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Peace Power and You
Peace Power and You
Peace Power and You
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Peace Power and You

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About this ebook

STRESSED OUT? Feeling anxious, angry or depressed? Emotional turmoil has a way of spinning
us out of control while destroying our clarity, confidence and self esteem. In a fast-paced, imagedriven
world, there must be a better way.
Anxiety, depression and chronic pain are silently reaching pandemic proportion, but this is not
our natural state. Regularly feeling tired or wired, stressed or depressed is not ‘normal’. Every day,
millions live in physical or mental pain and quiet desperation. It’s time to STOP and BREATHE.

Peace, Power and YOU shows you the way for living beyond daily stresses to enjoy a life of
happiness and success.

OVERCOME anger, anxiety and depression
CONQUER stress, tension, fear ... and the 'impostor syndrome'
TRIUMPH over PAIN, with peace, power and persistence!

Take control with this treasure map of self love and self care. Peace, Power and You shares
practical tools, simple concepts and achievable exercises. It’s a spiritual ABC that’s authentic,
aware and powerful.

Release dateSep 4, 2015
Peace Power and You

Annemarie De Seriere

I play many different roles in life... As the Founder of Resoulutions 4 Life - a friendly service that offers a unique blend of empowerment programs for personal, professional and spiritual health, including a range of natural therapies. As a mother of 2 amazing souls, as a life partner, as a writer and a self publisher,I have a rather diverse background with prior roles including many years in disability services, aged care and palliative care, health retreats, hospitality, corporate and government sectors. I was born in Indonesia, spent my childhood in Holland and then Australia – and traveled much throughout my life.I’m an eternal searcher for truth – my mission in life is to live in harmony with others through self transformation and a deeper understanding of human behaviour. I love spiritual study and aspire to live a life that reflects my learning. As a spiritual student of life I aim each day to be cheerful and light, giving me the ability to conquer challenging situations. I make effort each day to live practically and by example – promoting self awareness, self love, self respect and self care as a means to bring positive change within myself and the world. I practice Raja Yoga Meditation on a daily basis knowing that it sustains happy, healthy, harmonious relationships.I invite you to join me on this journey of unlimited self discovery, as we uplift each other to spread our wings... like trusting children who know they have a right to shine!Travel Light, Annemarie

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    Peace Power and You - Annemarie De Seriere

    ~ What inspired me to write Peace, Power and YOU ~

    I’ve always been one to push my boundaries but publishing my first book Will to Wonder in 2010 stretched me in every way possible. Being an unknown author and independent publisher is tough, no matter how good the book is, and the rejections are fierce. Even though I had come a long way in my spiritual development, a deeply ingrained habit of 'not being good enough' still had the ability to occasionally knock me off my feet. Commonly known as 'impostor syndrome', it stems from low self worth and undermined my every move. But regardless of any self doubt created by my own ego, spiritually I knew I had to keep going. I believed in my message and kept seeing amazing results. I for one, am living proof: In 2010, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, in 2012 osteoarthritis and in 2013 secondary fibromyalgia was added to the list. I’ve learned to 'cooperate' with chronic pain and manage it as naturally as possible (to the dismay of many conventional practitioners). Simultaneously, my partner and I were also getting used to living on the road full-time. Everything coincided (and fast) riding high one minute, crashing and burning the next, but I believe everything happens for a reason so, as with my spiritual path, there was no turning back. One baby step after another, I kept going. I found people telling me they felt inspired by my honesty and courage. The more I continued on, the more I witnessed a silently growing epidemic of disempowerment. And my own role became clearer.

    Many say of our lifestyle, 'Wow, you’re so lucky.' We certainly enjoy our gypsy way of living but it’s not as romantic as most think. It has nothing to do with luck but everything to do with creating our own fortune. We work for a living like everyone else. We are not materially rich. We live simply and we keep waste to a minimum. We do it to offer outreach programs for self empowerment which is our way of giving back. Stress has caught us out a number of times, trying to control what we can’t! So we plan, we prepare, we believe, we trust and we’ve learned to let go. It takes effort and commitment to our own continual growth while supporting each other. Yes, chronic pain has slowed me down and though it's depressing and frustrating at times (including my ongoing dealings with the medical profession) it won’t defeat me. I use my situation to make me wiser in self care, enabling me to better help others. Pain, anxiety, depression, anger, fear — it’s all there to help us grow — if we let it!

    I’ve faced many challenges in my life; the last five years have been no exception. At times laid up for days and even weeks, I’m challenged to rest and be still. Those addicted to ‘'doing' will know what I mean. If you are a doer, it’s very hard to just be. Though I use several natural methods to manage pain, Raja Yoga Meditation is my most effective transformational tool, my best support and 'protector'. Daily meditation keeps me disciplined, motivated and gives me the self respect to be confident in living my life differently. People often ask, 'How do you stay so cheerful with so much pain?' Raja Yoga Meditation lets me keep dancing, even if it’s only in my mind. Life is what we make it. Joy like sorrow, is something we create!

    Daily pain inspires me to keep finding better ways to live. In Peace, Power and YOU I share what I continue to learn to help transform my life. These are my observations and experiences regarding how we can be either victorious or give in to defeat, how easily we can fail and just as easily succeed. When we recognise and use our own power to change our own attitude and beliefs, there’s nothing we can’t do. This book invites you to explore spirituality and natural living. It encourages you to try different ways to learn, to grow and to live beyond stress, beyond anxiety, beyond anger! It serves to remind you to never give up no matter how bad it gets and that, even with chronic pain, you can live a happy and successful life. Chronic pain is just another chapter in my wonderful life.

    Self transformation and self empowerment is a life journey; it’s not an event that happens on a weekend. With commitment, a bit of effort and TLC, it’s possible! Spirituality has made me stronger than ever and has made Colin and I stronger as a couple. We’ve both worked hard on our individual growth. Accepting this new chapter in my life has been transformative and liberating. Acceptance is vital to overcome any crisis. Spirituality keeps me grounded and real. Flexibility lets me to flow and grow with change. Resilience is gained through simply showing up every day in my life. It helps me overcome frustration and bouts of anxiety and depression. It manages pain in a positive way. My spiritual progress continues to challenge me, but it’s this path (the one that tests me the most) that brings me the most reward and makes me feel alive.

    Discovering your spirituality makes life easier but topics on spirituality and, indeed, the soul can go as deep as the proverbial rabbit hole. My aim is to shed some light on somewhat confusing and often corrupted information. Spirituality and religion are frequently tarred with the same brush, giving both a bad name. Sadly, many steer away because of these misconceptions. With stress as a leading cause for many illnesses and disease, spirituality in life has never been more needed. We all need healing, nurturing and nourishment. Yes, I’m aware of the dogmatic and inflexible attitudes some religious and spiritual institutions practice, but that can be said of any culture. That’s not what religion or spirituality is. I don’t have to conform! Religion simply means ‘way of life’ while spirituality means to live my life with meaning and purpose.

    I see many people struggle and I see many searching! One common trait I observe is pain! Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual pain. Stress causes pain, directly or indirectly because it hurts our health and wellbeing. I hope to clarify some truths about life and purpose. I hope to help you understand the importance, now more than ever, of the need for spirituality in daily living. We are spiritual beings and spirituality must be lived; it can’t be separate from us because it’s who we are! Otherwise we keep separating ourselves from truth and power, while pain persists. The aim of Peace, Power and YOU is to help you find your way back to your own natural state of love, truthfulness and contentment as easily and as quickly as possible. It’s filled with practical tools and shares ideas on re-evaluating your own attitude, questions to ponder and activities to try, to help you reconnect with your self and to learn to live beyond any stresses of life. We all have internal power, we’ve just forgotten that we have it and how to use it. My intention is to help you remember.

    May you enjoy your spiritual adventure and may you find what you are looking for. Know that you are not alone — I’m just an email away :)

    Much love,


    ~ Awakening ~

    Anxiety and depression are reaching crisis point worldwide, across different cultures, religions, age groups and genders. It is estimated that in Australia alone, forty-five per cent of people will experience some kind of mental health condition during their lifetime. From a spiritual viewpoint, mental pain and suffering is the grieving for the loss of our true identity — our spiritual self, the soul. Losing our vision, we lose our power and we lose our way. No longer 'hooked up' to our spiritual connection (our source of power) we search outside ourselves for fulfilment, but external enchantment is temporary at best. Unconsciously unaware of what we’ve actually lost, we begin our own undoing. Our overall wellbeing declines and our relationships

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