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Camp Futa
Camp Futa
Camp Futa
Ebook47 pages55 minutes

Camp Futa

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Carl Derrickson is a small-time crook given a chance to leave his prison home for a scientific study helmed by an enigmatic and beautiful woman. As he and a selection of convicts explore the campgrounds they are taken to, Derrickson quickly realizes that something strange is happening at this camp, and he may be too close to escape!

The new story from Lyka Bloom contains gender bending heat and futa on futa fun! There's still time this summer for one more trip to camp!

PublisherLyka Bloom
Release dateAug 12, 2015
Camp Futa

Lyka Bloom

Lyka Bloom writes various forms of fiction, but erotica has become a new passion. She preferstransformations and games of control, and enjoys exploring all the perverse kinks bubbling beneath the surface of sexuality.

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    Camp Futa - Lyka Bloom


    by Lyka Bloom

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First Edition. August 12, 2015 at Smashwords.

    Copyright © 2015 Lyka Bloom

    Written by Lyka Bloom

    It ain't easy being a loser. Everyone seems to think that being a criminal makes you romantic or something, but the truth is that it's all just a bunch of crap. You grow up in a certain situation, lacking certain means to get by, and you give it enough time and somebody's gonna break the law. In my case, it was just some robberies. Small businesses, the ones that looked like they had the least resistance. You know, no alarms or cameras visible, the kinds of places you can smash into and get the hell out. Only I wasn't so lucky with the last one. Well, the last one I got caught breaking into.

    I'd been in and out of juvie for most of my teen years. Mom was working two jobs, Dad was a ghost by the time I could say my first words. I'm still young, still can't buy a real drink, but here I am in a grown-up prison, fifteen years stretched out ahead of me. I know I did it, broke the law I mean. But nobody ever stopped to ask why. I guess it's like the rest of life. Nobody gives a damn about you until they hafta.

    I've been inside for a year, now. It's not like the movies, and it's fairly low-security, not that I'd try to escape . Low security is still security, and I can shave a lot of years off my time if I keep my nose clean. Some of the older guys gave me some advice my first couple of months. Do whatever job they give you, they said. Passes the time.

    I did just that. Signed up for everything I could. Mail room, laundry room, mess hall, classes, medical exams, clinical trials, psychology studies, bingo caller, projectionist for the movies we watched on Friday nights. Whatever they were offering to get me out of my cell, I was game for it. I guess that's why it didn't seem so strange at first. It was just like any other assembly, except there were only a few of us and the warden, a lanky old guy named Willis. Oh, and Tonya. Can't forget her. She's important.

    Tonya Crane was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in person. Sure, you see models on television and magazine ads all the time, but until you're standing ten feet away from a woman like that and you can smell the flowery perfume and you get all warm and sweaty and freezing all at once when she looks at you... until you've been there, you can't understand. One of the psych studies I did was all about how you behave with authority present, and how you're more willing to do some heinous shit if it's ordered. This was kinda the opposite. Being this close to Tonya, I wanted to be perfect and good and upstanding, and I felt only shame for being another prisoner in the room with her, another guy in an orange jumpsuit with my number on the breast and a big D.O.C. stencil on the back. Yeah, I was some catch all right.

    I'm looking for some very special candidates, she said, Men who would like to put the mistakes of their past behind them. Warden Willis has recommended you six.

    I was transfixed by her lips, red and glistening with expensive makeup. I couldn't help but fantasize about touching those lips with mine, of feeling Tonya's body

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