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Here Be Dragons (A Night Call Story)
Here Be Dragons (A Night Call Story)
Here Be Dragons (A Night Call Story)
Ebook41 pages36 minutes

Here Be Dragons (A Night Call Story)

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A day in the life of Night Call—Matt Hawkins, vampire-slayer extraordinaire and Mercy Belique, vampire femme fatale. From the whacky, to the mundane and back again in twenty-four hours.

After successfully completing one job—killing the angry, ugly rat thing was the aim after all, no matter what else may have gone wrong... er, happened—Matt Hawkins settles in for a nice, quiet day at home. If you ignore the neighbour trying to come to terms with his new boat. And the ringing phone. Matt does neither. The former brings him some satisfaction and the latter, a new job. Which is all well and good, until he actually gets to the local waterway and comes face to face with a creature he’s never seen before.

Navigating between cranky scholars, moody vampires and a monster straight out of myth, Matt might just find himself in uncharted waters and “Here Be Dragons”.

PublisherL.J. Hayward
Release dateAug 30, 2015
Here Be Dragons (A Night Call Story)

L.J. Hayward

L.J. Hayward has been telling stories for most of her life. Granted, a good deal of them have been of the tall variety, but who’s counting? Parents and teachers notwithstanding, of course. These days, the vast majority of her story telling has been in an honest attempt to create fun and exciting ways of entertaining others (and making money).As such, she is still a mad (always provoked!) scientist in a dungeon laboratory (it has no windows. Seriously, the zombie apocalypse could be going on outside and she’d have nary a clue) who, on the rare occasions she emerges into the light, does so under extreme protest and with the potential hazard of bursting into flames under the southeast Queensland sun.

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    Here Be Dragons (A Night Call Story) - L.J. Hayward


    A Night Call Story

    L.J. Hayward


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 L.J. Hayward


    Smashwords License Statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    ISBN 978-0-9925026-7-6

    Night Call Series

    Blood Work

    Demon Dei

    Here Be Dragons (short)

    Rock Paper Sorcery (coming soon)

    Bone Magic Trilogy

    Dead Bones

    Here Be Dragons

    It all ended, as these things are wont to do, with blood and guts and a whole heap of screaming. The blood and guts, thankfully, belonged to the lavellan—think big, ugly (a given), toxic (venom and breath), semi-aquatic rat. It died hard, taking a couple of bullets like they were mosquito bites, and then a thorough bashing with a shovel appropriated from a greenskeeper’s hut. When it was all said and done, the lavellan was little more than a distressingly long smear across the neat grass of the ninth hole of the Brookwater Golf Club and a mangled lump of fur, long teeth and twitching tail.

    Oh, yeah, the screaming had been all me.

    I mean, did you hear me when I said rat?

    My knees gave out and I hit the churned up ground with a pained groan, shovel beside me. Its blade glistened with a coating of lavellan innards and in about a minute, maybe two, I was going be so disgusted with it I will shove it away. Right now, however, I was having a bit of trouble focusing.

    The night-time world around me swayed like an arrhythmic drunk with an inner ear infection. Overhead, stars danced, blurring into multi-coloured streaks. They buzzed with an off-tune whine, too, a dentist’s drill in need of a tune-up. Contrarily, on the outer edges of my warped perceptions, was this faint hum of… happy.

    Gleeful, joyful happiness. Darting, daring fun. They ran and squealed and she loved the sight of them, all scared and clumsy. Her own little herd of dumb sheep, hers to play with, to chase and terrorise. Belly full before we left the house tonight, it wasn’t hunger driving this game. No, it was sheer perverse delight. Make them run, chase them, laugh at their squeaky fear.

    Which was not what I’d asked her to do. What I had said, when she reported to me about the incoming mob of adolescent trespassers fuelled by a bad mix of alcohol, peer pressure and stupidity, was, Keep an eye on them and let me know if they come too close.

    So, what does she do? The exact opposite. Right at the very moment a large, ugly rat had sprung out of its hidey hole, aiming long, yellow teeth at my

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