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I Was Rachel Swan
I Was Rachel Swan
I Was Rachel Swan
Ebook78 pages1 hour

I Was Rachel Swan

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A reclusive artist and model writes a memoir about her time as a muse for avant-garde filmmaker Max Oblivious.

Release dateAug 7, 2015
I Was Rachel Swan

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    I Was Rachel Swan - Peter Englebright


    My eye was attracted to her brunette hair.  There were various of shades of natural black with a few hints of grey, even specks of white.  As a woman half her age my natural hair colour would have been more consistent but I didn’t want to leave that up to chance.  My long mane was jet black with dye.  Our heads made quite a contrast if anyone would pay us enough attention to notice.

    ‘You’re not a virgin are you?’ she asked.

    I laughed and shook my head.  No, I was not a virgin.

    ‘Don’t smirk,’ she chided me.  ‘It’s not a pretty look on a girl.  These might seem like silly questions to you, but I need the answers.’

    ‘I’m sorry,’ I said as contritely as I could.

    ‘So you’re not a virgin.  Are you heterosexual?’


    ‘Ever had a lesbian experience?’


    ‘I can’t guarantee that won’t change in the future.  Ever been naked in a room with a man who was not your lover?’

    ‘I’ve been topless in front of strange men.  And I’ve had sex in a room surrounded by others.’

    ‘Were you comfortable?’

    ‘I suppose.  I didn’t pay much attention to the other people.  My mind was on other things.’

    ‘But you didn’t object to the men looking at you?  You didn’t become embarrassed while it was happening or ashamed afterwards?’

    ‘I guess I didn’t.’

    ‘Why not?’

    ‘It didn’t seem like that big a deal.  It’s just a naked body.  We’ve all got one.  And this one,’ I indicated my own with a sweep of my hand, ‘looks good.  For now.’

    ‘Would you say you feel secure in your body?  You like what you’ve got?’

    ‘Yes.  Not to sound complacent of course.  I’ve got my hang-ups and insecurities, but I’m confident men like what they see.’

    ‘Any eating disorders?’

    ‘Not at the moment.’

    ‘Is this your normal weight?’

    ‘Yes.  I want to lose a few pounds, but this is my natural weight.  I think.’

    She asked if I had any tattoos.  I shook my head.

    ‘Good.  They are ugly things and we don’t allow staff, members or guests to have them.  Okay, I’ll have to look over your body now.’


    ‘Yes.  Please stand and take off your dress.’

    Without further hesitation I stood and unstrapped the elegant red backless dress from my shoulders.  It fell to my feet.  I was now naked apart from my lace panties and shoes.

    Margaret got up from her chair and stood close before me.  She was taller so looked down over my body.  I could feel her eyes scrutinising my flesh and mounds. 

    She walked around me, and still in close proximity, studied my back.  I felt her fingers caress the back of my arms.  ‘A few too many freckles for my taste but the men might like them.’

    She circled back around to be before me again.  ‘I’m going to have to look at your vagina now.  If you would move them aside.’  Them being my pants.  Instead of yanking the panties aside I pulled them down to the middle of my thighs.

    Margaret kneeled down and inspected my private area with her nose almost touching my lips.  ‘Separate them please.’

    I pulled the lips apart with my index fingers.  She peered inside me.

    I dread to think what she was looking for down there.  The level of attention went beyond making sure I was aesthetically pleasing.

    ‘Okay,’ she said as she started to get back to her feet.

    I took my fingers away and pulled my underwear back up to cover my crotch,

    Margaret instructed me to sit.  I picked up the dress from the floor but I didn’t ask if I could put it back on.  Presumably showing that I was comfortable with long term nudity would be in my favour.  I sat down and she did the same.

    She complimented me by saying, ‘You’re very pretty.’

    ‘Thank you,’ I said quietly and modestly.  Coming from her it meant something.  I didn’t get the impression she doled out unearned praise to all the girls she inspected.

    ‘I would like to use you.  The job isn’t that demanding.  You probably won’t be violated like that again for a long time.  For the most part you will just be a normal waitress.  It might even feel like a normal job for weeks on end once you get used to the nudity.  You’re not a prostitute.  Well I don’t know what you get up to on your own time, but at the club, and in its sphere of influence, you are not a prostitute.  You’re just a naked waitress.  If you are caught exchanging sex for money your contract with the club will be terminated.  Ironically it’s a moral clause, even though what we are asking of you is not exactly moral.  You understand?’

    I nodded.

    ‘It is a sex club.  Let’s not pretend otherwise.  But we don’t provide the sex.  It’s the members who have the sex with each other and their invited guests.  The staff are only here to provide a stimulating atmosphere and to serve food and drink.  And other hotel-like services.  We are not here to fuck the guests.’  She gave me a hard stare.  She hadn’t asked me a question but she seemed to want me to acknowledge that I had taken onboard that particular bit of information.  So I nodded.

    ‘We open on Friday afternoon and we close on Sunday at noon.  You will take the Friday night to Saturday morning shift.  We don’t allow waitresses to work two days in a row.  It’s hard to maintain the made-up female beauty for two days without wilting and letting standards drop.  For this you will be paid a very good wage you can live on.  Also it gives you Sunday to Thursday free to work elsewhere.  We strongly recommend a normal job to supplement this one.  The job probably won’t last for more than a year or two, and

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