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Mozart's Brain, Too: Number 2.1
Mozart's Brain, Too: Number 2.1
Mozart's Brain, Too: Number 2.1
Ebook10 pages6 minutes

Mozart's Brain, Too: Number 2.1

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About this ebook

Yes, it's another in a string of writings about inspiration, events, and the world around us, and the links to creative writing. And it offers yet more ideas about the ways we can think even more productively about our creative art. This broadside starts by introducing the notion of how we use a project mindset to get what we want. It's fun and light, not dull and boring. Isn't that great?...

PublisherWim Baren
Release dateSep 30, 2015
Mozart's Brain, Too: Number 2.1

Wim Baren

About The Author, Wim Baren Wim Baren is the author's pen name. He lives a stone's throw from Colonial Williamsburg, a place rich in history. He imagines himself a novelist. He's written two full-length tales set in long-ago times. He's also written a couple of short stories, and a bunch of short broadsheets about his creative writing experiences and insights. All of these are on Smashwords, and almost all of them are free. As of the date of this writing, he's feverishly inventing two new tales, also set in ancient times. One is a sequel to "The Crimson Emperor" – a fabulously romantic tale about Byzantium known by practically nobody – and another is an alternative history surrounding the Empress Theodora of Byzantium, a larger-than-life novel about the most powerful woman in the 6th century world at the time. That period of the Eastern Roman Empire did not lack excitement, to say the least… So, with a spouse he dotes upon and a pleasant prospect over which his front entrance looks to stimulate his thoughts, he's got a quiet and most enjoyable lifestyle. Would that everybody could enjoy the same, or more… Thought and ideas are welcome, courteously done.

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