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Bedroom Short Stories for Discerning Adults, Vol 1
Bedroom Short Stories for Discerning Adults, Vol 1
Bedroom Short Stories for Discerning Adults, Vol 1
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Bedroom Short Stories for Discerning Adults, Vol 1

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They don’t jump from chandeliers or go to the nearest dungeon. Their everyday lives wouldn’t raise anybody’s eyebrows ...
Meet Chelsea and Darren, who don’t deprive themselves of doing what they want and can’t resist the lure of the forbidden in the form of an ‘intergenerational tryst’. Sabrina reclaims her erotic self and comes to terms with an old rivalry with her only sister—but must endure shock, pain and loss first. Linda is a high achiever who lives her life in terms of objectives and timeframes until she gets what she wants the moment she experiences a stroke of serendipity—but must keep the secret all to herself. Karina is unhappily married to boorish Adam and confronts her own reality by becoming involved with two men who are off-limits. Rudy and Leah celebrate their first wedding anniversary and decide to open up their marriage, with unforeseen results for both.
“Bedroom Short Stories For Discerning Adults” feature moments of erotic intensity in the lives of characters that could be your next-door neighbours. They go to work, run their businesses and have their usual moments of relax and recreation. For some of them, the unexpected moments of erotic release they experience come at a cost; for some others the result is a net gain. All of them experience a jolt and their lives will never be the same.

Release dateAug 19, 2015
Bedroom Short Stories for Discerning Adults, Vol 1

FF Jensen

Behind my pseudonym...I’m an Argentinian-born Australian writer. From a very early age, I developed a keen interest in creative writing, both in English and in Spanish. I’m the proud mum of an adult daughter, and I live with my partner and three gorgeous black cats.I’ve got a degree in ESL (English as a Second Language) and English studies. I’m also a NAATI-certified English-Spanish translator (National Accreditation Authority For Translators And Interpreters Ltd, Australia). I’ve also completed a Diploma in Web Development at TAFE NSW (Technical And Further Education New South Wales), Wentworth Falls, NSW, Australia.My work experience is diverse: I’ve worked teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) and ELE (Español Como Lengua Extranjera; Spanish As A Second Language); as an English–Spanish / Spanish–English translator; a graphic and web designer, and as an IT trainer and technical writer.Phew! What else?I’ve also been an aikido student and became an aikido first dan with the American Aikido Federation. I’m a keen pursuer of fitness-related activities and believe in mindfulness and meditation as a tool for self-development.

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    Book preview

    Bedroom Short Stories for Discerning Adults, Vol 1 - FF Jensen

    Bedroom Short Stories

    for Discerning Adults

    Volume 1

    by FF Jensen

    This is an IndieMosh book

    brought to you by MoshPit Publishing

    an imprint of Mosher’s Business Support Pty Ltd

    PO BOX 147

    Hazelbrook NSW 2779

    Copyright 2015 © FF Jensen

    All rights reserved

    Cover design and layout: FF Jensen

    Cover image credits: iStock by Getty Images.

    Disclaimer: The people on the cover artwork are models and they are used for illustration purposes only.

    Licence Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. All rights reserved.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    ‘Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go it’s pretty damn good.’

    - Woody Allen

    I. The Swap

    ‘Sometimes you don't even know what you want until you find out you can’t have it.’

    —Meghan O’Rourke, The Long Goodbye.

    Friday evening, at about 5pm

    ‘Chelsea is late again,’ thought her mother Vivianne, somewhat annoyed. Her daughter would always call or text her if she was running late, though. As she had promised, Chelsea should have been home half an hour earlier in order to cook dinner for the two of them and for Darren, her boyfriend of five months. Vivianne shrugged her shoulders. Through her bedroom window, she noticed that Darren had already parked his car and was walking up the footpath towards the house.

    Vivianne stared at her own image in a full-length mirror and remembered the day that Chelsea had introduced Darren at a dinner party. She had whispered to her mother, ‘He’s the one,’ and Vivianne had looked at her daughter, half-unimpressed and half-amused. Chelsea was only eighteen years old and about to start her university studies, so there was a very distinct possibility that there would be a few ‘ones’ in the years ahead. Richard, Chelsea’s father, wrote in an email to Vivianne:

    He’s ‘the one’… for now ;-)

    Richard and Vivianne had divorced on amicable terms a year and a half before, and since then Vivianne had devoted herself to her work and to making sure that Chelsea did not suffer the way she had suffered when her parents divorced on very acrimonious terms. Vivianne also had a son, Max, who was nearly twenty-five years old and living on the other side of the world. Chelsea was all she had, and she wanted to make sure her daughter stayed out of trouble. She had plans and ambitions for her and she would be mightily disillusioned if Chelsea did not toe the line.

    While she was immersed in her thoughts, Darren rang the doorbell, and Vivianne rushed downstairs to open the front door.

    ‘Hi, Vivianne, how have you been?’ he asked.

    ‘Not too bad … Waiting for Chelsea … I don’t know why she’s running late …’

    Darren snorted.

    ‘I have no idea what could’ve delayed her … Nothing. She could’ve SMS’d me. Do you mind if I keep you company while we wait?’ he asked.

    ‘Be my guest … Drink? I’m afraid I’ve only got some cabernet sauvignon … and a few bottles of pale ale in the fridge,’ she said. ‘Should’ve bought some more stuff … but Chelsea promised she’d buy some more on her way back.’

    ‘No problems, pale ale is fine for me,’ said Darren with a seductive grin.

    Vivianne melted inside. She had always found him very handsome, but while she thought her son Max was a head turner, Darren did not exactly stir her in a motherly sort of way. Resolutely, she pushed that thought away.

    ‘Follow me to the kitchen; we can then go to the backyard with our drinks …’

    Was it her imagination, or had Darren fixed his gaze on her breasts? She was wearing an aqua, low-cut maxi dress with a strapless push-up bra that created the illusion of cleavage. Darren was conventionally dressed in tight blue jeans and a pale blue shirt that accentuated his well-toned muscles. He appeared to be freshly showered and shaven. Vivianne caught a whiff of his perfume, which reminded her of a very attractive colleague of hers. The fragrance not only hit her nostrils, but also her neural connections, and the effect struck her like a thunderbolt.

    Once in her open plan kitchen, she took two bottles of pale ale out of the fridge.

    ‘Here, let me open them,’ volunteered Darren.

    Instead of going out, they both sat down on high stools at the neat breakfast table. Vivianne had to control herself from touching Darren’s fingertips when she gave him the bottle of beer.

    ‘I’m here to negotiate with you,’ started Darren. ‘Chelsea says you don’t allow any sleepovers under your roof. We’d like to get you to change your mind.’

    Vivianne was caught off guard and lowered her gaze. She took an involuntary glimpse of Darren’s bulge in between his legs and made an effort at refocusing.

    Trying to look him straight in the eye, she simply said, ‘The two of you can do whatever you want at your place, of course. I understand you live on your own … But here it’s a different story.’

    ‘I don’t live on my own. I live with my dad, but he’s seldom in. He’s a travelling photographer … He happens to be back home these days, but not for long …’

    Vivianne let out a short laugh.

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