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Cruise Ship Exotic Sex Stories
Cruise Ship Exotic Sex Stories
Cruise Ship Exotic Sex Stories
Ebook39 pages36 minutes

Cruise Ship Exotic Sex Stories

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“No, you’re on a cruise liner in the middle of the Pacific Ocean so I seriously doubt you’re getting home. What you’re doing now is going back to your suite. You do know what suite you’re staying in don’t you?”  

“Of course I do,” she lied, “how could I not know that we’re on a …..We’re on a boat?”  
“Wow, you are drunk. Yeah we’re on the cruise, remember the cruise? You signed up and you got a room and we’re all floating around in the ocean like the Love  
Boat, remember the Love Boat?”  
Some people were running around, some were passed out right where they lay. Some were dressed, some were half-dressed, and some were completely nude... 

PublisherVince Stead
Release dateDec 19, 2013
Cruise Ship Exotic Sex Stories

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    Cruise Ship Exotic Sex Stories - S.K. Wright

    1.  Lost On a Boat

    ....Yeah, and then she got pregnant from it.

    Pregnant from what?

    The gunshot wound!

    What shotgun wound?

    From the...have you heard a word I’ve said in the last half hour?

    Teri had not really heard one fucking word this joker at the bar had said to her in the last half hour. She was a very strange combination of wasted and bored. Wasted because she had been letting this random dude buy her drinks, and bored because he was going on and on with his stories about this and that, only listening to himself, and the fact that it took him a half an hour to figure out that his partner in conversation was looking for anything else to do at that moment should tell you everything you need to know about him.

    Of course I’ve heard you sweetie. You’re Doc from Hobokem...

    I’m Dave from Sheboygan. You know...Dave!

    I know Don I’m just messing with ya...Wanna buy a girl a drink?

    I’ve already bought you three, but what the hell. You seem like a fun gal.

    Cool. Teri raised her hand and turned to the bar. Waite—Stewarde—Where the hell am I?

    You’re sitting at the bar with me.

    Oh, right. Bartender! She never slurred when it came time to order the drinks, that’s for damn sure.

    Is this guy bothering you, Miss? asked the bartender.

    Who Dan here? Oh hell no, my new friend Darell here is buying me a drink.

    What’ll it be? The bartender looked sideways at What’s-His-Name. Guys like this schmuck come and go all the time. Always trying to find a girl he can get drunk enough to get the heavy on, maybe slip her a roofie or some fucked up shit like that.

    The bartender took great pleasure in beating five flavors of horseshit out of creeps like Dexter here. He was definitely surveying the situation to make sure Teri would be OK if this guy tried anything.

    What’s the thing with all the stuff in it? You know what I mean?

    Well, you’ve been on the Long Islands all night, would you like another?

    That’s the one! Long Island! Wow, you’re smart, how did you get so smart? And kinda cute too.

    Yeah, the guy buying your drinks is kind of cute too, isn’t he? interrupted Dilbert.

    Teri turned her attention back to Duncan and put her hand to his cheek.

    Awww, you’re sweet, Digby. I like you.

    What about the story, was that weird or what?

    Ummm, I vote for what. What was the story again?

    "OK, it was the Civil War times, and what happened was, all these soldiers were shooting up this town see, and there was civilians running all over the place, it was just total mayhem, right? So this Yank takes aim at this Reb and fires on him, shoots him right in the dick. What happened was the bullet went right through his sperm sack and then blew out the guy’s backside where it then lodged itself into the abdomen

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