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High Sea Murder: A Kit and Kat Mystery 2
High Sea Murder: A Kit and Kat Mystery 2
High Sea Murder: A Kit and Kat Mystery 2
Ebook187 pages2 hours

High Sea Murder: A Kit and Kat Mystery 2

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This is the second Kit and Kat mystery. Kit and Kat have just set up their own private detective agency, and are ready to go on a Mediterranean cruise before they open up their doors for business. The cruise is meant to be a time of relaxation, exploring ancient towns and cities. And it would have been relaxing – if a woman hadn’t shown the guests at table nine a necklace worth over $3,000,000.
Within the hour the necklace has been stolen. Who is the thief? One of the guests at table nine? One of the four servers? Perhaps it is a person who overheard mention of the value, or someone one of the guests talked to.
When the ship docks in Turkey, Inspector Rashan comes aboard to investigate the robbery and invites Kit and Kat to help with the mystery of the stolen jewelry. Without hesitation they agree to help.
Soon it's not just stolen jewelry that Kit and Kat are involved with, as theft turns to murder on the High Seas.
Chuck and Doni have been missionaries since 1981. They live on the Big Island of Hawaii. They have two children, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. They have helped start churches in the Philippines, Hong Kong, South Africa and also Taiwan where Chuck ministers four months each year. Chuck is the Pastor of the Kona Coast Chaplaincy on the Big Island of Hawaii, and he along with Doni are the Directors of Go Spread His Word Ministries, Inc. founded in 1990.

Release dateSep 12, 2015
High Sea Murder: A Kit and Kat Mystery 2

Chuck Antone, Jr

Chuck with his wife Doni have been missionaries since 1981. They live on the Big Island of Hawaii. They have two children, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. They have helped start churches in the Philippines, Hong Kong, South Africa and also Taiwan where Chuck ministers four months each year. Chuck is the Pastor of the Kona Coast Chaplaincy on the Big Island of Hawaii, and he along with Doni are the Directors of Go Spread His Word Ministries, Inc. founded in 1990.

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    High Sea Murder - Chuck Antone, Jr


    Hi there,

    This is Kit here. At the end of Paul's Island I mentioned that someday I would tell about our honeymoon cruise in the Mediterranean, and how we were involved in a robbery and murder aboard our ship. Also, how Kat and I helped solve the crime.

    Well, that day has finally arrived. I can remember all the details as if it happened only yesterday. I'm not quite sure where to start though, but like all good stories it's best to start at the beginning.

    So, I guess I'll start the day Kat and I were packing and getting ready for the unforgettable journey. I remember Kat asking me . . .


    As always to my wife, Doni, for her love and encouragement.

    To our two children, Chuck Antone III and Kim Cordery. You both were truly a gift from the Lord.

    To Jesus Christ who came to this earth to die so I could live.

    From the Author

    Aloha Dear Reader,

    This book you are reading is volume 2 of the Kit and Kat Mysteries.

    Our next book in the series is going to be called, P.O. Box Hawaii. It will involve the two sleuths in blackmail and murder in the beautiful state of Hawaii.

    My next book to be published, however, will take place back in the time of Jesus, and is called, The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns. More about that at the end of this book.

    As always, my books are written for the whole family, from mom and dad to the teenager who enjoys reading.

    Many thanks; I would love to hear from you.


    Chuck or

    P.O. Box 4404

    Kailua-Kona, HI 96745

    About the Author

    Chuck and Doni have been missionaries since 1981. They live on the Big Island of Hawaii.

    They have two children, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

    They have helped start churches in the Philippines, Hong Kong, So. Africa and also Taiwan where Chuck ministers four months each year.

    They have also done outreaches in Japan, Indonesia and in the mainland USA. They have smuggled Bibles into mainland China and have hiked up mountains in the Philippines while being watched by the New Peoples' Army, a Communist group that lives and hides in the mountain areas.

    Chuck was also arrested in a third world country and faced a year in prison for teaching a seminar on how to be a witness for Christ. After three weeks he was deported and sent back to his home in Hawaii.

    He says, Being a Christian is only boring when one makes it be boring.

    Chuck is the Pastor of the Kona Coast Chaplaincy on the Big Island of Hawaii, and he along with Doni are the Directors of Go Spread His Word Ministries, Inc. founded in 1990.

    You can contact Chuck at:

    or write

    P.O. Box 4404, Kailua-Kona, HI 96745

    Chuck's paperback books can also be purchased through major Internet sellers, and some titles are available as e-Books..


    Again, as always to my wife Doni for the many proof readings of this book. I love you. Many thanks to MBW.

    To Chris Wright, my editor on my last three books. Many thanks for all your work and suggestions.

    Books by Chuck Antone, Jr.

    Lord, Send Me

    The author’s feelings and emotions while facing a one year prison sentence in a third world country.

    Paperback only

    You’ve Got to be Kidding, Lord. You want me to tell WHO about You?

    Share the Gospel? Does the thought make you want to hide in bed with the blankets over your head? If it does, you’re not alone, but help is at hand. Here is what Chuck Antone, Jr. says in this exciting book written with great humor and much understanding:

    Are you ready to experience sharing Christ with the lost? Does one name keep popping into your mind? Has God been whispering in your ear? If so, be challenged, make that contact and see what God can do.

    Be encouraged by just being available. Just be the instrument, the tool. Let God do the work. He is much better at it than we are, for He has had a lot more experience in bringing someone to His Son, Jesus Christ. After all, He is God, the Mighty One, the Powerful One, the Creator, Our Savior, Our Father, the One and Only God.

    Paperback ISBN 978-1-9350-7934-7

    Also available as an e-Book in most formats

    You’ve Got to be Kidding, Lord

    (See previous book for details)

    This edition is in Chinese.

    Paperback only ISBN 978-1-4818-2238-1

    You Can’t Be Serious, Lord. You want me to love WHO?

    This book is written to encourage you to love one another. Not always easy, but it’s a command from our Lord Jesus Christ. Has God ever told you or commanded you to love someone you find hard to love? Have you ever heard yourself say, "You can't be serious, Lord, you want me to love who?" And then when you give in and love that person, he or she can become your very good friend.

    This book will help you to understand God's special love that He has for each of us. By reviewing 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter, and Galatians 5:22-23, the Fruit of the Spirit, we not only see His love, but the love we should have for one another.

    At the end of each chapter you will be challenged to do just that. So have your writing instrument and a notebook ready and be honest with yourself.

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1505514629

    Also available in most e-Book formats

    Paul’s Island

    Fiction. Volume 1. A Kit and Kat mystery. A mystery about eight university graduates who spend five days on the island. When one of them is murdered, the others help the Inspector solve the case. The two main characters are Christians with criminology degrees.

    Paperback ISBN 978-0-6154-7577-6

    Also available in most e-Book formats

    High Seas Murder

    Fiction. Volume 2. A Kit and Kat mystery. Kit and Kat have just set up their own private detective agency, and are ready to go on a Mediterranean cruise before they open up their doors for business. The cruise is meant to be a time of relaxation, but the onboard theft of a necklace worth over $3,000,000 needs their investigative skills. Soon it’s not just stolen jewelry that Kit and Kat are involved with, as theft turns to murder on the High Seas.

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    Barcelona Jones

    Murder on Broadway

    Fiction. Barcelona Jones is a Broadway star. Her new play, Murder on Broadway is a big hit with people waiting months to buy a ticket to see it.

    At one evening performance, at the end of the first act, real bullets are put into the prop gun killing one of the cast players. Were the bullets meant for him or one of the other players?

    Soon, another murder occurs, as well as two attempted murders: one of them on the star, Barcelona Jones herself.

    Barcelona hires a private detective to investigate the crimes, and he completely falls in love with her on their first meeting.

    Will her feelings for Sam, the detective, be the same? And who is the murderer? Could it possibly be Barcelona’s friend and stage actress, Brenda Summers? That’s up to you, the reader, to find out.

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    The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns

    A fictional story about the Centurion who, at the foot of the cross, said, Truly this was the Son of God.

    As people leave the scene of the crucifixion, the Centurion, known in this book as Marcus, stays a little longer. While he’s looking up at Jesus who is still nailed to the cross beams, a small earthquake happens. The crown of thorns falls off Jesus’ head and rolls to the feet of Marcus, where it stops.

    As Marcus bends down and touches the crown he senses a strong power coming from it. He immediately feels clean and new, and a great peace comes over him. He doesn’t understand it but he enjoys the feeling.

    He takes the crown home to share his story with his wife, who wants nothing to do with it. After all, she was one of the many who were in the courtyard yelling for Jesus to be crucified. On the other hand, his ten-year-old son is fascinated by what his father tells him, and is intrigued by the crown and wants to learn more.

    Marcus and his son Antony become believers, and Marcus searches out ten Bible prophecies that Jesus has fulfilled. He wants to teach his son many things about their new Messiah.

    The crown not only gives Marcus strength and peace, but it also has healing powers that bring him and his son Antony closer in their walk with the Lord.

    As the story unfolds, Marcus learns how each of the ten prophecies was fulfilled. And because of this, he is now ready to completely give his life to his new God, especially after he has an opportunity to meet with the risen Jesus face to face, who tells him it is time to give up the crown of thorns.

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    Fiction. Who killed Hollywood legend Ava Montez, once known as the most beautiful woman in the world? The murder has been unsolved for over forty years. But that’s about to change, when the New York Reader’s reporter, Rae Collins, is assigned to do a story on the life and death of Ava Montez.

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    Fictional love story between a man and a woman, and their love for Jesus, as He teaches them from the book of Mark.

    Paperback ISBN 978-1-6157-9058-6

    Paperbacks books and e-Books (where done) are available from most online retailers.

    For paperback order form and information on books and CDs:

    P.O. Box 4404

    Kailua-Kona, HI 96745

    United States of America

    Chapter 1

    Kit, do you have room in your suitcase for two pairs of my shoes?

    Kat was in the bedroom packing, while I was in the living room doing the same thing.

    Yes, I think so. How many pairs of shoes are you taking? I hollered back.

    I'm not sure. Maybe six or eight, depending on how much room you have. Kat's voice had a humorous sound to it. "How many pairs are you taking?" she shouted back.

    Three. One black, one brown and a pair of thong slippers to wear going back and forth from the pool to the hot tub.

    Oh, I forgot my slippers. Thanks for reminding me!

    Kat and I were getting ready for our three week cruise on the Mediterranean, plus three days in Barcelona in Spain, and four days in Lisbon, Portugal.

    It was a belated wedding gift from our parents. My folks gave us the three week cruise which ended in Spain, and Kat's folks gave us the three days there and the four days in Lisbon. They also gave us five thousand dollars each to spend on whatever we wanted.

    We were excited. Our six month wedding anniversary was coming up soon and we were going to celebrate it on the ship.

    Of course, this wasn't our first big time away together. After our wedding we went on a five day honeymoon to the Big Island of Hawaii. We stayed at one of the beautiful hotels in the area called Waikoloa. The trip was short, as we had many things

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