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Reminders From Heaven Volume II: Volume II
Reminders From Heaven Volume II: Volume II
Reminders From Heaven Volume II: Volume II
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Reminders From Heaven Volume II: Volume II

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Reminders From Heaven is comprised of two volumes. Volume One is Spiritual Awareness. It offers answers to the big questions in life to deeply ponder, and leads the reader to an awareness of the Spirit within us all. Volume Two is for those seeking a full spiritual awakening - a rebirth into the Kingdom of Heaven.   Both volumes bring tremendous peace and insight into the differences between Heaven and this earth. They are designed to be your constant companions wherever you go. You can open to any page and receive a heavenly reminder that will help you to stay in, or return to, the full presence of your Inner Spirit. Try it for yourself, and see how a perfect reminder and message of love, light, and truth are always there as you need them.
Release dateJul 6, 2015
Reminders From Heaven Volume II: Volume II

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    Reminders From Heaven Volume II - Reminders From Heaven Publishing

    Reminders From Heaven

    Volume II

    Reminders From Heaven Publishing

    Copyright © 2015 by Reminders From Heaven Publishing

    Publish Green

    322 1st Avenue North, Fifth Floor

    Minneapolis, MN 55401


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-63413-634-1

    Table of Contents

    Cover Page






    All Bible passages are from the KJV unless marked World English Bible - Scriptures quoted from The Holy Bible (KJV), King James Version, are in the public domain and the World English Bible are in the public domain.

    A Course In Miracles is in the public domain.

    The I AM Discourses Volume 3 is in the public domain.

    You are a perfect, spiritual, infinite, eternal, heavenly being within. At the surface level, you have a free will conscious awareness that experiences in the realm it is focused on. This allows you to experience in a realm outside of Heaven. With the gift of free will awareness, you can experience anything in the universes. It does not change who you are as a spiritual being within. You can experience who you are as a spiritual being, by quieting the outer awareness and taking your presence within. This proves who you really are. It always brings you the fruit of the Spirit. You are always one with all life within.

    It is only in the illusionary, temporary, lower energy vibration levels of the human ego on earth that we are blinded to the truth of who we are. Our awareness takes us into the human consciousness so deep that we believe we are human. This is the purpose of this visit to earth. We are here to experience another world. It is in some ways similar to the Adam and Eve story. We lived in the paradise of Heaven in oneness with God, and chose to experience outside of that oneness for a brief moment in eternity. This is the beautiful gift of free will. We can even experience free will separated from God if we choose. There are no limits to our experiences, but no matter where we go to experience, the Kingdom of God is always within us. This always keeps us safe, and makes sure we stay who we are as spiritual children of God. Nothing can ever hurt or harm Spirit in any way.

    We often go so far into the illusion of darkness, that we need a spiritual lifeline to grab onto and walk back into the light of reality. I needed that lifeline myself to return from deep darkness. I experienced the fullness of a large variety of the ego paths on earth. No matter how exciting they were at first, in time they all led to disappointment, despair, and self (human self) hatred. Thankfully, I had a prompting to call out to God for help and answers. These help and answers brought me truth and light, which led to these reminders from Heaven.

    The same truth and process I was given to spiritually awaken from the darkness is included in this book. It cannot be understood at the surface level of ego. It requires the stilling of the outer ego world and meditating on the truth, following it to its source in the spiritual realm.


    Let's start by finding a quiet place to meditate. Still your outer thoughts and feelings. Focusing on your breath in and out is very helpful to calm your presence. Once you are ready, see and feel the light that is the life force of God within all life. See it flowing everywhere. Now see and feel yourself as that light.

    Meditate on these reminders from Heaven. You are an individualization of God's Light and Love. You can experience allness (being one with all), or you can experience being a rock. You can experience being in the infinite heavens, or this limited earth. You can experience full awareness, or you can experience being blocked from the light. But who you are never changes. You are always the Light of God by creation. This is what it means to be created in God's Image.

    The awakening process is feeling your conscious awareness move from the darkness of dreaming to the light of reality. You change your identity from being a human on earth to being spiritual from Heaven. You are a being of Light. You are everywhere at once. You are one with God and all as Light. This is how God and Jesus are always with us. This is how we are all one. We are all the same light energy. Feel deeply within that you are the Light of God. Be that Light and feel it spread everywhere. Lose all sense of being anything physical. Rise above this earth and see it from a distance. Feel how peaceful and joyous it is. Soar with the Light. It is freedom.


    Within the Light of God is Divine Love, the Holy Spirit, the Christ consciousness, and Heaven. They are all one and the same. Quieting the outer self, meditating, and turning our attention inward to the Inner Light will show us the love, light, and truth we have been seeking. We will feel and be our Selves again.


    Oneness means we all share the same Spirit of God by creation.


    On earth, we experience the full range of awareness, from total darkness (no belief in God or Spirit), to a full awakening, and the return to Heaven. We are all at different stages of awareness in our life experiences, but the end is always the same: We awaken and return home to the Heaven within.


    God is Love and Light. We are all individualizations of God's Love and Light with individual consciousness and free will. This allows us to always be and stay in the Light, as we choose to experience free will outside of Heaven. We are explorers from Heaven learning to better understand God and who we are by creation.


    As we move towards the Inner Light, we feel more of its warmth, love, peace, and joy in our awareness. The key to awakening is to continue moving our awareness towards Heaven, and away from the things and ways of this earth. Half-hearted, partial, or occasional attempts will bring some temporary peace, but as we move our awareness back to the world, this too will go away.

    We need to keep moving towards Heaven without looking to the sides or backwards. We keep our eyes focused on the prize of Heaven at all times.


    We can be aware of the Spirit within, but to fully awaken to being Spirit again, we must give up our attention on the constant dramas in our lives. To go and stay within, we must choose to leave the outer world behind.


    Why are humans rarely content, peaceful, and joyous for long?

    When we are in the human awareness, things are always going wrong, have gone wrong, and will go wrong. It is the realm of: disappointments, confusion, loneliness, judgments, accidents, tragedies, emptiness, isolation, cruelty, fear, stress, worry, guilt, sorrow, illness, and death. There can be no lasting peace in the human realm.

    In the spiritual realm, there is nothing to fear or worry about. There is no lack, no fear, no worry, no judgments, no sickness, no death, no sorrow. We are always at peace and eternally safe living in God's Heavenly Love. This is how all in Heaven are at peace no matter what is going on in this world. This is the peace we have inside us.

    Thank God that we are created as spiritual beings to share Heaven forever. Thank God that we are not human beings. Thank God the human realm is not our eternal home. This truth cannot be overemphasized. It leads to our awakening as we fully accept what it means. It is the truth that sets us free to be our spiritual selves again.


    We are all in essence, light energy. Science has proven that. Just feeling ourselves as infinite light energy will bring feelings of freedom and joy. Knowing that we are light energy experiencing wherever we focus our attention, we can see that we have the free will choice to experience anything on earth. If we focus on only Divine Love long enough, that is all we will experience. If we focus on anger, fear, guilt, or other ego emotions, we will experience them as well.

    Most of us spend our time splitting our energy into many different directions as we constantly change our thoughts and focus. This takes away from the light's power, and keeps us in an emotional, reactionary, ego realm. When we realize that giving our attention to what we don't want creates exactly that, we learn to only send our energy to Love. As we send our energy to Divine Love, It expands, heals, blesses, perfects, purifies, and enlightens our life and world.

    Any forms of judgment or human emotion direct our energy outside of Love. This is why Jesus teaches us that if we love God and one another with all of our hearts, minds, and souls, we have fulfilled all commandments. This leads us to enter into the Kingdom of God within. It is really that simple and powerful. We control our conscious energy by what we put our attention on. So let's turn away from what we don't want to experience any more, and look towards and focus our attention on Love and Heaven from now on. This will bring us Heaven on earth, setting us free to be who we are again as infinite Spiritual Beings of Light created in God's Image.


    Always remember, we experience what we place our attention on. If we focus on the world, we experience the world. If we focus on Heaven, we experience Heaven. If you want to continue to experience the worldly emotions of being human, then focus on what the ego tells you to do. If you want to experience true peace, focus on the Light within.

    What we all learn, with enough experiences on earth, is that focusing on the Love and Light of Heaven is the only way to experience lasting peace, joy, and fulfillment.


    Heaven is unconditional love. To unconditionally love on earth is to experience Heaven within that moment.


    When you fully experience who You are again as a perfect, spiritual, heavenly being, you will be so joyous and relieved to know that what you have thought you are was just a dream. You are perfect, pure, and innocent.


    When we feel the Holy Spirit within us, and realize we are all this Spirit, we lose all judgment for others. We see all as the one, same Spirit. This is unconditional love.


    We are told in the Bible by Jesus that for us to enter into the Kingdom of God/Heaven, we must be born again. What does this mean?

    We came to this earth and were born into the human experience as human beings. What Jesus is telling us is that we now are to be born again into the Spirit. How do we do this?

    By leaving the temporary, human awareness we have been experiencing, and going within, to return to the spiritual realm of Heaven. As we left Heaven to be born into the human realm, we now leave the human realm to be reborn into the spiritual realm. It is a repentance, a return back home to our true nature.

    It is a spiritual awakening. It is no longer seeing ourselves as human beings, but knowing we are spiritual beings from Heaven. It is going from ignorance to truth, limited form to infinite Light. It is realizing that we have been just dreaming on this illusionary planet earth. It is no longer accepting illusions as reality. It is seeing all through our spiritual eyes again.

    What are we being born or awakening back into in this process? The Kingdom of Heaven within us; the ultimate gift of God that We are.


    God gave us all free will when He created us. We had the free will to choose to leave Heaven to experience earth. We had the free will to choose to leave the spiritual awareness to experience the human awareness. This same God-given free will empowers us to choose to return to our true spiritual selves in Heaven again. It is a free will choice that aligns perfectly with the will of God, and all our family in Heaven.

    When you are ready to awaken to Heaven choose, will, and decree for your awareness to return to Heaven. Pray for God's assistance to remove the blocks from your awareness. Accept the atonement. Use the power of forgiveness to clear the past. Repent and start the walk back to the Kingdom that is yours. Stay with it with full faith, desire, and patience and you will return home.


    Walk only the high road of spiritual living, not the low road of ego living.


    Every time we unconditionally love others, seeing only their perfection, we are walking the stairways to Heaven.


    Believing in truth sets us free. We all have heard this, but what does it really mean?

    The only way we stay in the bondage of darkness is to continue to believe in what is not true, the illusions of the ego on earth. Truth is the light that exposed the illusions for what they are. When exposed to light, they disappear.

    The truth is love. Anything outside of love is not true, only an illusionary experience. When we only believe in love, we are believing truth, and we are free. As Jesus teaches us, And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)


    As we realize the truth of who all our brothers and sisters on earth are, the spiritual, heavenly, perfect creations of God - we all heal together as one. You cannot recognize God in another without recognizing it in you at the same time. We are all created as one Love and one Spirit.


    To change direction back to Heaven, we must only listen to the voice of the spirit of love. The Holy Spirit guides us back to the full remembrance of the truth of who we all are, and that are home is in Heaven, not this earth. We are able to see the light from the darkness, the real from the illusion. We no longer pay attention to what are just temporary experiences in a dream world. The path to Heaven is well lit when we maintain our focus on Heaven, not earth. As we stay on the inner, heavenly path, we feel more peace and joy every step of the way on our way to the promised land.


    To be a spiritual being, just be. It only takes acceptance, no effort.


    Deeply ponder and meditate on this question: Why would an Unconditionally Loving God create a world outside of Heaven for His beloved, heavenly children to live?


    Spiritually awakening is to truly be alive again. It is freedom. It is immeasurable joy and happiness. It is infinite love and peace. It is returning home to Heaven.


    Keep your consciousness within limited human form, and you will continue to experience bondage. Return your conscious awareness to oneness with your Inner Spirit, and you will experience full freedom again.

    It is always your free will choice where you direct and keep your conscious awareness.


    We are all interconnected beings of God's Light and Love. We were created to receive, share and expand God's Light and Love forever in the infinite heavens.

    Nothing could ever compare to who we are, and where and how we live with God and all in Heaven. All gratitude, praise and glory to Our Creator for giving us all there is worth having and being.


    The I AM Statements and decrees are designed to move our conscious awareness to the spiritual realm. They are reminders of who we are, and the commands for our conscious awareness to return to the heavenly realm. They are very valuable gifts and tools for us to return to our Inner Spirit. I used affirmations and spiritual statements all the time to spiritually awaken, and still use them throughout the days and nights to stay in the spiritual realm. There are many throughout this book. I received The I AM Discourses as a gift after writing most of The Reminders From Heaven books. After reading The I AM Discourses in a deeply spiritual state, I was strongly prompted by the Spirit to include some of their quotes in this book.


    Direct your awareness to move to oneness with God and His Spirit of Divine Love. One God - One Spirit - One Will - One Awareness - One Life. We are all a part of the Infinite Creator of all. Within us is everything there is. That is who we are as a gift from God.


    When we are told in the Bible to be reborn into Spirit, it is not our spiritual self being reborn. It is already in the spiritual realm. It is not the human being that is reborn into Spirit. Humans do not enter into the Kingdom of God. It is our conscious awareness, observer self that is born again into the spiritual realm of Heaven. It is our spiritual awakening. It is our consciousness moving our awareness from the human realm to the spiritual realm.


    To stay in the spiritual realm, we cannot let the human realm pull us back in. Attachments, expectations, desires and reactions to other’s energy lead to excitement and disappointments. If we react at all to the world's criticism or praise, we go back into the human consciousness -

    this is why spiritual mastery is rare. Many are called, but few are chosen. As long as we want anything from the human energy level, we will not fully transcend it. To stay in the spiritual realm means we no longer see the human realm as real or desirable. We see it for what it is, a temporary world to experience the opposite of Heaven. We are aliens here. This is not our home, and we are not humans. We are citizens of Heaven. We are to be in the world, but not of it. We forsake the world, and choose Heaven.

    Spiritual masters can ascend to Heaven as they choose, but many stay to help those who are ready to see the love, light and truth of Heaven. Spiritual masters do not see themselves, or others, as human bodies. They see all as Spirit, and know we are all spiritual beings. Everything outside of the reality of Spirit and Heaven is just maya (illusion).


    Forgive the world and all in it. Let it all go knowing everyone is safe as eternal spiritual beings. Keep your eyes and attention on Heaven, not earth. Live in and be the Spirit you are. There is no reason to ever go back to the opposite of Heaven.


    Spiritual mastery takes strong willingness, humility, open mindedness, spiritual desire, patience, dedication, faith,

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