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Ghost of Love: Life After Death Erotica
Ghost of Love: Life After Death Erotica
Ghost of Love: Life After Death Erotica
Ebook31 pages31 minutes

Ghost of Love: Life After Death Erotica

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Brad and Amanda have the perfect life until Brad is hit and killed by a careless driver. Trapped between his former life on Earth and the next realm, Brad is given the chance to possess a human body for two hours. He grabs the opportunity, desperate to feel Amanda in his arms again. Once he convinces her that the stranger in her bedroom is the man she loves, the two share a powerful and passionate reunion before Brad is gone forever.
Warning: Adults only due to intense sexual situations involving tongues, bondage, and other delights!

PublisherZoe Waters
Release dateSep 15, 2015
Ghost of Love: Life After Death Erotica

Zoe Waters

Zoe Waters is a freelance writer by day and an erotic novel writer by night. She has been writing and publishing mainstream fiction for over a decade but prefers the titillation of erotic fiction. When not writing, Zoe is scuba diving, hiking with her dog, or trying out the stuff she writes about, if only in her mind. Zoe can be reached at zoewaters13 at Follow her on Twitter @ZoeWaters13

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    Ghost of Love - Zoe Waters

    Ghost of Love: Life After Death Erotica

    by Zoe Waters

    Copyright 2015 Zoe Waters

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover art by Benson Kua

    Ghost of Love: Life After Death Erotica

    Baby, I’ll be back in an hour, two tops, I yelled to Amanda, my wife of eight days. Wow - ‘wife’. It still blew my mind that I had a wife. She was the greatest one on the planet.

    Hold up, Brad, she hollered from the top floor of our three-storey townhome. Seconds later, she flew down the steep stairs before leaping into my open arms, nuzzling my neck with her luscious mouth. Don’t be long, she mumbled against my Adam’s apple.

    My hands wandered down to her ass, squeezing her perfect butt cheeks. I felt myself getting hard as she pressed her boobs against my chest. Do you have to go? Amanda asked.

    I don’t want to but if I don’t get the rest of my stuff out of my apartment tonight, Giles is going to charge me an exorbitant late fee.

    Your old landlord is such an asshole.

    Yup. With great difficulty, I extricated myself from Amanda grasp. The only thing stopping me from screwing her against the entryway wall was the thought of giving Giles even more of my money. Amanda gave me a lingering kiss that had my head spinning. I’ll hurry back, I said as I stepped into the cold Philadelphia fall air. I won’t be long. Those words would come back to haunt me.


    As I drove to my old bachelor pad, I pondered the past year. I’d met Amanda 13 months ago at a lounge where she was tending bar while attending grad school. I’d gone there with a group of my work buddies to celebrate a successful day of stock trading. The first time I locked eyes with Amanda, I fell hard. By the time I left the lounge that night, I was convinced I would spend the rest of my life with her. Getting Amanda to see that reality took

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