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Piper LeVine, Destiny's Scribe
Piper LeVine, Destiny's Scribe
Piper LeVine, Destiny's Scribe
Ebook336 pages4 hours

Piper LeVine, Destiny's Scribe

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Piper LeVine, Destiny's Scribe book 5
I was betrayed by one of my own.
I’ve been stripped of my Gypsy Magic, and it’s just about the worst possible time for it. A creature that’s over four hundred years old is coming. Don’t know if it’ll be a friend or foe but I do know that the vampires aren’t finished hunting me and I’ve managed to piss off a Sith Witch.
Nicholas is with me. I know he’ll stand with me, but he can’t fight the poison that is growing inside me. I can’t deny the bad feeling I have in the pit of my stomach. Things are about to get nasty.
I can’t say how things will end. I will not bow down, or back away. I will give this fight my all, even if it costs me everything. If this is my end, I will regret nothing.
– Piper LeVine

PublisherEris Kelli
Release dateJul 31, 2015
Piper LeVine, Destiny's Scribe

Eris Kelli

Eris Kelli grew up in the pacific northwest as the youngest of eight children. Her writing is fueled by her love of adventure, learning and her drive to explore an idea. She now resides in Midwest America, with her husband, two beautiful children, (who keep her running,) and two happy puppies.Currently she is fast at work on the fifth book in the Piper LeVine Series and several other projects are in the works as well including her Witch Hunter Series!Make sure to connect with Eris on Facebook! And don't forget to review!

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    Book preview

    Piper LeVine, Destiny's Scribe - Eris Kelli

    Chapter One


    Are you sure this is what you want to do, Piper? Cora asked. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail, with several elastics dividing up the length. This secured her hair from taking off in the wind like my red mop was doing.

    Cora was smiling, actually smiling.

    She wasn’t the kind of girl who just grinned for no reason. Cora is my Assassin trainer and a member of the Assassin clan, for crying out loud, but at this moment, I would have never guessed it.

    You know you’re sending really mixed signals, Cora. You said this was dangerous. Probably the most stupid thing I could ever think to do and then you stand there smiling at me.

    Well, I didn’t lie. This is really stupid. It’s probably the most asinine thing you could possibly do besides joining the Baobhans.

    And… you like to watch me do stupid things? I asked shivering against the cold gust of wind.

    No, it’s just… this being that you’re summoning. She’s, she shook her head with the smile on her face growing so big I thought I could make a pretty good guess at how many teeth Cora had in her head, the only female werewolf in existence, and it’s not just that but this She-wolf is over four hundred years old.

    I looked around as she spoke. At any moment the pack was going to discover I was gone and come looking for me. Nicholas was locked in the dungeon at the Gypsy community to keep him from answering Madame Elloise’s summons. He was miserable. Elloise had effectively made my husband a prisoner.

    Stupid or not I had to summon the She-wolf. She could never be trumped as Alpha and Nicholas needed her to command him to abandon his tie to Elloise.

    Cora brought the idea up of summoning the She-wolf in the first place. It was during the meeting the Gypsies held to decide what to do about Nicholas being compelled to go to the evil Madame Elloise the past two nights.

    I didn’t know what she was doing or even how long it was going on. During our engagement, I’d had so many issues to resolve with my sister Trina, my non-Gypsy Gaje father Harold, and my Gypsy mother Seraph, that I didn’t see much of Nicholas during those three weeks.

    Madame Elloise could have been compelling him or summoning him or whatever she was doing, for almost a full month. She only summoned him at night and he couldn’t even remember it happening so who was to say how long it’d been going on?

    Whatever, she’s interesting to you, I get it, I said determined to summon the She-wolf. Just explain to me one more time how to do this summoning? I asked Cora. My fury was eating me up.

    Cora nodded, handing me a metal tube with a fuse sticking out of it. All you have to do is make a fire and light this. After it goes off, it’ll stain the sky red.

    This is ridiculous. Are we thinking the She-wolf is hanging around here in California? What if she doesn’t see the signal?

    I believe we’ve had words about you thinking you know everything. Cora’s nostrils flared. This has a scent that is ignited with the fire. The wind carries it and if she’s close you’ll see her tonight. If not then you’ll have to keep doing this until she tracks the scent back to you.

    I hoped she was close.

    Sit by the fire and wait. If and when she arrives, stay really still and be calm.

    What does that mean?

    Her blue eyes met mine. It means I don’t know what this lady is going to be like but she’s more animal than human, they say.

    Cora gave me a nod with a smile. I really want to meet her, Piper, so don’t mess this up.

    Oh really? Because that’s why I’m doing this so you can meet this four hundred year old wolf with limited people skills.

    You really need to hear why this is so dangerous, Piper. Cora pushed again. Your mom and Aunt Brea had really good reasons for shooting the idea down.

    I shook my head. I don’t want to back out of this. I have to do this for Nic. Elloise could be poisoning his soul. His wolf is different. He’s said it himself. How much longer before whatever Elloise is doing to him when she summons him changes Nicholas?

    She can’t get to him. He only goes to her when he’s asleep and he’s locked up. She can’t get to him. He’s safe.

    You know, chaining and locking everyone up all the time isn’t a good alternative to finding a lasting solution. Imprisonment is not a solution especially for the innocent.

    Cora nodded. I should really talk you out of this. You’re kind of crazy, you know that, Piper?

    Yeah well, you’re pretty crazy too, I said rubbing my arms against the cold.

    Good luck, I’ll keep a watch out for trouble. Scream if you need me. I’ll be close.

    I watched Cora go, wishing I could just use Wind Whispering to call the She-wolf. I couldn’t though. Ever since that traitor Flynn doused me with a tonic that dirtied my blood, whatever that means, I’d lost the ability to use Wind Whispering. The earth with its energy and support, something I’d grown to count on was absent. No more Earth Luring.

    The banshee scream that I had before that could send everyone running away from me was gone too. It’d been first to leave me. Animal Luring and Allure were both gone too.

    I was just me again.

    Move it, Cora called from somewhere in the dark woods.

    Alright. I started climbing. I continued to the mountain peak,. This would provide the most visibility if the She-wolf was near enough to see it.

    Seraph will see it and so would Nicholas’ wolf pack.

    You’d better show up tonight She-wolf because tomorrow I’m going to catch a lot of heat for doing this, I said aloud.

    Walking through the dark woods without powers made me realize how vulnerable I was. I felt defenseless. Any second a Black Sith who’d been trapped inside the iron ring could separate from the dark shadows with its black eyes and sharp teeth and what would I do?

    "I’ll fight. That’s what I’ll do," I scolded myself.

    Reaching the spot I had in mind, I crouched down and began to build my fire.

    What did you do for your honeymoon, Piper? I asked myself as I gathered the dried dung into the center of the circle of rocks I’d made to serve as fuel for the fire.

    Well, I locked my husband in my mother’s basement and then I got up at two in the morning to summon a four hundred year old creature who will probably rip out my throat. Yep, livin’ the dream.

    I put a match to the dried leaves and sticks and watched the tiny sliver of white smoke curl through the air as I breathed life into the flames. Piper, you know you should have let Cora tell you the consequences of summoning this thing. I warned myself. Swallowing I stared down at the metal tube and fuse.

    Well, I’m not backing out now. I lit the fuse and set the canister down next to the fire so the red smoke coming out of the can would mingle with the fire smoke.

    The smell coming out of the red can was strong and made me feel a little sick. I watched the red smoke rise up into the air knowing that very soon Seraph would be coming after me and the wolf pack would be coming after me too.

    What was done was done, as Cora told me. Once you summon the She-wolf she’ll come. I sat down on a large boulder near my fire pit and waited. Usually I’d sing to keep my imagination from freaking me out but my voice was different too.

    Flynn had stolen so much from me.

    He was dead now. The lions I’d called before I’d lost my animal charming had taken vengeance for me and for my friend Shadrack, who Flynn had murdered.

    Poor Shadrack.

    I stood up and rubbed my butt to get some warmth back. The rock was soaking up what little I had. We used to be friends, I said to the rock. I’d call on you for energy and we’d work together. Now it’s the cold shoulder?

    Don’t talk to the rock, Cora said coming out of the dark.

    Hey, I thought you couldn’t be so close when I call the She-wolf? You said she’s skittish. She won’t come if you’re here.

    Cora nodded. She won’t come if you’re making so much noise either. I can hear you talking to yourself all the way back where we parted ways. Just, she shook her head, think Assassin. You don’t need to talk to yourself to keep yourself company. Just meditate. Acquire your inner peace.


    Shhh, Cora said putting her finger to her lips. She backed into the blanket of darkness again.

    "Meditate? I’m not an inner peace kind of person am I?" I thought. Am I supposed to close my eyes and sit on the ground with my legs crossed? Oh my gosh, what if a Black Sith slowly comes out of the dark and is standing right behind me?

    I looked behind myself, turning a circle as I did. I am a very powerful Gypsy, I warned the dark forest. You better remember that.

    "What if she’s hungry when she gets here? I didn’t bring any food. Can you ask favors of a four hundred year old She-wolf without offering her something in return? Is that the consequence? Oh my gosh, what if the consequence is that I’m dinner?"

    I am Red Riding Hood? Why didn’t you tell me that? I asked the forest in the direction in which Cora had disappeared.

    You’re not Red Riding Hood, sit down and be quiet. Cora’s voice hissed from the darkness to the right.

    I nodded feeling a little silly. Obviously a werewolf could gobble up whoever they wanted, it wasn’t like she’d need a volunteer. Good job, Piper, now do you feel better thinking like that don’t you?

    "I just need to think about all my problems, they’re consuming enough to keep me busy. Right? Let’s see. Seraph wants you to be the Queen and you don’t want to, yep that’s still a problem. Brea is now pushing you too." I rolled my eyes.

    "If I’d known marrying the Alpha put me at the top of the list to be Queen then I… well, no I still would have married Nicholas. I mean come on. With those honey brown eyes and the way he’s so fiercely loyal? I could drop him in a room full of super models and he would still only want to be with me."

    I sighed with a slap happy smile on my face. He’d summon the She-wolf if he was in my shoes too. Though he is going to be mad when he finds out what I’ve done. Then there’s Trina. She’s moved in with Grandma Sidney and she won’t stop asking about that Gypsy guy who found her and helped rescue her from Morgan Castlerock, my dead Baobhan Sith father. I blew air out between my lips.

    "It’s not that I don’t want Trina to be a part of my new Gypsy life but I just don’t think she’ll be happy with it. The things she thinks are important don’t matter to Gypsies."

    The red smoke was still going and I could see the sky above me was red even in the darkness. It glowed, making the light around me take on a red hue like a red filter over a camera lens.

    Elloise is going to realize we’re on to her as soon as Nicholas doesn’t answer her call. She probably knows already. What will her next move be? Will she get to one of our other wolves? I wondered. It wouldn’t be Toryn.

    I learned from Seraph that Elloise had tried to have him starved to death in the silver dungeon where Nicholas was now imprisoned.

    She’d changed Toryn when she’d turned on him like that. He was quiet now, which was very different from the friend I’d left behind when I’d been tricked into faking my death. He stayed with the pack mostly.

    I’d seen him help my cousin Isabeau around. She was slowly regaining her sight but it was likely she’d never get it all back. I wasn’t mad at Isabeau for doing her job as Queen and ordering my death when she thought I was a Baobhan. I probably should be angry she sent Nicholas but if she’d sent anyone else I really would be dead.

    His love for me was what kept him from taking my life.

    Isabeau was full of guilt upon my return and still seems uncomfortable around me.

    Brynn my arch enemy is off hiding in Washington state with another Gypsy clan I was told was headed by Zeck, a Gypsy I’ve never met and feel bad for since he’s now stuck with Brynn.

    I’m still going to kick her butt for all the crap she’s pulled.

    Her attempts at trying to take Nicholas from me or get me killed have cemented her position in my life. She is and forever will be my enemy.

    Cora wants me to go to Washington and challenge her to an Assassin’s duel which apparently is a thing. As it was explained to me we fight to the death or until one of us cries mercy, which gives the other person the choice to take their life or own them like a slave.

    I get that being an Assassin means you do what has to be done but I think the way the Assassins see has to is very different from the way I see it. I don’t kill people unless it’s to save a life.

    Cora says and thinks that I’m naïve. I say I value human life to which she said, Potatoe, puh-tot-oh. At least she’s comfortable getting to know the society ways of the Gaje or non Gypsy kind. Most Gypsies have little to do with them.

    Are you daydreaming? Cora hissed at me from the left. Focus. You’ve got someone approaching straight in front of you.

    "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it’s got to be her," I thought staring into the darkness. My eyes couldn’t adjust with the fire in front of me. I flexed my fingers reaching for that energy that was supposed to be answered by the earth. I didn’t feel anything but I did taste salt water.


    The outline of a man took form as the person approached. I couldn’t see his face but I knew it was a man because of the square shoulders. His hair was long though and braided.

    Black Siths don’t do their hair so it was probably a Gypsy unless the Baobhans figured out a way to get through the iron ring again. I mentally kicked myself. You know, Piper, you used to be braver than this. Gypsy up, right now or Assassin up or… just be brave.

    May I wait with you? The fire finally touched the face of the man lighting his features. He had a square jaw just like Nicholas. His hair was brown and streaked with blond. His eyes were blue and he had a voice that was quiet and yet impossible not to hear.

    You’re one of Nicholas’ brothers, I said knowing he was but I couldn’t remember his name.

    Yes. I am Douglas.

    That’s right, the one who got Brynn’s father to excuse Nicholas from marrying Brynn. I like this brother.

    I nodded. You’re not here to yell at me?

    It would not change what has already been done, he said. You’re different than I thought you’d be, he added. Are you afraid, Piper?

    "Am I afraid? Yeah."

    He nodded. It is not the Gypsy way to be afraid.

    Psh. I made the sound with an eye roll. I think it’s the Gypsy way to hide that you’re afraid. Anyway, you come sit in my shoes with no werewolf to call on or any other Gypsy Power and wait for this She-wolf. I bet you’d have a different song to sing then, buddy.

    Douglas smiled. She will be insulted by your fear. Set it aside.

    Oh okay, I’ll just snatch it out of my chest and let it sit next to me then.

    I thought I had to wait alone?

    I’m one of her kind. She won’t be afraid of me.

    I nodded. That’s good. I watched him wondering if he would answer me if I asked him something I’d been dying to know. Only one way to find out. How did you get Brask to agree to withdraw the marriage for Brynn and Nicholas?

    Douglas met my gaze. It doesn’t matter the cost. It was worth it.

    Well, now I’m only more intrigued!

    Did you tell him you’d marry one of his other daughters?

    Douglas shook his head.

    Did you tell him you’d give him a vial of wolf blood or something?

    His brows raised. What would he do with that?

    I don’t know. I’m not a potions expert. Throw me a bone, wolf. What did you do?

    As soon as I perform what was asked of me I’ll be banished from Seraph’s clan so I don’t think sharing would be a good idea.

    I frowned. I can keep a secret.

    His blue eyes danced with amusement as he looked at me across the fire. That’s not what I heard.

    Are you referring to the lack of control I had over my Wind Whispering because it’s been months. When are you people going to let that one go?

    Cora came stomping out of the dark. Well, the whole pack is here. She’s not going to show up with such a big group.

    She’ll show up with the pack here. It’s you two she’ll be wary of, Douglas said.

    You talk like you know her, Cora said. Do you?

    Douglas didn’t answer. Cora and I just stared at him waiting and it didn’t bother him one bit. Sit and be calm. She may still come.

    At this point I was glad to have company. I hoped Douglas was right that she wouldn’t mind the wolf pack being there. Perhaps with their presence she would be more at ease with Cora and me.

    Douglas moved around the fire and sat next to me. As your brother, may I please give you some advice.

    I smiled.

    My brother? I love that he’s not calling himself my in-law.


    Don’t tell people you are without your powers. If word reached Brynn you are so vulnerable I would bet she would want to take advantage of that. Elloise too.

    Nodding I realized I should have come up with that on my own.

    Piper isn’t helpless. She has gotten quite good at knife throwing and as soon as we have a free minute we’re going to see if her Animal Charming skill is really gone. I think it’s still there, Cora said. I hope Brynn does come.

    Douglas was looking back toward the community. Seraph has discovered your absence or the red smoke. She’s looking for you. We should head back.

    Cora sighed. I was really hoping she’d come before we had to face the Gypsy Queen.

    Brea is currently holding the title for Piper until she’s ready, Douglas said in a matter of fact tone.

    What? When was that so called fact established? I am not going to be Queen.

    Douglas just looked at me with that calm expression that said he didn’t agree or disagree. Nicholas won’t be happy with this choice you’ve made in summoning the She-wolf. He warned instead of scolding me. I think it was the only choice we could have made. If you do ever decide to be Queen I think you’ll do a good job.

    I like you, Douglas, I said smiling.

    Daniel was my brother by blood instead of marriage, and ever since we got back he agreed with Seraph no matter what she said. She spoiled him to the point he was getting pretty pompous. Nicholas said he was spoiled before we came back and once I saw him in the community I had to agree with Nic. But Seraph and Daniel were making up for lost time. How could I interfere with that?

    It was going to be nice to have a calm and grounded brother.

    So what are your plans? Cora asked pulling me from my thoughts.

    About what?

    Well, you don’t want to be Queen and you still have to be reinstated as legally alive if you’re planning on being Piper. I think you should go with your given name Kellan. Are you going to have a bunch of kids and stay home with them?

    Grandma Sidney had recently asked me similar questions. I’m not sure right now. I still have Baobhans after me, remember? Bravago has vowed to take vengeance on me and he’s just one of the some odd thirty left.

    Your life may always have a Baobhan factor. Are you always going to put it on hold?

    I scowled at Cora. I am going to fight for the life I want with Nicholas.

    Which is what?

    I wanted to be together with him but other than that, what did I want?

    Returning to my house and living there with Nicholas is a requirement for me to move on so let’s accomplish that and then we’ll see.

    You didn’t even mention how you owe King Ian for saving your life.

    I shrugged. I don’t plan on going back to Scotland for a while, especially because my passport isn’t going to work with me being dead and all.

    Yes but he’s coming here.

    I stopped walking. What? Why?

    I had to tell him about Heiden Kaiser, Cora said. And he’s heard of the instability in your clan here. He may wish to gain new Assassins in the people who don’t feel secure in Brea’s leadership.

    That’s scavenging.

    Cora laughed. It’s a smart move. She sighed when I didn’t laugh with her. He’s going after Heiden Kaiser, he needs the numbers.

    Who is this guy? He’s the one who took Sandra. You said that King Ian and Kaiser go way back. If he’s going to pursue this one Baobhan then there has to be a reason.

    There is.

    I looked at Douglas and gestured to Cora with raised brows.

    I’m pretty sure he’s going to ask for your help to get Kaiser so I might as well tell you.

    I nodded. Really, you think? How kind of you.

    He won’t take her. She has no powers, Douglas cut in. Don’t tell her she’ll want to help. Her heart is soft. Nicholas needs her here and so does Seraph.

    I’m right here, bro, I said raising my eyebrows at Douglas. Tell me, I said to Cora.

    Let’s wait and see what King Ian wants.

    When is he getting here?

    Cora looked over at Douglas, a thoughtful expression on her pretty face. Soon, I’d imagine. Which is why your training needs to double. It’s bad enough you’ve lost your powers. Your performance is going to reflect on me, you know.

    Don’t we have more pressing matters at hand? I asked.

    Cora stopped walking. Her lips were in a slight frown and her eyes were piercing with intensity. This is very important. It could mean my life or don’t you remember the deal I struck with King Ian to train you?

    Alright, I said holding up my hands. The pack that was watching from the forest joined us walking with us as we came back down the mountainside. Toryn walked next to Douglas giving me a slight nod and nothing more.

    I returned the nod and twisted my fingers trying to think of the right way to convey how sorry I was that his grandmother tried to kill him.

    There just aren’t words that exist that work in this situation, are there?

    Cora was stomping, probably because I hadn’t taken King Ian’s arrival serious enough in her estimation. Well, excuse me. It’s not like I’m twiddling my thumbs over here. Sighing I scratched my forehead.

    We’ll get back to training as soon as I’m finished getting yelled at for summoning the She-wolf, alright? I said placing my hand on Cora’s shoulder. You know I’m not going to let him kill you, don’t you?

    What are you going to do to stop him? You don’t have any powers.

    Gritting my teeth, I lowered my chin. I won’t let him kill you. Just like you didn’t let him kill me. Okay?

    Cora’s eyes brightened. You’d probably pull another crazy stunt like that time you tried to talk to a werewolf under a full moon.

    Is there a scorecard circulating with all of my mistakes on it? Are we all keeping track?

    The pack laughed all around us.

    Remember when she took the black book and announced it on the wind and then she told Seraph she didn’t have it? one of the pack I didn’t know his name said elbowing Toryn.

    It seems like I remember hearing she hit Brynn with a child’s plastic bucket.

    Yeah, that’s so funny, I said trying to look angry but I couldn’t not laugh. Whatever, I had to hit her with something. I laughed.

    We were nearing the bottom

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