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The Intelligent Gangster 1
The Intelligent Gangster 1
The Intelligent Gangster 1
Ebook191 pages5 hours

The Intelligent Gangster 1

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Being homeless on these streets isn't a good thing to Dan, when he comes from a wealthy home of good foster parents. After the death of his parents, and forced to live on his own, He learned quick and fast how to maneuver through the streets full of killers and crooks, (vultures.) He gets himself into trouble with a known street gang "The Leopards" for dipping in nation business. Guess what happens, when him and his friends go the extra mile just to eat on these street?

PublisherS. L. Davis
Release dateAug 27, 2015
The Intelligent Gangster 1

S. L. Davis

Sherman Davis, S.L. Davis AKA. Twinoganza is an american underground Hip hop artist, songwriter, producer, beat maker, poetry, author, artwork cover, soap maker, painter and t-shirt designer (the list goes on.) from Chicago, Illinois.

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    The Intelligent Gangster 1 - S. L. Davis

    The Intelligent Gangster





    By: S. L. Davis

    The Intelligent Gangster


    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual establishments, or persons, is coincidental.

    The Intelligent Gangster. Copyright © 2014 by S. L. Davis. All rights reserved.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portion thereof in any form whatsoever.

    Cover design by S. L. Davis

    The Intelligent Gangster



    Copyright Notice

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15


    The Intelligent Gangster


    Rise and shine, people!, one of the shelter employees by the name of John, yelled to the homeless as the lights turned on. John was a skinny white guy with long hair. you have to go!, Sam the security yelled. Sam was a black, tall, heavy build guy with a bald head. He worked full- time as a traffic cop and part- time security at the shelter.

    Everyone woke up, some stretched, thanked God for a hot meal, a good nights sleep and another day on earth. As the room was starting to get cleared, Sam noticed the two beds in the corner was still filled and lumpy. He approached the two beds shaking his head and mumbling under his breath that damn Lyric and Danny. Sam began to yell,

    C'mon guys! as he kicked the ledge of both beds. man, why do ya'll always do this to me? Sam asked.

    Dan! Lyric!

    Dan! Lyric! he yelled again, but there was no response, So he did what he would always do every morning when he worked his shift. John yelled over to sam, be careful man, don't hurt them!

    I won't, homie. Sam said with a devilish grin. Sam used his muscular, two- hundred pound body to pick one of the beds up, tilting it, knocking Dan onto the bed Lyric was sleeping on. Dan jumped up screaming with his fist guarding his face ready to punch sam. Dan was half woke and half sleep not knowing what was going on. At this point, lyric too jumped up and started yelling also, Sam laughed and heard John laughing as he left the sleeping area. Sam then asked Dan and Lyric, man, why ya'll do this to me everytime? Dan and Lyric just laughed.

    Man, we're sorry, It's hard to wake up in this place, Dan said.

    Yeah, It's so comfortable here and ya'll treat us so good that we don't want to leave, Lyric added. Dan laughed and said, yeah, ya'll feed us so good here. Sam giggled and said, yeah, but now we have to kick ya'll out, and I hate that... If this was my place I would let the people stay.

    Nodoubt. Dan said. As him and Lyric gave Sam a dap and a handshake.

    Alright Sam, see you later bro. Lyric and Dan said as they left the sleeping area. while passing Sam's desk in the hall, they saw John cleaning out the restrooms next to the sleeping area, both Dan and Lyric went up to John, gave him dap and a handshake. they both thanked him for holding the door for them last night.

    The shelter went under a new policy, after a certain time, no one was allowed in. John laughed saying, man, no problem, we had two beds left and I will try my best to hold them for you two whenever I'm here.

    Thanks and good looking out. Lyric said.

    Alright, see you guys later, come on time tonight because I'm off tonight, Ya'll don't want to get here late and they turn ya'll around. Dan and Lyric looked at each other and started laughing...

    We will make it, Dan said, as they left the restroom area.

    They took the left staircase saying to each other we got money to make while giving each other dap.

    Don't we dan? Lyric asked while looking at Dan shaking his head. Dan looked at Lyric and shook his head saying man don't mess this up. Lyric was known for messing up a smooth plan, he would always get too excited or too violent.

    As they walked out the door, A thick white woman with a nice shape body and healthy looking was standing outside of the shelter waiting on Dan and Lyric, like always. her booty was so big that everyday she caught the attention from all homeless men standing outside of the shelter. It was like that everywhere she went. men would just look at her body like drowling dogs that's ready to eat a home cooked meal.

    Sonya! are you ready! Dan and Lyric yelled as they gave her high five.

    Hell yeah. Sonya said.

    Sonya and Dan was best friends since they were five years old, She only known Lyric a little over three years now. whom she met through Dan. Dan known Lyric for six years now. Dan and Lyric met each other at the shelter. They had so much in common that they both connected with each other instantly. Sonya, Dan and Lyric was like family to each other, they shared everything from clothes to food and had each others backs no matter what. Dan, Lyric and Sonya started to walk up the busy street filled with the homeless.

    Ya'll ready to get this paper? Dan asked as he skipped up the street.

    oh yeah! Lyric and Sonya replied.

    Well I hope ya'll slept good, Dan said.

    yeah! Lyric yelled.

    I never sleep good, Sonya said.

    Sure you don't Sonya, Dan blurted.

    Let's get some breakfast to eat, Sonya said, while rubbing her stomach.

    Sonya grabbed a pack of transit cards out of her pocket that she got from an old lady yesterday at the bus stop. She passed some to Lyric and Dan as they headed toward the subway, both Lyric and Dan laughed.

    Damn Sonya, I thought you sold these yesterday? Dan asked. Sonya laughed, saying, No, I sold something else. with a smile and calm voice. Lyric laughed saying,

    What, your body? while looking at her big butt. Dan laughed.

    No! ... The mouth ... I don't let men handle my vagina. Lyric looked, shook his head then said, How the hell do you make money from your mouth and not your vagina? Dan laughed again, as him and Lyric said together, your're a half assed hooker.

    I'm not a hooker! Sonya yelled.

    Sure you're not, Lyric said while giggling. Sonya was no hooker they all played around with each other like that.

    The three walked down the stairs of the crowded subway and headed straight toward the turnstiles where it was lines full of patient people waiting to pay their fare and board the city train. They began to slip the transit cards into the turnstile machine, The light turned green. Lyric rubbed his hands together saying I love this... how we can just pay our fare and go through the gates. He was excited. Dan and Sonya looked at each as they walked through the fare gates.

    Yo! Lyric, stop tweeking, bro. Dan said as he shook his head.

    Lyric, why do you always do that when we go somewhere? Sonya asked.

    Calm down, Lyric. Dan said, in a calm voice.

    Man, ya'll just don't know, I feel good every time I leave out of this damn city, I hate it here. Lyric said as he calmed down.

    Yeah, but when you get too excited like this, something bad always happens. Sonya said.

    We don't need the attention on us right now, bro. Dan said, while shaking his head.

    It's a cool, bloomy morning and we're going to do what we do and get back here. Sonya added.

    Ok, mom and dad. Lyric said as he shook his head. Lyric was like a big kid. Dan and Sonya always had to put him in his place before they went somewhere. They could never figure out why he always got excited when they left the city. All eyes would be on them everytime he acted like that, and Dan didn't want that attention today.

    They walked down more stairs to get to the train, Dan and Lyric called the tunnel. Trains ran on opposite sides, They had the option to go north or south but today Sonya picked south. They waited on the train to arrive like everyone else, with people that had jobs, going to school, People that didn't have jobs and nothing to do.

    Damn we look like the only ones with nothing going on. Lyric blurted to Dan and Sonya.

    Yeah right, I bet you most of these people on here have nothing to do. The last time I checked the economy was shot, It's hard out here, bro. Dan said.

    Looks can be deceiving. Never judge a book by it's cover. I bet most of these people don't have a job, a pot to piss in, and a window to throw it out of. Sonya said, with a smirk on her face. Dan and Sonya pointed out a few people that might not have a job. Dan pointed at an old man.

    Look at him, He's in a wheelchair, Does it look like he have a job to you? Dan asked in a low tone that only Sonya and Lyric could hear. Sonya then pointed at a pretty young lady with tight pants on, Look at her, She sells her booty. I bet you she do." Dan and Lyric laughed out loud, People started to look their way but only the three knew what was funny. They waited on the train in a corner, cracking jokes among the crowded people.

    The train arrived after eight minutes of their wait. alright, here we go. Dan said. Lyric rubbed his hands together and refrained himself from getting excited again.

    Ya'll know the ropes. If anything happens, We will meet back here at seven'o clock. I will wait here until eight. Dan said to Sonya and Lyric silently. Sonya and Lyric nodded their heads to what dan was saying, Taking his orders serious.

    Let's try to make it to the shelter on time tonight, Dawg.

    I got cha big homie. Lyric said as he gave Dan dap.

    They were the last ones to get on the crowded train. Around this time in the morning, The trains are always packed, So packed, that you have to squeeze through people just to get by. Alot of people got off. Alot of people gt on. One man offered his seat to Sonya while staring down at her butt. Lyric peeped the perverted guy.

    Damn, you always get a seat cause of your big butt. Lyric said while he giggled.

    Thank You! Sonya said to the man as she sat down.

    No, he's a gentleman unlike you. Sonya added.

    Ha! Coward. Lyric mumbled about the man. The older man told Lyric You got to have respect for the women. Young Buck.

    Yeah, Little One. Have some respect for the women. Dan agreed and said.

    Be a gentleman, Lyric. Sonya said as she rolled her head left to right.

    As the ride got longer, The seats got empty. Dan stood against the pole as he watched Sonya and Lyric sleep. Lyric had laid on Sonya thick soft thighs making a pillow out of them. Dan smiled as he seen Lyric's little body stretch out onto the four seater and Sonya head rocking back and forth as she snored on and off. Dan wanted to sleep too, but couldn't, He knew the minute he sat down he would fall asleep and miss out. It was a saying that his foster parents always told him: 'People that sleep always misses out on things.'

    Dan stood against the pole thinking about his foster parents and how they have taken good care of him. They loved him, even though he was the only black child in the family. They died of old age, a little over eight years ago. They left Dan with nothing. He ended up being homeless and on the streets. The rich family left all of their will to their closeest relatives. Dan never wanted anything from his foster parents, He was just glad that they had taken him in to be their kid, and that was more than enough. He was grateful and lucky to be part of a nice family and have a mother and father that loved him.

    The Intelligent Gangster


    The train ride went further toward the suburbs, leaving the outskirts of the city. The next stop was their stop. when Sonya said Let's go south, Dan knew exactly where she was talking about. The train ride was an hour long that felt like forever. The train stopped at Hamptinn street. Dan woke Sonya and Sonya woke Lyric. As they got up, Lyric wiped his eyes and mouth saying, "that

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