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Lightship Chronicles Chapter 1: First Horizon
Lightship Chronicles Chapter 1: First Horizon
Lightship Chronicles Chapter 1: First Horizon
Ebook37 pages33 minutes

Lightship Chronicles Chapter 1: First Horizon

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Lightship Chronicles is a young adult adventure set on a mysterious world. Carpatia is a harsh desert land, but one with spectacular vistas and populated by two very different yet resilient people, the Carpati and the Bitani. Both believe in competing myths of their history. Myths of great ancient battles fought over by a clan of mysterious Sacred Warriors against magical Light-Fairies. Under the glowing warmth of their red-giant sun, it's easy for the Carpati to believe in their beautiful myths. They spend most of their long 36 hour days living a simple farming lifestyle in the Township built on the lower slopes of the mighty Table Mountain. The Bitani meanwhile rule over the Carpati from their futuristic city atop the massive pillar-like tabletop of a mountain, and have a very different, and quite mysterious perspective.
For the Carpati the only respite from the drudgery of their simple days are the monthly lightship races. The hovering lightships speed at more than 700kph over a 600km course that runs up the sides of mesas, through the canyons of the Crags, over the 10m waves of the Great Salt sea, over the Long Straight, the Dunes, and through the Eastern Hills and its many giant Baobab threes. It's a spectacular race unlike anything else and the favorite pastime of Andee and his little brother Mykee. Both dream of being lightship pilots while watching the race from their favorite hangout, the 1000m high Outcrop overlooking The Crags.

Join the adventure now, because this is growing into an epic tale years into the making. Visit for more in depth details of the race circuit, including images of the course, the outcrop, and the lightships.

PublisherZorin Florr
Release dateAug 15, 2015
Lightship Chronicles Chapter 1: First Horizon

Zorin Florr

A television and film screen writer now turned author, Zorin Florr has many creative projects under his belt. His strength is in character development and complex story lines with unpredictable twists and turns. If you are looking for a fast paced story, that reads off the page like a film in your mind, than read Florin's books.

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    Book preview

    Lightship Chronicles Chapter 1 - Zorin Florr

    Lightship Chronicles

    Book 1 : Sacred Warriors


    Zorin Florr

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please go to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For more info, images of the ships, and fun go to:

    Lightship Chronicles

    Book 1 : Sacred Warriors

    copyright©2015 Zorin Florr


    Well, we are not as smart as the Bitani.


    Then how come they have all the technology and money and we have nothing?

    Because... I don’t want to talk about it.

    All right, whatever, but my history teacher said that if it wasn’t for the Bitani we would have all died. They saved our civilization.

    Dude, are you seriously buying that nonsense!

    What nonsense? It’s history. Our civilization was being destroyed and the Bitani came and saved us.

    Is he Bitani?

    Carpati, as far as I know.

    Andee shakes his head defeated. So many of our people are brainwashed.

    Why? If it's not true how do you know? Mykee counters with a strong inquisitive look.

    Listen little brother. Things are complicated. You’re young. It’s better you not know for a while.

    Know what?

    The truth.


    You're still a kid. You should be a kid. You're 12 years old. No need for you...

    Yeah but I want to know.

    What good is it going to do you?

    I don’t know... but I know that I want to know.

    Ha, cute. And what are you going to do with that knowledge?

    Nothing. I’ll just know.

    Maybe another time.

    Why not now?

    Because we'll be late. You wan' a miss the lightship races?

    No. Are you really going to take me to the outcrop?

    Now that you're old enough, of course.

    All right then, lets go.

    Chapter 1 - First Horizon

    Carpatia's giant red sun takes up almost the entire western view as it inches towards the horizon, except where it's partially blocked by Carpatia's equally massive moon. At a quarter the size of the sun, it's certainly smaller but still a substantial mass in Carpathia's sky. Shrouded in a hazy cool blue with patches of green and white it stands out in cold contrast to the red hot sizzling surface of the large crimson sun. Each is moving in opposite directions. The sun setting, while the moon rising,

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