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Lumberjack Bob & his Lumberjack Friends & the Search for the Amazing Screwdriver Book #1
Lumberjack Bob & his Lumberjack Friends & the Search for the Amazing Screwdriver Book #1
Lumberjack Bob & his Lumberjack Friends & the Search for the Amazing Screwdriver Book #1
Ebook50 pages29 minutes

Lumberjack Bob & his Lumberjack Friends & the Search for the Amazing Screwdriver Book #1

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About this ebook

Follow Chuck as he is hired by a lumberjack company, which promises to make your lumberjack dreams come true! He meets seven self-proclaimed greatest lumberjacks in the world, including the famous, or rather infamous, Lumberjack Bob! Follow the wacky group as they set out to reclaim what was stolen from them from the dreaded Lumberjack Jack, who coveted their treasured amazing screwdriver! What will befall them on their perilous journey through the swamp? An alligator? And a frog? And will they get that amazing screwdriver back? Will Lumberjack Jack be too much to handle? Or will they be their own undoing?

Release dateSep 25, 2015
Lumberjack Bob & his Lumberjack Friends & the Search for the Amazing Screwdriver Book #1

Jedaiah Leviya

Jedaiah Leviya lives in a deep forest surrounded by her beloved Arabian horses, Bengal cats, and her wolf dog. She loves fantasy stories from deep and serious to lighthearted and humorous.

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    Book preview

    Lumberjack Bob & his Lumberjack Friends & the Search for the Amazing Screwdriver Book #1 - Jedaiah Leviya

    Lumberjack Bob

    & his

    Lumberjack Friends


    the Search for

    the Amazing Screwdriver

    Book #1

    Jedaiah Leviya

    Copyright 2015 Jedaiah Leviya

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold

    or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    The Incredible Chuck

    It was a normal day. Well, as normal as a day can be at this lumber mill. And this is the story of a particularly interesting day at this often insane place told by the only sane one around these parts, yours truly, the Narrator (and I refuse to disclose my identity). Though to be around this group of lumberjacks one might question my sanity at times... Anyways! On with the show!

    Lumberjack Bob was skipping through the woods, humming a merry tune, all the while swinging his ax around.

    Can one really say something about that idiotic conduct? A lumberjack skipping through the woods? Yeah, he got a few screws loose. Humming, well, that's understandable. But swinging his ax around? Doesn't he know that's dangerous!? He could seriously hurt something or someone with that crazy ax swinging! Just who is this idiot!? Oh, right, Lumberjack Bob... So, this is normal. Yeah. Everybody run!

    Well, might as well see where this totally safe and brilliant person is going.

    Lumberjack Bob skipped merrily to his work site. He immediately stopped, and his eyes went wide.

    Oh, no! Lumberjack Bob yelled with total disbelief and even fear in his voice.

    Okay, what can be so bad? Maybe someone was hurt! Or trees that weren't supposed to be cut were! Well, whatever it is, the idiot, uh, Lumberjack Bob, is not happy, to say the least.


    A young man was strolling through town. He was very puny, had shaggy hair, and was as skinny as a bean pole. Well, let's just say he wasn't the sharpest looking thing on the block. He did have that BLANK look...

    He walked by the T.V.s in a store window and turned to look. The commercial he saw absolutely awe inspired him... Hm. Wonder what gripping and important thing it is?


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