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Eight Minutes Until the End of the World
Eight Minutes Until the End of the World
Eight Minutes Until the End of the World
Ebook30 pages25 minutes

Eight Minutes Until the End of the World

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About this ebook

On the Tridak ship, an alien utters the worst thing an alien can ever say: "Oops!" And on Earth in NASA's latest project, the Mercury Probe Orbiter, John Fanchett makes the fateful announcement: "Sir, we got a big problem. The sun is going nova."

The problem is, John only has eight minutes before the end of planet Earth, to solve the mystery of an alien language and his own survival.

Bonus short story: The Emergence

The Emergence has always loved her captain, and as aliens endanger her, she must take steps to avoid what could be a horrible blunder with alien intelligence. For the Emergence is one of the first artificially intelligent spaceships.

Release dateSep 9, 2015
Eight Minutes Until the End of the World

Judy Goodwin

Judy Goodwin developed a passion for writing at a young age, creating picture books from the time she could read and write. She continued this passion throughout her schooling, earning her BA degree in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. Along with the passion for English came a love of all languages, and Ms. Goodwin went on to study other languages as well, including German, French, and Japanese. She spent time as an exchange student in Germany, which helped to develop her love of other cultures. She has published short stories in small press and online magazines including Space and Time, Dreams and Nightmares, and Beyond Centauri. With the advent of eBooks and indie publishing, she decided to move into the brave new world of publishing with the debut of her first novel, Heart of the Witch. Her second novel is anticipated at the end of 2013, entitled Journey to Landaran.

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    Book preview

    Eight Minutes Until the End of the World - Judy Goodwin

    Table of Contents

    Eight Minutes Until the End of the World

    Science Fiction Story Two Pack: | Story 1: | EIGHT MINUTES BEFORE THE | END OF THE WORLD

    -Bonus Story- | THE EMERGENCE

    Find out more about upcoming releases and Judy’s reviews of fantasy and science fiction books on her blog at Sign up for the mailing list with freebies and news (never spam) at

    Science Fiction Story Two Pack:

    Story 1:



    Judy Goodwin

    ©2009 Judy Goodwin

    ON THE TRIDAK SHIP, battle alarms blared, jarring electromagnetic signals, sending Tiridaks scurrying on all six legs, rushing to correct the weapons system malfunction. Head of Tactical Il42 halted before Head of Operations, Ze948. There was a massive failure in weapons systems. We had to eject the antimatter torpedoes.

    Electromagnetic brain waves from Il42 were painfully long, betraying her horror to Ze948. Not a good sign. Can you fire proton matter to destroy the missiles before they hit the star of system 4789? Ze948 thought furiously for a way to avert disaster to the infant system, pacing the command deck.

    Negative. We should flee the system, Il42 responded.

    Head of Communications added her wavelength. Shouldn’t we try to warn the native intelligence?

    Il42 chirped a grunt. We’ve been trying to communicate with them for weeks. They don’t understand. Besides, it would give them little advance warning, and would only delay our escape.

    Second of Tactical rushed up to them. Impact is imminent! Permission to enter inter-dimensional space!

    Ze948 sighed, guilt and sorrow wracking her insides. We were having such progress with the natives. She directed her wavelength broadcast to the entire ship. Flee.

    The Tiridak ship winked out of dimensional space as the missiles hit the star, disrupting the fusion processes in the core.

    In the quasi-material state between dimensions, Ze948’s wavelengths radiated regret. Sorry, earthlings.

    In the back office, working on NASA’s latest brain child, the Mercury Probe Orbiter, John Fanchett sipped cold coffee and rubbed

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