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The Coconut Clue
The Coconut Clue
The Coconut Clue
Ebook78 pages42 minutes

The Coconut Clue

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The Candy Fairies go on a gummy-tastic adventure full of flavor when they discover a tropical lagoon—with a tropical treasure!

Raina the Gummy Fairy wants to discover new flavors for her gummy candy. On the far side of Gummy Forest there’s a lagoon where she finds tropical gummy flavors that she has only read about—pineapple, mango, and tangerine! But how are these yummy flavors made? Is there a hidden secret? The fairies start to harvest the new treats and notice signs of some ancient artifacts. Could they be the key to these tropical treats?
Release dateOct 6, 2015
The Coconut Clue

Helen Perelman

Helen Perelman has worked in a children’s bookstore and was a children’s book editor. She now writes full-time in New York, where she lives with her husband and two daughters. Visit her online at

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    Book preview

    The Coconut Clue - Helen Perelman

    Lost Gummy Flavors

    Raina the Gummy Fairy licked her lips. She was looking at a ripe orange gummy tulip. The flower was the most delicious color and shape. Sweet-tacular! she exclaimed.

    Her basket was overflowing with freshly picked gummy flowers. It’s been a good season for these, she said to Blue Belle, her gummy bear friend. The bear nodded. Raina took good care of many animals in Gummy Forest. Let’s both have one, she said with a smile. The burst of orange flavor in her mouth made her grin.

    Hi, Raina! Berry the Fruit Fairy called from above. Hey, Blue Belle!

    Berry! Raina called. You have to try these gummy tulips!

    Berry landed next to Raina. She was dressed in a beautiful purple-and-pink dress. Berry always dressed her best. She had all the fashion sense that Raina didn’t have! No one could whip up an outfit like Berry.

    Raina handed her a grape-flavored gummy tulip.

    "Mmm, this is delicious, Berry said. What a great harvest! You should give some of these to Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop."

    Raina had already given a bouquet to the ruling fairy princess and her husband. She loved visiting Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop at Candy Castle.

    I dropped off a basket of flowers for them yesterday, Raina told her. She reached into her bag. Prince Scoop gave me this. She showed Berry a beautiful book with gold trim.

    Sweet sugars! Berry exclaimed. What is the book about?

    "The book is called Tropical Treasures and tells the flavor history of the Ice Cream Isles, Raina told her. I was asking Prince Scoop about the different flavors of ice cream we ate at the Ice Cream Festival."

    Hmm, Berry said with a sigh. Remember those tropical flavors like pineapple and coconut? She rubbed her belly. I sound like Dash, don’t I? She giggled.

    Dash the Mint Fairy was their good friend. She was the smallest of their friends, but the one with the biggest appetite. She also always remembered every candy flavor she had ever had!

    Raina opened the book. Look at all these ice cream flavors, she said. She ran her finger down the list. Mango, papaya, kiwi, pineapple, coconut . . . there are so many. And there’s even a chapter about tropical-flavored gummy candies that once grew around Gummy Lagoon!

    Gummy Lagoon? Berry gasped. No one has been over there in ages. Do you think there is still candy there?

    A smile spread across Raina’s face. I’d like to be the Candy Fairy to find that out, wouldn’t you? she asked. She lifted her eyebrows. She knew that Berry would not be able to resist the idea of exploring a new place and looking for tropical-flavored gummy candies. Let’s ask the others at Sun Dip.

    I’m in, Berry said. And I’m sure Dash will be up for an adventure. She grinned. Especially if it involves a new candy.

    We might have to convince Melli and Cocoa, Raina said, thinking of her Caramel Fairy and Chocolate Fairy friends. But that won’t be too hard. I know they will want to help.

    They both said good-bye to Blue Belle and flew off to Red Licorice Lake. Sun Dip was coming and their friends would be arriving soon. Raina put her fresh

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