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Pain is Fertile Ground
Pain is Fertile Ground
Pain is Fertile Ground
Ebook50 pages28 minutes

Pain is Fertile Ground

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About this ebook

Pain is Fertile Ground is a soul-inspiring poetry collection reflecting moments when pain was faced head on! The message? Pain can be a blessing and launch us into a healthier life, more intimate relationships or just even the way out of a dark place.

As with the author’s first poetry collection, After the Sixth Day: Notes from a Spiritual Journey, the poems tell a story--a very human story. There are times that pain will lead us to our happy ending because some growth only comes through adversity.

PublisherTrinka Polite
Release dateOct 10, 2015
Pain is Fertile Ground

Trinka Polite

Trinka Polite is a Georgia native, self-described Aunt Extraordinaire, lover of divinely delicious food and servant of God. Her mission as a writer is to share words to inspire love, deliverance from hurtful situations and encourage a renewed relationship with God. ​Trinka has enjoyed a career as a Licensed Professional Counselor for over 14 years. Her publications include After the Sixth Day: Notes from a Spiritual Journey and Pain is Fertile Ground—poetry collections focused on spiritual awakening and growth. On a more personal note, Trinka loves to cook, read, travel and have fun with her family. Trinka enjoys hearing from her readers! Feel free to contact her via her website:

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    Pain is Fertile Ground - Trinka Polite


    Trinka Polite

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 Trinka Polite - All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9781311384850

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

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    For Mrs. Minnie



    Interview with a Gardener

    Face the Facts

    The Ultimate Gift

    Love versus Like

    To Answer Your Question

    Drop the Rocks

    Sins of a Mother

    All My Life

    A Crowded Room

    Uninvited Guests


    I Fell in Love with the Interludes

    Waking Up

    My Heart

    Our Forever

    Don’t Speak

    Thank You for the Fire

    Now I’m Ready

    Dare to Dream

    Just Happy




    Probably just as much or more than love, pain impacts our lives. Actually, I was told years ago sometimes we need pain. I was left speechless. Does it sound weird to you too? Yet, take a moment to remember the most painful moments in your life (if you can). What blossomed from them? Whether for a day or a lifetime, how were you changed? The poems in Pain is Fertile Ground were birthed from a brutal and, sometimes, paralyzing realization that life is an unpredictable journey full of stops and detours. There is no straight road to our dreams, healing, finding our mate for life, or anything else we request in our prayers.

    In response to my first book (After the Sixth Day: Notes from a Spiritual Journey), your reviews, comments, tweets and emails conveyed a common message—this journey doesn’t always feel spiritual. It hurts sometimes and I agree! Lord knows I’ve tried to run from pain. How do you run from

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