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Wolf's Heart: Feral Book One
Wolf's Heart: Feral Book One
Wolf's Heart: Feral Book One
Ebook64 pages54 minutes

Wolf's Heart: Feral Book One

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About this ebook

Larissa Lovell is standing in the middle of her own personal hell: A Sci-Fi and Fantasy convention.
As a favour to her best friend she agrees to get the autograph of Zane Adamson: the sexy star of the paranormal hit 'Feral'.
Unfortunately, for Larissa, Zane is harbouring secrets that affect both of their lives, past, present and future, and he's in a sharing mood, whether she wants to hear it or not.
As reality and fantasy collide, will Zane be able to convince Larissa that she has the strength to ensure her own survival as well as protect the existence of the world she turned her back on long ago?

Release dateOct 5, 2015
Wolf's Heart: Feral Book One

Melissa Jolley

Melissa is a proud Kiwi girl currently residing on the South Coast of England with her young family. She embraces the lighter side of love, sex and the paranormal, thus aims for that in her writing.Her passion is writing men who are rough and ready for anything, and women who can usually look after themselves, but won't say no to the right man tagging along.She sets her stories in places she has visited and loved, with the type of people she would have a few drinks and a bbq with—if only they were flesh and blood.Melissa can be found in a variety of places and would love to hear from anyone who takes the time to read her work.If you've enjoyed Melissa's work please let others know via social media, reviews, and ratings. Your support has a huge impact. Thank you.

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    Book preview

    Wolf's Heart - Melissa Jolley

    Wolf’s Heart

    Feral Book One

    By Melissa Jolley

    Copyright 2015 Melissa Jolley

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is coincidental.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Thank you Breathless Press and the original team who took a chance on this little story. It’s had a big old makeover now, but you still gave Larissa and Zane their first home and for that I will always be grateful.

    Thank you so much Sarah, Jean and Naomi for taking some of your valuable time to be brilliant and help me out.


    For my husband and children for always being amazing and putting up with me when I’m not.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Cat’s Eyes Feral Book Two

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    Why me! Larissa Lovell thought, before blowing out a huffy, exaggerated breath. She was apparently regressing to her teenage self. Waiting in a very long queue in the middle of a science fiction and fantasy convention was not her idea of a good time. Yet here she stood like a lemon feeling incredibly conspicuous in her jeans and plain t-shirt.

    Fantasy freak best friends with crushes on television stars, who'd have 'em? Before remembering, with growing dismay, that apparently she would. She pouted at her taste in a best friend as she took in the sights, and reminded herself not to make eye contact with any of the locals. There had been a rather stressful incident with a Klingon and Wookie earlier, needless to say, she wasn't going to jokingly mix up Star Trek and Star Wars again.

    Larissa looked around the large hall, which had become a labyrinth of booths impersonating magical forests and distant planets. People of all ages wore masks and logoed t-shirts pronouncing with great pride which fandom they belonged to. Alongside the ordinary folk, scantily clad warrior women roamed among the ruins of video game worlds and actors’ shattered dreams.

    As a rule she didn't do fantasy, it may be the stuff of dreams, but it was also the stuff of nightmares.

    Who was she to deny these poor deluded people, though?

    As she shook her head in pity, a young child walked towards her. It seemed safe, in this instance, to break her rule about eye contact. The little girl couldn't be much more than eight and she was grinning from ear to ear, her wolf mask sitting on top of her head, she looked at Larissa her little eyes twinkling with excitement as her mother found their spot in the queue. Larissa returned her smile and, somewhat reluctantly, admitted that maybe it was okay for kids to enjoy fantasy worlds.

    Behind the mum and daughter, a particularly slim and buxom blonde, wearing a leather string bikini and not much else, walked towards her. The Aphrodite, wannabe looked bored and very haughty.

    She's so getting paid to be here. Larissa smiled to herself, happy she wasn't the only person in forced attendance. She tugged at the sleeves of her jumper tightening it around her waist, and thanked her lucky stars she was happy in the skin she was in—because there was no chance much of it would fit in an outfit like that.

    She stared towards one of the forest stands, and her eyes focused on the back of a round, hairy man wearing a crisp white toga, and a laurel wreath neatly about his shiny, bald head. Visions of the convention being a front for a Caligula style orgy attacked her mind with nasty clarity and a shiver rolled down her spine at the grossness of that idea. Clutching at anything to scrub her mind of that apparition, she quickly focused her thoughts on the

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