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The Shadow Bells: Save Tomorrow World Paranormal Romances, #3
The Shadow Bells: Save Tomorrow World Paranormal Romances, #3
The Shadow Bells: Save Tomorrow World Paranormal Romances, #3
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The Shadow Bells: Save Tomorrow World Paranormal Romances, #3

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About this ebook

The last time Nell Massler was in the town of King, she left in a straitjacket. But it's Christmas, and her boyfriend Rafe deserves to be surrounded by his family. Nell agrees to go for the holiday, not knowing that their visit home will include a trip down memory lane with two lovers who act like the Ghosts of Christmas Past. The spirits give Nell and Rafe glimpses of their history, before they have to make decisions for their future.

Release dateOct 20, 2015
The Shadow Bells: Save Tomorrow World Paranormal Romances, #3

Tawdra Kandle

Tawdra Kandle writes romance, in just about all its forms. She loves unlikely pairings, strong women, sexy guys, hot love scenes and just enough conflict to make it interesting. Her books run from YA paranormal romance through NA paranormal and contemporary romance to adult contemporary and paramystery romance. She lives in central Florida with a husband, kids, sweet pup and too many cats. And yeah, she rocks purple hair.

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    Book preview

    The Shadow Bells - Tawdra Kandle

    Chapter One


    C hristmas in King? Are you out of your freaking mind?

    Nell turned from the bookshelf and glared at me. I had to admit, when she looked at me like that, I still got just a little quiver of terror. After all, I’d seen firsthand what this chick was capable of doing. And although I felt fairly confident that she liked me most days, maybe I just hadn’t crossed that line yet. The one that would result in me going up in flames or being turned into a rat.

    Hmm. Could she turn people into rats? It wasn’t something I wanted to find out firsthand.

    So I stayed where I was, leaning against the door frame that led into a massive library.

    Working for Carruthers Initiative Institute didn’t require us to be on site daily, and we only made the trip to Harper Creek, the Institute’s headquarters, when it was necessary for research or for classified meetings. Nell had dragged me here today because there were some ancient books kept in the library, books that had to stay within the confines of the mansion.

    I’d been trying to work up to this conversation for the last few days. It was the second week in December, and my grandmother had asked me again, in our last telephone call, whether or not we had made our plans definite, as she put it.

    She was much too hands-off to push the issue, but I knew she wanted us home for the holidays. And home meant King, the tiny mystical town in the center of Florida, where Nell had grown up, where I’d spent my last year of high school, and where both of us had heaping helpings of complicated family history.

    I know. I decided playing along was the right tactic. It’s the last place you want to be. Believe me, I’m not jonesing to go back, either. But. . . I let my voice trail into what I hoped sounded like resignation. My grandparents are there.

    She had turned back to the books, and now, frowning, she pushed the heavy volume into the stacks.

    And you want to see them?

    I shrugged. Well, yeah. I’d like to. They’re my only family, unless you count my mother, and I really don’t.

    Nell winced slightly, just enough that I was kicking myself for touching the mom nerve. I pushed off the door jam and ventured over to stand behind her, to wrap my arms around her waist.

    She didn’t turn away from me, but she became absolutely still. I had learned in the past months that this was Nell’s default when she was dealing with emotion. I waited, and after a beat, she covered my hands with her own, twining our fingers.

    I felt that pulse of desire, the same rush of passion, slide over me, and I held her tighter, pulling her so that she could feel me against her back. She drew in a deep breath and dropped her head against my chest.

    It’s crazy. I bent my head so that my lips were next to her ear. I keep waiting for it to change. Every time I touch you, I want you. I could lay you out here on the floor of this library. . .

    I caught her earlobe between my teeth and then used my tongue to trace slow circles on her neck.

    God, Rafe. It was more of a moan.

    Hmmm. I slid my hands, still wound through hers, up to her breasts, palming them as she sucked in a breath.

    I hope I’m not interrupting anything.

    Nell jumped, just enough that I could feel it, but I didn’t move. It wouldn’t have been a good idea for me to turn around at that point, so I kept my lips on Nell’s neck, lowered my hands and tucked her more closely against my front.

    Well, Cathryn, since you mention it. . . My voice sounded strained.

    "Sorry. You two do have your own house, right? You don’t need to come to Harper Creek just to make out in my library?"

    Our boss’s tone was acerbic. I knew she had crap going on in her own life, and it had been a long year for all of us at Carruthers. But Cathryn had standards, and she seldom let down her guard in front of her co-workers.

    Nell needed a book here, so we drove in for the day. And we were just talking about Christmas. About going to King for the holiday.

    Nell broke away from me, frowning. She ran her hand along the spines on the shelf, but I knew her eyes weren’t seeing the titles.

    Really? Cathryn came into the library and sat down on one of the overstuffed leather chairs. That sounds interesting. She turned to me. Going to see your grandparents?

    That’s the plan. I glanced sideways at Nell, who remained intent on the books.

    It would be good for you both to have some down time. Cathryn swiveled her eyes to Nell. Think a little quieter, please. Or work harder on your shielding.

    I felt the

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