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Bloodlust: Blood and Satin, #4
Bloodlust: Blood and Satin, #4
Bloodlust: Blood and Satin, #4
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Bloodlust: Blood and Satin, #4

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The exciting forth book in the Blood and Satin series. 

Adelaide is missing, held captive by her Maker. Dirk is under police custody, questioned by none other than his mad ex-partner Detective Jennie Lin. The investigation mounts while Adelaide's fate lies in the balance. If she drinks blood again, the Vampire Council will have her executed and Dirk will die alongside her. Time is running out. Can they find Adelaide before it's too late?

Release dateOct 5, 2015
Bloodlust: Blood and Satin, #4

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    Bloodlust - Amanda McCarter


    Blood and Satin: Bloodlust

    Copyright 2015, Amanda McCarter

    Published by EvilPandaPress

    Cover art by Keith Draws Cover Art

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, except by an authorized retailer or with written permission of the publisher

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Electronic edition, 2015

    If you would like to be notified when Amanda McCarter’s next novel is released and get free stories and participate in other giveaways, please sign up on the mailing list at: Your information will not be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.



    The interrogation room was sweltering hot. Sweat beaded down Detective Jennie Lin’s face and Dirk’s whole body ached. She probably thought he would crack under the discomfort, but she obviously didn’t know him as well as she thought.

    Or her judgment really was impaired.

    Dirk didn’t like to think about it. Jennie was his partner and his friend. He liked her family and had a soft spot for her little sister. He thought of the girl like a sister himself.

    For some reason, though, Detective Lin believed Dirk, her partner and friend for years, was in collusion with the enemy. Someone was leaving a string of murders across the city and she thought he was protecting the one who did it.

    That person was a former high society escort named Adelaide Hunter who got into a rough patch after one of her Johns ended up in piecemeal in an abandoned warehouse. She was the prime suspect, but Dirk knew there was no way she could have done it. If anyone was in danger, it was her.

    Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, Adelaide had some powerful new friends to protect her. Friends that would probably rip Detective Lin a new one if she kept digging.

    All the same, he wasn’t going to say any of that to Jennie. She was already agitated.

    I will ask you again, Detective, she said, where is Adelaide Hunter?

    I’ve already told you everything I know, he said. She was supposed to meet some guy at a café this morning. Beyond that, I don’t know.

    She leaned in close, inches away from his face and spoke in low tones so the recorders couldn’t pick it up. I know you two are bonded. You two share everything. Now tell me where that blood sucking bitch is.

    I don’t know what you’re talking about, he said. She didn’t tell me where she was going or who she was meeting, but I have an idea, if you’ll listen.

    Alec Wilson has no connection to any of the cases other than his attack on you, she said. He has a history of muggings. Obviously, he’s rusty.

    You won’t even listen to me, said Dirk. He could have killed her by now and all you care about is some vendetta.

    This isn’t a vendetta, she said, almost hysterical, this is justice. There have been three murders, possibly more and Adelaide Hunter is at the center of them all.

    You have no proof, said Dirk. You and I both know it.

    Her DNA is all over the first crime scene, said Lin.

    She fucked the guy, of course it is.

    This isn’t like you. It’s got to be the blood bond talking, said Lin. She’s a murderer. You arrest murderers. Tell us where she is and we can make a deal.

    I don’t know, said Dirk. And I want a lawyer.

    Lin slammed her hands on the table. I know you can’t afford one. I’ll make sure you get the greenest, dumbest, most pitiful excuse for a lawyer fresh out of law school. You’ll rot before you see a court date.

    Dirk could only stare at her. She had really lost it. This wasn’t at all the Jennie he knew. She had respect for the law, fought to uphold it. They were friends. They looked out for each other. But this woman? This woman was completely out of line and completely out of her mind.

    Someone knocked at the door.

    What? said Lin, pushing up from the table. She put her hands on her hips.

    A young intern poked her head into the room. Detective Gregory’s lawyer’s here.

    Impossible, said Lin, he just asked for one. No one’s been assigned to him yet.

    The intern shrugged and shook her head. She’s here though.

    Fine, said Lin. I’ll give you five minutes with her, then you better be ready to deal.

    Dirk just shook his head and sighed. He rubbed his face and closed his eyes. They snapped open when he heard the door shut.

    Detective Gregory? a tall, thin woman said. I’m Yvinne Cranston. She extended her hand. Mr. Carpenter said you might be in need of legal services. I’m sorry it took me so long.

    You’re friends with Carpenter?

    She smiled. We go back a long way.

    Do you know anything about Adelaide then? he said.

    Her smile fell and she shook her head. I’m afraid not, but we are looking. What are the charges?

    I helped her escape, apparently, he said, and they won’t believe me when I say I don’t know what happened. I know she went to meet the goon who attacked me, but that’s it.

    Yvinne pursed her lips and sat down in the chair across from him. Do they have any proof?

    Not that I’ve seen, he said. I know they can’t hold me and the charges are bogus, but Detective Lin, she used to be my partner, she’s way out of line. She’s lost it.

    Abuse of power, said Yvinne. That’s good. We can have you released on negligence.

    He shook his head. Carpenter said these Judiciars or whoever they are go pretty high up through the chain of command.

    Yvinne clasped her hands and tilted her head. How much did he tell you?

    Just that these guys won’t stop until Carpenter and his group are dead, including Adelaide.

    She nodded. "It’s an old feud,

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