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Blind Commitment
Blind Commitment
Blind Commitment
Ebook32 pages23 minutes

Blind Commitment

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About this ebook

Figgy Berlin made a name for himself in the art world with his gripping use of color and fearless use of impressionistic style in abstract art. One drunk driver later and he was left blind. He couldn’t see color; he couldn’t see his work, and most of all…he couldn’t see his wife.

Through the terrifying days and nights of not knowing if he’d ever wake again, Mariana stayed by his side. When he fought to reclaim his body, she was there. Back home, he recaptured his art, but he didn’t reclaim his bride.

Can this couple find love even though he can’t see how much his rejection hurts her?

Release dateSep 2, 2015
Blind Commitment

Virginia Nelson

Virginia Nelson likes knights in rusted and dinged up armor, heroes that snarl instead of croon, and heroines who can't remember to say the right thing even with an author writing their dialogue. Her books are full of snark, sex, and random acts of ineptitude--not always in that order.

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    Book preview

    Blind Commitment - Virginia Nelson


    Virginia Nelson


    For Kristen and Brad. Thanks for all you do and are. <3


    Figgy Berlin made a name for himself in the art world with his gripping use of color and fearless use of impressionistic style in abstract art. One drunk driver later and he was left blind. He couldn’t see color; he couldn’t see his work, and most of all...he couldn’t see his wife.

    Through the terrifying days and nights of not knowing if he’d ever wake again, Mariana stayed by his side. When he fought to reclaim his body, she was there. Back home, he recaptured his art, but he didn’t reclaim his bride.

    Can this couple find love even though he can’t see how much his rejection hurts her?


    His fingers gripped the brush with ease, and the angle of his wrist was perfect in relation to the canvas. Sunlight sliced bright streamers through the room, gleaming through the long hair dangling in his eyes, backlighting it until it glowed white rather than the usual dark blond. He never glanced her way, not once, as he dotted color in methodical stripes toward the upper edge of the framed white fabric.

    Blue, he snapped, and she jerked out of her reverie.

    Glancing at the paints in the spattered trough in front of her, she bit her lip. If she asked which blue, he’d be annoyed, but there were so many options. Dark blue? Sky blue? Could you be more specific, Figgy?

    Without warning, his temper snapped along with the brush in his paint spattered fingertips.

    Dammit, Mariana, how many times do we have to go through this?

    Blinking fast, she ducked her head. It wasn’t like he could see her cry, but

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