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The Ventalum Necklace chooses Crown Prince Mitchell as the new beneficiary of its valuable teleportation powers, but King Lance and General Beldair question Mitchell’s ability to control the powerful amulet.

Mitchell quickly finds himself in conflict with those leaders, a conflict exacerbated by the predatory sexual advances of he-man General Beldair. But Mitchell is infatuated with beautiful Monica Hamburg, the bearer of a magical phasing device.

A turbulent love triangle evolves. While emotional burdens ensue, Mitchell finds himself directing a war with a neighboring kingdom.

He must use both allies and supernatural forces to overcome his mighty adversaries.
Release dateAug 1, 2014

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    Book preview

    Chosen - Joy Brooks

    Chapter One

    Mitchell glanced at the mug of ale in his hand, then at the man standing over him. He sure hated to waste good ale, but slammed the mug against the man’s head anyway, sending him to the floor.

    As Mitchell had expected, his three companions grabbed him. They pulled him from his chair, but he was ready for them. He struck and connected with one of his adversaries’ jaw, then kicking out, shattered another’s knee. The man screamed and dropped his grip.

    Mitchell had only one assailant left to face now. The man swung, and Mitchell ducked. His attacker suddenly released him, sending him flying backwards.

    General Beldair. How did he find him so soon? He had only been gone from the palace a week.

    The man tried to get up, and General Beldair slammed his fist into him, knocking him cold.

    Everyone in the common room moved back from the tall, muscular, imposing figure. Not very many people had the courage to oppose Beldair. He sauntered over to Mitchell, stopping in front of him. Mitchell stood at six feet, but he still had to look up to meet Beldair’s brown eyes.

    Mitchell didn’t need any help. He was an excellent fighter, and Beldair should know this, since he had trained him. So, Father sent you after me again. I turned twenty-one years over six months ago. I think it’s about time for him to cut the apron strings.

    Beldair chuckled and ran a hand through his light-colored hair. I have been chasing you and bringing you back to the palace since you were twelve. I can tell you from experience, your father will never quit sending after you. You are his only son and heir. One of these days you will accept your lot in life, remain at the palace, and give him some peace. He sat and ordered ale from a hovering wench. Your two younger sisters don’t give him half the trouble you do.

    Mitchell dropped into a chair, following the wench’s exit with his eyes. That is because my mother doesn’t let them out of her sight.

    That’s true. Beldair sat back in his chair. I’m surprised those men you were fighting with didn’t recognize you.

    Not everyone knows me. It’s quite nice to be able to walk into an inn without being recognized.

    It’s not nice, because you are a magnet for trouble, and that could cause you to get hurt. It’s best that you reveal who you are.

    Mitchell raised his hand dismissively. "The only time I can have any fun is if citizens don’t know who I am."

    The wench returned to the table and set down Beldair’s ale. She glanced over at Mitchell and smiled.

    He smiled back warmly, meeting her eyes.

    The wench moved over to him and sat down in his lap.

    His hand went to her breast while his other arm circled her, pulling her close. He gazed at the wench, but spoke to Beldair. Get lost for a while.

    The wench ran her hands through Mitchell’s dark brown hair, leaning in to kiss him.

    My dear lady, Crown Prince Mitchell doesn’t have time for that. We must be on our way back to the palace.

    The wench’s lips stopped inches from Mitchell’s and she gasped. She jumped up, staring at Mitchell in surprise.

    Beldair downed his ale. Disappear, little lady.

    The wench scampered away.

    Mitchell turned cold eyes to him. What in hades was that about?

    It amazes me that no one in this place knows who you are. It surprises me even more that they still didn’t recognize you when a general from the King’s Guard approached you. I’m sitting here in my uniform, and they still don’t have a clue.

    Not everyone keeps abreast of the royals, and I suppose there are some people who don’t know a general from the King’s Guard. It sounds to me as if you are a bit ticked they didn’t recognize you. Now answer my question. Why did you call off the wench?

    Beldair stood. It is as I said, we need to be going. He held up his hand and a guardsman entered the inn, carrying clothes and a pair of boots. Go to your room and change clothes. You know the drill. Your father has said he doesn’t want you traveling the countryside dressed as a peasant. He stood back from the table and motioned for Mitchell to precede him.

    Mitchell didn’t move. Why don’t you sit back down and relax? I’m sure the wench has a friend.

    Do you want to change here, or do you want to go to your room?

    Mitchell sighed and stood. He didn’t want to end up on the floor with guardsmen holding him down and Beldair dressing him. It had happened before. He took the clothes and headed upstairs. To his annoyance, Beldair followed him. I don’t need help to change my clothes.

    I’m just making sure you don’t decide to climb out a window.

    Mitchell grimaced. He had planned to do just that. Entering his room, he said over his shoulder, It is mid-afternoon. Why don’t we stay the night and leave in the morning? That way I can invite that little wench up to my room. It will also give you a chance to have a little fun.

    Mitchell took off his boots and started unbuttoning his shirt.

    Beldair glared, his earlier frivolity gone. We are heading for the palace as soon as you have changed clothes. He blocked the door, standing only a couple of steps from the window. If he moved to go out of it, Beldair would have him. He was sure too, that the guardsmen outside his door would join in the fray. Not that Beldair needed any help. He was strong as an ox.

    Mitchell sat down to lace up his boots. When he was done, he fell back to the bed. What is the hurry? We can leave tomorrow.

    I’m going to give you to the count of five to walk out of here. After five, I will drag you out. I have over the years done that on occasion, so I’m sure you know I have no qualms about doing it again.

    Mitchell rose. You really are a pain in the ass.

    Beldair grinned. So are you.

    Mitchell stomped down the stairs to be greeted by gasp after gasp from the patrons. Beldair had his wish; he was recognized. The royal symbol on his clothes was there for all to see.

    He stepped out of the inn to find his dark gray stallion, Smokey, saddled. He hated his horse’s name, but his little sisters had named him, and he didn’t want to hurt their feelings. He mounted and followed Beldair out of the small town.

    At dusk, Mitchell dismounted. He meandered over to a tall pine and sat down, leaning back against it. It was a warm late summer night so he didn’t bother to make a fire. Beldair sat down near him, and Mitchell ignored him.

    Beldair broke the silence. You are a very handsome young man.

    Mitchell stared at him in surprise. What?

    It’s an observation.

    It’s not a normal observation.

    Why isn’t it?

    Men don’t tell other men in general conversation that they are handsome. I’m rather surprised those words came out of your mouth.


    It’s just not something that men blurt out.

    Some men do. I do.

    Since when? He shook his head. Never mind, it’s doesn’t matter. How in hades did we get on this kind of conversation? Mitchell looked up at the stars.

    It makes you uncomfortable to talk about other men?

    I think I made that clear.

    Beldair chuckled. It’s just that I find you quite attractive.

    Mitchell turned back to him. What in hades? This isn’t funny. I don’t know why you are trying to needle me, but I want you to stop. He turned his gaze back to the stars.

    I’m quite serious.

    Mitchell glanced back at him. Beldair’s voice had dropped, and he looked back at him in interest. Mitchell shook his head again. No. You are playing some kind of sick game, and I don’t appreciate it. I have known you since I was twelve years. I have seen you with women. I don’t know why you are trying to rile me, but stop it.

    There are some people who can go both ways, Mitchell.

    Mitchell took in a deep breath and let it out. You have had your fun at my expense. I don’t want to hear any more. What you are implying is sickening, so drop it.

    Beldair spoke, a hint of amusement in his voice. I watched you grow up. I was quite surprised to find that my fondness for you had grown into something else. When these feelings started to emerge, you had just turned nineteen years. I haven’t said anything because you were too young, but you are a grown man now. I know you enjoy being with women because I have seen that, but I have never seen you even look at a man, so the only way I could know for sure if you were also inclined to a different preference was to speak up.

    Mitchell glared at him.

    The amusement died in Beldair’s voice, and his eyes hardened. You are staring at me in disgust.

    Mitchell stood. I’m appalled. How dare you say these things to me? This is hard to believe. Look at you! You are the greatest warrior in the Palozi Kingdom. Citizens and soldiers alike fear you throughout the land. How can you sit there and tell me you are some…

    Beldair also rose. "I’m some what? You think just because I can bed a man as well as a woman that I am some freak, and therefore I can’t be the greatest warrior in the kingdom? I worked hard for that distinction. Just because I have different bedding preferences doesn’t mean I’m not a complete man!"

    I don’t care what you are. You just keep your depravity to yourself. Don’t you ever talk to me about this again! Better yet, I want you to stay away from me. When we get back to the palace, I want you to resign from my guard.

    Beldair stormed over to Mitchell and stood in front of him. There is no call for that. I have served you and your father faithfully for years. Your father doesn’t have a problem with me. His voice dripped ice.

    Mitchell’s eyebrows rose at that.

    Yes, your father knows. He sees me as an individual, and as a valuable member of his realm. He realizes that my bedding preferences have nothing to do with my ability to do my job. You said you don’t care what I am. What am I to you now? You should see me as you always have. The fact that you don’t makes me very angry! He took a step closer to Mitchell. You rebuffed my advances, and that’s all you had to do. The matter would have dropped. There is no reason for your derogatory words, or your disgust!

    Mitchell was surprised to see Beldair’s fist swing toward him. He didn’t have time to move. He flew backwards to the ground, dazed. Beldair grasped him by his jacket and swung again. He fell into unconsciousness.

    * * * * * *

    Mitchell groaned and opened his eyes. It took a minute for his mind to clear, and to remember what had happened. He was lying on the ground with his hands bound behind him. He sat up and tried to loosen the ropes.

    Beldair spoke. You are finally awake. You have been out several hours. I didn’t realize I hit you so hard. He leaned down toward him and grasped his arms, dragging him back to lean him against a pine tree.

    Mitchell recoiled. Why did you hit me, and why have you tie me up? Where are my weapons?

    I hit you because I was extremely angry, and still am. I took your words as a personal insult. What gives you the right to look down on me? You have always had respect for me, and learning of my preferences shouldn’t change that. I am the same man I have always been, and I expect you to treat me the same.

    Go to hades!

    Mitchell grunted at the backhand to his face.

    Beldair grasped him by his jacket and pulled him to his feet to press him up against the pine. "The reason I tied you up and why I took your weapons is because I’m going to teach you a lesson, and I prefer not to fight you while doing it. I may be the best in the realm, but you are certainly the second best. We would have had quite a brawl, and I’m not in the mood for it. I resent your haughty disdain, your disrespect, your disgust, and your derogatory words.

    You need to be brought down a peg or two, Prince Mitchell. You were repulsed at the thought of a man touching you, so I’m going to kiss you four times before we reach the palace. One time, for each of the four things you threw in my face. Maybe next time, if a man shows interest in you, you will be smart enough to just politely refuse and walk away.

    Mitchell’s eyes opened wide. He couldn’t be serious. Take your filthy hands off me!

    Beldair brought up a hand, entwining it in Mitchell’s hair. I’m going to take the first of the four kisses from you now. I’m not doing this because of the interest I have in you. I am doing it to humiliate you. You can’t expect to insult a man, at least not this one, and not pay the price for it.

    Beldair leaned in toward Mitchell, pressing his body against his.

    Mitchell’s heart pounded. He tried to turn his head away, but Beldair had a good grip on his hair. Don’t touch me! You perverted son of a bitch! He tried to pull back, but he only pressed into the tree more. He thought about bringing up his knee, but Beldair had one leg in between his.

    Beldair spoke against his lips. I will tell you what I’m willing to do. If you kiss me back, I will forget about the other three kisses. I’m sure you would be quite humiliated in doing that, and I would be satisfied with it. I would strongly suggest, though, that you don’t ever make any more disparaging remarks about me.

    Beldair’s lips met his, and Mitchell felt revulsion well inside him. He tried to twist away, but Beldair’s hold tightened even more, his tongue touching Mitchell’s closed lips, trying to pry them open. He opened his mouth in a gasp when Beldair pulled hard on his hair. Beldair’s tongue entered his mouth.

    Mitchell vomited.

    Beldair immediately pulled away, spitting on the ground. Damn it, boy! Your abhorrence sure as hades wasn’t an act on your part.

    Mitchell retched. When he was done, he threw up again. He felt a hand on his arm and jerked away. Don’t touch me!

    I only want to give you some water. I’m going to put a canteen to your lips.

    Mitchell stood straight and washed out his mouth. You son of a bitch, I’m going to kill you!

    You want to kill me over a damned kiss?

    You had no right to do that to me! That was repulsive! Now untie me!

    I got your feeling on that loud and clear. Sit down, and I suggest you don’t say any more, or I may get the idea that four kisses won’t be enough to teach you a lesson on decorum.

    You are dismissed from my guard. Get your gear and get out of here!

    Beldair sat down. I am under orders from your father to bring you home to the palace. At this point, he is the only one that can dismiss me, and I assure you, young prince, it will not happen. Your indignation about me kissing you will not weigh very heavy with him. If I did more than kiss you, it might be another story.

    Mitchell let out a growl of pure rage.

    Don’t worry. I have never forced myself on anyone, and I don’t intend to start with you. Now sit down.

    Untie me!

    No, not until you calm yourself.

    Mitchell sat and leaned against a tree. You said you never forced yourself on someone. What in hades do you call what you just did?

    I call it a lesson, and it comes in four parts; haughty disdain, disrespect, disgust, and derogatory words. You finished part one, haughty disdain. However, I really should make you retake that. That is the first time anyone has thrown up while I was kissing them. That was rather nasty.

    You want me to accept you and respect you for who you are, then do the same. Accept and respect the fact that I prefer women, and keep your hands off me!

    I do accept and respect the fact you prefer women. I have all intentions of leaving you alone after I get my satisfaction out of you. I don’t take kindly to being disrespected.

    Neither do I!

    If you disrespect and insult others, be prepared to be disrespected and insulted in return. Beldair lay back and closed his eyes. Get some sleep. I realize it’s not going to be easy sleeping tied up, but I can’t release you yet. As soon as everyone fell asleep, you would slip right past the night watch, causing me to have to chase you again. Goodnight.

    Mitchell lay back, seething. He got into a comfortable position and tried to loosen the ropes again. He wanted to get loose and strangle Beldair. Right now, he was angry enough that he could best him. He lay there a long time before he finally fell asleep.

    * * * * * *

    He woke to someone shaking him, and tensed when Beldair spoke. Wake up. We need to be on our way. I’m going to untie you, but if you make one move toward me, I will bind you again. Keep that in mind.

    Mitchell glared at him and before Beldair could stand from untying him, Mitchell landed a strong blow to his chin.

    Beldair fell backwards with a grunt. He sat up with a hand to his jaw. Are we going to fight this morning? I told you that if you made one move toward me, I would tie you up again. However, I realize you are angry, so I’m going to give you a break and say that was a free punch. If you swing at me again, though, we are going to have a brawl. If I take you down, I’m going to tie you up. If you take me down, the guardsmen will subdue you.

    Beldair motioned with his hand, and four dozen guardsmen ambled into their little camp. I figured you might be a little testy this morning, so I had these guardsmen standing by. Now, do you ride tied or untied?

    Captain, take General Beldair into custody.

    The Captain replied, I’m sorry, Prince Mitchell, but your father commanded that when we are bringing you back to the palace, General Beldair’s orders supersede yours.

    Mitchell glared at Beldair. You bastard! Give me back my damn weapons!

    No. Beldair stood. Let’s go.

    Mitchell wanted to beat Beldair to a pulp, but he knew Beldair wouldn’t fight him for two reasons. One, he wouldn’t give Mitchell the satisfaction and two, he wouldn’t get what he wanted. His only other option was to get away from Beldair. He knew him. Beldair didn’t make idle threats. Beldair would try to incapacitate him again so when he forced himself on him, Mitchell couldn’t do anything but suffer the humiliation. That’s what bothered him. He didn’t want to be in a vulnerable position as he was last night. The thought of Beldair touching him again made his skin crawl.

    Mitchell mounted Smokey, and the column moved out. He glanced around him, looking for avenues of escape. They were traveling in open country, and that was going to make it harder to slip away. As they traveled through the morning, Beldair sent glances his way, but didn’t speak.

    They stopped for a noon meal, and Mitchell dismounted to sit by himself.

    Beldair sat down beside him.

    He grimaced. I told you to stay away from me.

    Since you were twelve years, we have always eaten together and shared the same camp. I don’t see where things need to change now.

    Mitchell stared at Beldair in surprise. How can you say that? You drop this news about yourself on me and then when I don’t react as you think I should, you force yourself on me. You think I will forget that. You keep your damn hands off me!

    After I get my three remaining retribution kisses, I plan to do just that.

    Mitchell shot up and glared at him. You don’t have a right to retribution. So your damned feelings were hurt. Get over it!

    Beldair rose. There is more to this than just hurt feelings. Haven’t you listened to anything I have said? You have a life lesson to learn here, boy, and if I have my way, you will damn well learn it!

    You talk about retribution. If you touch me again, I will demand it as well. You keep that in mind. And who in hades gave you permission to teach me life lessons? Mitchell turned from him.

    On this particular matter, you did, when you looked and spoke to me as if I were dirt under your boot.

    Mitchell ignored him and strode away.

    Beldair grunted, and gave the call to mount up.

    Near dusk, the column pulled into the campsite and Mitchell dismounted. Suddenly guardsmen moved in and surrounded him. What in hades?

    The guardsmen parted, and Beldair strolled through toward him. I don’t want you taking those fast feet of yours and escaping this camp. We are only a few days from the palace and as I told you, I don’t want to have to chase you. As a precaution, I am going to tie you up again tonight.

    There is no need to tie me up. I guarantee you I am heading straight to the palace.

    We are your protection detail. It’s not a good thing for you to leave ahead of us. Beldair’s eyes never left him. Guardsmen, tie his hands behind him.

    Mitchell sent an uppercut to the jaw of the first guardsman to reach him. He knew what would happen to him if they bound him. He didn’t think Beldair would try this again so soon. He had hoped he would have at least a couple of days to attempt an escape. He couldn’t suffer that again.

    Mitchell punched and at the same time, kicked out. Guardsmen went down, but more piled in on him and grabbed him.

    No! Mitchell yelled, and continued to swing. Shear weight of numbers pressed him into Smokey’s side. Guardsmen turned him, then grabbed his arms, bringing them behind him. Let me go! Mitchell shouted frantically at them. Keep me in your camp tonight! Watch me there!

    Beldair stepped over to Mitchell. You will camp as you always have. He spoke to the guardsmen. Bring him.

    Chapter Two

    Mitchell pulled and twisted against the guardsmen. They entered a small clearing, and Beldair ordered, Sit him down and tie his feet.

    No! I demand you guardsmen take me to your camp!

    Mitchell squirmed and kicked, but the group as a whole pushed him to the ground. Some held him securely while other guardsmen bound his feet. When the guardsmen stood, Beldair dismissed them.

    Mitchell shouted, If you are not going to take me to your camp, some of you stay here! His heart was pounding, and he dropped his head in dread as the guardsmen walked away.

    Beldair spoke. Judging by your reaction, I guess you figured out why I really had you tied up. We are close to the palace, so I don’t have too many days to spare. I think it best if we go ahead and get lesson part two out of the way. This lesson is disrespect. Do you want your lesson tonight, or in the morning?

    Mitchell lifted his head and growled, Don’t touch me!

    Maybe as angry as you are, it would be best to get it over with. That way you can have tonight to simmer down.

    Beldair moved over to Mitchell and dropped to his knees. Mitchell tried to squirm away from him, but Beldair reached out and grasped his jacket.

    I think it best we do this before you eat. General Beldair took his other hand and put it to Mitchell’s shoulder. He leaned in with his body and pushed him to the ground.

    Mitchell screamed, No! You son of a bitch! He found himself on his back with Beldair on top of him.

    Beldair peered down at him. I know with your hands tied behind you they have to be pressing into your back. It can’t be very comfortable. I’m going to slide off you just a bit, so you can turn to your side a little. Beldair shifted, wrapping his arms around Mitchell and pulling him tight to him.

    Take your hands off me!

    I’m going to give you the same offer I did last night. You want this to end, kiss me back and I will forget the last two kisses. I'm going to tell you again, I am only doing this to humiliate you. It has nothing to do with my interest in you. If I acted from interest, it would be quite different.

    Mitchell growled, turning his head. Beldair moved a hand and grasped a handful of Mitchell’s hair, tugging his head back around. His head descended, and Beldair’s lips met his. Beldair gave a hard yank of his hair and when Mitchell gasped, Beldair’s tongue entered

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