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The Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Past
The Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Past
The Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Past
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The Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Past

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About this ebook

This is the second installment of the Acolyte, Dawn of a New Hero. The Acolyte returns from his trip with his extra ordinary allies, only to return home to chaos. However, he wasn’t alone with additions to his cause against the newest enemy and the real enemy, the Faceless Foe. (Adult language and violence)

PublisherJoshua Pinon
Release dateAug 28, 2015
The Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Past

Joshua Pinon

A gay young man in his thirties born in Los Angeles, CA and raised in Redlands, CA, now a resident of North Hollywood, CA. During his senior year of high school he became a cheerleader leading him to attend Cal State Northridge where he continued perusing his passion for cheerleading. At nineteen, he pursued a career as cheerleading coach at the high school level for eight years working with various high schools in the San Fernando Valley Area throughout the years. Meanwhile this entire time he also maintained a part time job as a clerk at a local community pharmacy, becoming a full time employee after my eight years of coaching. Shortly after he enrolled in classes quickly becoming a national certified and state licensed pharmacy technician now employed for thirteen years still working to this very day. However, after finding himself still ambitious to explore his horizon, he was reminded of a hidden passion, writing a fictional superhero novel. One day he woke up and told himself he did not want to look back at these years down the road and only say he merely worked for a living, that sparked the initiative inside to open his laptop and began writing, starting at the beginning of the year. Seven months he is ready to self publish for free as an amateur fictional superhero novel writer, The Acolyte Dawn of a New Hero and the Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Past, the second installment of this soon to be novel book series. Now comes the third installment or Volume Three. I apologize about the mediocre book cover but not really much of an artist here as well as curious on anyone's artistic input. Sorry for the many mistakes in the beginning with the first two book uploads too, fixing some formatting errors, my bad. I am an amateur without and editor besides my own two eyes. Now I am also a part time background actor on top of my regular Monday through Friday!!! To top that off, I am starting on the rough draft for Volume Four, Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Future (as hinted in Volume Three Bonds of Blood, Love, and War)

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    The Order of the Acolyte Sins of Generations Past - Joshua Pinon

    Order of the Acolyte

    Sins of Generations Past

    By Joshua Pinon


    This is the second installment of the Acolyte, Dawn of a New Hero. The Acolyte returns from his trip with his extra ordinary allies, only to return home to chaos. However, he wasn’t alone with additions to his cause against the newest enemy and the real enemy, the Faceless Foe.

    This is dedicated to everyone close to me, my incredible parents who are two of the most selfless human beings in the world, my family, my nephews and nieces, my coworkers, and last but not least all my friends and fraternity brothers for being so supportive throughout the years. I also dedicate this to all my superhero inspirations that sparked this idea in my mind to write this novel.



    (Cindy, Oscar, Brett, Landon, Alexa, Melanie, Ryan, Tina, Shawn, Richard, Kenny, Marta, Brandon, James, Todd, Sara, Eric, Amanda, Christine, Ian, Cisco, Luis (RIP), Kreg, Kyle, Veronica, Jamie, Kimmy, Bethany, Aaron, Robyn, Chris, Mark, Susan, Dominic, JC, Jen, Jeremy, Missy, Vince, Minh, Neil, John, Nathaniel, Kyle, Josh, Sean, Mike, Jesse (RIP), Jessica, Stephanie, Amy, Nikki (RIP), Pat, Brianna, Antoinette, Jennifer, Huitzi, Jerry, Demetrus, Priscilla, Andi, Amanda, Dominique, Jenna, Adam, Eric, Nicole, Maya, Sam, Bouvier, everyone I cheered with and to the cheerleaders I coached throughout the years, any of my family members friends, and fraternity brothers not mentioned but I’m running out of room sorry)

    To all readers,

    This original story was written with the intentions of introducing a new superhero character to the world, in the hopes of the main character, the Acolyte, to become a part of the sensational Marvel Universe through a series of fictional novels hopefully to become Marvel’s The Acolyte. This is the second installment of the storyline. I understand that introducing a superhero is typically done as a graphic novel or comic book. However, being an adult in my thirties I wanted to introduce the new superhero into the world through a series of novels. I believe adult aged readers who enjoy the excitement and adventures of superhero stories would prefer to read about these great adventures in a novel form, since graphic novels and comic books are meant for a younger audience, having been inspired some of my favorite novels of our time especially the Twilight series and the Sookie Stackhouse Novels series. I want to create something different from the normal superhero typical formality of imagery.

    Being a Marvel fanatic throughout my life growing up watching their amazing movies, television series, and comics, particularly the superhero team the X-men, became my leading inspiration to write this story. More importantly two actors who portrayed iconic superhero characters in the X-men movies, Shawn Ashmore who plays the role of Iceman and Daniel Cudmore who plays the role of Colossus are the main inspirations that sparked the idea of the Acolyte. I utilize Iceman (Bobby Drake), Colossus (Peter Rasputin), Northstar (Jean Paul), Magik (Ileana Rasputin), and Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers), Husk (Paige Guthrie), Deacon Frost, all Marvel characters that are trademark heroes of the incredible Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Chris Claremont, John Byrne. Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan, and Jackson Guice. Once again I am publishing this for free following the guidelines according to Marvel’s website with no ill intent, only to share my story to the public that in hopes they would enjoy it:

    (While we can’t accept your unsolicited submissions, please know that Marvel is always looking for new comic book artists and writers. We constantly read and review indie, self-published, creator-owned, and web-comics, review popular online art communities, ask other artists for opinions and recommendations, and host portfolio reviews at conventions from time to time. If you are an aspiring comic book artist or writer, we suggest you publish or publicly post your material, continue to create, and if you have the right stuff...we’ll find you.



    Chapter 1 Takedown

    Chapter 2 Going Back to Cali

    Chapter 3 Cryptic Message

    Chapter 4 Lines in the Sand

    Chapter 5 Back at the Secret Base

    Chapter 6 Seeking Answers in the Late Night

    Chapter 7 The Coven of Angeles

    Chapter 8 Back to Life, Back to Reality

    Chapter 9 Escaping into the Underground

    Chapter 10 Interception Depiction

    Chapter 11 Illusion of the Mirrors

    Chapter 12 True Face of the Enemy

    Chapter 13 Sins of Generations Past

    Chapter 14 Earned Appendages

    Chapter 15 Downtown Showdown

    Chapter 16 Finding the Light

    Chapter 17 On the Down Low


    Biography of Joshua Pinon


    Six years prior to the ascension of the chosen ones, a young adolescent boy is sitting at the dining room table with his mother in his home. He sat there desperately craving for his one birthday wish to come true, to be destined for greatness. At the stroke of midnight just as the young boy blew out his candle on the cupcake, they were disrupted by the crashing sounds from the front door. It smashed into the floor as blurred figures began to encircle the room as the face of death presented itself during this bitter sweet milestone moment. The young boy watched the dark monsters of the night invade his home. Snatched and pinned down to floor while his mother was charged being lifted up against the wall as the creature squeezed tightly around her neck screaming at her with rage. Within seconds the quick strong monsters decapitate his mother’s head off right in front of his eyes, witnessing the horror of her head falling to the ground as he gazed into her eyes filled with terror one last time. The boy screamed with pure rage and hatred in his heart. He struggled to break free from the stone like grip of the one holding him down, when his capturer clenched his hand around the boy’s neck, slowly suffocating him to death.

    In a blink of an eye the boy was back on his feet by the quick intervention of another blurred figured, pulling the distraught adolescent boy now struggling in the arms of his savior, screaming at the gory and blood sight of his mother now torn apart, her head upside down lying on the ground. After a long pause of hissing between the monstrosities, they backed down as the savior removed the boy from the home instantly. Why this one chose to save the child’s life is still unclear, only to learn that very night from this younger looking yet obviously older vampire, informing him of his great power and great destiny he was meant for. The boy, merely a teenager, young and innocent, was ripped away from the only family he ever had because he got his wish for greatness. He learned many secrets and lies were concealed in order to protect this child from the truth of the real bonds that exist in his course of destiny, only to lead to this tragic moment. Whatever the reason for fate’s cruelty paving the path to greatness, one thing is absolute as the story of the chosen ones unfolds; the revelations of these secrets of our generation’s past would forever alter the course of his destiny. This will lead him on a path of vengeance, a path of retribution, a path of recompense!

    Volume Two

    Sins of Generations Past

    Chapter 1 Takedown

    Almost one year ago an unforeseen yet miraculous change took place in my once ordinary gay male colligate cheerleader and fraternity socialite day to day life. That is until the day of my twenty first birthday, or what I call the ascension. On that very day I gained incredible supernatural gifts and abilities after the stroke of midnight, from telekinetic and telepathic abilities, with a slight bit of superhuman strength. Oh and my technopathy, the gift to communicated with machines with a simple touch. Since the incident after that night when I discovered on top of the numerous powerful gifts, I was also the very entity whose very blood could destroy a vampire by mere drops of the marvelous aura that flows through my veins. It was the thing they feared once only to be rumors and whispers finally came to pass. Since that day the vampire race has targeted me almost every time the sun set with one goal, to obliterate me, only to fail time and time again. Unable to accept a life of hiding from the dark creatures of the night, I struck back taking to the streets of my city, the City of Angeles fighting back.

    I learned later on they wouldn’t be my only enemy when I encountered an unusual ally on the vampire’s side, the green eyed Faceless Foe who time and time again proved to be an equal match. Although he rolled with the vamps, I still questioned his true agenda still speculating to this day why he broke into the archive of the governing body of the vampire species. He stood with them both at the Homecoming Halloween and the National College Cheerleading assaults, which became infamous bizarre massacres that made headlines. Even after the Faceless Foe launched a rocket at me which instinctively sent me to survival mode, his attempt on my life did allow me to gain the ability to fly and escape from harm thanks to that prick. I managed to defeat the well schemed assaults finally sending a clear message to the vampires what fate awaits them if they cross my path. I, the Acolyte, a name I took from the rants of my Faceless Foe, am now a self proclaimed protector and defender of the humanity, doing what I felt was right utilizing my gifts to save the precious lives proving we were not to be fucked with.

    I also had discovered there were many more supernatural and gifted people living secretly amongst us. As it turned out, my past mentor and his friend that work at the university were quite extraordinary themselves, good old Professor Bobby Drake also known as Iceman and Pete Rasputin also know as Colossus. With their aid and guidance, they took me under their wing, training me to the best of their abilities and rescuing me several times from the overwhelming attempts on my life. I joined the two after the school semester ended for the summer, not entirely by choice, when I was taken by the two on a jet that picked us up from the parking lot near Greek Row where I used to live, bringing me into their previous home in their hearts. They took me to a private school facility in Upstate New York where they spent most of their lives as it turns out. Although I should have stood in Los Angeles in order to continue my quest against the vampire race not to mention my daytime obligations and responsibilities, cheerleading being the most important of them all, instead I once again would find myself high above in the night sky as the black jet blasts its way in route to our mission.

    We’re about twenty minutes out of Latverian air space. our pilot for tonight Marie also known as Rogue informed us. This is the closest to the drop zone I can get you to. Bobby, are you sure you want to do this?

    Excuse me, I interrupted rudely due to my lack of care for this one particular person who happens to also be our pilot. I believe I’m the one in charge of this group!

    Calm down there Chicano Claire Bennett, Pete teased as we prepared to take a plunge out into the dark void of the unknown terrain below.

    We’re sure Rogue, Bobby interjected. Besides, you can just put this on autopilot and swoop in as backup if something happens, he gleamed at her. Whatever!

    That’s okay Bobby, I don’t do vampires and that Twilight shit! she snapped.

    I’m team Jacob, bitch! I taunted back. I would have take your for a vampire lover!

    Bite me poms poms, Rogue snickered back.

    I bet you one day he may just turn into his beloved wolf. Pete joked with the others.

    You know, I started saying, but couldn’t find a good come back other than, hash tag go fuck yourself!

    The mission, Bobby yelled in his scolding professor tone like when I was his student for one semester in his lab class. We infiltrate and eliminate as many vampires as we can until the kid can do his thing with the computer hacking.

    Technopathy, my ability to talk to machines, I reminded Bobby since my break into the archive that eventually brought us to this secret destination.

    If you are so good at talking to machines, how come we’re all the way out here, our pilot asked in the background in an annoying tone. I simply put my hand out to her with the classic Talk to the Hand gesture. Geez, I gave her like five hundred dollars to fly us out here when bitch should have done it for free, being Bobby’s friend and all.

    I got stabbed in the back thus the data I uploaded was disrupted, I reminded everyone, but I was able to encrypt enough of the information bringing us to their possible headquarter. Plus I do need to obtain something from inside.

    Like what darling, Paige Guthrie inquired, or more commonly known as Husk, another young attractive black haired blue eyed young woman with the most unique ability of transforming her entire body into any substances she desires by removing the previous form, shedding it off and morphing into another element such as wood, granite, and steel, and one other particular secret weapon she could transform into that would change the game going against a number of vampires.

    Computer hacking thing, I replied blatantly.

    Everybody remember their jump zone? Rachel Summers also known as Marvel Girl asked the circle of five as we anxiously waited for the hanger door to open. Rachel had once instructed me via telephone how to manipulate someone’s mind with telepathy, one of few abilities we seemed to have in common as well as telekinesis, but she was much more trained than I was.

    Pete and I will land on the far side of the facility and help distract the bloodsuckers while Bobby and Rachel extract the hostages. Paige informed us.

    Ms. Guthrie, I smirked in my overly confident voice, please hold off on lighting up in there if possible dear.

    Sweetie, I don’t need to light anything up to take out some damn bloodsuckers, she replied as reached for her shoulder, shedding her skin off into a metallic form which would be considered a turn on, if your into that.

    Wow that was either really hot or really disgusting! I exclaimed jokingly.

    Coming from your mouth, I’ll take that as a complement!

    You’re welcome, I snickered back.

    Anyways, Mr. Drake interrupted in his Debbie Downer tone, Rachel and I will drop by the hostage holding area according our secret source.

    Who is this secret source? I inquired curious who the hell their insider was with the bloodsuckers.

    Rachel, you’ll need to get into every human mind inside, are you sure you can handle that? Bobby asked sincerely ignoring my question completely like an asshole.

    I’ve got this, she sneered cockily. Hey, it’s not my first rodeo! At least I’ve jumped out of this jet many of times, unlike our fearless leader over here. she teased obviously jabbing at me.

    I’m sorry, most regular schools curriculum’s never require jumping out of a moving jet on the first day, I barked back still bitter at Pete and Bobby, who initiated me by pushing me out of the jet the day we arrived in Upstate New York. Besides, what school doesn’t have a cheerleading team? I asked rhetorically as my stomach knotted once the hanger door opened.

    Cheerleading, Pete mocked in a creepy voice winking at me. Knowing tin man for a little over a year now, I knew when he was about to do something stupid and is probably going to piss me the hell off, his daily goal.

    Watch yourself tin man, you’re not completely impenetrable! I barked back all too familiar with his antics.

    I bet you want to penetrate… he started, well, I don’t want to get Elsa over here all jealous, he stated with pure enjoyment of his hilarious bantering.

    We all know the kid wants me! Bobby boasted.

    So Bobby’s your Edward and Pete’s your Jacob, Rachel blurted as I rolled my eyes every regretting ever revealing one day my comparison with the two that’s turned into an annoying inside joke. It’s like their egos got bigger once they heard me say I found both of them equal attractive, now it’s banter flirting. Dicks!

    There’s that damn Twilight shit again, Rouge muttered under her breath.

    Drop zone coming up darlings! Paige informed us as she walked pass the larger metallic figure pushing him with ease in the shoulder. My bad!

    Right, drop zone. I gulped reminded that any second now I would be airborne freefalling vertically down very fast. I was blessed to have seen these insane drops playing numerous hours of Xbox, but this was really only my second time going airborne downwards from this height, versus my usual upward bounds from the skyscrapers back in Los Angeles. I’m going to drop and head right for the very center of the compound, enter through the vertical shaft I located from the schematics that leads to the main tunnel access way. Then I just walk right on in from there.

    We had drilled this for a week after I had discovered the secret bases hidden here between the European countries, holding up defensive measures to keep the last of their main governing body safe. I had siphoned massive amounts of data when I broke into the vampire archive back in Los Angeles with the use of my technopathy. Unfortunately, with the unexpected surprise attack from the shadowed hell hound stabbing me with its disgusting plasmatic dark mattered skeletal hand, a good portion of the data was still encrypted which took us some time to decrypt.

    Once learning that the compound housed various holding cells filled with hostages they had locked up ready to serve as a meal at any given time of day, I knew we had to act. Hostages on top of the lethal assaults against me that led to many casualties in the crossfire, I decided it was time to come knocking on their front door, well the five of us I should say. I gazed out the hanger into the dark night sky feeling the nervousness inside, gulping and look back at the group that had positioned themselves in place for the freefall dive. Of course I was distracted from being warned by my super enhanced sixth sense giving my metal friend ample time to sneak right behind me. Before I knew it he pushed me right over the hanger edge plunging me into the dark night sky.

    Assholes, I cursed as I maneuvered my body flipping and tucking with the power of gravity on my side into a head diving plank position. I squeezed my entire body core locking my arms tightly by my sides in fist. I turned to glance behind me to see four figures falling behind me now fully deployed. The sensational rush of the cool night air plowed against my face freefalling fast reaching as I reached maximum velocity. Thanks to my stellar new blue tinted night vision thanks to the ascension of my abilities, the once black skies became visible once again passing through a few clouds being able to make out the dark spectacles below in the distance as we closed in on the darker area away from the dim light areas of civilization as we plummeted towards our target coming into view. My body tingled, pumping with adrenaline as the wind brushed my skin pores while hearing the speed of our momentum, each of us not needing a parachute of any sorts for different reasons.

    Bobby knows how to ice slide through the air with ease, while Paige and Pete both transform making them indestructible even if their landings weren’t so graceful, but that was the idea when going on the attack like we were tonight. My friend Ms. Summers and I had one particular supernatural gift besides our telepathy which was our telekinesis and its energetic shielding force enabling us to slow down our momentum to the speed of our desire. In my case I allowed myself to freefall conjuring the slightly blue telekinetic aura to shield me. I twisted around locating the vertical shaft that was on the rooftop of this strange secluded old school looking compound. Bingo!

    Spotting the shaft, I flipped in the air positioning my planked body with my feet pointed down. I hollowed out my core now like a cheerleading flyer would do, aiming my feet completely vertical towards the opening. Hearing not only the chiming sound of ice particles forming from the thick mist and the clanking of metal transforming, on top of sensing another telekinetic force nearby indicating my other teammates had made it to ground safely. Here comes the fun part! The five of us were going to tear this place down to rubble!

    I felt the mass of my body weight pushing against the small four walled shaft as I entered no longer seeing the open outdoors. I glided down the old stone made shaft sliding at a fast pace

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