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The Celestial Academy
The Celestial Academy
The Celestial Academy
Ebook159 pages2 hours

The Celestial Academy

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For her whole life, Mei has known no other world but the decks of the Spaceship Vimana. The ship, launched in the year 1910, has hurtled for seventy-five long years through the depths of space, following the great parabola of Halley's comet, loaded with a most precious cargo: three hundred and forty-three young ladies.

The girls are the cream of Edwardian Europe. The seed to rebuild a war-torn Earth. Three hundred and forty-three young ladies, educated for a decade in the Celestial Academy, under the strict tutelage of the Headmistress, await their great ship's return to their home planet. To begin civilization anew.

For in the ship's cryogenic pods, the ladies' husbands slumber. For each man, seven wives await. But Mei waits for no one, for she is a Sceg, one of a mongrel breed, the offspring of miscegenation. It befalls her kind to repair and maintain the ship, nothing more. All the while, remembering their place.

But at the hands of the Academy's Headmistress, Mei's body begins to undergo strange, sexual changes. Is the Headmistress exploring the fundamental nature of the female body or attempting to alter the seventy-five year-long course of the Celestial Academy?

Only by submitting to the Headmistress' depraved pleasures will Mei learn the full details of the Headmistress' scheme. All the while, the blue, green orb of the Earth grows ever larger outside the portholes of the slumbering, gilded ship.

PublisherMolly Prude
Release dateSep 30, 2015
The Celestial Academy

Molly Prude

Molly Prude is the star of her own erotic fantasies, she wants you to star in them, too.A native of Philadelphia, a mom and an avid writer, Molly's adventures have recently taken her to the erotic, supernatural community of Serenade Springs. She's always looking for company, so why not tag along and see how kinky a Kinky Mom can really be...

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    Book preview

    The Celestial Academy - Molly Prude

    The Celestial Academy


    Molly Prude

    (writing as A.E. Ducheau)

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2012 by Molly Prude

    email the author at

    Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older

    Folio A:

    The Infernal Experiments

    Chapter 1

    The Sceg

    Mei let the vibrations of the motor shudder the length of her spine. With her britches lowered to her knees, she pushed down hard, spreading the full length of her pussy up against the cowling of the scolding engine. The hum of the pistons tickled against her asshole.

    Mei moaned.

    The juice of her cunt started to flow, the scent cooking off the hot steel, mixing with the oil and diesel of the engine room. Mei reached down and carefully spread apart the flesh of her lips, letting the tip of her clit touch momentarily against the vibrating iron. She recoiled in pain, the sensation both excruciating and delicious at the same time. Returning her button to the safety of its folds, she shifted her weight back, letting the warmth of the motor oscillate harder against her asshole. It felt almost like a finger digging around inside her...

    Mei moaned again.

    Mei wet a single finger against her tongue and lowered it to explore the wrinkles of her upturned cunt. She found her clit again and let her finger circle it. Instantly, she could feel a climax building – she snatched her finger quickly away, the realization of her impending orgasm washing over her like a bucket of cold water. Mei leapt to her feet, finding the waistband of her britches and tugging them back into position. She couldn't cum here, she realized. If she came here... well, it'd be a terrible mess.

    She turned to examine the spot on the cowling against which she'd been rubbing. It was sticky wet. She wiped the hot steel clean with her hand, licking her fingers clean. She savored the taste of her own cum. The taste of it heated against the humming engine was doubly delicious, like she'd licked it from the depths of her own pussy – if such a thing was even imaginable. She lingered for a moment, then reached down to the deck and picked up her toolbox.

    With the warmth inside her fading, Mei returned to the work that had sent her two hundred decks down to Sub Engine Room 4/R. It had not been to find a quiet place to masturbate. No, a faulty exchanger had been the reason for her twenty-minute descent, down to the sub, sub level, where the apparent gravity was so much stronger. She stood only a single deck above the cold, empty void of space.

    The warmth of the engine room, however, and the smell of oil and grease had turned her on. Machines had always made her horny, even from a very young age. The vibrations of a motor were Mei's first sexual memory; the feeling of a sputtering two-stroke sending shivers the length of her body, the suction of an uncapped manifold pulling on her budding nipples. Even now, Mei spent more time with machines than people – had more sex with her machines than with other girls.

    For Mei was a Sceg. An untouchable. The product of miscegenation. One of the two dozen or so half-breed mechanics, cooks, maids and crew who kept the spaceship Vimana operational.

    Mei for her part was, perhaps, half Chinese, if the shape of her face and the curve of her eyes was any indication. She'd been born aboard ship, not thawed like a Pupils, though she had no memory of her parents. They'd lived out their lives exclusively aboard the Vimana, a second generation of Sceg, keeping the vessel oiled and maintained while its precious cargo slept: the Pupils. They were, for their part, almost like another species – the cream of the cream of European society. Tall and beautiful. There wasn't a single errant gene in any of the three hundred and forty-three young girls. They were perfect. Sweet and delicious...

    Of course, sexual contact between Scegs and Pupils was strictly forbidden, less the Pupil contract some sort of mongrel disease. Forbidden, perhaps, but didn't totally unheard of... A gaggle of young students enjoyed nothing more than to corner a poor Sceg in a darkened corridor of the ship, very much like Sub Engine Room 4/R, and engage in a little slap and tickle.

    But students never ventured so deep into the bowels of the ship as Sub Engine Room 4/R. It was only diesel engines and rotational thrusters this far down. More's the pity, Mei thought to herself, with the ghost vibrations of the engines still wiggling in her asshole. Mei was in the right mood to be pinned down to a bulkhead by a dozen blond, blue-eyed teenage girls...

    But no! Mei tried to empty her head of such thinking. If she spurted right then, she'd lose her whole load, and Lady Calliope would be insane with rage. She might put an end to Mei's tutoring lessons, and then all the hard work, the terrible mood swings and sore nipples would all have been for nothing.

    Mei tried to focus on her work.

    She began to loosen the heat exchanger in its casing, taking a wrench from her toolbox and climbing up on her tiptoes to reach the bolts overhead. It was hard work in the increased gravity of the sub deck, the effort made her arms ache. But she tried to focus on her task at hand, loosening the rusty, aging bolts.

    As she worked, her mind began to wonder and the view from the sub deck's portal drew her eye. The view of the blue, green orb of the Earth was impressive from so low in the ship. Nothing like the hazy half-crescent that could be seen from the upper decks. Mei paused and gazed out into space, captivated.

    There it was, the origin and destination of their journey, floating in the blackness of space below the Vimana. Everyday, it grew a little in size as the great vessel sped back to its home. Soon, Mei knew, the heat exchanger she was repairing would become all-important. The Vimana would begin its braking procedure. The energy built up from seventy years lost in space, tail-hooked to a comet, would be displaced. The friction against the ship's hull as the Vimana plummeted back through the Earth's atmosphere...

    Friction... Mei smiled a smutty smile. Ack! She shook herself, she had to stop thinking about sex. But the thought of the long, cylindrical hull of the Vimana thrusting through the superheated air of the planet below...

    Mei creamed a little in her britches.

    She returned quickly to her task. The sooner she finished with the heat exchanger the sooner she could return up top, where the gravity was less wearying, and visit Lady Calliope. Mei was obviously ready, Lady Calliope's experiment was a success. Best that Mei go see her now before Mei squirted all of Lady Calliope's samples all over the bulkhead of Sub Engine Room 4/R. Mei finished loosening the mounting bolts and pulled the cowling free from the heat exchanger. She instantly diagnosed the problem: a rotten cooling hose. Mei unconsciously began to replace it, a repair she'd performed a hundred times before.

    But the Earth outside the portal kept drawing her gaze.

    From Sub Engine Room 4/R, the Earth seemed very, very close.

    Perhaps it was some sort of optical illusion, but the planet seemed larger than Mei had realized before. It was hard to judge distance, and Mei knew the Vimana's speed was some unimaginable number, but the Earth outside almost completely filled the view from the portal. If the Vimana was really so close to home, then... well, a million things should have already happened. Primarily, the ship should have fired it's retro-thrusters. But the engine room all around Mei was silent, still. If they were really as close to Earth as it seemed...

    Mei shook off these thoughts, too. She was sure that Mistress Ducheau, Headmistress here aboard the Vimana, knew what she was doing. She was, after all, the only person now awake aboard the ship who was over thirty. It was her hand that sat firmly on the helm of the ship. If it was time to begin the braking procedure – time to begin the Vimana's landing protocol – Mistress Ducheau would know it. It wasn't the place of a Sceg like Mei to question the Mistress.

    Mei finished up her repair and quickly pressure tested the line. When she observed no leaks, she replaced the heat exchanger's cowling, screwing the mounting bolts back into place with her wrench.

    It was an exciting time to be aboard the Vimana, you could almost feel the anticipation on the upper decks. The end was near, the ship was almost home. Seventy years, the Vimana had been in space and now the journey was almost at an end.

    It thrilled Mei that she'd finally get to see Earth, step off the gangway of the Vimana onto solid ground. All she'd ever known was the dark corridors of the ship. Mei longed to run in open fields and breathe fresh air. To see flowers and trees. To enjoy all the pleasures she'd always imagined Earth had to offer.

    To be with men. Yes, above all, that was what Mei longed for. That most strange and foreign creature. If the Earth was close and the landing protocols were about to begin, that would mean that soon the male of the species would again walk the decks of the Vimana. The second round of thawing would begin and the ship's male passengers would be awaken to join the Pupils. Yes, more than anything Mei was looking forward to that: men.

    Currently, the whole crew and student body of the Vimana were exclusively female – all the Pupils, all the Sceg. It had not always been so – Mei could vaguely remember the days before the Pupils awoke; she could remember the Vimana before gravity was reestablished. As a child, she'd floated freely around the decks. She could remember Grandfather, the man who had raised her.

    But ten years ago, the automatic systems had engaged. The first three hundred and forty-three cryogenic pods, each housing an eight year old girl, had begun to defrost. With gravity restored, the ship came alive with the echo's of screaming children. Mei had been roughly the same age as the awakening Pupils, but the similarities in their lives ended there. The return of gravity meant the departure of almost all the Sceg older than Mei: their muscles and organs, used to a life in zero-gravity, began to shut down. Those without the resilience of youth quickly passed away. Some chose to step out of an airlock and make their death quick. Mei and the other Sceg children survived, but the duties of maintaining and operating the Vimana fell to them. Mei's childhood was over at the age of eight.

    Grandfather was one of the first to pass away. He was the oldest Sceg, over eighty years old. He was the only one alive who remembered the departure of the Vimana from Earth. He spoke many times of those days and the mission of the Vimana. How the Earth had grown corrupt, how the lesser races of the world had come to power, taken control. How the great minds predicted an end to civilization and an end to European hegemony. An end to

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