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Silver Cascade Secrets: Silver Cascade Suspense, #1
Silver Cascade Secrets: Silver Cascade Suspense, #1
Silver Cascade Secrets: Silver Cascade Suspense, #1
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Silver Cascade Secrets: Silver Cascade Suspense, #1

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Take one park in autumn, mix in a handsome stranger, a daring heroine, murder, chocolate peanut butter brownies, mystery, and a few kisses and you'll see why Silver Cascade Secrets has everything you need to satisfy your cravings for Fall.

In this romantic suspense novella, Jillian is the master landscaper at a beautiful park. Meeting Travis there soon after breaking up with her boyfriend, Jillian is wary at first. Travis seems like a great guy, but Jillian has fallen for great guys before. When she learns that his brother, Craig, was murdered six months before, her heart goes out to Travis. True to her curious nature, she starts asking questions and learns about Craig’s close connection with the park. But finding the answers puts Jillian’s life in danger, and she must decide who she really trusts.

Release dateSep 8, 2015
Silver Cascade Secrets: Silver Cascade Suspense, #1

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    Silver Cascade Secrets - Rachelle J. Christensen

    SILVER CASCADE SECRETS by Rachelle J. Christensen is an exciting romantic suspense novella. I loved the park setting and the creepiness factor. Jillian meets Travis during one of her master landscaping projects at the park where his brother-in-law was killed and they both try to find answers about the murder. Great writing, a sweet romance, and an intriguing mystery all rolled into a single story.

    Heather B. Moore

    USA Today Bestselling Author of Finding Sheba

    From the Amazon #1 Bestselling series in *New Release* for Clean Romance

    2014 RONE Award Winner for Best Romance Anthology of the Year

    *Crown Heart for Excellence* Awarded Book —IND’TALE MAGAZINE

    Just in time for fall, … romantic suspense which will tingle the spine and thrill the heart. --DESERET NEWS, Melissa Demoux

    ...A great read for a lazy Sunday afternoon. I highly recommend.

    --Diane Darcy, USA Today bestselling author

    I am a big fan of romantic suspense . . . I love how these are little bite-sized stories that are just enough to satisfy a reader. This would be a great book to read in October--some were a little spooky and creepy, but not over the top--definitely no horror here. I always try and choose a favorite . . . this time around, I would have to say it's Rachelle J. Christensen's, if only because all I could picture was Hook. :) I will definitely be re-reading this one!!

    --Kit-Kat75 Amazon Reviewer

    Silver Cascade Secrets

    © 2015 Rachelle Christensen

    All rights reserved.

    Original Cover Design: Christina Dymock

    Edited by Annette Lyon

    Cover Design © Peachwood Press

    Interior book design: Heather Justesen

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Published by Peachwood Press, September 2015

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven



    Sneak Peek of Diamond Rings are Deadly Things

    Sneak Peek of The Soldier's Bride

    About Rachelle J. Christensen

    Other Works by Rachelle

    Dedication: To my children who inspire me, challenge me, and teach me every day.

    Again! a little girl squealed as she brushed leaves off her pants.

    I smiled and continued digging in the flower bed, planting tulip bulbs. Silver maple trees lined the sidewalks of Silver Cascade Park, where I worked five days a week as caretaker. My nails were bad because I didn’t like gloves, and I had perpetual dirt stains on my knees, but it was my dream job.

    I watched the girl sail into the pile of leaves and seconds later run to a man screaming, Again! Again!

    As I wondered if they were father and daughter, a woman approached and hugged the girl. The man put his arm around her in a side hug, and they talked for a few minutes before the woman left with the little girl.

    Hmm, didn’t seem like a divorced couple, but then my people-watching skills had proven that there was always more than meets the eye. The man sauntered down the sidewalk. I thought I heard him humming something. Carpenter jeans with a good fit were a weakness of mine, and his retreating form was straining my eyes, so I put some muscle back into the flower bed and grabbed another handful of tulip bulbs.

    A few minutes later, a light wind picked up several leaves and sent them skittering across the sidewalk. The points of the maple leaves made a distinct sound, signaling that autumn had taken root in Boise, Idaho. I watched the leaves swirl and ignored thoughts of raking and leaf blowing.

    I saw someone out of the corner of my eye and noticed that the man had come back and was on his hands and knees, searching through the grass. His carpenter jeans had a dark wash, which complimented his olive-toned skin. He appeared to be in his late twenties, maybe a few years older than my twenty-five years. I approached him, kicking a few leaves up as I walked.

    Not to ask the obvious, but did you lose something?

    He looked up. Yeah, my keys.

    I’m Jillian Warren, Silver Cascade Park caretaker and finder of many sets of lost keys. Would you like some help?

    He stood and brushed his hands on his pants then held out his hand. Travis Banner. I’d love some help, because it helps to have keys if you want to drive home.

    With a laugh, I shook his hand then knelt in the grass and began combing through the leaves. I stole a few glances in his direction. With dark hair and stubble along his jawline, he reminded me of Hook on my favorite TV show, Once Upon a Time, minus the sexy accent. I saw you playing with that little girl. Is she your daughter?

    My niece. I’m not married, but I like playing favorite uncle.

    It looked like you were definitely in the running.

    Hook, or Travis, looked even better with that info, and I had to remind myself I was searching for keys, not a date.

    Four-year-olds are pretty easy to please. He nodded toward the flower bed I’d been digging in. So do you like your job? The park is beautiful, by the way.

    Thanks. I do enjoy working here. I graduated in landscape architecture, and this seemed like a great stepping stone into the field. My grandma was a bit underwhelmed— not many bragging rights— but I really do like it more than I thought I would. I ducked my head, embarrassed at all the information I’d just given a stranger. Well, I knew his name, so he wasn’t a complete stranger.

    Travis met my gaze, picking up on my admission. It’s okay to love your job, even if it’s different from what everyone else expects. I’m a diesel-engine mechanic. My white-collar dad definitely didn’t approve of me donning the blue collar, but I love what I do and hope to have my own shop one day.

    My hands

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