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Hot Spring Nights at the Ladies Club
Hot Spring Nights at the Ladies Club
Hot Spring Nights at the Ladies Club
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Hot Spring Nights at the Ladies Club

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As a busy junior doctor Miranda finds it hard to stay awake when she's off-duty, let alone have a meaningful relationship. Her friends, all members of the Ladies Club, decide to give Miranda something to make staying awake a really worthwhile pursuit. Enter Randy, a local cowboy with more than roping steer on his mind.

Randy's appetite allows Miranda to discover a capacity for staying awake she never knew she had, but is Randy just in it for the ride?
What happens when a member of the Ladies Club becomes too attached to her hired stud? Will Miranda accept reality, shrug, and move on, or will she rope her man and pin him down?

Release dateMar 30, 2015
Hot Spring Nights at the Ladies Club

Susan Stephens

Romance with heart, heat and red-hot men, written by author addicted to all of the above.USA TODAY best-selling author Susan Stephens has captivated readers worldwide, selling over 10 million copies of her books. Susan’s stories have been translated into 26 languages, reaching readers in 109 countries. this year, Susan celebrates a remarkable milestone with the publication of her 100th book.Living in Yorkshire, England, Susan is surrounded by a large, loving family—a delightful surprise for someone who grew up as an only child. Her passion for storytelling and family shines through in every page she writes, inviting you to share in her vibrant world.NEW short-reads series: ACOSTAS RAW: RODEOBEAU 1# Release date 26th JulyComing soon 2# COLT 3# BLAKENew FATED BY FIRE series. Anthology, 3 HIGHLAND DRAGON ROMANCES with Angelique Armae and Carole Mortimer available for pre-order now. Release date June 28th1# TORRAN (September 2024 will be Susan's 100th book) 2# ACTON coming soonBLOOD AND THUNDER series: Dangerous women. Hard men. Ferocious passion.ALEXEI. coming soonBooks 1-4 BLOOD AND THUNDER available as a box set

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    Book preview

    Hot Spring Nights at the Ladies Club - Susan Stephens

    Hot Spring Nights At The Ladies Club:

    Miranda’s Story

    By Susan Stephens

    Copyright © 2015 Susan Stephens

    ISBN: 978-1-910604-08-3 eBook Mobi

    ISBN: 978-1-910604-09-0 eBook ePub

    Contemporary Romance

    Published by Susan Stephens

    Cover Design by GlassSlipperWebDesign

    Formatting by GlassSlipperWebDesign

    Copy for the couple on the cover is held by Shutterstock

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real.

    All Rights Reserved.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, please contact the author at:

    Chapter One

    The child was propped upright on the hospital bed, with her arms stretched out as stiff as sticks, her nobbly fists planted on the bed so she could lift her chest in the unnatural shape of a bow in the hunt for air. Miranda had recognized the little girl from the child’s previous visits to the emergency room. Asthma could be unpredictable, but the child had never deteriorated so rapidly before.

    Keeping her concerns from the stricken mother, Miranda was watchful, knowing the right drugs and oxygen could work fast too. If the child stabilized as quickly as she hoped, she would discuss any adjustments to her maintenance program with the mother, and so prevent this sort of situation from occurring again.

    I won’t leave you until this crisis is over, Miranda promised, knowing there would be a long bedside vigil ahead. I’ll follow up on your daughter’s case personally to make sure she receives the right treatment—

    She will recover?

    The anguish in the mother’s face silenced Miranda. She couldn’t lie. The truth was, she couldn’t be absolutely sure. The condition can be controlled, and you brought her in right away, she soothed. That’s good. You’re doing everything right, and I’m going to be with you every step of the way—

    Miranda turned around as one of her colleagues poked her head around the door.

    Sorry to interrupt, but there’s a call for you, Miranda... from the club?

    Can you put all my calls on hold, please?

    You missed another date, apparently?

    Yes. Tennis. Miranda’s gaze sharpened as she realized who was calling. It’s not important. No one at the hospital knew about the Ladies Club, and that wouldn’t change, if she could help it. Don’t worry, I’ll call later to apologize and explain.

    What are we going to do about Miranda? Jane, the founder of the Ladies Club, asked her fellow members with concern.

    Jane was still the most serious of the group in spite of landing a young billionaire when she had gone looking for distraction, so when Jane was concerned, the other members of the club put down their Mojitos and paid attention. Jane had changed their lives for the better when she formed the club, and she always had something worthwhile to say.

    I vote we get her laid, Tracey WAG—so called because of her high-profile footballer husband—volunteered as she examined her freshly painted manicure. All work and no play, etc.

    That is why I founded the club, Jane agreed. "Any ideas on how we can get her laid? Jane ignored Tracey’s apparent selfish disinterest because she knew how unhappy Tracey was. As Tracey would put it, her arrogant, self-serving, ‘pencil-dick’ husband wasn’t doing the job, as he was more interested in the new, young Italian signing at his club. ‘No mirror time’, Tracey had explained blithely, not realizing that her friends had seen the hurt in her eyes. He takes an age to prep his face—and that’s just for training. What chance do I have?"

    Tracey’s brittle laugh couldn’t hide the fact that her woes went a lot deeper than makeup. Knowing this, her friends made allowances.

    We’d have to find Miranda both awake and not at work, blond-haired Jewel observed frowning, And that could be a problem.

    Yes, it could, Jane agreed, searching the faces of the group for inspiration.

    She’d get none from Jewel, who was still recovering from a night of hot sex with her recently acquired young law enforcement officer. Jane guessed Jewel was thinking more about getting back to Tom than attempting to solve one of life’s seemingly insoluble problems: Miranda’s non-existent love life. All of them had come to believe that Miranda had joined the Ladies Club with the best of intentions, but while she was still welded to her job working as a junior doctor at the local hospital, there was no time for Miranda to find a man, and not much hope of them finding one for her, either, which was the prime purpose of the Ladies Club.

    Arabella, who preferred to rely on astrological predictions when it came to dealing with life, spoke up next. Ironically, the stars were never kind to Arabella. Mercury appeared to be constantly in retrograde in Arabella’s chart, though that had never dented her optimism. We’ll never derail Miranda from her duty, and we shouldn’t try. As a brilliant junior doctor, Miranda has so much to offer—

    At the expense of having a life, footballer’s wife Tracey agreed. She’ll be in a retirement home before she gets a decent sex life at this rate.

    I’ve heard that many a love affair has developed between seniors, Jewel put in with a sniff, feeling her age after yet another delicious star-studded night of no sleep with her much younger lover.

    Thank you for that observation, Jewel, Jane said gently, throwing

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