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25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower High Blood Preassure
25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower High Blood Preassure
25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower High Blood Preassure
Ebook62 pages38 minutes

25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower High Blood Preassure

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High blood pressure is often referred to as 'the silent killer'. High blood pressure or hypertension affects millions of people all around the world. It can be as a result of lifestyle, genetic or happen for no apparent reason at all. The medical profession has to deal with high blood pressure issues on a daily basis doing their best to stope people from having a heart attack or stroke. Drugs are often prescribed to combat hypertension and keep it under control. Some of these drugs have unpleasant side effects and can make a person feel unwell. Author Russ Brandon suffered with pre-hypertension with a BP reading over 145/90. He was given a couple of months to try and bring his blood pressure down and chose to do everything he could to ensure that blood pressure drugs would not become part of his daily routine. Exercise and a sensible diet were the start but then he decided to research food types that had lowering blood pressure level benefits for people who suffered from hypertension. His levels are now normal even though he suffers from a bit of 'white coat syndrome' - a nervous and anxious reaction to seeing a medical professional. '25 Superfoods That Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure' is the result of his research. Each food type has blood pressure lowering constituents and the research to back it up. A sensible diet, not smoking, low alcohol consumption all help with lowering blood pressure to health and normal levels ,but, so does having the right sort of diet. Discover the superfoods that could stop you having to take blood pressure drugs or prevent you from ever being prescribed them in this short book packed with useful evidence and facts. If in doubt about any of the 'superfoods' and what effect they may have on your body you should always consult a medical professional.
PublisherM-Y Books
Release dateAug 31, 2013
25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower High Blood Preassure

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    25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower High Blood Preassure - Russ Chard


    The doctor probably told you that they weren’t happy with your reading and that you need to go back in about a month and have your BP levels retested.

    If they are still high you would almost be certain to be introduced to drugs that will prevent your blood pressure levels from being abnormal or even dangerously high.

    My name is Russ Brandon and I am just an ordinary person like you. When I was going through a stressful divorce my levels were up around 145/90 and this is what is termed ‘borderline hypertension’. The nurse was not overly concerned but asked me to return for more readings in a month’s time which I did.

    I avoided too much salt, took exercise walking my dog every day at a quick pace, watched what I ate and avoided contact with my soon to be ex-wife and my divorce lawyer as much as possible!

    The one thing I didn’t want to do was to become reliant on drugs to keep my blood pressure in check and I certainly if possible did not want to take them for the rest of my days.

    When I returned to see the nurse – as a guy who suffers a little from ‘white coat syndrome’ (an irrational fear of medical professionals and all their paraphernalia) I was anxious. The nurse did two readings.

    The first one was still slightly elevated and after a few minutes the second was 135/ 85 …phew, I was moving in the right direction. As a man in my late 40’s this was a more acceptable reading.

    Drugs were avoided and I set about finding NATURAL foods and liquids that could help me have a healthy blood pressure and not for a long while have to face the spectre of blood pressure drugs.

    Millions of people around the world have issues with their blood pressure. You and I could one day fall into that category. BUT surely it makes far more sense to see what natural foodstuff’s can help blood pressure as long as your levels are not so elevated that there is no other option. A friend of mine some years ago had a BP level of 220/110! The doctor immediately got him admitted to hospital and he had significant blood pressure drugs straight away. He remains on them to this day and although a fitness fanatic it just goes to show that it is not overweight, lazy looking people, who eat, drink and smoke who are vulnerable.

    I spent a lot of time finding out about foods and drinks that have been medically proven to help with high blood pressure and I have put together this book to try and educate and help you in order that along with the correct medical supervision, you can maintain a healthy blood pressure level for as long as possible.

    I am not a blood pressure oracle and you should ALWAYS consult your medical practitioner should you feel unwell, wonder whether these natural foods are really good for you and be aware of your allergies should you have any. VERY IMPORTANT.

    It’s perfectly ok to want to have healthy blood pressure and it IS achievable without the use of drugs in many cases. Before I share with you the really interesting foods and liquids that can naturally

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