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Testosterone Poisoning Book 2 "Come Back to Me, Love"
Testosterone Poisoning Book 2 "Come Back to Me, Love"
Testosterone Poisoning Book 2 "Come Back to Me, Love"
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Testosterone Poisoning Book 2 "Come Back to Me, Love"

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Storm and Kyla Galloway are happily married with two adorable, bright children--a son and a daughter. Soon there will be a third. Kyla continues her work as a photographer and Storm remains an undercover narcotics detective with the County Special Forces, For more than five years he and his partner, Donnie have been lucky. With lots of drug busts under their belt, they have remained healthy and safe...UNTIL NOW. Could this be the end? Will Kyla ever see Storm again? But Kyla and the unborn baby are in danger. Who will save them?

PublisherCarole McKee
Release dateAug 2, 2015
Testosterone Poisoning Book 2 "Come Back to Me, Love"

Carole McKee

I am originally from Pittsburgh, but I now reside in Florida, with my two cats. My first attempt at writing was when I wrote a tribute to my Black Lab after he passed away. That short story appeared in a veterinarian's magazine and now appears in a paperback collection of short stories, "Forever Families" edited by Shelagh Watkins. After earning a couple of college degrees, I started writing for fun, and as a hobby. I completed my first novel "Perfect" in 2007. I entered the book in a contest and it received an honorable mention. In addition to that, I received a lot of great feedback on that first attempt, so I decided to try another. That led to my second book "Choices" and then came "The Bushes are Red" and "The Full Nelson"--a trilogy that is turning into a series, because readers didn't want me to stop there. Another book, in that series ("Consequences") was released in April, 2013. In December, 2011, "Kisses from the Heart" was published--all new characters. "Maddie's Garden" (2011) is another new story with all fresh new characters. "Second Chances" came out in 2012, and "Going Home" came out later that same year. There are many more to come. I love writing and will continue to write every day. Please email me! I answer all emails as soon as I can.

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    Testosterone Poisoning Book 2 "Come Back to Me, Love" - Carole McKee

    Book 2 Come Back to Me, Love


    Carole McKee




    Carole McKee on Smashwords

    Testosterone Poisoning; Book 2; Come Back to Me, Love

    Copyright © 2015 by Carole McKee

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    It was their six month anniversary the day they arrived at the picnic grounds in the bright yellow Lamborghini, a wedding present from Kyla’s parents. Storm shut the engine off, jumped out, and rounded the car to open Kyla’s door for her. Taking her hand, he helped her step out onto the pavement and then quickly kissed her on the side of her lips before shutting the door and locking it, engaging the expensive fail-safe alarm system.

    Donnie and Linda aren’t here yet, Storm observed aloud as he scanned the parked cars. He smiled at Kyla and asked, Got everything?

    The dessert, Storm. It’s in the back.

    Oh….I guess I have to disengage the alarm and then open the back.

    Not that you mind… she teased.

    No….not that I mind. You know I love putting my hands on this car. It’s my baby. Every time I touch it it’s the equivalent of changing a diaper or burping a baby. Refueling it is like giving it a bottle for me. He laughed and gave her shoulders a quick squeeze.

    Well, we’ll see just how equivalent it is in about three months. You can practice on the car until the baby gets here.

    "What?" Storm feigned shock as he stopped and stared at her. "My kid will come out potty-trained! He’ll be ready to play football so his first meal will probably be a thick steak….no bottles…"

    Okay….I’ll let you have your little testosterone-induced fantasy…..for now. Kyla laughed as she wrapped her arm around his waist.

    After a beautiful snow-filled Christmas wedding, Storm and Kyla spent two weeks on a Caribbean Cruise just loving each other and enjoying the amenities of the ship. They got off the ship at every Port-of-Call to purchase souvenirs and take pictures. Kyla, a professional photographer, did a lot of free-lance work, so some of the pictures she took served to replenish her work at the gallery that displayed it. They returned from their honeymoon with plenty of photographs, relaxed, happy, suntanned…and pregnant.

    Storm draped his arm around Kyla’s shoulders and held their dessert offering in his other hand. One of the homicide detectives from the Special Forces Unit stopped them.

    I didn’t just see you get out of a Lamborghini…

    Yes, you did. It was a wedding present.

    Wow! What a great wedding present!

    Yeah, sure beats a toaster…doesn’t it?

    Kyla and the detective laughed. It was the day of the annual Allegheny County Special Forces picnic. The picnic was a day for relaxation and fun and a time for these crime-fighting elitists to get to know each other and bond. Very few of them ever missed this opportunity.

    What did you bring?

    She does this thing with strawberries. It’s a great dessert. Storm disengaged himself from Kyla’s side and strode to the dessert table to set the dessert down. As Kyla approached the middle of the pavilion, Storm came up behind her and flung his arm across the front of her, shoulder to shoulder, and bent her slightly backwards. He ran his other hand down her belly and loudly shouted, Hey! Look what I did!

    Kyla’s knees buckled as she burst out laughing. Most of the people in the pavilion started laughing with her after they recovered from their moment of shock. Millie, Storm’s boss’s wife just shook her head.

    Kyla, he must keep you going all the time.

    Yeah….he does. Kyla replied with a giant smile.

    You look so happy….both of you. Millie observed.

    We are. Storm answered with a grin to match Kyla’s. She’s the best wife I ever had. I think I’m going to keep her.

    What about you, Kyla? Do you think you’ll keep him?

    Until his contract runs out…yeah, she quipped, causing Millie to choke on her drink.

    I’ll be right back, Honey…..I’m going to get us something to drink…beer for me and… soda for you?

    Yeah…that’s fine. Storm kissed her quickly and then went to fetch their drinks.

    I never thought I’d see the day, Millie mused. I’ll bet he’s a good husband.

    He is. I love everything about him. He spoils me, which is pretty hard to do considering I grew up in a household full of servants.

    So how far along are you?

    Just six months. He’s due the first week of October.

    He? It’s a boy?

    Yep. Storm Darien Galloway, the fourth.

    You don’t look like you’re six months pregnant. I would have guessed four months.

    I guess I’m just carrying him well. Kyla smiled at Millie and turned toward Storm as he sat back down, placing a soft drink can in front of her. Is Donnie here yet? She asked him.

    No….and he better get here, too…the game will be starting in fifteen minutes.

    I guess it’ll be nice playing without broken ribs this year, huh?

    Yeah…I remember last year how it hurt like hell just to move, but I kept playing…because….

    Because you were loaded with testosterone.

    Yeah…something like that. Here comes Donnie and Linda now.

    Smiling, Kyla and Storm watched his partner and his wife of two months as they walked toward the pavilion. When they got within earshot Storm shouted to them.

    Hey! Who is that beautiful woman with that troll?

    Your parents, asshole! Hi, Kyla…you’re looking as lovely as ever. Donnie bent down and kissed Kyla’s cheek while Storm hugged Linda and kissed her forehead.

    Ready to go play, Moron?

    Not before I get a beer, jackass.

    Can you tell they like each other, Kyla? Linda remarked as she sat down next to her.

    Yeah, I can….maybe a little too much?

    Linda and Kyla laughed together while their boy-men drank their beers from the red plastic cups provided. Simultaneously, Donnie and Storm bent down to kiss their wives and then took off over the hill to where the playing field was located.

    Linda, you look just as happy as Kyla does. I never would have thought it…Storm and Donnie…both of them somebody’s husband.

    And they both are wonderful husbands, Linda added. I’m happy that they watch out for each other more when they’re on the job, and they say they’re being more cautious….especially now that there are wives and pending children involved.

    Well, I can imagine they are. I’m sure they don’t want to do anything that will…change the situations. But then….they always did take care of each other out there.

    Yeah…they love each other like brothers…and I’m so glad they do, Linda reported.

    Me, too. I know I want our life together to be a long one….have kids…then grandkids…grow old together. I can’t ever imagine not having Storm in my life again.

    Nor Donnie in mine, Linda added, as she smiled at Kyla.

    Chapter 1

    Five years later…………..

    "Storm! Storm! Stop banging on that table!" Kyla sighed and shook her head before she picked up the comb and brush.

    Kylene, their three-year-old was sitting on the kitchen table waiting patiently for her mother to fix her long, curly dark blonde hair. Although she was excited and impatient to get to the picnic, she sat quietly and waited. She was wearing her favorite shorts outfit, one she picked out all by herself. The pattern in the fabric was purple violets and lavender streamers. Kylene loved purple. It was her favorite color. The outfit was trimmed in white lace and looked very feminine, indeed. The purple color made her changeable eyes look green.

    Bang! Rat-a-tat! Tat…Tat…Bang! The noise in the family room started back up again.

    "Storm! Stop it…now! Kyla shouted. The noise continued as Kyla began a slow boil.

    Now what did your mother tell you? Thankfully, a purely masculine voice filled the air causing little Storm to jump.

    "I don’t know….she’s always telling me something."

    "Now let me tell you something. When your mother tells you something….anything…you listen and do what she says! You better start doing what she tells you, or there are going to be quite a few privileges lost around here. Do you understand me?" Little Storm nodded, tight-lipped to keep his bottom lip from quivering.

    Now put this stuff away and go wash your hands. We’re leaving soon.

    Storm stood there and watched his oldest grab his toys and high-tail it out of the room before he wandered into the kitchen where Kyla and Kylene were primping. Kyla looked up at Storm with a half-smile.

    "She’s always telling me something?" She whispered.

    Yeah….I know….where did we get him anyway?

    Storm says he doesn’t have to listen to women. Men rule, and girls and women are beneath men.

    Shut up, Kylene! Little Storm’s voice came from the doorway.

    What? Storm…now where did you hear nonsense like that?

    It’s not nonsense! Jeremy’s dad told me. He says women are put here to serve men and do what they tell them to do. Men are the bosses and women are…sub….sub…standard creatures.

    That’s what Mr. Williams told you? Are you sure? Storm stared at his son, disbelieving. ‘What kind of an idiot lives over there?’ he wondered, silently.

    Little Storm nodded, just knowing that there was going to be trouble over what he just related to his father.

    Well…you will not be going over there any more….but I sure am. Honey, I’ll be right back. I’m going to set that idiot straight right now. Storm, get in there and wash your hands….right now.

    Storm….. Kyla tried to call her husband back but it was too late. She knew he was going to give the neighbor across the road a piece of his mind. Storm, a normally calm, easy-going man, would not tolerate such talk, especially when such talk lighted on the ears of one of his children.

    Kyla finished Kylene’s hair and helped her down from the table and then went in to do her own hair. She had chosen a lavender top and white shorts to wear today and as she stood in front of the mirror she smoothed out the top over her expanding belly. Child number three was due in August. She smiled to herself as she remembered the night she had conceived. This child was created out of pure lust. The kids were staying overnight with Jocelyn, Storm’s sister. Storm started his amorous overtures while they were watching ‘America’s Most Wanted’ on television. As usual she was putty in his hands and by the time they had made love for the third time before midnight, she was weak and quivering and way beyond the ability to move on her own. She remembered how every inch of her body was filled with sensations that she would never be able to describe. Her nerve endings tingled long after her libido had been sated. He told her that night that he had just gotten her pregnant again, and she had laughed. But here she was, seven months pregnant exactly seven months after that night. They had fallen asleep wrapped in each other’s arms that night just as they had every other night, but had awakened during the night to make love again. Kyla smiled to herself. She could never get enough of that big handsome man she married. He was such a part of her—she couldn’t imagine her life without him. His voice pulled her from her thoughts.

    You almost ready, Honey? The kids are getting antsy, Luann is ready and she has a friend with her to help out. You look pretty. He stared at her and then stared down at the big black lump of a dog lying at her feet. Trigger raised his head and thumped his tail on the carpet. Geronimo, the cat was sound asleep on the bed.

    Thanks….I think I’m ready to go. I have to get the dessert together.

    I already did.

    You’re the best. She smiled at him and made a move toward the doorway, where he stopped her. He captured her face between his hands and kissed her lightly and then kissed her passionately.

    God, I love you, he whispered, and then spoke louder. I went over there and told old Jerry-boy all about himself. He said I was p-whipped.

    And are you p-whipped?

    You better believe it. P-whipped and proud of it, he laughed and kissed her nose. You’re still my number one super hero...and I worship you.

    Ummm….that goes both ways, Love. Kyla smiled up at him. But you’re going to miss the game if we don’t move it.

    Reluctantly, Storm released her and smiled down into her face. We’re lucky, aren’t we? She could only nod her response before she went out to gather the children and the two nannies together.

    Luann worked for the Galloways, but when these large events like the Special Forces picnic came up, she brought reinforcements with her to help out. Usually, the other detectives and their wives offered them money to watch their children and by the end of the day, Luann and her friend—Amy this time—walked away with quite a bit of cash. Luann had worked as a nanny for the Galloways since Little Storm was three months old. She was a valued and trusted employee and they treated her like family. The kids loved her. Even

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