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Unsportsmanlike Conduct: The Renegades (Hockey Romance), #2
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: The Renegades (Hockey Romance), #2
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: The Renegades (Hockey Romance), #2
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Unsportsmanlike Conduct: The Renegades (Hockey Romance), #2

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Sometimes love is messy, and unpredictable. The one you're with isn't always the one you're meant to be with.

One year ago, Gia Torella made a huge mistake. After several glasses of champagne at her sister's wedding, she hooked up with arrogant and egotistical Patrick Dubois, the most imposing hockey player on the Pittsburgh Renegades professional hockey team — both on the ice and off. But she vowed to forget that brief passionate encounter, even if her body remembered all the wild and incredible things they did that night. She's moved on from Patrick, and her solid, dependable, nice-guy boyfriend is proof of that.

Patrick has never forgotten their one night of passion. Even though she's the girlfriend of Tyler Kidd, his team's captain and therefore completely off-limits, all he can think about is her curvy body, her bubbly personality, and the way she screamed out his name during the best sex he's ever had. Since their night together, he's given up on the puck bunnies, the partying, and the random hook-ups, and he's willing to become the man she needs.

They both know it's wrong, but they're drawn to each other in a whirlwind of passion. Can Patrick convince Gia that he has really changed into someone she could depend upon… and that sometimes love is worth the penalty for Unsportsmanlike Conduct?

Release dateApr 17, 2015
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: The Renegades (Hockey Romance), #2

Melody Heck Gatto

Melody was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she lives with her husband, son, cat and puppy. She likes to read when she isn't writing or watching a Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game. You can often find her at the local Starbucks ordering her favorite drink, Iced Mocha. The whole family are avid Pittsburgh Penguins fans and like going to hockey games when they get the chance. Having met some of the players has fueled her interest in writing about them and creating wonderful stories. Melody has loved writing since she was small, in school she never met a creative writing assignment that she didn't love. She is lucky enough to have a wonderful husband who encourages her to write. When she was laid off from her job of 14 years, he was supportive about letting her stay home and take care of their son. During that time she discovered hockey-romances and found a renewed love of reading as well as a passion for writing. She spends her spare time reading hockey romances. At holiday time she really enjoys any romance about Christmas. When it is the hockey off-season, she enjoys swimming and spending her days out in the sun. Basically if she’s not writing or reading, then she’s doing something that has to do with hockey!

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    Book preview

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Melody Heck Gatto

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct

    Renegades 2

    A picture containing shape Description automatically generated

    The Renegades Series

    by Melody Heck Gatto

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct

    By Melody Heck Gatto

    Copyright © 2015

    License Notes

    All rights reserved. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Pittsburgh Renegades™ is a fictional sports team. Their name and logo are created for the sole use of the owner and covered under protection of trademark.

    First Printing, 2015
    Editing by The Editing Hall
    Cover Art by Kat McCarthy - Aeternum Designs












    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    CHAPTER 27

    CHAPTER 28

    CHAPTER 29

    CHAPTER 30

    CHAPTER 31

    CHAPTER 32



    Oh, Gia ... that ass ... The things I would like to do to that round ass ... baby girl, the things I could do for you, you have no idea ... Patrick said, grabbing her ass tightly with both hands.

    Are you freaking kidding me? What the hell is your problem? Jackass– As Gia spun on her heels to curse him out, he wrapped his strong hands around her and pulled her into a hard kiss; one hand around her tiny waist, one hand between her shoulder blades. His lips came down on hers with force, taking what he wanted and moving his tongue into her mouth before she could react.

    His lips were warm, and his scruffy unshaven face tickled. His hard muscular body pressed against hers. She could feel his heart beat against her chest. A groan formed at the back of her throat, and for a moment she was swept up by him. She had thought about what his body would feel like against hers. Her fantasies didn't do him justice. His bulging desire, already hard, pushed against her cotton shorts. With her head spinning and her girly parts damp, she tangled her tongue with his.

    His erection jutted out toward her as she tugged at the waistline of his shorts. Patrick grabbed them and shoved them to the floor. My god, he's big.  Wrapping her hand around him, she liked the feel of his hardness. Wait—what in the hell was she doing?

    I can't do this with Patrick!

    She let go of him and evaluated the easiest way to slip out of his grasp. With a clear path to the steps, she could be in her car and the doors locked in minutes.

    She tried to push him away. He wasn't having it; his desire overpowered her and her legs became wobbly. She stumbled and her phone fell to the floor. Shoving her back against the counter, he pushed his tongue harder into her mouth, slid his hand from her waist, and down to her ass. Her shorts slid up as he caressed her bare ass cheeks.

    Her brain tried hard to resist his advances. She had to get out of here. But her body wanted him. Her girly parts cursed her for trying to leave.

    His hardness pushed into her shorts again. She was dizzy with lust and couldn't think straight. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew this was wrong, but the sex hormones held that reality hostage. Her stomach flopped as he explored her mouth.

    Her tongue danced with his. All common sense had left her body.

    Lifting her tiny t-shirt off, he threw it across the room. He reached around and unhooked her lacy, pink bra, throwing it across the room as well.

    His mouth closed around one of her nipples, hungrily tasting her. Her insides melted. She wanted to resist him, but fire ran through her body. She wanted to push his smug, cocky face away from her, but her body wouldn't let her. Her brain told her to leave, but her muscles wouldn't let her feet move. Grabbing her thighs he lifted her up around his waist. She could feel him erect through his shorts. Involuntarily, her legs wrapped tightly around him as he carried her to his bed.

    All thoughts of running left her brain, replaced with a rush of hormones.

    Her head spun. She didn't know what she was doing; she only knew she didn't want him to stop. His nails dug into her hips as he held her in place.

    She wanted him ... inside her ... now. She grabbed his wavy hair, pulling him up to her. She was caught up in him; she was caught up in this moment. A sexy smile curved across his lips.



    The church bells rang gleefully though the warm summer air. Gia squinted and pushed her hair out of her face. The sun glared in her eyes; its rays poured in through the colorful stained-glass windows. It was a warm Sunday in August, the church beautifully decorated with light blue and white flowers. The organist played an upbeat melody while the church choir sang. Soon everyone joined in.

    Gia stood at the church altar. What a beautiful day for a baptism. She didn't know the hymn, so she just smiled. Neither Kat nor Kris sang so she didn't feel bad.

    When she looked back at Tyler, warmth surged through her body. He stood in the pew, so handsome in his suit and tie. She couldn't wait to run into his arms once the ceremony ended. He caught her watching him and smiled a small, shy grin.

    Seriously, my boyfriend is hot in a suit.

    It was a day full of joy and peace, the priest reminded everyone when he spoke. Yes, it should be all about baby Ian but without Tyler beside her she was a ball of nerves.

    She hadn't seen Patrick in a year, hadn't even thought about him and now did her best to avoid his heavy stare. Standing here in front of her friends and family, she felt dirty and wished she could erase that night from her memory. It had been a terrible mistake—insanely poor judgment on her part.

    What name have you given your child? the priest asked.

    Ian James, Kat and Kris said together.

    Gia sighed. Those two really were perfect for each other. She peered at Tyler out of the corner of her eye.

    She had kept her distance from Patrick for the last year. She didn't go to games or team functions. Tyler understood, even though she felt bad leaving him on his own. But she couldn't be around Patrick.

    Gia heard the priest say something about bringing Ian up in the church faith. She drifted off into her own thoughts. I hope he doesn't ask me about church. I can't even think of the last time I went to mass except for a wedding.

    He continued to talk, telling some sort of a personal story. But she could only concentrate on Patrick. A year had done nothing to absolve her attraction.

    She turned her attention to Kat and Kris holding Ian. She wanted that love of a lifetime. She adored her sister's husband, Kris. He was kind and sweet and downright handsome. He had made her feel at home since the day they met. Kat won the lottery with him.

    She missed the family functions. But this last year she just couldn't be there when Patrick attended.

    Family gatherings at Kat's house were tricky to get out of. Luckily, her work schedule had solved the problem. But how long could she do this dance?

    Today was the exception; she was here for Ian.

    The priest’s voice brought her attention back to the sermon.

    Are you ready to help the parents of little Ian in their duty as Christian parents? he asked Patrick and Gia.

    We do, they answered.

    He began to ask questions that needed only a nod as an answer, or she grunted a yes when she heard Patrick do so. I’m surely headed to hell for being this uninterested in mass. Is this going to be over soon?

    She stared blankly at the priest as he made the sign of the cross on Ian's head.

    Why did Kat have to make them both the godparents? Not that she wasn't honored to be that adorable little munchkin's godmother, but to be paired with Patrick again? Being stuck as his partner at their wedding last year had been bad enough. Why not Tyler? Or even Matt? Of course, she knew the reason why. Patrick was Kris's cousin. More than a cousin, they were like brothers.

    So here they both stood at the altar as godparents.

    She didn't have to look at him to know his eyes were on her. Her body was hot and her pulse raced. She hated her reaction anytime he was in the vicinity. Gia started to sweat, her body hot and clammy. Please don't let me get pit stains on my favorite dress shirt. Doesn't this place have air conditioning?

    She smoothed her white blouse, diverting her attention to anything but him. She counted the pipes behind the organ, studied the design in the carpet and counted each gray hair on the priest's head. But without looking, she knew he still watched her. Why wouldn't he stop? And why was no one else sweating?

    She tried to not think about the night that got her into this mess. That horrible mistake that almost cost her Tyler. For the last year, the mere thought of Patrick made her sick to her stomach. Now here she stood, hot and dizzy. She took a deep breath and tried to slow her heart rate, but it just made her more lightheaded.

    Poor, sweet Tyler sat in the second pew. He needed a haircut. His brown hair curled around his eyes as he grinned at her. He was the ideal boyfriend and also her best friend. Gia loved his smile. His teeth weren't perfect, but she didn't mind. He refused to get an implant to replace the missing one on the bottom. In all honesty, Gia thought it made him look more rugged, sexier.

    She wore the honor proudly: girlfriend of the Tyler Kidd, the young captain of the Pittsburgh Renegades. Every girl wanted him, and she had him. How could she have been so stupid to do anything to almost mess that up? Once he forgave her, she swore to never hurt him again.

    She took a breath and did her best to ignore Patrick's wandering eyes. She gave her full attention to the priest, occasionally sneaking a peek at her adorable nephew, Ian. If she learned anything from movies, you only get one perfect love. Patrick can look all he wants, but he won't affect me. It was only sex, and it will never happen again.

    Yet Patrick affected every ounce of her soul. She could feel the warmth of his sexiness from across the altar. This was bad. Why didn't lightning strike her where she stood?

    She did her best to avoid looking in his direction. If she made eye contact, even for a second, he would flash that wickedly sexy smile at her. The smile that made her insides goo and her legs weak. Knowing that would make his smile even cockier.

    Gianna, the priest's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and Patrick.

    She moved closer to Kat, who held Ian. She looked up as the priest spoke and accidentally met Patrick's gaze. Dammit!

    She could see the fire in his eyes as he stared through her. Her blood warmed. It turned her on. She didn't want her body to react like that, but it did. Why won't he just stop? After all, he’s in church for God's sake ... well, probably not the best choice of words.

    His icy blue eyes and arrogant smile locked onto her. She looked away and let out a sharp huff. This game was tiresome.

    Gia should have paid better attention to the priest, but her mind continued to wander. She heard the priest say her name and ask Kat to hand her little Ian. In a fog, she heard the priest ask for Patrick to stand beside her. Patrick smiled ear to ear as he moved close to her. She just rolled her eyes. Too bad his closeness made her heart race and her lady parts tingle.

    She desperately counted the seconds until this was over. Patrick tried to slip his hand around her waist. How dare he?  Her body felt on fire. No way in hell could she let him know that she almost melted at his touch. Instead, she shook him off and shot him a nasty, pointed look.

    He was bad for her in so many ways: a flirt, a player and childish compared to Tyler, who was mature, responsible and sweet. And safe. So why did Patrick make her feel like she couldn't breathe? But it didn’t matter, she wouldn't let Patrick keep her from this honor.

    The priest blessed little Ian and his godparents, Gia and Patrick, asking them to help raise Ian in his religious life. She loved Ian, loved being Aunt G. Her focus now on Ian, she held the little guy close. He was warm and cuddly. Her heart rate slowed. He looked so perfect in his little white outfit. He was the spitting image of his daddy, such a handsome boy.

    The priest asked her to hold Ian over the basin as he poured holy water on the baby's head. Gia loved watching him; the little guy was amazing. He usually never cried, he just looked at her with those big brown eyes. He sure had his papa's eyes.

    She held him over the bowl. His little body squirmed, Don't worry little buddy, I won't drop you. I promise, she whispered to him.

    He didn't like the holy water one bit. He let out a squeal as it dripped down his head. Gia couldn't take seeing him so scared. She pulled him to her chest and held him tight.

    It’s okay, buddy, Aunt G has you. She bounced and swayed ever so slightly until he relaxed in her arms.

    She never knew a baby could make you feel so calm. For a moment, she consoled and cuddled Ian and forgot all about Patrick. She only felt the warmth of Ian's little body against her; the way he squirmed in her arms until he found a comfortable place to lie. Her lips brushed against his head with a gentle kiss.

    Aunt G, can I have my baby back now? Kat asked after a few moments.

    Oh, yeah, sure. Gia got lost in the little guy's softness and never heard the priest end the ceremony. Sorry. Her face burned as she handed Ian back to Kat.

    At least it was over. She could go to Ty now. Gia began to walk down the steps from the altar and felt a hand run across her lower back. He really thinks he can just wrap his arm around me in front of Tyler? She quickly wriggled out of his grasp and shot him a glare. Patrick was a game. He flirted with her; she ignored him. End of story.

    Gia made a beeline for Tyler. She needed to put some distance between them.

    Hey, cutie, Tyler said. He placed a loving kiss on her forehead. Did I tell you how adorable you look today?

    Yes, but you can tell me again. Gia had on stylish black dress pants, black heels and a tight white dress shirt. She loved this shirt with its snug sleeves and extra big cuffs that came to a drastic point like the collar. The arms were long; the cuffs hung past her wrists. The fabric fit snugly around her tiny middle.

    He moved her hair out of her face as a few strands fell in her eyes.

    Beautiful ceremony. He pulled her close.

    She smiled at him and snuggled closer to his strong, warm body. His manly scent surrounded her, calmed her. This was her favorite place to be.

    She never understood why he forgave her. He only said because he loved her. She didn't deserve him after her betrayal, but he never saw it that way. He just moved on.

    Gia, where'd you go? Kat called from the altar. C'mon, we need you for pictures. Her sister, looked remarkable for just giving birth to Ian a month ago. She wore a flattering, black jump suit with a halter top and heels that sparkled with rhinestones. Kat's long, dark hair was pulled back in a loose pony tail, a few strands curling around her face. During church, she wore a short black blazer to cover up. Since being with Kris, Gia had watched her sister really come out of her shell and turn into a beautiful, confident woman. She never would have worn rhinestone heels before Kris. Hell, she probably wouldn't have worn plain black heels. Kris leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Kat's lips. He brought out the best in her sister.

    Gia groaned as she half-smiled at Tyler. I'll be right back.

    The photographer took one of Kris and Kat with Ian. Okay, now the godmother and godfather, slide in on either side of mom and dad.

    Okay, not so bad.

    Nice! Okay, now the godparents. Just you two. Hold Ian together. His instructions were clear, yet her feet didn't dare move.

    But look at Ian, so peaceful, are you sure you don't want another with Mom and Dad? The photographer had just taken a picture with the three of them, but she would do anything to avoid standing close to Patrick.

    Oh, he'll be fine. Here. Kat slid Ian out of her arms and directly into Gia's. She shoved her into place right beside Patrick, while shooting her a quick glare. Aw! You guys look so sweet. What a great picture!

    Looks good, hang on one second while I switch lenses, the photographer said and started to fumble with his camera.

    Oh for the love of Pete, Gia thought.

    Patrick moved closer to her while the photographer figured out what lens he needed.

    Hey there, handsome, he cooed to the baby. Ian wrapped his little hand around Patrick's finger just as the photographer was ready.

    Okay, all set. Say cheese!

    Gia smiled and before she could say cheese, Patrick slid his free arm around her waist. Taken by surprise, her breath caught, but she was able to keep the smile through the picture.

    Baby girl, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, he whispered. His facial hair brushed seductively against her jaw.

    His voice rumbled in her ear, putting her body in hormonal overdrive. A quick vision of his muscular, naked body slamming into hers, flashed through her mind. Her mouth went dry and she stumbled a bit.

    Whoa, watch it there, short stuff, he mumbled.

    Finally getting her wits about her, she puffed out her chest and put on her attitude. Really? She quietly snarked. That revolving door of girls isn't enough for you? She tried to keep her voice low

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