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Five of a Kind
Five of a Kind
Five of a Kind
Ebook255 pages4 hours

Five of a Kind

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Cheli is exhausted. 15 years of non-stop work changed her from a popular orphan to a superstar, but her new life with Alan is suffering for it, forcing her to take a break. The sudden discovery of a secret sister soon creates more drama in her personal life than any of her on-screen characters ever had to deal with. The ensuing domino effect takes her on a wild, emotionally charged adventure.

Release dateSep 15, 2015
Five of a Kind


Ceanmohrlass is a retired grandmother who has been writing novels for her family and friends for over 20 years.She is the family genealogist, and writing the family history has only increased the passion for writing.Ceanmohrlass resides in Texas and is currently working on three new novels.

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    Book preview

    Five of a Kind - Ceanmohrlass

    Five of a Kind

    Copyright 2014 Jana Robison

    Published by Ceanmohrlass Jana Robison at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    About the Author

    Other books by Ceanmohrlass

    Chapter 1

    Flashing neon lights race Cheli’s name across the marquee over the casino, and the ticket holders waiting in line erupt in cheers! The sold out event begins in 30 minutes and spectators file in through 10 lanes now, quickly filling the available chairs. The driver picked me up 10 minutes ago, I’m on my way! Cheli laughs into her cell. Fine, tell him to take you to the back entrance, I will see you shortly. Trudy says then quickly hangs up.

    Cheli’s agent has automatically booked her to appear for the past two years, but Cheli had been struggling with the decision to take a break from everything for a little while. At the last minute, Cheli had called a delighted Trudy and agreed to attend. The children’s hospital counts on the donations it receives from the yearly ‘Celebrity Poker Tournament’; Cheli can’t let them down.

    Out of breath, Cheli rushes in the staff entry incognito, donning a chef’s jacket, black wig, and huge black framed glasses. Thank you Jerrid, this is just so crazy. I can’t understand why they get so aggressive! Cheli says to her old friend. No problem, it’s an honor! Without you and your associates raising this money every year, my daughter might not be here, Jerrid says.

    Jerrid had run into Cheli at the hospital the day his little girl was rushed in for tests. The new machines purchased from the tournament donations found the child’s cancer in time. Jerrid accepts his jacket and his girlfriend’s glasses and wig and walks away.

    Cheli takes a deep breath, puts on a smile, and rushes to the doorway into the event. The prescheduled press interviews are quickly shuffled for Cheli. A mad dash through the lobby and past the lengthening line of spectators, Cheli quickly ducks into soundproof room number 3. Cheli, her agent Trudy, and the reporter quickly greet, and Cheli prepares to answer the standard, boring questions. Breathing deeply, and dreading trying to come up with snappy new answers, Cheli takes her seat.

    After a surprisingly loud slurp of ginger ale, Cheli shifts back into her seat in front of the reporter. Trudy hesitantly receives a packet from the reporter, opens it, and then suddenly frowns... Trudy’s eyebrows rise, threatening to crack her heavy makeup.

    Cheli knows not to say anything until her agent nods her head to begin the interview. A full moment later, that nod has still not occurred... Trudy is intently staring at a few sheets of paper, and Cheli clears her throat a few times, but gets no notice. Trudy’s recently puffed lips move slightly as she mutters curses.

    The awkward silence lasts only a moment longer...Listen, I have to get this story, you can’t give it to anyone else, and I won’t run it yet, but I need something from you in return. My sister needs some help right now, and I need money for her lawyer or she’s going to lose custody, the reporter says, turning his desperate gaze to Cheli.

    Trudy, without saying a word, reaches into her briefcase, pulls out a leather clutch and quickly writes the reporter a check. That should hold you for a few days, Trudy says. The reporter leans back and nods, wiping his brow with a white cloth. Left out of the loop, Cheli reluctantly begins the interview at her agent’s nod. The very second the interview ends, Cheli is whisked off to the game floor.

    Flash bulbs are popping from all directions and bystanders cheer loudly, as Cheli walks down the three stairs into the poker pit, and takes her seat at the far table. Hey Cheli! Glad you changed your mind! Terri shouts from two seats over. Hi Terri! I just couldn’t let the children down, this is just too important! Cheli says loudly. Spectators whistle and cheer for Cheli and she blows kisses to them all in return.

    The announcer calls out over the cheers and begins the tournament, and the room grows eerily quiet. Even the slightest whisper now resonates into the microphone each player wears. Every spectator seat is full. The player’s faces are projected onto the multitude of large screens scattered throughout the massive multi-level casino.

    Terri makes an early bold move against Cheli. All in! Terri says, pointing her fingers and making pistol firing gestures and laughing... Cheli hears the chants from the floor and slyly smiles. How can I not accept that challenge with this crowd behind me? Cheli laughs then she calls Terri’s bluff. As the chips slide over to Cheli, Terri feigns a tantrum then quickly hugs Cheli. Terri waves at the crowds as she walks out to sign autographs, happy to have earned 30,000 dollars for the children for her 20-minute appearance.

    Cheli’s stomach rumbles as she rushes to take a pee break then races back to the table. Glancing at the clock, she can’t believe she has been at the table for over 2 hours! Growing brain weary from her predawn flight down to the casino, Cheli isn’t about to give up now. If she makes it into the final three, her donations will double...

    Rett and James begin trash talk, trying to agitate Cheli, but she is used to dealing with their kind. Ignoring the taunts, Cheli smiles as she suddenly takes Rett out. Final three! Cheli has just raised 500,000 dollars for the hospital but she is mentally exhausted.

    James senses her distress and goes in for the kill... The dealer takes her time turning over the last card... Cheli pulls a flush on the river and takes James out! Spectators whistle, cheer and stand for their obvious favorite. Just Cheli and Austin left now... Austin’s aggressive play whittles Cheli’s chips down to bare minimum in just under half an hour, and she plays her last hand...

    Cheli gets a break with an ace. Just a 9 now and she has it made... The announcer is whispering his dialogue. He tries to make a joke about the players, but the dealer reaches for the cards and the joke is abandoned. Complete silence now, everyone holding his or her breath as the last card is turned over....

    The dealer flicks her wrist and a 4 of clubs appears... Austin wins! Cheli blows out her breath but laughs, knowing she raised a ton of money to help the children. She knows she isn’t that good of a card player; she just got really lucky this time. Flashes going off all around Cheli and Austin, and the niceties quickly exchanged, Cheli deftly ducks out of the limelight. With guards on each side of her, Cheli rushes to find her agent.

    Trudy pulls Cheli into one of the little interview cubicles, locks the door, closes the blinds and tells her to sit down. Trudy, can this wait? I’m starving and I don’t feel so well... Cheli says, but Trudy lays a few sheets of paper in front of her to read. After a moment, Cheli’s jaw drops, she blinks a few times then looks into Trudy’s eyes...

    Trudy suddenly takes a call and says, Your limo is here, let’s go. Cheli grabs the papers and stuffs them into her purse, and is quickly whisked out through the side door into the limo. Trudy yells out, I will call you later, as she closes the door. The limo sails away before the reporters can figure out Cheli is within it.

    Cheli’s legs a little more wobbly now, she climbs the stairs onto the chartered jet. She nods to Karina and Judith, and shudders from a flash chill. God, I thought you would never get here, I’m so ready to get the hell back to New York, Judith fusses. Karina ends her call, puts her phone into her new snakeskin purse and yawns. Cheli takes her seat just as the young flight attendant brings out a late lunch tray for her. Cheli no longer cares how it looks to anyone else; she stuffs down the lobster tail and potatoes.

    Karina gasps as Cheli rolls out a very unladylike burp, but Cheli just laughs. How did the meeting go? Cheli asks Karina. I was given the worst read in history! I think I need to fire my agent and see if Trudy will take me on, Karina pouts. Dream on...She only takes the top girlie, that’s why she keeps Cheli and I exclusively now, Judith gloats, ignoring Karina’s dagger glare. I’ll talk to Trudy when I get home and get some rest. I’m sure she can do something for you, Cheli promises her old friend. The plane gears up for the 2 hour flight from Florida.

    Ma’am, we’ve arrived at your residence, the driver says, gently tapping Cheli on the shoulder. In a fog, Cheli realizes she is at Alan’s home in Connecticut already. Cheli can’t believe she fell asleep as soon as she got in the limo! Thank you, I will call you when I’m ready to go into town, Cheli says as she hands him a tip. He places her travel bag inside the front door for her then quickly drives away.

    Cheli pulls her bag up over her shoulder, walks upstairs yawning, and tries to wake up fully before she calls Alan. The steam from the shower relaxes her even more and she abruptly ends it, the last thing she needs is to be more relaxed. A plush, pink towel wrapped around her head and her royal blue, velour pajamas on, Cheli sits down in the large chair in the office and places her phone on the charger.

    ‘Michelina Blaise Higginson’… Cheli gets goosebumps seeing her full name on the document. Her mother was the only person who ever called her by her full name. Cheli isn’t sure anyone still remembers it other than Alan. Cheli has read this paper many times today, but she still can’t believe it. How he was able to keep this from everyone for so long is still a mystery.

    Cheli takes a deep breath, and looks out the window just in time to see waves crash onto the rocky shore then quickly draw back. The winds have increased in intensity and the sky quickly grows dark. The dreaded blue northern is here... It’s a good thing Trudy made the plane stand by to get us back before the storm arrived, Cheli whispers.

    Mayta? Mayta! Cheli calls out. Yes Ma’am, Mayta says in her calm, reassuring voice. I guess it’s time to batten down, and make sure Jason has the generator ready, I think we’ll probably lose power with this one, Cheli says, her voice higher than normal. Mayta nods her head in understanding, and heads downstairs to ensure Jason has everything ready. Cheli is thankful the caretakers are here with her, in view of the fact that Alan had not been able to fly in before the storm.

    Hello? Cheli says. Jason’s voice crackles on the intercom, The house will be closed in a few moments Ma’am. Worry not, we have a sufficient supply of food and fuel, and the house generator has been serviced and is at the ready. Ok Jason, thank you. Cheli breathes out. She relaxes a little finally, feeling the tension in her shoulders as she leans back in Alan’s big leather desk chair.

    Cheli leans forward and picks up the young woman’s birth certificate copy. It lists the young woman’s father, and the name matches the one on Cheli’s birth certificate exactly. She shakes her head, still shocked that the other young woman was born just one week after Cheli, and only 2 hours drive away!

    Cheli leans back against the cool leather of the chair. A little shiver takes hold again as she stares at the waves crashing onto the rocks and the rain quickly begins to pummel the private deck. Anxiety attack coming on now, Cheli tries to breathe through it. The beloved view from the big picture window in Alan’s office normally relaxes her. Cheli reluctantly watches as Jason activates the storm shutters; this window is always the last area closed down for a storm.

    The lights flicker a few times, but stay on long enough for her to gather up all the paperwork and place it back in the file. Cheli stands up and quickly locks it all in the safe. With a sigh, she realizes she will just have to deal with it all later.

    The intercom buzzes... Yes? Cheli says. Your dinner is ready for you, ma’am, Mayta says, her voice crackling. Thank you. Cheli says, hearing her stomach gurgle. Roast chicken and spicy Thai soup are waiting for her under the warming dome, in the small upstairs dining room. Mayta has placed a salad on a frosted plate, and Cheli’s favorite wine is chilled in the ice bucket.

    Cheli buzzes, offering for Mayta and Jason to join her, but they won’t do so, it just isn’t proper. Cheli sighs, takes her seat at the end of the raised table, onto a tall, suede-covered chair, and silently eats her dinner. She had hoped Alan would be here, but a last minute change by the director required some scenes to be re-shot. Even though Alan has plans to fly in next week if the director gets the cuts he requested, Cheli feels abandoned. Wind gusts begin to rattle the shutters, and she feels the temperature change.

    Cheli is tired again, and her solitary meal provides her no diversion from her pity trip. At least its peaceful here and no real stress now, it has been a long time coming. Cheli has been in one sitcom after another for the last 15 years. She has not had a moment to breathe since she met Alan 5 years ago, but he has patiently waited for her to take a break. Unfortunately, as soon as her latest hit television series filmed the last episode, and the cast party completed, Alan had to fly out to start filming another blockbuster period tale.

    Cheli wonders if she should have gone with him, but he had reminded her how she hated sitting alone in a hotel while he filmed. Alan promised he would be home at the very first opportunity. Oh Alan... I miss you... Cheli whispers. Alan- always so relaxed, and so very British... She still loves his accent, and the way he playfully winks at her when she tries to mimic him.

    These long breaks away from each other grow much harder each time for Cheli. She thinks about having a family while she is still young then returning to her glory as the highest paid, most sought after actress in the studio’s history. She definitely deserves to have it all...

    Cheli schemes to put her plan in action immediately. She won’t even need to hire a nanny because surely this is Alan’s last film. Cheli is certain that Alan is ready to retire; he had mentioned how tired he was after the last film... Alan is old enough now, and has made his name and fortune, and in her dreams he will be ‘mister dad’ while she continues with her career.

    Cheli had thrown a little bratty fit when Alan told her he had accepted the movie the night of her cast party, and she regrets it now. She was pretty crappy to him while he was packing his bag too. Cheli was crying and saying that he didn’t care about her or he wouldn’t leave. She knows now that she was wrong. Alan didn’t seem too upset about leaving her for this movie, but he never has shown any distress at their separation. In his usual stoic way, Alan has always just calmly hugged her, blown her a kiss and then gone on his way.

    Cheli’s stomach is still gurgling and she feels a little puny. Setting her soup aside, she buzzes Mayta, I’m finished. That was wonderful Mayta. Cheli stands up, feels a little dizzy again, but shakes it off. As Cheli’s foot lands on the third step, it all goes dark. Cheli freezes in place, and only a few seconds pass before the emergency lights kick on, but it always terrifies her to be in the dark. With a deep breath finally released, she dashes to their large master suite in the dim, generator driven emergency lights.

    Is everything under control? Cheli says, voice a little too high pitched into the intercom. She just wants to hear Mayta’s voice before she goes to bed. Yes ma’am. Can I get you anything? Mayta calmly asks. No, thank you, Cheli says, breathing hard. Sleep well, Mayta says before the line crackles then goes silent.

    The current time glows in vivid blue from Alan’s oversized custom clock by the window. It’s only 11 pm but Cheli is unusually tired and dinner hadn’t set so well. She feels a little ill tonight, just knowing she’s coming down with something. It figures, every winter here she has gotten this wretched cold. Now, she will most likely be covered in mentholatum, with tissues stuffed in her nose when Alan gallantly arrives home. Ugh…

    Cheli rolls from side to side, her sheet falling off the end of the bed. She curls up around her large pillow and covers herself with Alan’s pillow. The morning alarm sounding, Cheli drops her hand hard over the little clock then trudges to the shower. Cheli quietly walks downstairs, and she is served breakfast alone in the little dining room.

    Craving the sound of Alan’s voice, Cheli begins to tear up... but she can only wait for his call. Alan’s movies are filmed at all times of the day and night, and she can never remember what time it is in Wales compared to Connecticut. The rain begins again, growing stronger throughout the morning as Cheli calls her lawyer to try to straighten out the mess.

    Are you sure this is right, it isn’t a forgery or something? I can’t believe she was born 1 week after me, Cheli says to Marvin. She could only guess what was really going on. Marvin states, I assure you, we’ve double checked this, the birth information is legitimate, she is indeed your half sister. Cheli ends the call with, Thank you Marvin. Please keep digging, and find out if anything else is out there before the tabloids print it. Marvin already knew the press outlets were paid to hold off.

    Trudy calls in, just as Cheli hangs up from her lawyer. Hey Trudy, what a mess, I just can’t believe I have a half sister, this is crazy! Trudy was just as surprised as Cheli, even more so since Trudy had been a close friend of Cheli’s mother for years. Trudy knew for certain, that Cheli was an only child, and that her 40-year-old mother had raised her all alone. After Cheli’s mother died in the plane crash, Trudy became a sort of surrogate mother to Cheli.

    Cheli had been a major child star turned pre-teen orphan, unaware that most of the early parts she was given were due to sympathy from the studio heads. Cheli had truly become a beloved star in her own right, but not because of her great talent. Cheli was certain she was a cut above the rest, and her ego had blossomed along with her body. She was also certain that the premier ‘movie of the century’ role was coming her way any moment.

    Trudy couldn’t allow any gossip to tarnish Cheli’s pristine orphan image. Cheli was her bread and butter, and she would kill to squelch rumors that would hurt her main source of income. When Trudy had received the birth notice at the casino, she was stunned. Luckily, Trudy had long fostered a good relationship with the tabloid reporter. He promised Trudy and Cheli for good pay, to wait to give the information to his editor. Trudy had then immediately given the information to Cheli’s lawyer Marvin, to research.

    I need a break... Really I need some time off Trudy, I’m exhausted. I need time to recoup. I know you can make that happen, Cheli

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