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Escape to Atlantis
Escape to Atlantis
Escape to Atlantis
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Escape to Atlantis

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This Christmas enjoy a story of adventure, courage, and mystery. QC ordered Scott and his family to travel back to 387 AD to rescue a group of Cherokee Indian important to the future. He must fight off an aggressive group of warriors called the Itza to accomplish his mission. Scott must convince Young Deer to leave his home and journey back to Atlantis. The race to save Jacob pushes Scott to the limit. He must save his son.

Release dateNov 29, 2014
Escape to Atlantis

David Nishimoto

AboutI feel like people want spirituality in their lives. The war of materialism has left individuals feeling depleted. Gratitude is the compass that will lead people to Christ. The master can heal them if they have faith. Through Christ we are healed

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    Escape to Atlantis - David Nishimoto


    Jehovah commanded Josuha to destroy all the Canaanites and their animals and burn their property.

    When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them (Deuteronomy 7;1,2).

    Joshua did not slay all the Canaanites, but he did chase them all over Europe.  Originally, at Gilgal, Joshua defeated the five Amorite kings.  He defeated the combined forces of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusite, and Hivites.  The canaanites fled into Syria and into Anatolia.  After Gilgal, the Canaanites fled into North Africa and built two cities, Tinge and Tanger.  The Northern African Canaanites were known as Berbers or Moors.

    Joshua led a group of Israelites to the British Isles where he conquered Spain and drove the Canaanites out of Western Europe.

    The Canaanites migrated to the Soviet Union, known as Lapland.  The Lapps concentrated in Siberia and crossed an ice bridge into Alaska, merging with the Western Algonquians.

    The Blackfoot, Delaware, and Western Algonquian are Lapps from Europe.  The Blackfoot are type A blood and this type is common in Europe.  RH negative blood is common among the Basque of Northern Spain.  The Red Book narrative of the Lenape people said their ancestors crossed from Siberia to the New World over an ice bridge.

    The majority of Lapps live in Norway and are called Finns.  The Lapps are the descendants of the Canaanites.

    Joshua entered Scandinavia, and the Lapps fled North becoming the Swedish Indians.

    The Canaanites traveled from Scandinavia to Germany and occupied the land of Thracia.

    The Canaanites in Scythia migrated to Ireland and found themselves, next, in the Nation of Scotland.  The Scotts drove them out.  The Thracians were barbaric, warlike people and tattooed themselves.

    The Canaanites migrated across the Atlantic Ocean to Mesoamerica near the Guatemalan plateau.  They were ruled by the Tribe of Dan, Norsemen, who were Hebrew.  The Norse built temples with Dragon heads carved in the building decorations.  The Norse wore long robes, open in the front, and leather sandals for their feet.  The Tribe of Dan was the ruling monarchy.  The land of the Norsemen was Thule or Scandinavia, where Votan and Odin ruled.  Thule is also thought to be Iceland.  Tolteca was Votan of Norse.

    The helmet of Quetzalcoatl is at the temple of Huitzilopochtli. The artifacts have faces of Norsemen.  Quetzalcoatl was Votan II of Scandanvia.  He founded his capital at Amag-Dan.  Votan's actual name was Sigge son of Frizdulph.  He took the title of Odin.

    The Canaanites of Mesoamerica were the Maya-Tolteca, descendants of Ham, not Shem.  They were Asiatic, red skinned, and war-like. The Mayan home land is Thulan, the land of seven rivers or Egypt. The Phoenician/Carthaginians migrated to central America and spoke the Shemetic language, descendants of Ham.

    In North America, the Hebrews were on an epic journey of forty years of travel.  They were building pyramid mounds as they moved from East to West.  Tolteca history goes back to the Hebrew Tolteca of North America, who arrived around 500 BC.

    The Teotihucan and Tolteca cultures were one. Around 200 BC, the Pyramid of Teotihuacan was constructed.  Tolteca pottery, paintings, and copper works were found along the Pacific coast, Yucatan, and the Northern deserts. Around 100 BC, the Tolteca mound builders arrived in Azlan.

    Hebrew and Mayan designers helped create the pyramid layout of Teotihuacan. The pyramids represented the moon, sun, and venus, where Venus was the rising sun. There are eight sacred places in the orbit of Venus which match to eight key events in the Savior's life. 1. (Creation-conception) Christ was born (6 Apr BC 1 ) (Listed in the Mayan Dresden Codex) 2. (Quickening) To Temple (1 May BC 1) 3. (Birth) Christ escaped to Egypt (15 Jul BC 1) (Matthew & Jeremiah) 4.

    (Adult) From Egypt (22 Mar AD 1) 5.

    (Prime) Baptism (6 Oct AD 29) (Day of Atonement) 6.

    (Death) Public Ministry (6 Apr AD 29) (Passover) 7. (Resurrection-Helical rising) Transfiguration (2 Oct AD 32) (Day of Atonement, Jubilee, Feast of Tabernacles) 8. (Lord-one with God) Resurrection (3 Apr AD 33) (Resurrection of Venus – a 584 year cycle) (Helical rising of Jupiter). Teotihuacan was designed to watch for a star indicating a holy child was born, the savior of the world.

    Teotihuacan references Ur, the birthplace of Abraham, the city of light in Hunab measurements. 378 Hunab is the length of the complex to the temple of Quetzalcoatl; where Quetzalcoatl is associated with divine sacrifice. A divine title Savior would perform a sacrifice of loving kindness for man.

    The Hopewell Cahokia temple mound tracked the moon cycles. The tracking of the moon's lunar months can be used to predict the Helical rising. The Hopewell were watching for the Resurrection event of Christ as testified by Venus cycle counts.

    (First, understand the synodic time between th eVenus 260-day cycle and the Earth)

    * Venus cycles every 260 days around the sun

    * Earth cycles every 365 days around the sun

    * 73 cycles of Venus equals 52 cycles of the Sun

    * 73 cycles of X equals 52 cycles of Y

    * 73(260)=52(365)

    Every 52 calender years a Pleiades Junction occurs among Pleiades, Earth, and the Sun.

    (Examine the 584 year cycle of the Helical rising where Earth and Venus line up.)

    * 149 Lunar months equals a Jupiter Year

    * 405 Lunar months equals 46 Venus Cycle

    * 61 Venus Years = 137 (Venus Cycles) * 260

    * 301 Venus Years = 584 Years (the Helical rising)


    Scott, Jacob, and Eylssa were passengers on a Norse Viking ship and were traveling down the St. Lawrence River enroute to an Algonquian copper trading post. The Viking ship had a dragon head on the front of the boat. The dragon’s mouth was open with its head arched back. The sails were down, and the oarsmen were rowing the boat down the river.

    Jacob noted, "The language translators are working effectively. I can hear the Norse translations into English. The English version is fragmented, and I have to think about what the individual is trying to

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