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Mastering the Mistress
Mastering the Mistress
Mastering the Mistress
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Mastering the Mistress

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When Alien warrior Solar M'Tex gets captured and sold at the Flesh Bazaar, he has no say in who buys him. Before he knows it he is the exclusive property of Kaylee, a lush little female from Yonnie Six who wants her own personal bodyslave. To say he’s angry and vengeful is an understatement...he’s furious with the curvy little Mistress for buying him and he’s determined to make her pay.

Kaylee is new to Yonnie Six high society. She didn't even know she needed a bodyslave until her new friend Lyla told her. But when Lyla talks her into buying the huge, muscular Solar, she doesn't know what to do with him--or have any idea how she's going to master him.

Soon they're in Kaylee's dungeon with all the equipment a Mistress could need to tame a wayward bodyslave. Kaylee does her best but when Solar gets free of his restraints, the tables are turned. Will she escape from the male she dared to try and master...or will Solar end up Mastering the Mistress?

**Author’s Note—Kindred on Their Knees is a series of stand-alone novels set in the Brides of the Kindred universe. It's all about hot Alien Warriors subjugated to the will of a Mistress. Sometimes they turn the tables, but they always honor and protect the women they serve.

Many of these stories are set on Yonnie Six--the planet in the Kindred universe where women rule with an iron fist and men are considered to be useful only as servants and playthings. So Female-led relationships and men in collars are the order of the day.

If you like that kind of vibe, you should enjoy the novels comprised here. And if you've never read any of my Kindred books and want an overview of the Kindred Universe before you dive in, please note that the first book in my main Kindred series, Claimed, is always a free download everywhere.
Hugs and Happy reading!
**PS—Mastering the Mistress has a new cover and I am putting it into a new series, but it is still the same book. If you have already read it and own it, no n

Release dateSep 25, 2015
Mastering the Mistress

Evangeline Anderson

Evangeline Anderson is the USA Today Best Selling Author of the Brides of the Kindred and Born to Darkness series. She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, a son, and two cats. She had been writing erotic fiction for her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found that it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing paranormal and Sci-fi erotica steadily ever since.You can find her online at her website www.evangelineanderson.comCome visit for some free reads. Or, to be the first to find out about new books, join her newsletter. Note from Evangeline--I have divided my my Kindred Tales series into smaller series based on themes and the type of Kindred the books are about. Have a look at the checklist--you might have missed oneKindred Tales Checklist and Series BlurbsKindred on Their Knees is a series of stand-alone novels set in the Brides of the Kindred universe. It's all about hot Alien Warriors subjugated to the will of their Mistress. Sometimes they turn the tables, but they always honor and protect the women they serve.Many of these stories are set on Yonnie Six--the planet in the Kindred universe where women rule with an iron fist and men are considered to be useful only as servants and playthings. So Female-led relationships and men in collars and chains are the order of the day. If you like that kind of vibe, you should enjoy the novels comprised here.Kindred on Their Knees[ ] 1.Mastering the Mistress[ ] 2.Freeing the Prisoner[ ] 3.Bridging the Distance[ ] 4.Instructing the Novice[ ] 5.Handling the Hybrid[ ] 6.Protecting His Mistress[ ] 7.Unleashed by the Defender[ ] 8.Accidental Acquisition[ ] 9.Bonded by TwoThe Monstrum Kindred seriesMeet the Monstrum Kindred Warriors from a neighboring universe, They look different from the Kindred the Earth has come to know. Some have hooves, some have horns, and all of them have fur below the belt. Yet, though they may look monstrous or animalistic to some, they have the same needs that all Kindred do. They all need Brides, and Earth is filled with unwed women who will soon be Claimed by the Monstrum. These books are for readers who love Monster Romance and Beastly Aliens.The Monstrum Kindred series[ ] 1.Enticed by the Satyr[ ] 2.Loved by the Lion[ ] 3.Taming the Tiger[ ] 4.Dragon in the Dark[ ] 5.Queen of Their Colony[ ] 6.Finding his Goddess[ ] 7.Shared by the MonstrumBeasts of the Kindred seriesThe Beasts of the Kindred series is for readers who love Beast Alien Romance. It includes stand alone novels in the Kindred Universe with Beast Kindred warriors as well as other Kindred who have Beasts inside them like Drake Kindred and Wulven Kindred. If you love a little feral action with your spicy romance, this series is for you.Beasts of the Kindred series (Beast Kindred)[ ] 1.Seeing with the Heart[ ] 2.Finding the Jewel[ ] 3.Pairing with the Protector[ ] 4.Raised to Kill[ ] 5.Saved by the Beast[ ] 6.Releasing the Dragon[ ] 7.Hitting the Target[ ] 8.Tied to the WulvenKindred Duets series (two novellas in one book)Kindred Duet books have two shorter stand alone novellas rather than one long story. If you like variety, this series is for you. Twice the hot Alien Spice and all kinds of themes and tropes including Enemies to Lovers, Daddy Dom, Single Mom, Cinnamon Roll heroes, as well as Morally Gray MMCs. You’ll find all this and more in the Kindred Duet Series. Enjoy!Kindred Duets series[ ] 1.Dark and Light[ ] 2.Wicked and Wild[ ] 3.Dae’mons and DomsKindred Times Two seriesThe Kindred Times Two series contains stand alone novels set in the Kindred Universe about Kindred warriors who must share a mate. If you enjoy lots of spicy MFM scenes, this series is for you.Kindred Times Two (Twin Kindred)[ ] Sharing a Mate[ ] Secret Santa Surprise[ ] Posing for Their PleasureBitten by a Kindred seriesThe Bitten by a Kindred series contains stand alone novels based in the Kindred Universe about Kindred warriors with fangs. There are the Blood Kindred who only bite to inject their essence and give their mates pleasure, but there are also stories of their darker cousins...the Pitch Blood Kindred, who must drink blood to survive. If you love Vampire Romance and spicy stories of sensual biting and piercing, this series is for you.Bitten by a Kindred (Blood Kindred)[ ] 1.Healing the Broken[ ] 2.Falling for Kindred Claus[ ] 3.Guarding the Goddess (included because it comes after Falling for Kindred Clause)[ ] 4.Playing their Parts[ ] 5.Delivered by the DefenderThe Kindred Time Travel Series is about Kindred warriors traveling through time to find the women they want to Claim as BridesTime Travel Kindred Tales[ ] 1.Trapped in Time[ ] 2.Time to HealThe Hybrid Kindred ChroniclesThe Hybrid Kindred Chronicles are stand alone novels set in the Kindred Universe. They tell the stories of Kindred warriors who carry the DNA of two or more branches of the Kindred Family Tree. Often, this makes it difficult for them to Bond with a woman and call a Bride. But when the Goddess intervenes, anything is possible.The Hybrid Kindred Chronicles[ ] 1.Bonded by Accident[ ] 2.The Priestess and the Thief[ ] 3.Healing Her Patient[ ] 4.Hidden Rage[ ] 5.Guarded by the Hybrid[ ] 6.Faking it with the Hybrid[ ] 7.Lost on Oblivion[ ] 8.The Kindred Warrior's Captive BrideThe Giants and Cyborgs Kindred seriesThese are stand alone novels set in the Kindred Universe all about two of the most unique kinds of Kindred warriors. Jor'gen Kindred are nine feet tall and tower over their human mates, yet these gentle giants are sworn to protect the women they love.Dark Kindred are sometimes more machine than man—these cyborg soldiers are grown in the Gestation Tanks of Z4, a planet where emotions are forbidden and punishable by death. Quite often these Kindred warriors are surprised when feelings for a curvy little human creeps into their previously stone-cold hearts.Extreme size Differences and Forbidden Emotions are two of my favorite tropes to write—I hope you enjoy these tales of Giants and CyborgsGiants and Cyborgs series[ ] 1.Taming the Giant[ ] 2.Awakened by the Giant[ ] 3.Bonding with the Beast[ ] 4.Burning for LoveTales of the Switch Kindred seriesTales of the Switch Kindred is a series of stand alone novels set in the Kindred Universe about Kindred warriors who can jump into and occupy the body of another. If you like body-swapping stories and spicy sci-fi action, this is the series for you!Tales of the Switch Kindred[ ] 1.Loving a Stranger[ ] 2.Stealing Her Heart[ ] 3.Taming Two Warriors (included in this series because it is a sequel to Stealing Her Heart)Author’s Note—I hope this explanation of the new series in the Kindred Tales helps. If you would rather read every single Kindred story in order, including the main series, Brides of the Kindred, you can find the Definitive Reading Order list in my Linktree which is always pinned at the top of my Facebook page. And if you’re new to the Kindred Universe and want to start at the very beginning, the first book in my main series, Claimed, is a free download everywhere.Hugs and Happy Reading!Evangeline Anderson

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    Mastering the Mistress - Evangeline Anderson

    Mastering the Mistress

    A Kindred Tales Novel

    Evangeline Anderson

    Evangeline AndersonSeries by Evangeline Anderson: Brides of the Kindred, Kindred Tales, Alien Mate Index, Cougarville and Born to Darkness.

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    Mastering the Mistress, 2nd Edition,

    A Kindred Tales Novella

    Copyright © 2015 by Evangeline Anderson

    All rights reserved.

    Cover Art Design © 2015 by Reese Dante

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writers’ imagination or have been used factiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Mastering the Mistress

    Author’s Note

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

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    Bonding with the Beast

    Chapter 1


    The Brides of the Kindred


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

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    Also by Evangeline Anderson

    About the Author

    Mastering the Mistress

    A Kindred Tales Novella

    A warrior who has vowed never to take a bride

    Is bought by a girl who needs a body slave...but has no idea what to do with him

    Will Kaylee be able to tame the huge Havoc she bought at the Flesh Bazaar?

    Or will Solar turn the tables and end up...Mastering the Mistress?

    Solar M'Tex is a Havoc—a race of males who have sworn never to bond themselves to a female. So the idea of serving or loving any woman, no matter how beautiful, is foreign to him. But when he gets captured and sold at the Flesh Bazaar, he has no say in who buys him. Before he knows it he is the exclusive property of Kaylee, a lush little female from Yonnie Six who wants her own personal body slave.

    Kaylee is new to Yonnie Six high society. She didn't even know she needed a body slave until her new friend Lyla told her. But when Lyla talks her into buying the huge, muscular Havoc, she doesn't know what to do with him—or have any idea how she's going to master him.

    Soon they're in Kaylee's new dungeon with all the equipment a Mistress could need to tame a new slave. Kaylee does her best but when Solar gets free of his restraints, the tables are turned. Will she escape from the male she dared to try and master...or will Solar end up Mastering the Mistress?

    Author’s Note

    Dear Reader,

    this is a Kindred novella—NOT the next book in the series. That book is Brides of the Kindred 16, FORGOTTEN. This story is about Solar, who is the friend and shipmate of Thrace from Kindred 14, ENSLAVED. Both males were captured and sold at the Flesh Bazaar and this book is about what happened to Solar.

    Hugs and Happy Reading!



    S slaves! Fresh sslaves for ssale—sspecimens in their prime! Fresh from the Carnal Houses of Orchids Ssseven.

    The hissing voice rang in Solar M’Tex’s ears constantly as one of the filthy slavers who had captured him and taken his freedom prowled around the vast, echoing dome of the Flesh Bazaar crying his wares.

    At least Solar assumed he was in the Flesh Bazaar. He was blindfolded so he couldn’t see a damn thing. But that was what he’d heard the slavers saying when he and Captain Thrace were captured.

    Carnal Houses of Orchids Seven my ass, he thought as the voice went on and on. The slavers were trying to pass him and Thrace off as highly trained pleasure slaves when nothing could be further from the truth. They were Havoc born and bred, the both of them, and though Solar flattered himself he could be very pleasing in the bedroom when he had a mind to be, he hadn’t exactly been classically trained in the erotic arts.

    When he first woke up in the dirty metal cage in the back of the slavers’ ship with a throbbing head and a tongue that tasted like he’d been eating dirt, he had thought it was a simple robbery. The drinks at the sleazy little port bar must have been spiked—a common enough trick for thieves who wanted to roll a few off-worlders and snatch their credits. But they’d lost a lot more than their spare change—freedom was now a thing of the past too.

    At first he’d thought they were headed for the Pendarian Mines in the Vega galaxy or maybe they’d be forced to become fighters in the Blood Arena. But the hissing voices of the reptilian Xethian slavers had set him straight. Like other Havocs, he had a natural talent for languages and the words Flesh Bazaar were hard to miss. Sex slaves. He and Thrace were being sold into sexual bondage and there wasn’t a damn thing they could do about it.

    This is what we get for stopping on a fucking backwater planet like Padge for fuel and repairs, he thought grimly, But they’d had no choice—The Empress had a broken hydrogen scoop and they had run through their entire emergency supply of fuel just getting to the damn planet. There was no place else to stop for thousands of parsecs so it was Padge or nothing. And there hadn’t seemed to be any harm in getting a drink while the mech-droids looked the Empress over.

    Where was The Empress now? Probably the ship was still in dry dock and likely to remain there under the security code Thrace had placed on it. The rest of the crew might stay a few weeks—a solar month at most. Then, when it became apparent their captain and first mate weren’t coming back, they would drift away, looking for other employment. None of them were Havoc like he and Thrace were—they had no honor or loyalty among them.

    And forget about the ship—where was Thrace? They were in a tight spot and no mistake, but he was almost more worried about his captain than himself. Thrace hated slavery and anything to do with it. He refused to transport slavers on The Empress even when they offered three times the usual boarding price. Solar had once seen him take on three huge Jacian slavers at once in a bar fight though the cool and distant captain usually kept himself aloof from any kind of brawl.

    After knocking the three of them out, Thrace had taken their release mechanisms, found their ship, and set the entire shipment of slaves free. He’d done it all without a word but the dark look on his face had told Solar everything he needed to know. The entire crew had steered clear of the Captain for weeks after that.

    There was no doubt about it, Solar mused, Thrace had something personal against the entire slave trade though what it was, he had never confided to Solar. Then again, the Captain didn’t confide in anyone. He was a closed book, a quiet, brooding giant of a male who kept everyone at arm’s length, even Solar who had been working with him for the past seven years.

    Not that Solar was small himself. Havoc males were seldom less than six foot seven with muscles to match. Like their Kindred cousins, they possessed immense strength and stamina to go with their powerful physical forms. Unlike their cousins, they didn’t kowtow to the Goddess or bind themselves to females. Women were well enough when a male had an itch to scratch but a lasting relationship simply wasn’t in the cards. Havocs were nomads—they were smugglers and raiders, explorers and traders, not interested in settling down in one place and raising brats.

    Solar was no exception—he’d always scoffed at the stories of how the Kindred bound themselves to the females of their choice for the sake of love. A Havoc would never do such a foolish thing—a love bond was the kiss of death for a male with his genes. He had always been content to travel the universe in The Empress, never spending more than a few days in one place or more than a few hours with any given female.

    Well it looks like you’re going to be spending a whole lot more than a few days or hours around here unless you can figure a way out of here, a little voice in his brain whispered. Better get on that, Solar.

    Ssslaves for sssale, hissed his captor, monotonously.

    He wondered if Thrace was somewhere in the echoing dome being put up for sale as well. They’d been separated that morning by the slavers, before being herded into the transport that carried them to the Flesh Bazaar. Thrace had remained stubbornly silent as he fought grimly for his life and freedom but Solar had raged and shouted as he kicked and struggled until the slavers had fitted him with a pain collar. After that, a simple press of the remote lit up the pain centers in his brain like a supernova. He’d collapsed and hadn’t been able to stop their preparations.

    First he’d been stripped and then a pair of tight leather trousers had been forced on his long legs. He was left bare chested and his hands had been bound behind his back. A blindfold covered his eyes and then he felt the sharp sting of a needle in his throat.

    Jussst in casse you decide to try and talk, the hissing voice of the Xethian slaver whispered in his ear. Solar had opened his mouth to tell the son-of-a-bitch to go fuck himself and found he couldn’t say a word. Don’t worry, the slaver hissed. It will wear off…but only after you are ssssold.

    Then he’d been marched, blindfolded and dumb, into the loud, echoing space where he heard slavers shouting their wares from every corner. A long leather leash hung from his collar, tied to the metal ring fixed in the stone display block he was kneeling on. He’d been here for what felt like hours and the thin pad between his knees and the ungiving stone wasn’t helping much. He shifted uncomfortably,

    What about this one? he heard a female voice ask. "He’s a well grown specimen. Tall, muscular…look at those abdominals! Very nice. And those broad shoulders and long legs—oh yes, he’d make an excellent body-slave for you, Kaylee."

    I don’t know, Lyra. The second voice was softer and a little more hesitant. "He’s a lot bigger than what I planned on getting."

    "Bigger everywhere." A rough hand gripped the crotch of his leather trousers, making Solar growl silently. Gods damn it, he wished he could get his arms free for just one fucking second! He didn’t hold with hurting females but he’d twist the wrist of the one groping him until she begged for mercy if he got half a chance.

    Don’t hurt him, Lyra—aren’t males, ah…delicate there? the second voice protested.

    They are—which is why you have to know where to squeeze. You have to show a male like this who’s Mistress right away. It doesn’t matter if he’s twice as big as you, he’ll bend his neck to your dominance quick enough if you give his balls a twist or two.

    "But I don’t want a body-slave I have to punish all the time, Kaylee protested. In fact, I don’t really want a body-slave at all."

    The other girl gave a long suffering sigh.

    "Kaylee, how often do I have to tell you this—you’re never going to make it in high society on Yonnie Six without your own personal body-slave. It doesn’t matter how much money your Great Aunt Jamelda left you—you walk into the Grand Assembly without a slave and you might as well cut your own throat. It’s social suicide!"

    "Well maybe I’m not sure I want to make it in high society, Kaylee said stubbornly. My mother and I didn’t live in Opulex and we never had a lot of credit but we managed fine without slaves."

    "You country cousins are so backwards. I can’t believe you don’t keep males as slaves. Do you really let them just walk around free among the general population?"

    "Well, I mean, not in the main town but nobody bothered them much if they kept to themselves. They are people," Kaylee pointed out.

    "No, they’re not—they’re animals. Not fit for anything but manual labor or sexual pleasure. Ask anyone

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