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Ebook46 pages50 minutes


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Damian is a party boy with a drug habit, but that all changes the day he wakes up next to Jason – a Dom with a vested interest in getting Damian clean. Jason opens Damian’s eyes to the world of pain and pleasure, submission and bondage, and if Damian is bad, he gets punished.

Trapped with a Dom who has complete control over his life, Damian has no choice but to give in to the domination.

Contains graphic gay sex including BDSM and ménage/threesome. All characters over the age of 18.

PublisherCarrie Kelly
Release dateMay 2, 2015

Carrie Kelly

Carrie Kelly lives in Washington and writes sexy erotic romance with lively heroines and smoking hot heroes. She started writing romance when she lost her main source of income as a freelance writer – and it was the best decision she’s ever made! Besides writing, she spends time with her lovely cats, travels and enjoys wearing ridiculously girly clothes.

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    Dominated - Carrie Kelly


    (BDSM Gay Ménage Erotica)

    Carrie Kelly

    Copyright 2015 by Carrie Kelly

    Cover Art: curophotography

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    All characters in this book are fictional and are not based on any real people. They are figments of the author’s imagination.

    The music pounded in Damian’s ears as he jumped to the beat of it, like that of a giant heart. Half naked bodies, dripping with sweat and smelling of alcohol and sex, surrounded him on the dance floor. Bright neon lights flashed before his eyes, moving in intricate patterns seemingly on their own. He giggled as he brushed up against a gym bunny with a killer set of abs.

    The X was kicking in and Damian moved closer, rubbing his chest on gym bunny’s bulging biceps. As long as the guy didn’t use roids, he’d probably be a good fuck.

    The man’s hand traveled down Damian’s flat stomach, the bare skin slick from sweat, and grabbed his already stiffening cock.

    His mouth moved, but Damian couldn’t hear him over the heavy pounding of the music. Suddenly, a brightly colored tablet was in his hand, and Damian nodded, opening his mouth so the man could put it on his tongue.

    The gritty sweetness dissolved into a medicine like after taste. He’d just need another drink to wash it down. Then he’d find someone with a willing dick and a lack of morals- not a problem in a place like that- and have some fun. He patted the condoms in his pocket as he stumbled toward the bar.

    The club music was slightly quieter, but it still beat in his ears like it was a part of him. Leaning against the bar, the bartender frowned. It was the same guy that had been there for the past two weeks. Damian had learned his name once, but now he couldn’t remember. The bartender’s slender frame was decked out in black leather pants, making his generous bulge stand out, and a tight black t-shirt that proved he worked out without going overboard. His long brown hair hung in a braid down his back, brushing the top of his ass. Damian wondered what he looked like with his hair loose and hanging over his shoulders. He was fuckable just as he was.

    Don’t you think you’ve had enough tonight, Damian?

    Giggling, Damian shook his head. What was this little beauties name again? Come on, M-m. What’s your name?

    It’s Jason, he said, mixing a bright pink drink with practiced care and carefully sliding across the table to a waiting Mary.

    Damian pointed at the drink. One of t-t-tho. His tongue didn’t feel like it was working. He touched his mouth, but his lips felt normal. Looking back at Jason, the room started to spin, and not in the pleasing way it did when he mixed just enough alcohol with his X. This was the bad kind of spinning.


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