yourself.

    There is a simple way by which you can exercise your awareness of the present. Whenever you use any of your senses, like sight, hearing, etc., split your attention down the middle and direct half toward yourself and half toward the object of your attention. Imagine your awareness, your attention, and your consciousness as a double-arrow you are firing toward the object and yourself at the same time. This seems so easy that nothing can be easier; however, you will soon find it very difficult. You will forget yourself a million times; remember yourself a million and one times. The importance of this exercise cannot be overstated. There are people that are fully aware of themselves 24 hours a day, even in their dreams and deep sleep. Being aware of yourself in this manner, greatly reduces the stress level at all times. It will definitely help to keep your mind in an all-important now-time.

    Consciousness or Spirit is the most subtle layer of our existence; it is pure energy and is an integral part of the Cosmic consciousness. This is who we are, beyond the roles we play, beyond all form. When a stream of thoughts stops, there is only consciousness. I, our sense of identity, is formless consciousness.

    Our awareness should be double-arrowed. It should travel in a direction with all our senses, thoughts, feelings and emotions and at the same time 50% should be returning toward ourselves. Not our body, not our brain, but to that sense of I am deep inside us.

    Every moment, you have a choice to be closer to form or the formlessness. The Source of our identity beyond the form is Consciousness. Ego judges itself and others almost automatically; do not judge. Our soul is pure love, it does not judge. When you become one with the object, this is Love. With the total acceptance of any form that arises, the formless becomes present.

    We should be keenly aware where the things are coming from. How can you tell if something is coming from a subconscious or a SuperConscious? If it results from some kind of drug, some technique or method, it is from subconscious. SuperConscious mind cannot be reached by any method until conscious and subconscious minds are united. If your Ego-mind can comprehend it, it is not from a SuperConscious. If it is possible, it is not from SuperConscious. If there is two or more, it is not from SuperConscious. Whatever comes from SuperConsciousness is always ONE.

    Chapter Two


    Akasha is also known as ether, Chaos, Spirit-Matter, First Logos, Root Matter, Orgone, etc.

    There are four physical elements (earth, air, water and fire) that describe the material universe. But ether, the fifth element, describes the Spirit that exists beyond matter. It is the ‘space’ out of which all material objects spring forth.

    Ether is a subtle sea of energies that stores everything that has ever occurred throughout all of Creation, and out of which everything becomes. As part of your field of energy, ether is also stored in your DNA spirals (better said your DNA spirals are based on akasha, ether). This ‘cellular memory’ contains records of every experience you have had in all of your lifetimes on earth, following your genetic heritage, every thought, action and emotion. These are the akashic records of your own past, present and future.

    The term aether (also written as ether) was adopted from ancient Greek philosophy and science into Victorian physics (see Luminiferous aether) it corresponds to akasha, the fifth element (quintessence) of Hindu metaphysics.

    The Ether, Chaos, Spirit-Matter, infinite Whirlpools, energy vortices, Torus, our quantum world populated with a multitude of quantum entities known and unknown. There is in nature a certain ‘fluid’ of exceeding elasticity and density, that pervades all nature, even the tiniest of space, the different modifications of which produce the phenomena of electricity, magnetism and gravity and the cohesion of the smaller parts of bodies to each other.

    Ether exists as an emanation of SuperConscious Mind. The truth is the entire universe (4 elements) is made from one basic substance.

    Scientists know energy is vibration, but science fails to fully understand that there can be vibration only if there is something that can vibrate. There can be no wave unless you have an ocean. Therefore, there can be no energy waves, and thus no material universe, unless you have an ocean of something that can vibrate. This ocean is tridimensional and infinite, live, forever moving, appearing and disappearing at every point, yet being whole. Infinite number of vibrations, appearing as infinite number of super-luminous colors with almost geometrical tridimensional patterns, at the ‘edge’ of Creation and Uncreation, EVERYWHERE.

    This word ‘spirit’ in English has been terribly abused, especially in the last one-hundred years. Nowadays, no one can give an accurate or consistent definition to the word ‘spirit’. We use it for things ranging from the feeling of a certain music or art, to descriptions of ghosts and phantoms, to discussions of God, and even alcohol (spirits). So, our definition of ‘spirit’ is very imprecise, and not founded in the ancient, accurate, specific knowledge regarding how to awaken Consciousness. Latin, spiritus soul, courage, vigor, breath, related to spirare to breathe’. The Hebrew word ‘ruach’ can mean breath-wind-spirit" and refers to our inner Spirit, the consciousness.

    And ארץ erets [earth] was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Ruach Elohim moved upon the face of the waters. - Genesis 1:2. This statement is wrong. There was no darkness upon the face of the Deep; there was (is) tridimensional, moving, live Light in infinite number of colors. This water does not have a face, does not have a surface, for it is all-pervading.

    Real spirituality begins when connection is established. So, spiritual growth can be defined in that way. First, by accessing and acquiring that connection, so we no longer believe in God or theorize about our inner Self, but we Know it. We can experience it, we can taste it, we can touch it, we can talk to it, we can get information from it, and we can be one with it. We know what it is from experience. That is the beginning of real spiritual growth. Thus Upanishad states:

    "From Atman did space come into being;

    from space, air;

    from air, fire;

    from fire, the waters,

    from the waters, the earth;

    from the earth, plants;

    from plants, food;

    and from food, man.


    "From Atman (Spirit, Consciousness) did Expansiveness come into being;

    from Expansiveness, Mobility;

    from Mobility, temperature;

    from Temperature, the Fluidity,

    from the Fluidity, the Solidity." - Taittirīya Upaniṣad

    Atman is a Sanskrit word that literally translated means self, but it does not mean our terrestrial self, it is our SuperConscious Self.

    All matter comes from a primary substance, the luminiferous (light-producing) - ether, - Nikola Tesla.

    Not light as we normally understand it. Not light from some source. Not even tridimensional light. Try to imagine a tridimensional super-colorful mass that is not a gas, a liquid or any kind of solid. Not perceiving it through a sense of vision, but being one with it. Vibrating, oscillating, disappearing and appearing. Where (everywhere) it disappears it does not leave any space. Where (everywhere) it appears, immediately it is changing. It appears with infinite number of components, yet it is one whole. It is beyond any description by any words. Astral lights, lights of SuperConscious mind. Quantum theory refers to it as ‘virtual particles’ coming in and out of existence. Hogwash; nothing can describe it! It is beyond comprehension by Ego-mind.

    Tesla sensed the universe was composed of a symphony of alternating currents with the harmonies played on an infinite range of octaves.

    Consider the propagation of sound energy through air and mechanical energy through water: When sound energy propagates through the atmosphere, and causes audible sounds to manifest, the energy causes air molecules to vibrate. The medium that vibrates, and thus provides a transmission vehicle for sound energy is air. This vibration ranges from zero to several thousand cycles per second (Hertz, Hz). Human ears can detect it from about 50 to 20,000 Hz.

    When mechanical energy propagates through water, and manifests on the surface as surface ripples or waves, the energy causes water molecules to vibrate. The medium that vibrates, and thus provides a transmission vehicle for mechanical energy is water. The vibrational frequency is low, say up to about 10 Hz.

    Earth vibration rate (Schumann Resonance) was 7.8 Hz and increasing. Now it is about 12.6 Hz. Earth is vibrating faster and so is everything on the planet, including humans. All this means, changes will be arriving much faster, both for good and bad.

    Now let us move up to the higher frequencies of EM radiation. When radio waves, light waves, X-rays, gamma rays, or Cosmic rays (from low to very, very high electromagnetic frequencies) propagate through the vacuum of ‘empty’ space, or simply from a radio antenna to a radio receiver, my question amounts to What is the medium of energy propagation? And for the highest frequencies of all, Spirit Energy, as taught by the teachers, beyond even Cosmic rays, again what is the medium of propagation? Spirit energy vibrational frequencies extend up to around 10^30 Hz (Ten to the power of 30, 1000000000000000000000000000000 Hz) and higher.

    Vivekananda (Tesla’s friend), who did so much to reveal the soul of India to the West, says: "According to the philosophers of India, the whole universe is composed of two materials, one of which they call akasha. It is the omnipresent all penetrating existence. Everything that has form, everything that is the result of the compounds, is evolved out of this akasha. It is the akasha that becomes the air that becomes the liquids, that becomes the solids; akasha becomes the sun, the earth, the moon, the stars, the comets; akasha becomes the body, the animal body, the planets, every form we see, everything that can be sensed, and everything that exists. It itself cannot be perceived (Yes it can, and a person can be one with it.); it is so subtle that it is beyond all ordinary perception; it can only be seen when it has become gross, has taken form (Not true; our SuperConscious mind can perceive it in its most basic form). At the beginning of creation there is only this akasha; at the end of the cycle the solids, the liquids, and the gases all melt into the akasha again, and the next creation similarly proceeds out of this akasha.

    By what power is this akasha manufactured into this universe? By the power of prana. Just as akasha is the infinite omnipresent ‘material’ of this universe, so is this prana the infinite omnipresent manifesting power of this universe." The akasha is everywhere. In it we live and move and have our being. All is but one ‘substance’.

    It is our SuperConscious mind that can perceive this level of existence. To accomplish seeing that which is invisible it adds to it infinite number of colors in infinite number of vibrations and variations.

    Sub-quantum kinetics proposes the existence of a primordial transmuting ether composed of subtle etheron particles. These continually react with one another in prescribed manners and also diffuse through space. Well, these ‘particles’ are forever changing, so they have no solid existence. They do not react with one another, because there is no space between them, allowing for individuality. They definitely are not prescribed. They do not diffuse through the space, they are the only space there is.

    Chapter Three


    In the beginning that NEVER was, there was Intent. Oh, yes, the book says; in the beginning there was a word. But for it to be a word, someone had to hear it and understand it and that someone was not created yet. So it was a sound. Again someone or something had to hear

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