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Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind: Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life & Spiritual Attainment
Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind: Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life & Spiritual Attainment
Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind: Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life & Spiritual Attainment
Ebook274 pages5 hours

Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind: Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life & Spiritual Attainment

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About this ebook

Tap into the infinite potential of your subconscious and experience tremendous growth and self-discovery. Grounded in scientific research, this practical step-by-step guide introduces easy, yet highly effective, techniques for harnessing the unlimited power of your subconscious mind. Learn to access this vast storehouse of knowledge and resources to unleash powerful abilities—through dreamwork, creative visualization, positive inner dialogue, past-life regression, meditations, interaction with nature, chakra awareness, and more.

Once you begin to train your mind, there is no end to the ways in which you can bring new meaning and enrichment to your life:

  • Overcome growth blockages
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Enhance creativity
  • Improve mental and physical health
  • Achieve personal goals
  • Strengthen your relationships
  • Advance in your career
  • Develop psychic skills
  • Evolve into your highest self

This unique guide also explores the different types of natural psychic abilities and provides guidance for helping you to turn them into powerful life-changing skills.

Release dateDec 8, 2010
Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind: Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life & Spiritual Attainment

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke (1930–2015) was the owner and chairman of Llewellyn Worldwide, the world's oldest and largest metaphysical publisher. He played a seminal role in the rise of Wicca and Neo-Paganism in the 1960s and 1970s and has been called "the father of New Age" for his public sponsorship of occult subjects. He also served as the 7th Past Grand Master Ordo Aurum Solis.

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    Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind - Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

    Llewellyn Publications

    Woodbury, Minnesota

    Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind: Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life & Spiritual Attainment © 2010 by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

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    Preface: Self-Empowerment—You Are the Captain of Your Own Ship

    Introduction: Subconscious Knowledge—Power and Challenge

    Chapter One: The Personal, Cultural, and Collective Nature of the Subconscious

    Chapter Two: The Subconscious: AStorehouse of Personal Experience From Preexistence to the Present

    Chapter Three: The Subconscious: A Repository of Dynamic Processes, Functions, and Mechanisms

    Chapter Four: Interfacing Consciousness with the Subconscious

    Chapter Five: The Subconscious Mind: Your Resource for Problem Solving, Creativity, Mental and Physical Health, Rejuvenation, and Psychic Powers

    Chapter Six: The Therapeutic Power of Subconscious Knowledge

    Chapter Seven: Spiritual Relevance of the Subconscious: A Doorway to Spiritual Realities and Interaction with the Spirit Realm

    Chapter Eight: Dreams—Gateway to the Subconscious

    Chapter Nine: The Empowerment Rewards of Subconscious Knowledge

    Chapter Ten: The Super-Conscious Mind

    Appendix: Self-Empowerment and Self-Hypnosis

    Glossary & Suggested Readings



    You Are the Captain of Your Own Ship!

    Your Destiny is in Your Own Hands!

    You can be in charge of your life. That’s the way it is supposed to be. It may not seem that way because you started in life basically accepting what came your way. Your mother fed you and provided for your needs. Your father provided other of your needs. Life mostly continued to happen, even when you started school. Sure, you may have asserted yourself with various demands and wishes for this or that, but little if any of it was a truly original thought from your developing Conscious Mind. Essentially, things happened according to a pre-established script.

    It wasn’t accidental. At birth, you brought forward physical and psychological karma codes that pre-onditioned most of your childhood development, even on into much of your adult years.

    Perhaps it seems almost unbelievable, but until you gain understanding of these codes and how they influence your life, and then learn techniques to change them, or to retract some of them and add new ones, you are going to basically follow a destiny pattern you brought with you that includes the genetic heritage from your parents (and their ancestors) and the psychological codes loaded into your Subconscious Mind reflecting the cultural patterns of your heritage as well as those of your birth culture, and the karmic instructions carried over from previous lives.

    These physical and psychological codes are programs of information and instruction that act as the prime determinants of your developing life from birth onward. Yes, your parents’ love and guidance, your education and environment, the influences from the Big World outside (everything from climate changes to political and economic developments), and even some influences from inside (from the Universal Consciousness through your Subconscious Mind) will bring change to your Destiny seemingly beyond your control—until your learn differently!

    Why stay a victim of Fate when you can, and should, be in command? You should be the Captain of Your Own Ship. One of the primary goals of your life up to adulthood is training your Conscious Mind to manage the amazing powers and skills of your Subconscious Mind. Until you do that, you will remain unaware of those influences coming unbidden from your Subconsciousness.

    all is consciousness

    Everything has a beginning. Your beginning—the creation of the world, of life, and even of the Universe—had a starting point. And behind all that is manifest, we acknowledge the need for something else largely indefinable no matter that we call it: the Great Unmanifest, God or gods, the Force, Mother/Father Creator, the Ultimate Source, or the Will of God.

    In the beginning is the Word: Consciousness. Through the act of Will—that which initiated the Beginning—consciousness is filled with information and instruction. Simultaneously, we have Energy and Matter. And with Consciousness, Energy, and Matter, we have Life!

    Everything is Alive! From the beginning, there has been continuing growth; with growth there has been evolution; with evolution we see a Plan in manifestation. There is no place or condition where there is not life and consciousness and evolution. Even in dirt and sand, in stone and rock, in water and air and space, there is life, consciousness, and evolution. Think about a vein of gold, for example. Did that happen at the moment of creation? No, the gold grew because it has life and consciousness. It grew within stone, and the stone, also alive and conscious, welcomed the presence of living gold.

    Nature is alive. Planet Earth is alive—and that includes the entire electromagnetic system that reaches out from the planet’s core to the Moon and beyond. The Solar System is alive, and with it vast fields of energy connect from all planets and other solar bodies to the Moon and Earth, and the inhabitants of Earth. We are part of the Whole, and the Whole is within us.

    Everything is alive, and everything is connected through energy and consciousness. Nothing is isolated. But the human person is unique in that we are intended to move from unconscious participation in the global life to individual self-conscious self-expression under the self-direction of our individual Conscious Mind. It is through Mind that we as individuals are intended to grow to become more than we are, to become Whole Persons developing all our innate powers and fulfilling the Super-Conscious Mind existing now only as potential. It is the Super-Conscious Mind, as Manager of the whole personal consciousness complex—reaching out as needed to the Subconsciousness and Universal Consciousness—that fully unites with the Conscious and Subconscious Minds to become the vehicle for the Soul.

    Self-direction calls for acting with awareness of the consequences of our decisions. That means working with Intelligence, through Learning and Responsibility. We are created in God’s image, with the power of individual Will. But the exercise of Will carries with it the responsibility to act with knowledge of the consequences and the obligation to work within the pattern of a Plan. Even that expression, Not my Will, but Thine, reminds us to work with knowledge and understanding of the Plan.

    the source of human knowledge

    and experience

    With the obligation to act with intelligence and awareness of consequences comes the natural question of where to go for knowledge.

    In our modern world, we have an ever growing resource of information available to the Conscious Mind—in education, in books and libraries, and even with an intelligent and wise use of the Internet. In addition, we have the ability to consciously probe the Subconscious for the cumulative history, knowledge, and wisdom, of anything we need to know.

    The Subconscious Mind normally is an unconscious retainer of experience, repressed memories, and the accumulated lore and discoveries of all who have gone before, both human and nonhuman. Commonly, it is only in dreams and inspiration that the flow is reversed, bringing information up from the Subconscious into conscious awareness.

    But, you—as Captain of your own ship—can and need to consciously use the great resource of the Subconscious Mind to answer all your needs.

    That’s what this book is about: to teach you what those resources are, and the many techniques and tools available to you to tap into those resources as easily as you can use a search engine to get particular information from the Internet. In fact, the Internet is a great analogy for understanding the Subconscious and, through it, the Collective Unconscious, and a search engine such as Google is an analogy for the Conscious Mind and its ability to probe for what it needs.

    Through intelligent and conscious use of the great storehouse of knowledge contained within and available through the Subconscious Mind, you gain in Self-Empowerment. And it is this that gives the ultimate meaning to your life—that in fulfillment of the Great Plan pronounced in that Beginning Word you become not only fully empowered but a conscious co-creator with the Divine Source of life and purpose of this great planet that is our home.

    This is the great and wonderful responsibility we all share, and the great adventure we live to experience: to become more than you are, to become the Whole Person that is your destiny, and to share in the Creative Process.

    Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

    June 21, 2009

    Note: Recently we received the following in an e-mail attachment. No origin was indicated, no ownership or copyright asserted, so we can’t give credit. Nevertheless, it makes some interesting points we think worth sharing.

    installing love

    Service: Can you install Love?

    Customer: I can do that. I’m not very technical, but I think I’m ready to install now. What do I do first?

    Service: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?

    Customer: Yes, I have, but there are several programs running right now. Is it okay to install while they are running?

    Service: What programs are running?

    Customer: Let me see, I have Pasthurt.exe, Lowesteem.exe, Grudge.exe, and running right now.

    Service: No problem. Love will automatically erase Pasthurt.exe from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory, but it will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually overwrite Lowesteem.exe with a module of its own, called Highesteem.exe. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge.exe and Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can you turn those off?

    Customer: I don’t know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

    Service: My pleasure. Go to your Start menu and invoke Forgiveness.exe. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge.exe and have been completely erased.

    Customer: Okay, I’m done. Love has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal?

    Service: Yes it is. You should receive a message that says it will reinstall for the life of your Heart. Do you see that message?

    Customer: Yes I do. Is it completely installed?

    Service: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts to get the upgrades.

    Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. What should I do?

    Service: What does the message say?

    Customer: It says, Error 412, Program not run on internal components. What does that mean?

    Service: Don’t worry, that’s a common problem. It means that the Love program is set up to run on external Hearts but has not yet been running on your Heart. It is one of those complicated programming things, but in nontechnical terms it means that you have to love your own machine before it can love others.

    Customer: So what should I do?

    Service: Can you find the directory called Self-acceptance?

    Customer: Yes, I have it.

    Service: Excellent, you are getting good at this.

    Customer: Thank you.

    Service: You’re welcome. Click on the following files and then copy them to the Myheart directory: Forgiveself.doc, Selfesteem.txt, Realizeworth.txt and Goodness.doc. The system will overwrite conflicting files and begin patching any faulty programming. Also, you need to delete Selfcriticize.exe from all directories, and then empty your recycle bin afterwards to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.

    Customer: Got it! Wow! My Heart is filling up with really neat files. Smile.mpg is playing on my monitor right now, and it shows that, Peace.exe, and are copying themselves all over my Heart!

    Service: Then Love is installed and running. You should be able to handle it from here. One more thing before I go.

    Customer: Yes?

    Service: Love is freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everybody you are meeting. They will in turn share it with other people, and they will return some really neat modules back to you.

    Customer: I will. Thank you for your help.

    Service: You’re very welcome.



    Subconscious Knowledge—

    Power and Challenge

    You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. You can, however, feel it, and you can talk to it and you can listen to it.

    Your Subconscious Mind is your best friend and a mighty resource. It’s been with you since before you were even born, and . . . well, forever.

    Consciousness itself is universal, timeless, and everywhere. It’s often compared to a Great Ocean, a sea with no shores. And, then, each of us is a bit of that universal consciousness. We are separate, yet forever part of the whole.

    Your Personal Consciousness that was once part of the Universal Consciousness remains forever connected to it.

    Your Personal Consciousness is, at first, only what will later be your Subconscious Mind. Above it (but only figuratively) will arise your Conscious Mind and then your Super-Conscious Mind. These all pre-exist in a kind of matrix that becomes filled in with experience and development, and as their structure is completed they too—especially the Super-Conscious Mind—benefit from the continuous connection with the Universal Mind.

    There are other elements to your Personal Consciousness that we will encounter later, but these three—sometimes also called Lower, Middle, and Higher Consciousness—concern our work in this book. And, again above, but only figuratively, we have the Soul, which is not directly part of your Personal Consciousness in the same way, but it is your Immortal Soul that establishes basic guidelines for the structuring of the contents of your Personal Consciousness for each lifetime.

    Part of your life goal is to build an interactive bridge between the Personal Consciousness and the Soul.

    your subconscious mind

    Your Subconscious Mind remembers every event, every hurt, every joy, every fear, every trauma, every happiness, every fantasy, and every feeling that you’ve experienced from the moment of conception in this life. And, as you will discover, you have memories of previous lives and times between lives, all the way back to some beginning of which we have no understanding.

    We will discuss these early memories through childhood later because some of them still can affect you negatively with stress, persistent but not understood fears, and even powerful fantasies born out of misunderstood observations.

    What we want to establish in this introduction is just what a wonderful and powerful resource you have in your Subconscious Mind, its memories, and its continuous connection with Universal Conscious through what is called the Collective Unconscious.

    the collective unconscious

    The Collective Unconscious is more than a repository of memories and a collection of knowledge sometimes referred to as the Akashic Records. Through the Subconscious Mind’s connection to our Universal Consciousness, we each come into contact with collective cultural, racial, mythic, and even planetary memories, and more importantly, the world of Archetypes that form intimate parts of our Psyche—that function of the Personal Consciousness that expresses the feeling of inner selfhood.

    Because of the importance of the Collective Unconscious as a resource, to which a search-engine like Google is a very inadequate comparison, I want to add a little more detail here.

    Within the Collective Unconscious, we can access the memories of all of humanity, and perhaps of more than humans. The contents of the collective unconscious seem to progress from individual memories to universal memories as the person grows in his or her spiritual development and integration of the whole being. There is some suggestion that this progression also moves from individual memories through various groups or small collectives—family, tribe, race, and nation—so the character of each level is reflected in consciousness until the individual progresses to join in group consciousness with all humanity. This would seem to account for some of the variations of the universal archetypes each person encounters in life.

    We will speak more of these memories and the functions of the archetypes later.

    the subconscious mind and the

    collective unconscious

    It is through the relationship of the Subconscious Mind to the Collective Unconscious that many facets of the Personality—that portion of the Personal Consciousness that we feel to be our self, including the Ego and the Psyche—develop.

    I don’t want to burden our discussion with a lot of terminology, but there are many psychological terms you will encounter or have encountered that will sometimes seem different than our usage. What we really need to recognize is that many of these terms do not actually describe things so much as they do functions. Just as a hand can be described as a fist, or an open palm, or a light hand or a heavy hand, and so forth—these describe functions of the hand. You don’t have a fist, but you have a hand that can function as a fist.

    So it is that a function of your Personality is described as the Ego—that which confronts the outer world. Another function is described as the Psyche—that which expresses the feeling of selfhood.

    In this same regard, the Subconscious Mind is also called the Unconscious, and the Personal Unconscious. And, unfortunately, some writers have confusingly identified it as the Soul.

    For our discussion, the Subconscious Mind is the lower part of the Personality containing forgotten and repressed feelings and memories; those feelings that make up the fundamental Belief or Operating System that filters Reality to our perceptions of the world; that collection of guilt feelings called the Shadow; the Anima or Animus collection of feelings representing our idealization or fear and sometimes even hatred of the opposite gender; and the various Archetypes and Mythic images formed through the history of human experience, all of which can operate as doorways or gates to the astral world and connect to the higher or super-consciousness. The Subconscious Mind is also home to our instincts and the autonomic system that cares for the body and its operation.

    The Subconscious Mind is never asleep and is always aware, and while it normally functions below the threshold of consciousness it can be accessed by various techniques including meditation, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, prayer, ritual, automatic writing, forms of divination including the Tarot, and dreams and other contacts during sleep.

    The subconscious is not only a content domain but a dynamic constellation of processes and powers. It recognizes that the wealth of our subconscious resources is complementary to consciousness rather than counteractive. It’s a powerful component of who we are and how we function (from Slate and Weschcke: Psychic Self-Empowerment for Everyone, Llewellyn, 2009).

    the developmental process

    From even before birth, we grow into our Psyche just as we also grow into our Psychic Potentials, which

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