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For Christmas' Sake: Naughty Edition
For Christmas' Sake: Naughty Edition
For Christmas' Sake: Naughty Edition
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For Christmas' Sake: Naughty Edition

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**Naughty Edition**

Rozaline doesn't know it, but her pet shelter is in trouble. Her benefactor is ready to pull out, but instead of telling her, he's orchestrated one last hurrah to give her enough money to last through the next year. That's where super famous celebrity Charles Roulette comes in. His fans will pay to go on a date with him, in turn, the money he raises will go to Rozaline's shelter.

But there's a catch.

Because she owns the shelter, Rozaline can't enter to win. Mina, Rozaline's roommate and best friend and the daughter of the man ready to cut her loose, can. Her father pays to get Mina four dates with Charles.

The price of betrayal? One hundred thousand dollars.

Charles, however, only has eyes for one woman. Are years of friendship enough to transcend the betrayal of a lifetime? Who get's the man? And, for Christmas' sake, what happens to the puppies?

Release dateSep 30, 2015
For Christmas' Sake: Naughty Edition

Tyffani Clark Kemp

Tyffani Clark Kemp might be the quietest person in the room, but that just means she’s probably the biggest freak too. She is a multi-genre author with a gift for the written word and a desire to help all Indies reach their full potential. In 2012, she and her best friend Kimberly Fudge started SideStreet Cookie Publishing for authors who want to remain independent, but don’t have the time or the knowledge to do it all themselves. From the age of eleven she dedicated her life to writing and making sure she was good at her craft. Now, she passes that knowledge on to others. Her friends would describe her as determined and giving. She may be quite, but she always has a story to tell.

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    Book preview

    For Christmas' Sake - Tyffani Clark Kemp

    For Christmas’ Sake: Naughty Edition

    A Christmas Novella


    Tyffani Clark Kemp


    Smashwords Edition

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Published by

    Tyffani Clark Kemp

    Copyright 2013 Tyffani Clark Kemp

    SideStreet Cookie Publishing, LLC

    All rights reserved.

    Cover design by J.A. Howell

    Howlz Designs



    Thank you J.A. Howell for all of your support and for your gorgeous cover.

    Marcus Kemp, my love, thank you for always cheering in my corner.

    To my fantastic Betas Brenda, Madi, and Alina. Thank you for your hard work.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    About The Author


    Roz dropped her keys in the bowl by the door. She shucked her jacket and hung it on the hook on the wall, checking to make sure no snow fell off and ruined the imported Cherry wood flooring. Mina would have a coronary and kick her out like the time their friend Daisy tracked mud through the apartment. She'd been banned for three months.

    Though Roz lived in the highrise apartment, it didn't belong to her. As selfish and self-centered as Mina could be, she was a good friend when it counted. One call to Daddy Deschamps and she had the whole city at her beck and call, and New York was a hard one to wrangle.

    In high school, Roz was the girl in the back, studiously taking notes while Mina distracted the attractive Mr. Williams with her juicy pink lemonade lip gloss designer clothes. So, of course, Mina had gravitated to the smartest girl in the class when mid-terms came around.

    Meen, Roz called out. She kicked off her shoes and set them on the mat by the front door.

    In here! Mina sing-songed from the kitchen.

    Roz rounded the corner that hid the kitchen from view. Daisy, otherwise known as Margaret Means, sat at the island with a glass of white wine in her hand, grinning from ear to ear. She raised her glass to Roz with a conspiratorial wink.

    Mina squealed when she saw her and rushed over as fast as her twelve hundred dollar Loubitin's would let her to wrap Roz in a superficial hug.

    "When I tell you what I did for you, you're going to die!" Mina clapped and bounced on her toes.

    Roz smiled. She couldn't help it. Mina's enthusiasm was contageous. What? What did you do for me? Did you buy me that car I've been drooling over? The Astin Marton?

    Mina waved her hand in dismissal. No. Better.

    Better? What's better than a million dollar car?

    The man who has six million dollar cars? Daisy hinted over the rim of her wine glass. The man who could take you on a date in one of his one million dollar cars?

    Roz melted at the mention of her unhealthy obsession. Charles Roulette? The man who makes my heart do flippy flop things in my stomach? She touched a hand to her chest. Just the thought of him made her heart want to fly up her throat.

    Daisy nodded and sipped her favorite White Zinfandel. You know it, girl. Tell Roz what you did. Hurry, before I explode.

    Mina breathed an exaggerated sigh and rested her chin in her hand, her delicate elbow propped on the counter.

    Well, you know how every year six male celebrities auction themselves off for a good cause and the money goes to whatever they deem worthy of their time?

    Roz's eyes widened in excitement. Is he auctioning himself off this year? She bounced a little on the balls of her feet. Is my future baby daddy finally exploiting himelf for the love of all that is good and gorgeous?

    Mina grinned. Better.

    How does it get better than that?

    Because I talked to Daddy-

    And you bought him for me!

    Mina's smile diminished a fraction. Not quite. He's chosen our animal shelter for his cause. One lucky lady - not you because unfortunately you're excluded because you work for the shelter - will bid thousands of dollars to the shelter for the chance to go on a date with the gorgeous slice of human man flesh. Mina shook herself like she was having a shudder. In reality, he was probably the only man left in the world, besides her dad, that she hadn't slept with.

    Roz didn't say anything for a long moment. She felt her friends staring at her, but couldn't drudge up anything but massive disappointment at not getting a chance to bid on him herself. Or, better yet, have Mina get her dad to bid. For the moment, the money was forgotten.

    I told you she'd be upset, Daisy said, setting her glass down.

    Roz looked up at her, then Mina. The blonde - she wasn't a natural blonde, but she'd be damned if you could tell - did her silly little jog around the counter one more time and put a reassuring arm around Roz's shoulders.

    Don't be disappointed! You'll get plenty of time with the man! You'll supervise his walk through the park with the lucky lady. They'll have one of the dogs, so you can't just leave them alone. You'll get to interview him, well… Interrogate him, because it won't be official, you know? But, you'll at least get to talk to him.

    Mina nodded and Roz nodded with her.

    Right. Right, of course. And then the Christmas Benefit.

    Exactly! Mina cried. It'll be great! You'll get to touch him! How does it get any better than that?

    Roz smirked. I don't think it does get any better. Do the bids start soon?

    Mina nodded

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