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Favorable Incompetence
Favorable Incompetence
Favorable Incompetence
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Favorable Incompetence

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Subtitle: Shining a Light on 9/11

September 11 is not merely a day which changed the world; it remains a raging inferno, creating new disasters every day. Because of this, 9/11 remains a current event. Ironically, the government tells us to pay no attention to conspiracy theories, but seemed to think nothing of broadcasting their own conspiracy theory a mere three hours after tragedy struck the Pentagon.

The facts don't add up. The Official Conspiracy Theory remains full of holes. We find evidence of cover-up and complicity on the part of the government.

This book gives a fresh look at the enigma that is 9/11. Not only does it debunk the Official Conspiracy (Bush) Theory, it handily debunks the so-called 9/11 debunkers -- the Fans of the Bush Theory. It covers a lot of old ground, but in a new way, and it provides a perspective that cuts to the core of what 9/11 is and why it remains even more relevant today.

Within the book, special sections of each chapter step outside of the normal viewpoint to explore, "Thinking Like the Perpetrator." Like is recent book, "Dirt Ordinary: Shining a Light on Conspiracies," Mr. Martin shows how the real 9/11 conspiracy gave its conspirators a great many benefits.

Every citizen of this planet should know what really happened on 9/11, who benefited and why. With all the evidence accumulated by tireless independent investigators, it's clear that Muslims did not do 9/11. It's clear that the pretense for war in Afghanistan was a sham as much as the fictional WMDs were in Iraq.

Psychopaths are loose on the world stage. They are playing a dangerous game. Everyone needs to know what that game is and what we can do to steer humanity away from oblivion.

Favorable Incompetence explores these topics and offers some startling options.

Release dateSep 15, 2015
Favorable Incompetence

Rod Martin, Jr

Rod Martin, Jr. was born in West Texas, United States. He has been a Hollywood artist, a software engineer with a degree summa cum laude, a writer, web designer and a college professor. Rod Martin's interests have ranged from astronomy to ancient history, physics to geology, and graphics arts to motion pictures. He has studied comparative religion, worked as a lay minister and spiritual counselor, and taught ethics in college. While doing graphic arts in Hollywood, he also studied electronic engineering. In 1983, as Carl Martin, he published his first novel, "Touch the Stars: Emergence," co-authored by John Dalmas (Tor Books, NY). He continues to write science fiction under that pen name. Later, switching careers to computers and information technology, Mr. Martin worked for Control Data, Ceridian Payroll, Bank of America, Global Database Marketing and IPRO Tech. He also created "Stars in the NeighborHood" 3D astronomy space software. He currently resides in the Philippines with his wife, Juvy. He has taught information technology, mathematics and professional ethics at Benedicto College, in Cebu. He continues to teach online and to write books and blogs.

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    Book preview

    Favorable Incompetence - Rod Martin, Jr

    Favorable Incompetence

    Shining a Light on 9/11

    Rod Martin, Jr.

    How the official conspiracy theory is full of holes, and how that tragedy is becoming increasingly relevant

    Those who betray their own country reveal an incompetence favorable to the enemy.

    Smashwords Edition

    December 2018

    Published by Tharsis Highlands Publishing

    Copyright 2015, 2018 Rod Martin, Jr.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form.


    Cover photos: Bush—Agência Brasil, CC BY 3.0, via Wikipedia. New York on 9/11—National Park Service, PD, via Wikipedia. Cover design by Rod Martin, Jr.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Shining a Light Series

    Dirt Ordinary: Shining a Light on Conspiracies, by Rod Martin, Jr.

    Favorable Incompetence: Shining a Light on 9/11, by Rod Martin, Jr.

    Thermophobia: Shining a Light on Global Warming, by Rod Martin, Jr.

    Climate Basics series

    Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear, by Rod Martin, Jr.—an Amazon #1 Bestseller

    Deserts & Droughts: How Does Land Ever Get Water? by Rod Martin, Jr.



    Introduction: The Official Conspiracy Theory

    Chapter 1: Cartoon Buildings and Government Reports

    Chapter 2: Devout Muslims The Accused Were Not

    Chapter 3: Jumping Hot Giuliani and the Disappearing Crime Scene

    Chapter 4: Rewarding Military Incompetence

    Chapter 5: Bumbling Bush and His Gang of Sinister Clowns

    Chapter 6: Magical Airplanes

    Chapter 7: Someone Would’ve Talked

    Chapter 8: Media and the Official Conspiracy Theory

    Chapter 9: Who Benefited? Means, Motive and Opportunity

    Chapter 10: The Disaster that Keeps On Giving



    About Rod Martin, Jr.

    Other Books by Rod Martin, Jr.

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    Introduction: The Official Conspiracy Theory

    Why bother with 9/11? Isn’t it old news?

    Think for a moment. First of all, any book of history can prove valuable. If it shines a new light on events and helps us to see things from a new viewpoint, that can help prepare us for the future.

    But 9/11 is a current event. Like a raging forest fire that has not yet been extinguished, 9/11 keeps delivering new tragedies. With every law written that makes one more tear in the Constitution—with every new battle or skirmish in the never-ending and lucrative War on Terror—and with every other government action which uses 9/11 as a reason—that day of ruin continues to wreck havoc on our world. September 11 is still very much alive and active.

    A Theory Full of Holes

    Isn’t it ironic. The American government makes such a big deal out of dismissing conspiracy theories, but had no problem dispensing their own theory for the world to believe. When a citizen lies to the government, they go to prison; when the government lies, it’s merely politics as usual.

    If you think conspiracies never happen, think again. In my book, Dirt Ordinary: Shining a Light on Conspiracies, I detail hundreds of facts which show how such things are as common as ordinary dirt.

    The official conspiracy theory goes something like this:

    Nineteen men, armed with box cutters, hijacked four airliners, overpowering the passengers and military trained pilots.

    With minimal pilot training and insufficient skills to rent a propeller airplane, they flew their highly complex, jumbo jet aircraft at more than a hundred miles per hour above the maximum operating velocity for sea level flight and expertly crashed their airplanes into their targets. Yet, even the experts say that such accuracy is near impossible for a seasoned pilot and that the structural integrity of their airplanes would likely have failed before they could have reached their targets.

    All of this was orchestrated by a single madman, operating a laptop and a cell phone in a cave fortress in Afghanistan half a world away, breaking through the Trillion dollar defenses of the world’s mightiest military without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.

    The two crashes in New York, resulted in the complete, catastrophic and vertical collapse of three steel framed buildings, killing nearly 3,000 people.

    In Virginia, one plane broke through the most highly protected airspace on the planet to circle the Pentagon in a 270°, descending corkscrew turn to come level with the ground in order to crash into the recently upgraded and least populated wedge of the building, far from the offices of the top brass. In the area of destruction, many accountants were busy working on the puzzle of the missing $2.3 Trillion that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced on the day before, September 10, 2001.

    The Great Danger

    The greatest danger with 9/11 was that it triggered an emotional reaction that destroyed the liberty of all American citizens. Another danger revealed by 9/11 is that the government can kill its own citizens in order to achieve a desired objective—a reason to go to war—a perpetual war that will make some corporations extremely wealthy while killing thousands in the American military, and millions in the countries suffering American unilateral aggression.

    A favorite player in the circles of power, Henry Kissinger, once said that military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy (Bernstein). Kissinger had been Bush’s first choice to lead the 9/11 Commission. How many in government have his attitude about military men? Too many, it seems.

    The danger remains that the government could give us another 9/11 at any time. Don’t believe this?

    If you don’t believe that the American government can betray its own people, then look back through history. The danger to the RMS Lusitania was no secret, but Wilson left it unprotected, despite published threats from the German government. America would now have an excuse to enter into the war (Spirit Auras).

    The British also left the ship unprotected, even though they had protected many other transports before, with multiple warships. The Lusitania was supposed to be unsinkable, but sank with remarkable speed. Why was the ship left unescorted through dangerous waters? Why did the ship sink so quickly? Later in the war, a sister ship was struck by twelve torpedoes

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