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Ebook53 pages1 hour


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Elvis left the building a long time ago…

Liz's ex comes rolling back into town needing a place to couch surf. It isn't like she can say no to the father of her child, right?

And someone else took his place…

Jeremy has been engaged in the world’s longest long game. For thirteen years, he loved Liz and her daughter, but he never made a move. He waited... knowing eventually they'd find the right moment. When her ex-husband shows up, he realizes it is time to put up or shut up.

But now that Elvis is back, the rumors are flying.

The sparks fly and the gossip mouths are running…but will Liz find the love she has been waiting for or will the small town gossips destroy again?

Release dateAug 10, 2015

Virginia Nelson

Virginia Nelson likes knights in rusted and dinged up armor, heroes that snarl instead of croon, and heroines who can't remember to say the right thing even with an author writing their dialogue. Her books are full of snark, sex, and random acts of ineptitude--not always in that order.

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    Book preview

    Rumors - Virginia Nelson



    Elvis left the building a long time ago...

    Liz's ex comes rolling back into town needing a place to couch surf. It isn't like she can say no to the father of her child, right?

    And someone else took his place...

    Jeremy has been engaged in the world’s longest long game. For thirteen years, he loved Liz and her daughter, but he never made a move. He waited... knowing eventually they'd find the right moment. When her ex-husband shows up, he realizes it is time to put up or shut up.

    But now that Elvis is back, the rumors are flying.

    The sparks fly and the gossip mouths are running...but will Liz find the love she has been waiting for or will the small town gossips destroy again?


    Among the dumb choices in her life—of which there were many—marrying an Elvis impersonator in Vegas probably topped the list as the dumbest. All that she'd heard about what happened in Vegas staying there...lies, as far as she was concerned. Sure, the Elvis impersonator in question was a guy she'd known since high school, but still...

    Back then, to her still technically a teenager self, the idea of Vernon becoming a professional poker player in Vegas seemed exciting. Dangerous. Romantic. When that didn't work out and he'd found a gig pretending to be Elvis, it was still unique and special. He was living a life other than ordinary. It turned out, though, when life got all too real, he simply wasn't up for the job of pretending to be a man.

    And no one lived down being the girl who married an Elvis impersonator. Not where Liz lived. Small town Pennsylvania was good for one thing—gossip.

    Fast-forward to the present time and she still wished she could chat with her younger self and warn her. Or something. Instead, she found herself zinged back to the past because shithead returned to town. Slamming her car into park, Liz glared at the man standing outside her window. This better be good.

    His smile was nothing less than leering. You know I am good, baby. We had a few years solid of good and—

    Glaring at her ex-husband, Vernon—the Elvis impersonator—Liz let her lips turn up in a smile which said nothing about being happy and a whole lot about being threatening. For starters, I spent about four thousand dollars to stop having good times with you about a decade ago, Vernon. Call me baby again, and I'm gonna shove my foot up your ass sideways. Why'd you call me?

    Clearing his throat, he tried another route. A child needs her father, and I came back to—

    Liz made a loud buzzer noise before saying, Wrong answer, douche-nozzle. You can stop that line of bullshit right there. Don’t tell me, after seven years of running around doing everything to avoid child support and anything else considered remotely parental, you're having a sudden wash of caring for your child. How about you try again, sans bullshit?

    Lizzie, you don’t know how hard my life has been and—

    Smacking her steering wheel in frustration, she interrupted him. Vernon, if this is why you called me, I'm driving away and leaving you and your bag right here at the bus station. Then you can just plop your happy little ass on the next bus outta here, for all I care. I don’t want to hear about your life. Why would I? You certainly haven't cared about our lives for years.


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